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Journalism& Mass Communication

M.U. 5
PROPOSED COURSE STRUCTURE Media systems and theories:
PRO mittee has worked out the following four- authoritari, libertarian,
The nrogramme for M.A. injournalism and Mass participatory,social-responsibility,
Mass media.: public
opinion and
democracy. Media culture and its prc luction. Media
organisations, media Contents - market-driven media
of Mass
content-effects skyvasion, cultural integration and
1. Principles Communication and cultural pollution.
Development of Media.
2. Print Media (Reporting and Editing)
Issues of media monopoly cross-media
Electronic Media (Radio and Television)

4. and Public Relations/
Corporate Ownership patterns of mass media, ethical aspects of
Communication. mass media, freedom of
speech and expression, right
to information, media and social
SECOND SEMESTER responsibility, media
accountability, infotainment and ICE.
1. Development Communication and Communication
2. Media Law and Ethics
Development of Media:
3. International Communication
4. Media Management
Language and society - development of language as a
vehicle of communication-invention of printing press
1. Print Media
paper-pioneer publications in Europe and USA.
2. Radio
Early communication systems in India-development of
3. Television printing-early efforts to publish newspapers in different
4. Advertising and Public Relations/Corporate parts of India.
Newspaper and magazines in the nineteenth century-
FOURTH SEMESTER first war of Indian Independence and the
1. New Media Technology of freedom, both political freedom and
press freedom.
2. Inter-cultural Communication
3. Specialization Birth of the Indian language
4. Attachment + Viva-Voce
presS-contribution of Raja
Ram Mohan Roy; birth of the Indian news
FIRST SEMESTER The Indian press and freedom movement-Mahatma
Paper - I Gandhi and his journalism;social, political and
Principles of Mass Communication economic issues before Independence and the Indian
press; historical development of important newspapers
Nature and process of human communication, and magazines in English; important personalities of
unctions of
communication, verbal and non-verbal Indian journalism.
Communication, intra-personal, inter-personal, small
group, public and mass Journalim in Indian languages (a brief historical
perspective of important newspapers to be selected by
lodels: SMR, SMCR, Shannon and Weaver, Lasswel, the concerned university); history of the language
Sgood, Dance, Schramm, Gerbener, Newcomb,
journalism of the region.
convergent and gate-keeping, communication and
socialization. The press in India after Independence; Indian
role of the
social, political
and economicissues and the
and prospects. (Issues like backward class
communication,sof mass communication, media ofmass problems
characteristics and typology ofaudiences. movement-Dalit
movement-green revolution-agitation
Jounalism& Mass Communication

Editing: Meaning, purposes,

purpose M.U. 6
symbols, tools, lead
r e s e r v a t i o n - n a t i o n a l i s a t i o n - p r i v a t i s a t i o n

forand against reforms-social issues ofthe paragraphing

events-other relevant issues to be
region-political Proof reading, meaning, symbols, purposes
concerned university.) News desk, editorial
by the department
set-up, news flow,
copy management and organization.
Development of
radio as a medium of mass
Headlines-techniques, styles, purposes, kinds
innovations; history of headlines, Dummy page-make-up, layoutof
instrument of propaganda
principles of photo editing.
radio in India- radio as an
War I.
*Magazine editing, layout, graphics.
during the World
television as a medium of mass Electronic Media (Radio and Television)
Development of
communication-historical perspective of television in
India-satellite and cable television in India.
Evolution and growth of electronic media: Radio.
television and internet.
Early efforts-film as a medium; historical development Characteristics of radio, television and internet as
of Indian films-silent era-talkies-In dian cinema after medium of communication-spoken, visual and multiple

Independence, parallel cinema-commercial cinema; versions of information through links.

documentaries-issues and problems of Indian cinema.
Principles and techniques of audio-visual
Folk Media communication-thinking audio and pictures, grammar
Traditional media in India-regional diversity-content- of sound, visuals and web production.
Technology and skills of linear and non-linear systems
New Media of audio-visual communication - sound construction

