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A Project Report On

Impact of K-Pop among different

generations of India



This is to certify that the project report titled IMPACT OF K-POP AMONG DIFFERENT
DENERATIONS OF INDIA, term-2, English core, is a bona fide work carried out and
successfully completed by Angella Sarfuddin of class XII- science of south Delhi public school,
defence colony, for fulfillment of the ALS project work.

Teacher guide


Place: New Delhi


A project is a golden opportunity for leaning and self-development. I consider myself fortunate
and privileged to have such a wonderful mentors guide me though the journey for the completion
of the project.

My sincere thanks to Ms. Jyotsna Jain, South Delhi Public School, Defence Colony, who despite
being extraordinarily busy took time out to address me and guide me.

My heartfelt gratitude to my teacher guide Ms. Mamta Batheja, for her patience and belief in me.
Her exemplary investment in the complete process, constant encouragement and insightful
feedback helped me archives my objective/s.

I would like to thank all the interviewees who help me in completing my project and giving me
their time and valuable answers.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents whose support helped us complete the project within the








7. REPORT 29



This study explores the impact of K-Pop among different generations of India, their views and
ideas about K-Pop and how it is impacting their lives.

K-pop is worldwide sensation nowadays and people love it. K-pop is all about the art of music
and dance and the way they represent this art is the reason why it is spreading widely. In k-pop
there are different type of genre of music, no matter what you like you will find it in k-pop.

The objectives of the study were to investigate:-

• To check the awareness of K-Pop among different generation.

• To explore different views about K-Pop.
• To learn about the adaptation people get from k-pop.
• To explore the effect of K-Pop on emotional well-being of people.
• To find out the motivations people get from their idols.
• To discover what people are learning from culture and how they improve them.
• To explore what makes Korean music different from music of other country.

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An interview is essentially a structured conversation where one participant asks open ended
questions, and the other provides answers.

This project aim is to achieve the clear understanding about K-pop among different generation of
India and how it is impacting their lives. To conduct this interview I made an online self made
questionnaire which was sent to the participants either via whatsapp or e-mail. Participants have
given their interview via online video calling and Google forms.

STEP 1- Preparation of questionnaire –

• I prepared the self made questionnaire after studying about K-pop and its variation.

STEP 2- Invitation to the participants-

• Invitation was sent to participants via e- platform.

• Eligibility criteria for choosing the participants were irrespective of age and gender and
should be aware of K-pop.

STEP 3- Conducting an interview-

• An online interview was conducted for 10 participants.

• The questionnaire was sent to them via whatsapp or e-mail.
• Some participants give interview via video call.

STEP 4- Analyzing of data and report making-

• Data was extracted and analyzed in form of interviews.

• After extraction of data, all the data was combined in form of a report.
Self made questionnaire was prepared

Invitation was sent to eligible participants

Interview was conducted via Google forms Interview was conducted via video calls

Data was extracted

Report submission

In this chapter I will be discussing about the questionnaire for interview and about the
interviewees along with this I will be submitting self made questionnaire, its responses which
were taken in both virtual and written form.


The questionnaire was made in English language and it consists of 14 questions which majorly
deal with the k-pop. Questions were about k-pop and how they are impacting lives. Participants
were of different age groups and they all had given their consent to participate in the interview.
The e-questionnaire will be send via emails and whatsapp to the participants and some
participants will give online virtual interview.


Total numbers of participants were 10 in numbers. Participants were of vary in age group from
12 years to 42 years. Participants were both male and female. Participants were of different
occupations such as school student, college students, office workers and housewife.
The Questionnaire

Q1. What is k-pop to you?

Q2. What is the difference between Korean pop and American pop from your perspective?

Q3. According to the news article’s lots of people who are going through the depression finds k-
pop as their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Q4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Q5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-
pop is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Q6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some
funky color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are
very common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Q7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?

Q8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Q9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans
who are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job
being a k-pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Q10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Q11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they
are famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Q12. . Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you
Q13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Q14 Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?



