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AMM BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 1812 Paper 2 October/November 2012 Marks: 60 Time: 2Hours Candidate's Examination Number: INSTRUCTIONS, 1. Write your examination number in the space provided above, 2. Answer ALL questions in sections A and B. 3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Section | Marks Scored Section A 1 2 Section B 3 4 5 6 Total Marks (b) (i) (iy 0) O) (20 marks) SECTIONA Give two moral values shown by the practice of mafis @) Give two reasons why moral values are necessary inthe S0cety (2) Give two examples of moral actions that occur at community level posses (2) What is decision-making? ~ (1) ‘Write the first three steps of the decision-making process. Step 1 Step 2 Step Bonen i on) (19) 2. (@)__ Explain two ways in which autonomy may be promoted. (6) (b) Give two examples of how aggressive people behave when interacting with other people (2) (c) What are interpersonal relationships? @) ) {d) Give two reasons why itis important to have high self-esteem. + (2) (10) SECTION (40 Marks), (2) Explain two effects of having a child during adolescence 4) (©) Explain two ways in which changes experienced at the adolescence stage may influence moral behaviour of teenagers. 6) (10) (@) Explain two cultural practices used to prevent pregnancy. rs (8) (b) Explain how the following factors may lead one into contracting HIV. () Poverty 2) (i) Child abuse (2) (10) se profit 5. Businesses sometimes engage in unlawful practices in order'to increase P Discuss the moral implications of any two such practices. (10) purines ‘Tre Use the information below to answer question 6, Stepping Stones International (SSI) is an innovative after-school and community outreach programme, targeting orphaned and vulnerable adolescents aged 12 - 18 and their caregivers. It is a unique programme in Botswana, as itis the only initiative that focuses exclusively on the un-met needs of teenagers. SSI works with local school counsellors to identify teenagers who under- perform academically or have lost one or both parents. it uses a holistic Programme model, which combines life skils training, psycho-social Support and community mobilisation to help the youth to heal scars of the past, reconnect with their lost childhood, while growing into self-sufficient young adults. Psycho-social support programme covers counseling, coaching and go: setting, play and leisure, book clubs, expression through poetry, dance, ‘drama, singing and home visit. Adapted from ito /ww.steppingstonesint!ora/newsite/ Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this programme as a support ‘system for bereaved students. {AMUN BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 18/1 Paper 1 October/November 2012 Marks: 40 Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided, 2. Four possible answers are given for each question. Select the correct answer and fill the aval for that answer on your answer sheet Be sure to fil the ovals lke this; S| 3. If more than one oval is filed for a question it will be marked wrong, Erase completely answers that you change DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet, 4 DONOTmarktheoval ike this: EE |: DDOK ‘Aperson who always abides by societal expectations is said to be A moral B amoral © rational D unethical. “Do not desire another man's wife.” Which source of morality is the above extract from? ‘A Philosophy B Religion © Culture D Values According to philosophy, the abilty to judge between right and wrong depends on one’s capacity to ° ‘A think and reason well B adhere to local traditions. © learn from past experiences. 1D follow teachings of supreme beings. Which of the following shows how a good neighbour would behave? ‘A They would call the police when people's houses are broken into. They would encourage their children to play with everybody. C They would organise parties every weekend. D They would dispose iter by burning it 1 How is a student who values education likely to behave? A They would go to the garden to water their plots during lessons. | B They would spend most of the time going out with friends. o They would make a study timetable and not follow it mi They would work hard on all the subjects. Use the information below to answer question 6. | Gontle thinks itis important to help other people. As a result, she has started a small project of growing vegetables to donate to the poor. | Which of the following factors has influenced Gontle's behaviour? \ A Age B Media | C Values D Education 10. 