T V NG Ngày 31-10

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CLASS: 9B3 DATE: 31/10/22


No Words / Phrases Vietnamese Meaning Examples Your Sentences

1. Irresistible (adj) Không thể cưỡng lại I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.
/ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl/ được
2. Coeducational (adj) (trường học) dạy cả The school has now made the decision to
/ˌkəʊ edʒuˈkeɪʃənl/ nam lẫn nữ go fully co-educational.
3. Transplant (v) Cấy, ghép Organs are transplanted from donors into
/trænsˈplɑːnt/ patients who need them.
4. Semidetached Chung tường, chung They live in a semi-detached house.
/ˌsemi dɪˈtætʃt/ vách, liền vách
5. Abbreviation (n) (sự) rút ngắn, (sự) tóm "ITV" is the abbreviation for "Independent
/əˌbriːviˈeɪʃn/ tắt Television".
6. Rehearsal (n) Diễn tập They didn't have time for rehearsal before
/rɪˈhɜːsl/ the performance.
7. Expiration date Ngày hết hạn What is the expiration date of your credit
/ ˌɛkspaɪəˈreɪʃən deɪt/ card?
8. Alcoholic (adj) Chứa cồn Alcoholic drinks are not allowed upstairs.
9. Appreciative (adj) Đánh giá cao, khen The company was very appreciative of my
/əˈpriːʃətɪv/ ngợi efforts.
10. Disastrous (adj) Thảm khốc, thảm hoạ Such a war would be disastrous for the
/dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ country.


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
Alphabetical (adj) Theo thứ tự bảng chữ The names are published in alphabetical
/ˌælfəˈbetɪkl/ cái order.

12. Solitary (adj) Cô đơn, một mình, cô He was a solitary child (= he enjoyed being
/ˈsɒlətri/ độc alone).
13. Tobe devoted to Hết lòng, tận tâm Lucy is devoted to her cats.
14. Prejudiced (adj) Có thành kiến Some companies are prejudiced against
/ˈpredʒədɪst/ taking on employees who are over the age
of 40.
15. Apathetic (adj) Thờ ơ, hờ hững, không Young people today are so apathetic about
/ˌæpəˈθetɪk/ tình cảm politics.
16. Come into force Có hiệu lực The new tax regulations come into force
next week.
17. Tobe on probation Thời gian quản chế The judge put him on probation for two
/prəˈbeɪʃn/ years.
18. Investigation into Điều tra, nghiên cứu về The police are conducting
/ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn/ cái gì investigations into the man's death.
19. Go on the rampage Nổi loạn, hoành hành Street gangs went on the rampage in the
/ˈræmpeɪdʒ/ city yesterday.
20. out of control Không kiểm soát được A truck ran out of control on the hill.

21. Tobe robbed of st Bị trộm cái gì The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.

22. Charge sb with st Buộc tội ai làm gì She's been charged with murder.


1. Học thuộc các từ vựng, dịch nghĩa các ví dụ , đặt câu với 15 từ/ cụm từ
Link Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/_c90c3o?x=1qqt&i=3a3ekk
2. Làm lại lỗi sai phiếu Q2L6 vào vở
3. Làm phiếu HW Q2L6


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2

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