1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- for me k-pop is a good feeling. And I like it very much

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans- there is very big difference between kpop and American pop as American songs and
videos are vulgar where as kpop is very pure and heart touching. It is what attract and inspire

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- their videos are full of colors and happiness, watching them anyone can be happy. They are
the definition of joy. Maybe watching their videos and listening to their songs makes them feel
motivated and feel that if they can be so lively and happy and so successful than why can’t we be
like them.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- people usually get attracted to kpop because they can Cleary see how talented they at such
young age. Most of the kpop idols are very young some of them are not even adult but still make
it big. At such a young age they are so successful and have archive that many have failed. And
how much hard work they put, their success and talent.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop
is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Yes, after an expose to kpop people mind can change. Because it is good field and a child
can be successful in this field and make their parents proud now days kpop have contribute a lot
in making people think that singer and dancer can be as successful as doctors and engineers.

6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- The boys who suffer from these awful bullying can now talk back and can have confidence
by kpop idols. They can understand that no having facial hairs are normal they do not have to
feel ashamed because of this. And coloring there is their choice and should not be bothered of
what other is saying. These things are common in Korean industry and those people are famous
with having facial hairs, so people should learn and stop bullying other people.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?

Ans- I have learned a lot from them like how they respect their elders and love their young one.
And how these people are so nice to each other and are so united everyone should learn from

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- Yes Parents can be very free and without any worry can free their children to kpop as it is
very clean and pure.

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- They are teaching a very useful thing to children that they should not worry and be
confident about their exams and that they are going to do well. By this they are also teaching this
generation that how they should treat the next generation about exams and how they should
support them.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- As a house wife when my children show me videos I feel very happy and entertaining g
because of kpop, I enjoy it a lot. I even thank my children for showing me kpop.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- As kpop has spread massively yes people thinking have changed a lot towards Asian people
and they have stopped making fun of Asian people to some extent. So kpop have help a lot for
this change.
12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- No, I don’t think like that. These days people of different age group and gender listens to k

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- Everyone has their right to choose or follow what they like, judging them and making fun
of them is ridiculous. Everyone should do what they like. Kpop is not a sin for which their life
should be make hell.

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- When a fan watch their idols telling about their life struggles and their way of overcoming
it, give them lots of courage and motivation to overcome from their personal problems. This is be
appraised by everyone.

1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- Korean pop is something very special to me, as I got introduced to it in hard time that was
during pandemic. Seeing my idols and their music’s videos make me happy and there is another
very special feeling that bust inside my heart whenever I see them, my eyes gets blessed.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?
Ans- Korean pop is something very different from American pop. As now a day’s American pop
songs don’t have any value for the lyrics they just come up with anything without any meaning.
But in reality music is a art it should touch your heart, you should feel in and it can only
happened if there are meaning in song lyrics which of course every kpop songs have, there are
deep and beautiful meanings in most of k pop songs, so the difference is clear American pop
obviously have forgotten the meaning of music where as k pop understand the art of music.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- It is a fact that people fall into depression because they are mentally stressed from work,
hectic modern day life, family problems etc. so basically they are unhappy and it’s not that they
want to end their life, they just want to end their problems. And as we all know in this hectic
world all everyone need is a little happiness and k pop is not only about music and dance it’s a
pure form of happiness. In k pop industry they make an idol do fun activities, show what they do
daily, variety shows, funny moments, live chats etc. it can make anyone happy and when
happiness is your cure and you’re getting it from k pop so it is your depression buster.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- There is not only one thing but a lot of things that attract people towards k-pop. K-pop is
quite different from music of other countries, the idols are all rounder it’s not that they are just
performer, singer or visuals but they are all in one.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop
is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- It can be way to convince their parents but it also depend on persons mindset and if they
want to develop themselves. As k-pop is growing children can convince their parents that it’s not
that always you have to have typical career to be successful in life.
6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- Whether people like k-pop or not but they are still aware about their style. And many fans
feel confident to color their hair into something funky and because of that it is common to have
hair color nowadays so yes people are changing slowly.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?