1. Which ofthe folowing contributes positively to relationships? A Cooperation Education © Money D Beauty Use the information below to answer question 8. emo prefers to work independently than in a group. Everytime he has to ‘workin a team, they end up in a big fight. ‘Which of the following skills does Kemo lack? ‘A Interpersonal skill B Gritical thinking skit © Decision making skill © Emotional inteligence skill Which of the following is a moral duty of citizens? ‘A Money laundering B Child bearing Tax evasion D Patriotism A physical change that may be experienced by both boys and girls during the adolescence stage is A wet dreams. B menstrual period. growth of pubic hair. D deepening of the voice. How can self-assertiveness be demonstrated? By making one’s opinion without hurting others By following decisions made by other people By relying on friends when making choices By interacting well with other people com> 12. 13. 14, 15. Use the information given below to answer questions 12.and 13. Taolo had to decide on which subject to choose between Physical Education and Religious Education. He asked his parents and friends about the advantages of studying each of the subjects. The advice was for him to study Religious Education so that he could have a broad understanding of the world religions. Taolo, however, chose Physical Education because he valued physical fitness, Which attribute of self awareness is demonstrated by Taolo? A Autonomy B Cooperation © Dependence D Disobedience oO How can Taolo’s decision beneft him? ‘A It may encourage him to rely on his parents and friends for advice. 8B Itwill enable him to disregard his parents’ wishes. C _Itwill enable him to work closely with his parents, DD Itmay enhance his ability to act independently. Use the information below to answer question 14. ‘Kalo was chatting with his friend Boka as they were walking from school ‘Suddenly he said something bad which he never intended to. Boka got extremely hurt and they could not have a fruitful talk anymore. Which ofthe following skill will not help Boka deal with the situation he isin? oO A Public speaking B Self-awareness © Problem solving D Anger management Which ofthe following shows the importance of caring for children by parents? ‘A __ Itencourages children to engage in early sexual relationships. B__Ithelps children to inherit their parents’ character traits. C_Itencourages children to develop interest in education. Dt helps children to resist peer pressure. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 24. Use the information below to answer question 16. Kele was born in the United States while her mother, who is a Motswana was ‘studying there. When they came back home, Kele was granted Botswana citizenship, How did Kele become a citizen of Botswana? A Bybirth B By descent © Through adoption D_ Through naturalisation ‘The release of green house gases into the atmosphere leads to ‘A increased renewable energy. B protection of the ozone layer. © production of solar energy. DB global warming Corruption is described as the act of ‘A stealing money from a bank. B participating in unlawful activities. misusing one’s position of authority D giving a waitress money for a service rendered, How can corruption affect a country’s economy? A __Itcan scare away foreign investors. Bit may lead to equal distribution of resources, C_tcan result in increased costs of imported goods. D It may influence donors to assist the country more, How can Killing 2 love partner affect the culprit emotionally? ‘A. Itmay result in one being reluctant to engage in love affairs. B__ It might make it dificult to find a marriage partner. CC _ Itmayllead to a feeling of reliet. D _itmay lead to depression. ‘The practice of denying father’s access to their children is considered to be a human right violation because denies the father the right to claim terminal benefits on his retirement. disregards the father’s right to exercise parental role denies the child the right to petition parents. disregards the child's right to be adopted. vom 22. iaah 24, 25. 26. 27. Which of the following is a way of caring for animals? ‘A Training them for guarding B Providing them with shelter © Crossbreeding them to make money D Using them for scientific experiments Which of the following factors is not a possible cause of suicide? ‘A Failure to manage emotions Failure to get advice from other people © Seeking for help when experiencing problems D Relationships which are characterised by conflict What makes an individual unique? ‘A Personal attributes B Social background C Religious values D Cultural values One of the conditions of marriage in community of property is that ‘A incase of divorce property is shared equally. B property accumulated before marriage cannot be sold C spouses are not liable for each other's debts in case of divorce. D assets accumulated during marriage do not form part of the joint estate. Which of the following is a reason advanced by provlfe to support the view that abortion is morally unacceptable? A Itencourages purity. B _Itincreases divorce rate. C__Itlessens child mortality. D_Itreduces chances of procreation. Read the information below and use it to answer question 27, “The weekly police statistics have revealed a shocking number of cases where babies have been Killed by What is the cause of death from the scenario given above? Infanticide Homicide ‘Abortion Suicide com> oe 28. 