Development of new media; convergence-internet and picture formation through a wide range ot
online. microphones, sound-recorders, camcorders, video
PAPER-II recorders, computer-graphics and studio equipment
Print Media (Reporting and Editing) (exposure through field visits). Transmission ot soun.
images and data through microwave, satellite,
Reporting and television'technologies. In structure, content and
News: definition, concept, elements. values, sources, flows on internet, with specific reference to India-
lead writing, kinds, reporting crime, weather, city life, reach and
speech, accident, disaster, court, election, riots, war/
personal computers
access to
connectivity, Newspaper, magazine, radio,andtelevision
conflict/tensions, and on internet.
Interviewing-kinds, purposes, technique. Seript writing -
Basic knowledge - Theory
Interpretative reporting-purposes, technique. Practice.
Investigative reporting purposes, sources, styles, PAPER-IV
techniques, columns-development, criticism, reviews, Advertising and Public
feature writing, news analysis,
backgrounding. Communication
Political reporting
Legislative reporting Advertising of
Diplomatic reporting Evolution and growth of Advertising -
Scoops and exclusives and specialized reporting- in the
advertising-relevance of advertising
-national and
science, sports, economic development, commerce, mix classification of advertising-

gender and allied areas reporting magazines.


o fa d v e r t i s i n g

advertising scene -socio-economis

Mass Communication
J o u r n a l i s m.

anagement, various specialist Development
agend mana M.U. 7
in d agency
ad agency : (account planning, definition
an communication : meaning
concept- -

eative, mediaplanning, HRD, etc.) media in philosophy process theories role of

d e p a r t m e n t s

development communication strategies in

issues and the process, business economic

Client related issues communication social, cultural and
Client r nitching for accounts agency-client development barriers case studies and -

develop communication experience -

terface: the arameters-creative policy

and media briefing action plans democratic strategies and
interface, agency revenue decentralization,

Raj-planning at national,
earning and sources, agency audit. and village levels. regional, district, block

media concerning advertising-apex bodies

NMin advertising AAAI. ASCI etc.) ASCI and its code of Agricultural communication and rural
development: The genesis of
conduet, studies from ASCI.
extension approach system agricultural extension,
communication diffusion of
approach in agricultural
Public Relations and Corporate innovation model of
agricultural extension-case studies of communication
support to agriculture.

Evolution and history of public relations-definitions Development support communication: population

of PR, PRand allied disciplines (publicity, propaganda, and family welfare health education and society -

public affairs, lobbying, etc.) environment and development problems faced in


Symmetrical and asymmetrical theories of PR- law

development support communication.
and ethics of PR (defamation, copyright, invasion of
Development and rural extension agencies
privacy, PRSI code of ethics).
government, semi-government, non-government
organizaions faced in effective communication, micro-
Interface of PR with various management disciplines economic framework available for actual
(human resource development, finance, marketing, law activities-case studies on development communication
etc-publics in PR, PR tool (interpersonal, mass medias programmes.
and selective media) PR in industry (public sector, -

private sector and multinational)- PR in central and Writing development messages for rural audience:
state governments and the
functioning of various media specific requirements of media writing with special
units of the state and union reference to radio and television.
Writing for PR internal publics (house journals, Communication Research
bulletin boards, open houses, suggestion boxes, video Definition- elements of research- specific approach-
magazines, etc.) research and communicationtheories role - function
- scope and importance of communication research -

Writing for media (press release/backgrounder, press basic and applied research.
brief, rejoinders, etc.)
Research design components experimental, quasi-
SECOND SEMESTER experimental, bench mark, longitudinal studies -

Paper - I simulation - panel studies correlational designs.

Development Communication and

Methods of communication research - census
Communication Research
method, survey method, observation method clinical

deuel ne meaning, concept, process and models of studies case studies content analysis. Tools of data
evelopment- theories-origin approaches to developed, media source books, questionnaire
deual nd issues in development, characteristies of collection-sources,
Oping societies, development dichotomies, gap and schedules, people's meter, diary method, telephone,
#tween developed and developing societies. studies, logistic groups, focus groups,
Journalism & Mass
M.U. 8
methods and Ethics Media's
: Media's ethical problems
problems including
surveys, onlinepolls, Random sampling privacy,
errors and right to reply, commun
writing:and sensational:
representativeness ofthe samples, sampling and
distributions in the findings. yellow journalism; freebies, bias, coloured
ethical issues related with ownership of media- role
Media research - evaluation, feedback - feed forward of press and/or media councils and press ombudsr
media habits - public opinion surveys pre-election in the world Press Council of India and itsudsmen
studies and exit polls. guidelines for the press codes suggested for the Dress