Ans- I have learned that no matter what you should not forgot your manners and no matter if the
other person is sweeper or maid or taxi driver you should respect them and call them

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- k-pop can no harm to anyone in my opinion but I believe that you will get inspired by them
you will get courage after watching some of their daily life videos will take you realize how life
is same for everyone whether they are celebrities or normal person. So parents should not worry
when their child is watching k-pop but of course time limit should be there.

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- Those encouraging videos are so heartwarming and it can make anyone think how much
their idols are worry about them. Before doing anything we all need some encouragement and
when we get it from people who we admire it gives another level of confidence. So I want to
thank every idol who does this.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- Everyone should get fun and joy in life and if k-pop can bring it than why not. It’s better to
watch k-pop than some illogical serials like Naagin.
11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Asian faces racism in their own country so how can they expect anyone else to be nice to
them. But as time is flying mindsets are getting changed and k-pop artist who are also Asian and
they are getting so much respect all around the world so people are changing their point of views
towards Asian people.

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- K-pop is massive and has fans of different age group. So it’s not true that their fans are only
teenager girls because happiness is for everyone to enjoy.

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- It’s the most stupid thing to do to anyone, people go through so many things in their life
and it’s not okay to harass someone because of what they like. Don’t make it hard for anyone

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- Yes, listening to others who have are suffering from the same problem as you are is itself
curing in nature as you got to know that you are not alone in this world who is suffering from
stress and especially when it comes from an idol. Listening to an idol about their issue and how
they overcome it helps a lot of people to understand their problems and help them to find a cure.

1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- k-pop is my will to live

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans- In my perspective American music make more music on genre like partying where else k-
pop make more meaningful songs.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- I think the reason is that k pop idols encourage them to live their lives to the fullest and
make music on it to make them feel not lonely and strong

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- It’s because the idols are very lovable because they are not afraid to show who they are and
they are very relatable in other ways too

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop
is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Many parents do not allow their child to pursue career in music saying its useless and I
think maybe the growing of kpop can help them understand that no matter what language music
is music and it can be famous

6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- If not I think they should normalize these things because it’s not necessary to have facial
hair if you are a boy or not coloring your hair into funky color because color does not define

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?

Ans- From them I have learn to always respect my elders and be grateful for small things like
getting food.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- I think they should because mostly videos are about harmless things like living a dream,
future and racing

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- I think I am very happy and grateful for them to do this when they have their own busy

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- I think it is amazing to know many people are becoming happy because of kpop and I hope
it spreads more.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- I think this can change people minds because many people adore k pop idols who are
Asians so they can as well stop the hate towards Asian

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- No, I don’t think so because I have seen so many people who belong to different age group
who are following K-pop

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- I think that not right and very immature to bully or judge boys if they like k-pop cause
anyone can like k pop it’s not like there are only kpop boys group there are girls group as well.

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- I can’t tell as I am not one if them but I think this helps because you get a ray of hope that if
my favorite person can then I can too

1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- K-pop is very special to me. It is a different world for me, It a form of art which give me
tremendous joy and happiness.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?
Ans- In my view Korean pop is very different from American pop. American pop songs don’t
value the form of art; they are making anything without much meaning, whereas the kpop songs
have deep and beautiful meanings. K-pop songs have good video with lots of meaning and
stories. Their MVs have good choreography with good sense of fashion.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- it is a fact that people fall into depression. In k pop industry they make an idol do fun
activities. It can make anyone happy and helps in reducing stress.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- K-pop has variety among groups; they have different groups who make different kind of
music. There fashion sense is nice and maximum of Idols are good looking too.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop
is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Indian people are still orthodox, they are happy as they are. They believe dance and music
are not respectful profession but as K-pop is growing, children can use k-pop to convince they’re

6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- yes, people are becoming more open minded after staning kpop. They are accepting boys
with no facial hair and boy with different fashion sense. Still I believe it is acceptable among
only those who follow kpop.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?
Ans- being an Asian, there and our culture are more or less same. But staning the idols make
you more aware about the culture and etiquettes. Following an idol, make your more conscious
about your etiquettes towards your elders and basic manners towards others.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- yes, South Korea is a country of culture which always make sure their idols are conveying
right message in the society. Watching their videos and other content which free from
adulteration and vulgar language gives parents an assurance that their kids are in good

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- this should be applaud by everyone. Being an artist it is difficult to do a job which isn’t
really their job. I think it should be done in every country as kids follow and listen more to what
their idols do and say.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- Yes, in my house every one start listening to kpop and they all enjoy their songs and

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artist are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- yes, after becoming worldwide Asian receive less racism. Western people start accepting
them and make less fun of their colors and looks.

