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Health Education – Year 8 2024

Bullying Response Letter

Name: Final mark Percentage


Teacher Name:

Time for the task: 2 Lessons

Total marks: 35 marks

Task weighting: 15%

Task Details
Description of task Students are required to write a letter to someone else. The letter is to include
information and advice based on bullying. In the letter, students are to provide
advice about the impacts of bullying and how someone might deal with bullying.
Type of Summative Assessment
Purpose of To provide students with the knowledge and understanding to explain the impact
assessment bullying and harassment can have on relationships.
To assess students’ understanding of the impact bullying and harassment can
have on relationships, including online relationships, and the health and
wellbeing of themselves and others.
Assessment Format - Letter

Due date Beginning of Week 8’s Health class

Harrisdale Senior High School Year 8 Bullying Response

Task Details
Year 8 Bullying Response
You are a bullying expert who supports victims who have questions about bullying and provide strategies to
those dealing with bullying situations. You have just received the following letter:

Dear Bullying expert,

My name is Oliver and I am 15 years of age. I have recently commenced year 9 at a new high school and have
begun to make a few new friends. I love playing sports on the weekend, I have joined the local soccer team and I
swim most mornings before school.
Over the past few weeks I have been experiencing some unwanted behaviours from my peers at school I don’t
know what I can do about it. So far, I have been the victim of the following behaviours:
- Being pushed and bumped
- Being called names
- I get harassed on social media
- I am often left out of groups at school

Could you please provide me with some information regarding bullying and answer the questions below for me?


Your task is to write a letter in response to Oliver, providing him with some information regarding
bullying. You can be as creative as you wish when writing your letter. Make sure you provide a range of
information that specifically addresses the 8 key pieces of information below.

Instructions to students – Write a letter to Oliver that includes the following:

1. Define Bullying
2. Identify and describe three types of bullying that individuals may experience. Use Examples
3. Identify and describe two immediate (at the time of occurrence) positive ways to stop a bully.
4. Identify and describe three helpful actions an individual can do to minimize the harassment they
experience online (actions to reduce Cyberbullying).
5. Identify and describe two negative impacts that bullying could have on an individual.
6. Identify and describe two positive and helpful actions a bystander could take to ensure the safety
and wellbeing of others in bullying situations.
7. List four places or people a person can go to if they need further help to deal with bullying.
8. Identify one online support resource individuals can go to for help. Describe the resource, including
what it aims to do, who can use it, and how it can assist individuals with bullying.

Harrisdale Senior High School Year 8 Bullying Response

Marking Key – Bullying Response
Description Marks
Question 1: Definition of bullying (1 mark)
 Detailed and accurate definition 1

Question 2: Types of bullying (9 marks)

BT 1 BT 2 BT 3
 Identifies three types of bullying (1 mark for each identified) 1 1 1
 Detailed description with appropriate examples 2 2 2
 Brief description with minimal detail
1 1 1

Question 3: Helpful actions to be safe (4 marks)

Describes two actions – (2 marks max for each action) A1 A2
 Detailed description of positive and appropriate actions stop a bully 2 2
 Brief description of positive action to stop a bully 1 1
Question 4: Helpful actions to be safe whilst online (6 marks)
Describes three actions (2 marks max for each action) A1 A2 A3
 Detailed description of appropriate online action to stay safe 2 2 2
 Brief description of appropriate online action to stay safe 1 1 1
Questions 5: Negative Impacts (4 marks)
Describes two negative impacts bullying may have on an individual. C1 C2
 Detailed description of impacts 2 2
 Brief description of impacts 1 1
Question 6: Bystander actions (4 marks)
Describes two actions (2 marks per action) A1 A2
 Detailed description of appropriate action taken by a bystander 2 2
 Brief description of appropriate action taken by a bystander 1 1
Question 7: Places/People to seek support from (4 marks)
A1 A2 A3 A4
 Identifies four places/people who can provide further support (1 mark for each) 1 1 1 1
Question 8: Bullying resource (3 marks)
 Identifies relevant resource 1
 Detailed description or resource, including purpose, audience, and support
provided 2
 Brief description of resource 1

Total mark /35

Harrisdale Senior High School Year 8 Bullying Response

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