by the Press Council and press Commissions and other

Report writing-data analysis techniques - coding and national and international organizations and codes
tabulation non statistical methods - s
descriptive-for radio, television, advertising and public relations.
historical- statisticalmethods descriptive

statistical analysis parametric and non-parametric

Paper III
uni-variate-bi-variate - multi-variate - tests of International Communication
central tendency
significance -
levels of measurement -SPSS
- tests of reliability and validity and other Political, economic and cultural dimensions
statistical packages. international communication communication and
information as a tool of equality and exploitation -
Media research as a tool of reporting. Readership and/ international news flow- imbalance -media growth
audience surveys, preparation of research reports l international, regional and internal disparities.
project reports/ dissertations / theses. Ethical
perspectives of mass media research. Impact of new communication technology on news
flow satellite communication its historical
Paper II background - status progress-effects - information

Media Law and Ethics super highways - international telecommunication and

regulatory organizations. UNESCO's efforts in removal

Media Law: Constitution of India: fundamental rights imbalance in news flow debate on new intermational
freedom of speech and expression andtheir limits-Information and Economic Order MacBride
directive principles of state policy, provisions of Commission's report - non - aligned news agencies
declaring emergency and their effects on media - news pool - its working, success, failure.
provisions for amending the constitution, provision for
legistlature reporting; parliamentary privileges and Issues in international communication
media, theory of basic structure; union and states, and democratization of information flow and media
election commission and its machinery. systems professional standards; communication
research telecommunication tariffs; information
Specified press law : history of press laws in India - prompted cultural imperialism criticisms; v1OI
Contempt of Courts Act 1971 - civil and criminal law against media persons; effects of globalization on
of defamation relevant provisions of Indian Penal media systems and their functions' transnational media
Code with reference of sedition, crime against women
ownership and issues of sovereignty and security
and children, laws dealing with obscenity; Official
international intellectual property rights; international
Secrets Act, 1923, vis-a-vis right to information - Press media institutions and professional organizations; coae
and Registration of Books Act, 1867.
Working of conduct.
Journalists and Others Newspaper Employees
(Conditions of Service & Miscellaneous Provisions) Paper IV
Act, 1955; Cinematograph Act, 1953; Prasar Bharati
Media Management
Act; WTO agreement and intellectual property right
legislations, including Copyright Act, Trade Marks Act Principles of media management and their significance
and Patent Act-information techonology, convergence
legislations includingcyber laws and Cable Television media as an industry and profession.
Act; and media and public interest litigation. India-sole
Ownership patterns of mass-media in
& Mass Communication

oprietorship, partnership, private limited companies, in the first

imited companies, trusts,
ublic limi semester will be
M.U. 9
(societies) c0-operatives, each topic. All given tto the students on
franchisees topics,
relchains), Policy rmulation-planning and
Cha control;, interviewing, assignmentsincluding
feature writing,
investigative sports,
roblems, process
process and prospects of commerce, reviewing,
Organisation theory,
launching media other allied areas of marketing, court
legislative and
motivation, contro and co-ordination. by internal/external reporting, will also be evaluated
internal/external faculty.
r h . functions and
organisational structure of Editing Similarly, not less than five
different departments -general management, finance,
each area of assignments in
editing will have to be completed
students, and assessed by by the
ireulation (sales promotion-inciuding
circu internal/external faculty. They
e-war aspect); advertising pricing and will also have to
bring out practice journals, mini/lab
(marketing), personnel
naement, production and reference sections; apex newspapers and magazines and do
make-up and
hadies: DAVP, INS and ABC. lay-out excercises.Assignments willpagealso be given and
Changing roles of
editorial staff and other media persons. Editorial - assessed in news selection, editorial
and article
Response system.
Economics of print and electronic media -management, RADIO
business, legal and financial aspects of media
Radio Journalism and Production
management, budgeting and finance, capital costs,
production costs, commercial polity, advertising and Radio
sales strategy completion and survival programme production process and
evolving a
thinking audio. Aspects of sound techniques,
strategy and plan of action, operations, recording-types of
schedule and process, evaluation, production microphones and their uses-field of
budget control, their uses-field recording skills;microphones and
costing, tax, labour laws and PR for building and radio feature
sustaining business and audience. production, radio documentary
production; studio
chain, live studio broadcast with
ews production.
multiple sources -