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- NO, it is not true. Being a fan girl I know lot of people of different age group and gender
who follow kpop. Apart from commoners, lots of big celebs from diff countries follow kpop
which itself is a big examples for this questions.
13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- according to my opinion it is not right to judge someone’s choice on basis of their gender.
As it is being said- “speak yourself”.

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. Do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- yes, when an Idol tells about their life problems and how they overcome it help lots of
people to overcome too. As fans do follow their Idols, they listen to them and follow their ideas
and ways to dealing problem.

1. What is K-pop to you?

Ans- I find it soothing and amazing music

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans- K pop music is more realistic then the American music

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop
as their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- Yes only because of lyrics they are so enthusiastic and realistic based. Which boost the
mood and relate to human life?

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- Because they are very attached with their mother tongue

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-
pop is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Yes it is .they are getting popular everyday

6.In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- Yes .reason they are very influential towards the youngsters

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them

Ans- Respect their mother language and respect the culture too.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited
and any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents
can be free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- Yes. When parents feel safe and secure they definitely give more freedom to their child
9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans
who are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job
being a k-pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- This will surely boost the confidence among the students

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- It's about the attachment towards the artist and this means artist has achieved that

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artist are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Yes for sure reason being other countries are started following them and respecting them

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- No even Im not a teenager. Everyone loves kpop because of the diversity among their
music and style

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- No, this is not related the gender we do love all kind of artist besides their gender or

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- Yes because we follow out favorite artist and we learn from them that if they can why
can't us

1. What is K-pop to you?

Ans- K-pop is everything for me, my will to live, my Seoul and the most important thing in
my life.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans- American pop is much more about partying, drugs, Alcohol, girls and money and in
comparison Korean pop has a very diverse genre of loving and meaningful songs. It gives the
person strength and love.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop
as their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- I’m one of those people who find K-pop curing. Whenever I’m depressed or feel down I
listen to BTS’s songs and get myself some relief.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- Not only do they sing but also dances along with it. They make a simple song more
attractive with their choreography and their amazing looks.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-
pop is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Even if K-pop is growing, many parents do not support their children watching and
listening to K-pop. They find if unethical and nonsensical. So I have no hopes of parents
being convinced.

6.In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- I think among teenagers, all these hair coloring is very common nowadays and people
are apprehensive towards those men who color their hair. Other men and women get inspired
by those colored heads

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them
Ans- I’ve learned from BTS’s Kim Seokjin to love myself more than anyone. From my bias
Jeon Jungkook that I should never give up on my passion and chase my dreams.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited
and any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents
can be free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- I think parents still are much worried with K-pop because these things are everywhere
on earth. But K-pop still is less abusive and more children friendly so I feel that parents
should not worry so much about their child watching K-pop.

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans
who are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job
being a k-pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- I feel that they’re doing a great job helping people with their mental health and
prosperity. It encourages students to study even more and feel that they’re accepted as a
human being.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- K-pop has a wide variety of fans, from a toddler to a grandmother. Music is never
age/profession/gender restricted. Everyone has different choices and perspectives and they got
the right to listen to any genre of music.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they
are famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Maybe the people who prefer K-pop change their attitude towards Asian but not
everyone likes K-pop, there are still people who are racist towards East Asians especially.
Even people of east India face racism because they look like East Asians, that are Japanese,
Chinese Korean etc.

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- It is the reality that a large number of K-pop fans and teenage girls, but we can’t
conclude with it that all fans are just teenage girls. As I’ve already mentioned, K-pop has a
wide range of fan base and is not age or gender restricted.
13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- Not at all, I dislike those people who judge others on their preferences. Everyone has the
right to make their own choices. Nothing is gender restricted in this world especially music.
We should never make fun of or judge others for what they like and what they dislike.