29, 30. 34 32. ‘Which statement shows the attitude of Batswana towards death? A Itis acceptable because it reduces the number of orphans. 5 tis unacceptable because it brings sadness to the bereaved. © tis unacceptable because it inconveniences those who attend the funeral D Itis acceptable because the bereaved family benefits from the deceased property Which of the following ways of administering capital punishment is used in Botswana? A Lethal injection B Firing squad © Beheading D Hanging A group of people related by blood and assimilation is called 2 A team. B family community. D congregation. Falmess in the community can be promoted by ‘A socialising boys and girls into their traditional roles, B allowing both boys and girls to inherit property. sending boys and girls to separate schools. allocating boys and girs different chores. Use the information below to answer question 32. ‘A president of a given country praised the national football team for continuing to play for their country even though they were paid very low allowances, Which of the following moral responsibilties is shown by the team? Empathising with the nation Respecting the president ‘Compassion for the team Loyalty to the nation vom> Read the information below and use it to answer question 33. ‘Mr and Mrs Bati have been trying to have chidren for many years but unsuccessful, They agreed that Mr Bati should marry @ second wife: with the hope that she would bear children for the family Which practice did the couple use to try and have children? A Adoption B Polygamy © Surrogacy D Use of herbs ‘34. Whatis the process whereby modem technology is used to produce a copy of another organism called? ‘A Hybridisation B Fertilisation C Conception D Cloning Use the formation below to answer question 35. ————____________— ‘Some employees at McAdams (PTY) Lid, have given up their jobs to engage in| self-employment because they were ill-reated by the employers. 35. _Howis the situation al McAdams (PTY) Ltd, likely to affect the company? A It may lead to reduced production. B It may lead to reduced working hours. CC _It'may result in increased accountability, Dit may result in improved customer satisfaction 36. What has the Botswana Network on Ethics, Laws and HIVIAIDS (BONELA) achieved? A Itpaid for medical expenses for HIV positive people Bt found employment opportunities for HIV positive people. Cit provided antiretroviral drugs for free to people living with AIDS. Dit brought justice for HIV positive people dismissed unfairly trom their jobs. 37, Why is war a human right violation? It enriches fighting nations. It may lead to family break-ups. It removes dictators from power. It enables people to seek revenge com> 39. 40. Below is a representation of a billboard. Use the inform ‘question 38. ion on it to answer YL. >, ii eS Ee dons = cee <= ae , S ar Which of the following will be a result of adhering to the message depicted on the billboard? A Pollution B Biodiversity © Deforestration D Global warming Traditionally, Batswana adopted boys because they wanted to ‘A offer healthier life styles to the needy, B give thema stable family environment, © _ have someone to maintain the family name, provide them with better educational opportunities. ‘Which of the following practices Is an act of unfairness? Exempling disadvantaged students from paying school fees, Making major decisions for children by parents Payment of bride-price by men when marrying ‘Awarding scholarships to excelling students coup UO BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL . JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 18H Eee October/November 2016 eases Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided, 2. Four possible answers are given for each question. Select the correct answer and fill the oval for that answer on your answer sheet. Be suretofilthe ovals ike this; ==> 3. If more than one oval s filed for a question it wll be marked wrong. Erase completely answers that you change. DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet, 4. DONOT mark he ovaltke this: = This question paper contains 9 printed pages ANAT