Planning and execution of programme production

production terms, control practices and
Administration and programme procedures. Using sound bytes and actualities; spacebridge with
management in media field sources of news; studio production of radio
Scheduling, transmitting, record keeping, quality newsreel current affairs
control and cost effective and programmes formats of -

cOst effective
keeping, quality control and radio programmes;- studio interview-studio discussions
techniques. Employee/employer and -phone-in programmes-O.B. production of sporting and
Customer relations services; marketing strategies
promotion (space/time, circulation) reach mega events.
- -

promotion-market survey techniques human research Writing for Radio: Spoken


development for media. language writing-Writing

for programmes writing for radio commercials -
illustrating copy with sound effects; news writing -
equity in Indian media (including print media) structuring radio copy: editing agency copy, reporter's

management structure.
on Indian newspaper copy-compiling radio
news programmes,
writing into
to bytes- writing headlines, teasers
and promos.
THIRD SEMESTER Radio Reporting : Field reporting, reporting
Paper II specialized arças, investgative reporting, voice
Print Media dispatches; interview techniques; presentation;

practicals in his segment will mainly consist of commentary.
structuring a radio report news capsuling and radio

the first various areas of

semester. At least fivereporting
enumerated in
assignments mentioned Voice training: effective use of voice enunciation,
M.U 10
flow, pronunciation, modulation; on-line interview enunciation,
Journalism & Mass Television anchoring:
Television anchoring:
flow, modulation
voice broadcast
a camera-
broadcast ski
enunciation, flow, modulation facing a ca

techniques moderating
skills for radio contact use of teleprompter, live studio and field
live transmission.
programmes; handling interactive interviews moderating TV studio discussions:

anchoring chat shows and cross-fire.
Advertising and Public Relations / Corporate
Television Journalism and Communication (CC)
with still
Visual communication - Communicating camera
with TV camera

pictures and video-shooting Advertising tools and practice; consumer behaviou:

basic shots and camera
mounting. Colour balance, analysis, definitions and factors, defining consumer
behaviour and its various factors; external environment,
in field using culture, sub-culture, social class, social group, family,
Basic of TV production: TV lighting
internal states-perception, learning, motivation,
reflectors. Lighting grid luminaries.

Studio lighting three-point lighting high key


personality, lifestyle and attitudes, etc.

make Consumer in economic theories, models of consumer
low key lighting; properties, studio sets and


Brand management: definition, concepts and

Video editing techniques cut, mix and dissolve use

effects and post evolution of brand management component of a

of cutaway AB roll editing; digital brand: strategy and structure brand equity,image and
production -planning location schools story board-

personality corporate brand.

single camera shooting - multi camera shooting

shooting and editing schedules studio production


role of functionaries- planning studio programmes Defining creativity, stages in the creative process,
cues and commands - formats of TV programmes - creative brief, advertising appeals, language copy
studio interview-studio discussion-studio chat shows debriefing of campaigns.
with audience participation-studio quiz program with
audience participation -TV documentary production- Process of motivation and theories of motivation.
corporate video production. Graphics: role and scope in advertising. design
principles, use of colour in design, designs in colours;
Writing fortelevision: Writing skill, writingfor video, type and type faces.
reference visuals to words.
Media characteristies defining media

TV news Writing : marking copy in production media scene in India, sources of media information.
language. media strategies, budgeting and presentation to client,
Writing for television programmes - research, media scheduling, reach and frequency, media weight
visualization and production script. theories, media buying and analyzing media

information on-line.
Television reporting: visualising news/Eng- research,
investigation - interview techniques; piece to arch
camera Advertising research: scope and objectives-I
and voice over, sequencing and editing news packages; as a decision making tool. Market researc and

investigating reporting - economic reporting sports -

advertising research - types of researcn

reporting- human interest stories. marketing research, positioning research -pre-cs
research, post test research, audience research, methods
Television news editing: planning, production of analyzing research (psychographic/lc
compilation of news programmes writing lead in/ research,
intro to news packages headlines

writing, teasers and

psycho-physiological research)
Mass Communication
Journalism &
oublic relation/CC and management: social,
e i e publi
Strategic M.U 11
and its relevance in public relations and CT.political, legal
Stra and ethical issues related to IT
defining strategy
and corporate communi
andcorporate nication; campaign planning,
nagement and execution - role of PR/CC in crisis PRACTICALS

communication and disaster management. Searching and downloading of information ; 2.