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- As they influence a large section of people, I feel that it probably helps their fans to
improve themselves and take care of themselves like their idol does. Fans might overcome
their depression or stress after knowing that their idol empathizes with them.

1. What is K-pop to you?

Ans- I have been into k-pop for last 4 years. It was a journey of an introvert to becoming
extrovert. It was a journey of a boring person to becoming a lovable person. K -POP indeed
changed my life. As a K-POP fan I know how hardworking K-POP stars are. It makes me to
work hard when I read about their life. Thanks K-POP

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans- American pop music doesn't have as much choreography as k-pop. There seem to be
more groups among k-pop than American pop music.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop
as their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- Depression is one of the common mental disorders in the world and the number of
people suffering from depression is increasing worldwide.. The topic of mental health issues
in the K-pop industry was also thrust into the spotlight with many fans around the world
expressed on social media that K-pop helps them with their depression, some studies is that
state that K-pop can serve to be a coping mechanism for depression

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- I think people get attracted because of the visuals’. The large focus on dance is highly
appealing because it's not largely found in every artist in American artist groups. Also kpop
songs are made so meaningful

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-
pop is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Not always because some kind of parents they that what they will say it will happen
always but some parents are supportive and looking forward for their child to pursue career in
anything their child like but something productive which will make them proud.

6.In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- Yes I help a lot in normalizing the thought in people's brain because in other countries
these things are normal but in India people make fun of your hair and style in India people
also called the person with colored hair "LOOK BTS"🙃
7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them.

Ans- I have learn that we have to bow whenever we meet or greet anyone and I have learnt a
lot about their culture, language and food and a lot from them..

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited
and any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents
can be free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- My parents always let me watch good things not abusive but they are very unworried
when I'm watching k-pop because there are no adult or abusive scenes in k-pop and they also
teach us new recipes and hacks and also good thing like hiking, adventure and all

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans
who are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job
being a k-pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- This is nice because. If your idol that you want to be like is encouraging you it feels
good and you want to get good marks and work hard...

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- This can make the whole family happy.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they
are famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Many people call Asian as noodle and corona virus and nowadays people like Asian and
they also won the star of year award 2 times.

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- No. I don't thinks so I'm also boy and I like k-pop.

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- In India boys are made fun of to be k-pop fan and make their life living hell because
there is a myth that k-pop fan are teenage girls only but I don’t think so because there are
some girls’ k-pop groups also.
14. Many k-pop artist’s do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- People who have worked in the arts throughout history have dealt with poverty,
persecution, social alienation, psychological trauma, substance abuse, high stress and other .
Many k-pop idols suffer depression and panic attacks they overcome it with their own
willpower, if audience call them their idol and they do the same things as their idol do like-
follow their style, language. So of the audience have will power like their idol so why not the
overcome their mental illness.

1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- It’s a form of art, an expression I am attracted to.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?
Ans- I think the genre pop in itself is the same , the concepts are different because of the
difference between their thought processes, Korean artists are more expressive and have found
more ways to convey it through their MVs, background stories, fantasies, costumes, dance as
many of American pop music fail to do so.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- For me music have always been an escape be it any language, but particularly BTS have
this concept in which they express the mental struggle this generation is going through, so in
their art form they have stood by their fans conveying that they are not alone in their struggles
and many people go through the same even if they don’t always say it out loud.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans- Their whole aura from beats to MVs to dance to costume to storyline to cinematography to
camera work to editing everything is so impressive and there is so much to appreciate than just
the song. That’s not common in western music as it needs a lot of hard work and shows more
than one talent which is attractive.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop is
growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- India is still far away from accepting music and dancing as an actual job and career.
Exposure of kpop has given wings to a lot of people but the truth is India is still a developing
country where majority of people live in survival mode. To survive people need stable jobs and
art is a luxury still so Indians push their children for mediocre stable jobs like teacher, doctor,
engineer etc. Art to career is still frowned upon and it might take an entire generation and
increased economy to change the scenario.