THRN THE PAGE UNTIL Voll ABE Tar R TANNA ery 9618 SADC leaders meet for a consultative summit every year ‘At what level is the consultation referred to above applied’ A Community B individual © Global D Social Read the information below and use it to answer question 2 President Barack Obama praised Americans who had offered 10 ‘open their homes to refugees fleeing from war-torn Syria Which value is demonstrated by the gesture shown by the Americans? A Commitment 8 Compassion C Courage © Honesty Decision making is a process of A gathering enough information about an issue. exploring various choices to solve a problem, C finding possible solutions to a problem, D reaching a conclusion about an issue How do moral principles benefit the society? ‘A They help people to adopt other cultures B They help people to live in social harmony C They encourage children to be dependent on adults, D They encourage leaders to stay in power for along time ‘Which of the following is an emotional change that occurs during teenage stage? A Hyperactivity B Dependency C Eagerness D Withdrawal Which ofthe following practices is a traditional way of adm tering euthanasia? Switching off a respirator Discontinuing antiretroviral therapy Disconnecting an intravenous feeding device Suffocating a severely deformed baby with a pillow com> 10. 1". 12. ‘Which of the following is a moral implication of rape onthe victim? Emotional pain Increased fertity High sett-confidence Falling in love with the perpetrator vom> Which of the following is not a cause of violent behavior in children? A Increased educational opportunities B Prolonged use of intoxicants © Poor upbringing D Peer pressure ‘Which of the following is a reason for sending criminals to prison? ‘A To create a safe environment for them B_—Togive them a chance to earn an income © Tohelp them acquire le skils leading to change of behaviour D —_Toenable them to have a chance to start their own businesses Which of the following practices shows a form of human rights violation associated with Botswana? A Providing education to vuinerable children B_ Allowing suspects to die in police custody Awarding of sponsorship to excelling pupils Isolating patients suffering from contagious diseases ‘Which of the following forms of cruelty to animals is not common in Botswana? A Testing cosmetics on animals B__Using animals for entertainment C Restricting movement of animals D Psychological training of animals Which of the following documents is compulsory for one to acquire at the age of sixteen years in Botswana? Birth certificate Driver's licence National identity National passport com> 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. jon 13. Read the information below and use it to answer question ‘3 egg with a DNA of Scientists can replace a faulty DNA in a woman’ another woman, What isthe process depicted by the information above called? A Genetic engineering | & — Organ'ransplant © Surrogacy i D Adoption ‘Which of the following is not a negative effect of animal cloning? ‘A Accelerated aging resulting in shortened life span B Increased occurrence of genetic diseases © Violation of human rights D increased population Read the information below and use it to answer question 15. Thabo watched a movie where some criminal scenes were shown He then used the tactics from the movie to rob a bank. Which of the following factors influenced Thabo to commit the crime? A Poverty B Selfishness Mass media Peer pressure Which ofthe fllowing is a limitation faced by the Botswana Red Cross Society in trying to assist victims of natural disasters? ‘A Shortage of funds B Shortage of labour © Lack of information D Opposition from government Which of the following is not a challenge that may arise from organ donation? ‘The recipient may acquire genetic disease from the donor. The organ donor may lose hope to fight for his life The body of the recipient may reject the organ Doctors may attempt organ trafficking com> 18, 19, 20. 24 22. 23. SST Which lever? CI in Botswana is reeponsbi for resoking depute community A Village Develo pment Committee 8 Grime Prevention Commitee Customary Court D Industrial Court Which ofthe folowing may hinder the moral development of chidren? A Promotion of sex education B Usage of alcohol and drugs S __Provsion of heath facies Provision of counseling services ‘Which of the following factors may lead to child abandonment? ‘A Choosing career paths for children 8 Discouraging punishment at home C impoverished households D Family stability How can one manage short temperedness? ‘A By apologising after hurting other people's feelings B By avoiding disclosing one's personal problems C By talking to people who treat him or her baaly D By acquiring conflict resolution skils ‘Which of the following would heip mavried people regain each others’ trust? ‘A Empathy B Openness © Negotiation D Appreciation Read the information below and use it to answer question 23. ‘ld gil from Tiotio School She hi a 17 year Te eal aot until she is married from sexual activ What benefit is Teto likely to derive from her decision? vc excellence (tossed evel fey IRecased chances fprosperty Incest of popular amon Pee com> 24, 25, 26. 