Contract - Pre - Award - Phase ProcurementCycle

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Contract Pre-award Phase (Procurement Cycle): Tendering and Contracting

Stage One Stage Three Stage Four
Invitation to Tender Stage Two Evaluation of Pre-award Negotiations
Documents Tendering Period Proposals & Selection & Contract Preparation
Preparation Of Successful Tenderer and Signature

◾Conduct Pre-bid Consultant
meeting ◾Evaluate all submitted Consultant
◾Issue Addendums Proposals ◾ Conduct Pre-award
◾Prepare and Issue
◾Respond to Tenderers ◾Send Clarification Negotiations Meeting
Tender Documents to
Clarification Questions to Tenderer with Successful
Tenderers ◾ Prepare Evaluation Tenderer
Tenderers Report ◾ Contract Preparation
◾Decide to Bid or Not
◾Purchase or Receive ◾ Select Successful
Bid Successful Tenderer
the Invitation to Tender Bidder
◾Study the Invitation to ◾ Attend Pre-award
Tender Documents Tenderers Negotiations Meeting
◾Send Clarifications ◾ Response to ◾ Review and Sign the
Questions to Consultant Consultant’s Contract
◾Prepare and Submit clarifications

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