6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- If we are talking of entire Indian society of which roughly 2.25% of total Indian population
follow or like kpop majority of which are educated and live in urban areas with internet
connectivity. I don’t think I see a change in the thought process of masculinity from just kpop in
our society. If it were the case we would have already seen a change.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know South
Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are the
various things you have learn from them?

Ans- In my observation Korean culture and Indian cultures have many similarities We respect
our elders. We believe in family values and history as much as they do. What I’ve learned from
Korean artist is you don’t have to confine yourself to just one talent or skill. It’s possible to be
multi-talented and use every charm and talent of yours effectively. That a person is not defined
by just one role, also hard work and dedication will do wonders to you as a person.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- I’m not too sure about this as I’m not a parent and every addiction has its pro and cons. In
my 6-7 years of being a fan. I’ve also paid close attention to the unfairness and cons of the
Korean industry, so I would say its individual what a person takes as a lesson from the kpop
artists and how it will impact their life further.

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- It’s very warm of them to do so and their agencies thinking it as an important activity as
many of their fans are young and students. I’d be happy and motivated if the artist I like comes
live to wish luck for the exam or study hard. They give fan service a lot of importance, which is
so good.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert many
people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or watch
them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- What can I say about it the more the merrier. Everyone deserves happiness and if kpop
make this happen then why not.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Definitely a lot has changed worldwide regarding the image of Asian and I hope it keeps
changing and there is wider acceptance of different races and cultures.
12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans- Oh Please, I’m a huge kpop fan and I’m almost 30 so that answers your question

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a living
hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they like?

Ans- Of Course not, guys can play with Barbie, guys can wear pink, guys can put makeup, guys
can wear flashy cloths, guys can be sensitive, guys can talk in a cute way, guys can like kpop

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they overcome
including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help other
people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- Not sure about overcoming but yes this do give a message that even if they are celebrities
they face the same problem. It’s like saying we are same as you and I don’t know why that’s
reassuring, it’s like we are fighting the same battles and we are together in this. Many people
though not all get the confidenc8e to overcome from just support and reassurance.

1. What is K-pop to you?

Ans-Kpop to me is...fun, uplifting, and comforting. Kpop means a lot to me because it helped
me when I was dealing with depression. I appreciate the music genre so much and the idols
that care so much for their fans.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?

Ans-I believe K-POP has a more “strategic” point of view whereas American pop has a
“spontaneous” aspect. Both have distinct styles in all genres and i love them all.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop
as their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans-As in said, it also helped me to overcome depression, Kpop making use of melodies that
are instantly stuck in your head, which makes their music appealing to fans no matter what
language they speak.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans-I think part of it is that music isn’t the only aspect of kpop. There is dancing, fashion, and
also entertainment. That is why the artists aren’t just artists they are Idols. Fan interactions are
much more often than in western pop. It appeals to a wider audience with producing more
than just music, and it keeps people in with feeling appreciated by the idols or groups they

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k -
pop is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans-In a country like India parents are too careers oriented and feel music, media, dance and
other such fields are useless. Typical Indian parent expect their children to do well in the field
they choose, have growth, some respect in the society, achieve more compared to their
achievements. Honestly, I am one of those. I gave online audition without my parents
permission and I also got into the 2nd round, but just because my parents didn't allow I had to

6.In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.
Ans-Yes, I think so there are guys who like to do Korean styling. I am sure it will normalize
one day.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them

Ans-First thing is discipline. They are really discipline in their every aspect of life, Secondly
Perfection. They are perfect in everything, lastly hard work. They have inspired me by
showing hard work and with it you can never be successful.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited
and any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents
can be free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans-Yes, as parent they do worry. But as I said, Korean artists are really disciplined. So I am
sure who so ever wants to perceive their dream in Kpop, they will surly stay away from such
things by seeing their senior idols.