27. 28, 29. 190181 2 Which of the following is not a result of getting money by false pretence! A Economic empowerment B Psychological trauma © Legal prosecution D Loss of identity Which ofthe folowing factors may lead to involvement of children in the abuse of drugs? A Parental guidance B Role modelling © Education D Maturity Capital punishment in Botswana is used as a way of upholding the right to ‘A recognition everywhere as a person before the law. B freedom of opinion and expression, C _iife, liberty and security D freedom of movement. Socialisation in Botswana traditional families resulted in girls ‘A taking an upper role in issues of sexuality, B being reserved and submissive. C being in leadership positions. D_ making good career choices. Which of the following human rights violations cannot move mass numbers of people from their homes? A Xenophobia B Genocide Arson’ D Rape Read the information below and use it to answer question 29. Bob is the procurement officer in a company. He has a habit of destroying tender documents from companies which do not give him money for personal use. He only shortlists those that give him money. What is the name of the practice which Bob is engaged in? A Fraud B Bribery —_Nepotism D Patriotism 30. at. 32. 33. 34, What are. are the moral implications of using tobacco by children under the age of 16? A Inere B _ ereased employment opportunities _pananced academic performance g ‘velopment of chronic ilinesses Reduced parental care How can a company that aims at making high profit benefit the employees? S a increasing salaries for employees & By promoting competition amongst the employees S __ BY producing more goods and forcing emplayses to work overtime By changing the company policy to allow the employees to retire early ‘Which of the following behaviours show lack of emotional maturity? ‘A Walking away from an angry friend B Influencing a spouse to turn away from relatives C Attending a business meeting with shareholders Organising campaigns to discuss community issues Which of the following is a sign of suicidal tendency in children? ‘A Garrying out household chores B Lapse in personal hygiene Success in academic work Having free interaction Read the information below and use it to answer question 34. __ ir Chad was facing a charge of capital punishment for murder. He Mceped the punishment folowing last minute evidence which Showed that the victim was armed and aggressive Mr Chad escaped capital punishment because he was of old age. ‘mentally retarded ‘a fist time offender. ‘acting in self-defence. ooe> 35. 37. 38. Read the information below and use it to answer question 36. tise affecting Rains have been delayed and temperatures were on the both livestock and crops. 7 ‘What is the ikely effect ofthe climate change depicted in the scenario A Acid rain B Global warming C Soil degradation D Extinction of species Which of the following would not be attributed to child neglect? ‘A Loitering in the streets B_ Bullying of other children Performing well at schoo! D Suffering from deficiency diseases Read the information below and use it to answer question 37. “When you are walking down the streets people will be looking at you disrespectilly,” said a victim of teenage pregnancy. Which effect of teenage pregnancy is shown in the statement above? A Isolation B _Stigmatisation C Loss of education D Lack of resources Which of the following is a natural way of preventing pregnancy? Hormonal contraceptives Herbal remedies Rhythm method Barrier devices vom> 39. 40. Read the information below and use it to answer question 39. ‘The unborn are persons from the time of conception Which viewpoint of abortion Supports the argument expressed above? A Philosophical B Religious © Medical D Legal How can abortion affect the health of a woman? A Itcan improve fertility B _Itmay cause breast cancer. C It ean lead to poor eye sight. D _Itmay lead to mental disturbance. WAU BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 1972 Pong? October/November 2016 Marks: 60 Time: 2 Hours INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your examination number in the space previded above. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. All answers must be written in the spaces proviced. FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Questions [Marks Scored 7 2 : 1 4 5 6 Total Marks This queston paper contains 7 printed pages ina NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO ISO. ‘SECTION A (co Me) Read the information below and use it to answer question 1 (@). "My home language is Ikalanga. - Whenever | speak it in class my teacher punishes me, 4. (a) (State any two moral values that the learner is promoting by using his home language. @) (i) Give two advantages of using ist language in education (2) (b) (i) What is human trafficking? (2) (ii) Suggest two ways of preventing human trafficking, (2) (c) State two behaviors that can lead one to contract HIV/AIDS. (2) [10] — FS s6182 Re: 'ad the newspaper caption below and use it to answer question 2 (a). fa) (b) () (a) To date, 406 hou: the President's h ses have been donated, benefiting about 2 436 people in ‘ousing appeal 2 (Which Vision 2016 pillar is the above initiative aiming to achieve? a (i) Which Botswana National Principle is being promoted by the Presidential Housing Appeal?” a Give two roles that the media play in the society 2) Define heterosexuality. @ Explain any two consequences of teenage pregnancy on an individual a [19] 3 SECTION B Discuss any two moral obligations of the employer to the employees. (40 Marks) (10) lyto ‘Adopted from; Botswana Daily News, June 29 2018 4 Discuss two ways in which this environmental Problem can be addressed (10) 5. Evaluate any two moral implications of polygamy. (10) 196182 6 nines 6. Examine any two consequences of gender-based violence on women in Botswana, (10) BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 18/1 Paper 4 October/November 2017 Marks: 40 Time: 4 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided. 2, Four possible answers are given for each question, Select the Correct answer and fill the oval for that ansiver on your answer ee sheet "@2@eo Be sure to fill the ovals like this: — 2DOOe 3. If more than one oval is fled for a question it Erase completely answers that you change, DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet. aa 1@20@ 4, DO NOT mark the oval like this: a> | ODOR be marked wrong 3@2@OO +®@OCGO This question paper contains 9 erinter aman ‘Which of the following factors can be a barrier to interpersonal relationships? A Having tolerance B_ Being empathetic C Being trustworthy D Having prejudices ‘Which of the following moral actions is expected of church members? ‘A Participating in workers union demonstrations. B_ Campaigning for the rights of homosexuals C Investing money in small businesses D Giving food baskets to orphans Use the information below to answer question 3. Gaone and her friends bought school uniform for a young girl at Ramogamo Primary Schoo! Gaone and her friends demonstrated compassion at A global level. B social level C national level. D personal level. Why are moral values important in a society? ‘A They guide peoples’ behaviour. B_ They improve people's bargaining skills. They promote self-centredness in people. 1D They encourage people to copy foreign culture. ‘What is self-confidence? A The act of taking responsibilty for one’s own behaviour B The ability to relate well with peers C The ability to trust other people D The act of believing in oneself What is autonomy? The ability to make independent decisions Being able to make a plan for one's future Being able to respect the authority The ability to elect wise leaders voa> sere Rei ‘24 the information below and use it to answer questions 7 and 8. A. doctor hz Unfortursateh sane’, Patient who urgently needs an organ transplant ly there are no omens se ial’ However one ae te a grrinally il and dependent ona fe support machine The doctor {28 {© make a choice of whether to let the patient who needs an organ anspiant to die or switch off the life support machine on the terminally ill Patient and harvest the organs to use iton the one who needs a transplant Which of the following moral values are clashing for the doctor? A Desire to save life and loyalty to family B Purity of the body and loyalty to famiy Professional ethics and purity of the body D Professional ethics and desire to save life Which of the following skills is required to resolve the moral dilemma? A Decision making skill B Interpersonal skill C Budgeting ski! D Study skill Read the information below and use it to answer question 9. The Minister of Basic Education travelled around the country to enquire about the challenges in schools which contributed to the decline of JCE results, Which ethical principle is shown by the Minister's action? A Dignity B Discipline C Consultation D Development 