Holiday Homework Class III (2024-2025)

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➢ Appreciate Nature - Go for a walk in a park or garden with your family and friends.
➢ Good manners are the key - Respect your parents, grandparents and all elders.
Never hesitate to use three magical words --- Sorry, Please and Thank you.
➢ Stay Fit, Stay Healthy - Play your favourite games / sport regularly . Learn about
our Heritage – Find some time to visit museums and
➢ monuments. Read about them.
➢ Save Nature – Contribute to save our precious environment. Minimize the
➢ wastage of resources like water, fuel and electricity.

Must do:-
➢ Eat healthy food and drink lots of water & fresh juices. Read every day. Watch less
of T.V.
➢ Revise all the work done in class before holidays, Instructions for students:
➢ Do your homework neatly, on your own but under your parents’ guidance.
➢ Learn and revise all the work done in the class.
➢ Make your own time table for summer vacations.
➢ Before going to bed at night, plan your tasks for the next day .

Guidelines for the parents:

➢ Spend some quality time with your kids. Have at least one time meal with them.
Play any indoor or outdoor game with them. Take them to the park and share your
childhood experiences with them.
➢ Encourage your child to go out in evening rather than sitting in front of electronic
gadgets all day.
➢ Encourage your child to cultivate the reading habit. Get some good story books of
their choice to read.
➢ Involve your child in some household chores like laying the table, watering the
plants, arranging books and clothes etc as such type of activities will help them to
become more confident and responsible.
➢ Integrated Activity- Prepare a tribal mask of Arunachal Pradesh by using paper and waste material.

➢ CBSE expression series- (Paragraph writing or Painting)

Topics - 1. My experience at Mela/haat in my village/town/city.
2. I learn things when I play.

Choose a topic and Write a paragraph (150 words) or painting on an A4 /A3 sheet.
(Compulsory for all)

➢ Prepare a presentation to speak on any one of the topics :

How I spent my holidays
Poem for your Grandparents. (For your reference)

➢ Prepare a project on types of Nouns. (Students with EVEN Roll no.) (For your reference)

➢ Prepare a project on types of collective Nouns (Students with ODD Roll no.) (For your reference)

➢ Read one article from a newspaper / story book and L - 3 and 4 of MCB to boost your vocabulary and
enhance your reading competency.

➢ Practice cursive writing - Daily write one page. (20 pages)

➢ अरुणाचल प्रदे श के विविन्न त्योहारोों के वचत्र A4 शीट पर वचपकाएँ ि उनके नाम वलखिए।

➢ सार्थक ि वनरर्थक शब्ोों की सूची A4 शीट पर बनाइए।

➢ सोंज्ञा शब्ोों को A3 शीट पर विविन्न आकृवियोों की सहायिा से दशाथएँ।

➢ ⁠प्रविवदन पठन ि लेिन अभ्यास करें ।

➢ Collect few dry fallen leaves from your garden and make five interesting patterns of animal,
plants, birds, etc on A4 sheet.

➢ For reference kindly click on this link. Leaves art | Craft idea from leaves

➢ Collect 5 pictures each of carnivores, omnivores, herbivores and scavengers found in Arunachal
Pradesh and write a few lines about the same on A4 size sheet.

➢ Click a picture of yours in yoga posture that helps in digestion (example Vajrasana) and paste it in
your notebook.

➢ IMPORTANT: Go through all the chapters thoroughly, including book and notebook work.

➢ Be creative and using your own imagination draw a Forest scene or Hot air ballon Scenery using
Tux Paint , the sample image is provided.

Q1 Do the questions given in( Unit- I Review) in your maths book only.
Q2 Learn and write tables from 2 to 15 on a A-4 size sheet.
Q3 Draw the following on a A-4 size sheet by using horizontal (sleeping ) lines , vertical (standing) lines,
slanting lines and curved lines only. ( Small sticks can also be used for lines.)
A rangoli design / a bird / an animal / a hut / a boat
Q4 ACTIVITY –Trees play an important role in our life. Count the different types of trees in your
neighbourhood and complete the table given below-

Name of the tree Number of trees Hindu-Arabic Roman numeral



➢ A. circle the odd one out:

1(a) wind (b) breeze (c) storm (d) water

2 a) stone (b) balloon (c) football (d) tyre
3 a) lakes (b) well (c) hand pump (d) sea
4 a) reading (b) cooking (c) bathing (d) drinking
➢ B. Fill in the blanks with a correct option:

Filtering, Rain, 21% , Breeze, Boiling , World Water Day

(a) Wind that blows gently is called ___________.

(b) Our atmosphere contains only _________oxygen.
(c) _________ is the main source of water on earth.
(d) Tap water can be cleaned by __________ and _______.
(e) 22nd march is celebrated as ________________.

• C. Put (√) on the activities that pollute air.

D. Give one word answers.

a) What is the process of heating water to kill germs and purify called ?
b) People obtain groundwater from ________
c) The natural source of pure water is ____________
d) Which form of water is water vapour ?

➢ Art Integrated Activity - Paste pictures of any five monuments of Arunachal Pradesh on A3.
and write 2 lines for each.
➢ Map Activity
1. Mark states and capital on a political map of India from page no. 40 .
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Assam
4. Bihar
5. Chattisgarh
2. Mark the names of five oceans

3 . Mark seven continents.

4. Write the Capital of these states.

1 Andhra Pradesh
2 Arunachal Pradesh
3 Assam
4 Bihar
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Goa
7 Gujarat
8 Haryana
9 Himachal Pradesh
10 Jharkhand
11 Karnataka
12 Kerala
13 Madhya Pradesh
14 Maharashtra
15 Manipur
16 Meghalaya
17 Mizoram
18 Nagaland
19 Odisha
20 Punjab
21 Rajasthan
22 Sikkim
23 Tamil Nadu
24 Telangana
25 Tripura
26 Uttar Pradesh
27 Uttarakhand
28 West Bengal

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