stablishing e-mail address; 3. Accessing, (receiving)
Dofining stakeholders and madia selection
study of sending and replying e-mail; 4. Sending and forwarding

mmetrical and asymmetrical models in handling e-mail whether multiple recipients; 5. Chatting over
internet; 6. Networking with special interest groups;
7. Designing home pages; 8.
Building a distinct corporate identity : concepts,
Creating electronic
newspapers; 9. Creating internet ads, and, 10.
variables and process - making or house styles (logos, Establishing and analysing hits and eyeballs.

lettering and process)

Media relations: organizing press conferences, faculty Inter-Cultural Communication
visits. press briefs proactive and reactive media
relations ethical aspects in media relations role of Culture-definition-process-culture as a social
technology in PR/CC.
institution -value systems primary secondary
eastern and western perspectives.
PAPER-1 Inter- cultural communication: definition-process
New Media Technology philosophical and functional dimension-cultural
symbols in verbal and non-verbal communication.
Communication Technology (CT): concept and scope Perceptionof the world-Westem and Greek (Christian)
CTand IT:similarities and differences- telephony varied easterm concepts (Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist,
electronic digital exchange, C-Dot-pagers, Cellular others)-retention of information-comparison between
Telephone. eastern and western concepts.

Internet: LAN, MAN, WAN, E-mail, Web Ownership Communication as a concept in western and eastern
and administration of Internet, ISPs, WAP, types of cultures (Dwaitha Adwaitha - Vishishtadwaitha -
internetconnections: Dial-up, ISDN, leaseline. Chinese.
Optical fibre: Structure, advantage and application; Dao Tsu and Confucius Shinto Buddhism) and also
protocols of internet: SLIP, CSLIP, TCP/IP, PPP. Sufism.
WEB PAGE, Websites, Homepages.
Languageand grammar as a medium of cultural

ntroduction to HTTP, HTML, ELP, DNS, JAVA; -

communication Panini\Patanjali Prabhakara -

rowsing and browsers, bookmarks, searching: through Mandanamisra Chomsky Thoreau and others

linguistic aspects of inter cultural communication.

rectory search engines, search resources; video Modern

mass media as vehicles of intercultural

nCing and telephony, e-commerce, m-
Ommerce, buying, selling, baking, advertising on communication barriers in inter cultural
internet. communication and economic
religious, political

Web page development, inserting, linking; editing, pressures; inter- cultural conflicts and communication;

1ocaling, promoting and maintaining

a impact of new technology on culture; globalization
website. effects onculture and communication; mass media as
manufactureing industry mass media
as a
a culture
ber Journalis On-line editions of newspapers- cultural institution; mass culture typologies Criticism

managem and economics; cyber

tion ffeed, marketing,
newspapers- and justification.
Creation, revenue and expenditure, character,
Online communication and folk media

editing,ee-publishing; security issues on internet; Culture,

M.U. 12
Journalism & Mass Communication PAPER-IV
content and functions -
dance and music as instruments Attachment + Viva Voce
of inter- cultural communication; UNESCO0's
cultural communication

in the promotion of inter have to undergo a four-week or more

Each student will
other organizations - code of ethics. the media such as newspapers,
attachment in any of
television, agencies of advertising
PAPER- IlI magazines, radio,
communication, or any
and public relations/corporate
the students and faculty jointly/
the following other identified by
Specialization -

Any one of for which are easily available

children individually facilities
Environmental communication; 2. Women, He/ She will have to submit a
and media; 3. Science and technology communication;
locally or regionally. media centre.
report on his /her visit to the
media. 5. Alternative media; 6.
4. Human rights and
Political communication; 7. Health communication; 8.
Rural communication; 9. Communication in disaster
management; 10. FM radio; 11. Web radio and
television; 12. Brand management; 13. Film studies;
14. Feedback systems, and any other area identified
by students and faculty jointlylindividually


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