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans
who are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job
being a k-pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans-I think what they do is to encourage students to do well and those students work hard just
because their idol said them to do. This is a really good way to encourage students.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans-Kpop is for everyone. I don’t need an age or profession to listen to it.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they
are famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans-There was one time when everyone used to tell people with small eyes are Chinese and
now the same people are very much aware of these countries like Japan, Korea, Philippines
and others just because of Kpop. But there are still people who still discrimination to Asians,
which should be stopped.
12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

Ans-No. There are many kpop fans who are older than 30. I am sure you know the incident
that happen to James Corden when he said Army’s are 15 year old girls, adult army’s got
furious about this and a big controversy happened.

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans-It’s our choice to who we want to love or who we want to Stan. People will say, but we
should just ignore.

14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans-Yes, it does help not only to people but also to trainees


1. What is Korean pop to you?

Ans- For me, K-pop is a special feeling that brings joy in my life.

2. What is the difference between American pop and Korean pop from your perspective?
Ans- Korean pop is very different from American pop. K-pop is not only about music but it is
mix talent of dance, music, storyline of videos and lyrics whereas American pop lack this factor.
K-pop artist are all- rounder and K-pop do have both solo and group which make it different
from American pop.

3. According to the news articles lots of people who are going through depression finds k-pop as
their cure. What do you think is the reason?

Ans- If we talk about those news articles than yes it is true that K-pop has helped people to
overcome from depression. Song and there lyrics help people to love themselves and motivate
them to be happy and feel confident. K-pop artist even motivate them by giving speech in UN
which itself is a big platform apart from this artist perform lots of fun activities which bring joy
in their fans life.

4. Why do you think people get attracted to k-pop?

Ans – K-pop has great sense of fashion and music which make people to get attracted towards it.

5. Many people in Indian don’t support their child to pursue career in music and dance. As k-pop
is growing worldwide do you think it can help the children to convince their parents?

Ans- Indian people are still stuck to medical and engineering field, especially parents don’t want
their kids to go into music and dance industry. But as K-pop is growing in India, I believe
parents ideology may change.

6. In our society men who do not have facial hair or when they color their hair into some funky
color they are made fun of and face lots of bullying, as we know in k-pop these things are very
common so can k-pop help normalizing these thinks in our society.

Ans- yes, are accepting boys with no facial hair and boy with different fashion sense. Still I
believe it is acceptable among the kpop fans.

7. When people follow their idols they do everything what their idols are doing, as we know
South Korea is a country of culture and respect and every Korean artist’s follow them, what are
the various things you have learn from them?
Ans- Being an Asian, our and their culture is almost same. Following K-pop my etiquettes
towards your elders and basic manners towards others has improved.

8. As everyone is open to internet there are lots of people who make videos containing lots of
abusive language and adult content. But in South Korean industry these things are prohibited and
any artist who disobeys these rules face hard consequences, so do you think that parents can be
free from worrying when their child is into k-pop?

Ans- Yes, South Korea a country of culture which always make sure their idols are conveying
right message in the society. Watching their videos and other content which free from
adulteration and vulgar language gives parents an assurance that their kids are in good

9. In k-pop industry every artists makes video or fan meeting or do live to support their fans who
are still students, they encourage them during their exam time as it is a part of their job being a k-
pop idol. What is your opinion about this activity they do?

Ans- Being an artist is itself a very hectic job and above all being a good and responsible citizen
of their country they are motivating the young and future generation of their country. I think
everyone should be thankful to them to consider this as a part of their job too.

10. When the child follows an idol and talk about it to everyone and by doing this they convert
many people to into k-pop fan, because of this a house wife can also enjoy listening to them or
watch them this can make them happy as well, any thoughts?

Ans- Yes, listening to any form of music brings joy.

11. Many Asian people face racism in their daily life as k-pop artists are also Asian and they are
famous and worldwide do you think this change people opinion about Asian people?

Ans- Yes, after becoming worldwide Asians receives less racism. Western people start accepting
them and make less fun of their looks.

12. Most of the people think that the people who follow k-pop are teenager girls, do you agree?

a. NO, I highly disagree with this. I know lot of people of different age group and gender who
follow kpop.

13. In our society boys are made fun of if they are k-pop fans people usually make their life a
living hell after knowing this, do you think it is right to judge someone’s gender by what they

Ans- According to my opinion it is not right to judge someone’s choice on basis of their gender.
Even I think it is the one of the stupid thing one can do.
14. Many k-pop artists do live and tell the audience about their life problems and how they
overcome including health issues, stress, depression, facing bullying etc. do you think this help
other people who are suffering from the same problems to overcome them as well?

Ans- Yes, strongly agree with this. This will not help only the commoners but also the other
idols who are suffering from the same. People get motivated with their talks and try to improve
As I see the interviews and their responses I believe k-pop is emerging among different
generations of our country. People have eminent knowledge about k-pop and their culture which
is impacting their lives.

According to the participants K-pop is a good feeling, is their will to live, a way to enjoy and
refreshment. For some they get introduced to K-pop during pandemic so it helps them to
overcome the hard times of pandemic.

According to the responses, K-pop is consider as a mood up lifter and a source of entertainment
as it has becomes a part of their lives. On comparison with American pop, K-pop seems to have
unique, colorful, pure, meaningful songs with good music video. American pop music doesn't
have as much choreography as k-pop. There seem to be more groups among k-pop than
American pop music. Participants also believe K-pop is pure with no vulgarity and is full of

It has been proven that depression is very common as it is found in many people. Curing
depression is itself a challenging and when curing depression was related with k-pop, it has
shown a great impact on curing depression. Participants believe that k-pop has a huge impact on
people under depression and help them to overcome this. K-pop brought happiness in their life
via lots of fun activities and shows. They found it a stress buster.

K-pop is not only about music but it is a form of art as it includes lots of efforts in dance, music
and videos. K-pop is a new form of language and Korean culture is different and valuable. K-pop
has maximum young generation who are full talent, not only in singing and dancing, they all are
all-rounder. K-pop Idols are vulnerable and capable of doing lots of other stuffs like sports and
art. K-pop artist has a wonderful fashion sense. People are keen to follow this dress sense. This is
the biggest reason people find K-pop attractive.

As India is still developing, Indians are developing and becoming free with your thought. K-pop
is becoming worldwide so according to participants, it will be easier for kids to choose career as
a dancer or singer. They can convince their parents to choose either singer or dancer as their
profession. But some believe that being famous it will not be easier for kids to convince parents
as singing and dancing is still underrated in India. Many people still don’t consider these two
forms as a respectful profession.

As k-pop becoming worldwide, it contributes to reduce racism against Asian people. Apart from
this it also contributed to end gender inequality. It encourages boys with no facial hair to move
freely and also to those boys who wants to put make up and dye their hair. K-pop has thought
lots of manners to people. Participants believe that K-pop is teaching manners and etiquettes to
young population. Apart K-pop is free from abusive content so it also reduces the parent tension
towards their kids. Kids can watch all K-pop content without going in wrong direction. K-pop
fans start loving themselves as their Idols always poke them to love yourself. Few Idols such as
BTS has run a campaign via their music videos in which they help people to love themselves. It
is a very meaningful thing one has learnt from K-pop.

Idols go live and tell about their stressful life and problems they had face which spread among
people in a positive way as people who are undergoing the same situations. Listening to an idol
about their issue and how they overcome it helps a lot of people to understand their problems and
help them to find a cure.

Participants are thankful towards the Idols for motivating kid during their exams. It motivates the
kids to prepare well without getting stressed and it also give them lots of encouragement for their

K-pop is not only for any particular age group. K-pop has a wide variety of fans, from a toddler
to a grandmother. Music is never age/profession/gender restricted. Everyone has different
choices and perspectives and they got the right to listen to any genre of music. People of
different age groups and gender follow K-pop. It gives people joy and happiness. They found it
interesting and time consuming especially when they compare it with meaningless serials.

1. What is Kpop? Here is everything you need to know. October 29, 2021.

2. Alicia Prince. Wondering Why K Pop is so popular? Here are 10


3. K-Pop Stars Speak on Mental Health; Recall Personal Struggles with Depression, Anxiety.
February 10, 2021. Https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/k-pop-stars-speak-on-mental-health-

4. 8 Idols Who Opened Up About Their Experience Fighting Severe Depression. February 3rd,
2019. Https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/8-idols-open-experience-battling-depression/

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