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. Read the information below and use it to answer question 10. Molebi made a list of different career fields she had interest in. She researched from the intemet to learn about the careers offered then she selected a career she found appropriate. Which step in decision making process did Molebi omit? ‘A Identifying a problem B Collecting information © Assessing possible solutions Choosing the best alternative Which of the following Botswana national principles promotes social harmony? A Development B_ Self reliance C Democracy D Unity ‘Some insurance companies do not offer a life cover policy to people who are HIV positive ‘What kind of attitude is reflected by the companies towards HIV positive people? ‘A Impatience B Prejudice C Sympathy D Stereotype ‘Which of the following Botswana traditional practices increase the chance of transmitting HIV? ‘A Keeping the new-born baby in the house B__ Sending boys to go hunting © Marrying many wives D Paying of lobola, Dineo always shares her food with other children at schoo! ‘Which of the following character traits is shown by Dineo? A Kindness Courage B © Justice DB Unity 15. 16. v7. 18. 19. 20. Why is 'Y IS punishment applied to people who have committed crime? A Toit B Ta {Metease the work of crime prevention committees __Tolustity te reasons forthe cme § Te help victims to carry on with fe To rehabilitate the offenders ‘Which of the following is not an environmental issue? ‘A Depletion of resou oes B Land reclamation C Desertification © Drought fiat document is issued by the President of Botswana authorising elections to be A Referendum B Summons Cc Writ Dwi Which of the following is a responsibilty that goes with the right to nationality? A Registering to vote B Taking part in litter picking CC Bringing peace by report D Taking medication 3s recom mendes by the doctor Which of the following is an impact of child abandonment on children? ‘A Inability to bear children B Ability to manage emotions Ability to make informed decisions D Difficulty in forming long term retationships Which of the following factors may cause xenophobic attacks? Competition over resources Political party differences Gender biasness Cultural diversity com> tone 24. 22. 23. 24, 25. Read the information below and use it to answer question 21 ‘A car salesperson sold a used car without a performance warranty to the customer. Two months later the car broke down, and the customer retuned angrily to confront the salesperson and demanded a refund. They yelled at each other until the store manager intervened. How can the manager create a conducive environment for managing the conflict? ‘A By blaming the salesperson B__By dismissing both the customer and the salesperson © By being manipulative and making the customer feel guilty of buying the car D By working out a situation that benefits both the customer and the salesperson ‘Why is it important to fight corruption in Botswana? A To reduce employment opportunities B Toincrease skilled manpower © To promote economic growth D To reduce trade competition What is the effect of water shortage om human life? A Increased animal production B_ Reduced industrial production C Increased leaching of nutrients from the sci D Reduced occurrence of non-communicabie diseases ‘Which of the following is a likely effect of unemployment? ‘A Increased spending power B Decreased social outing Increased income tax D_ Decreased crime ‘What is the sexual practice that involves people of the same sex called? Chastity Bestiality Heterosexuality Homosexuality com> 26. 27. 23. Read th i @ information below and use it to answer question 26. Mr Rathhaga is mam ied to two wi THe does not have f wives who are unemployed. He a ful mej butrather works on par tne to prove ois fal ‘What is the possible economic implication onthe fail? Low standard of living High chances of cooperation Increased saving opportunities Low chances of getting divorced oom> Read the information below and use it to answer questions 27 and 26. ‘Ms Di Zivani is the second ex-wife tothe late Chief of Gundu Mr Zibani 2ibant After the death of her ex-husband, Ms Didi Zibani demanded that the Chiefs homestead in Gundu be given to her instead ofthe son from Zibani Ziban's first marriage. How could have Chief Zibani protected his son's inheritance? ‘A. By selling the property before he died B__ Byaallowing the relatives to carry out the distribution of wealth By writing a will explaining how his wealth should be distributed D By informing family members verbally on what each one would inherit ‘ale institution to deal with the problem? Which of the following is the appro A Court B School Church D Parliament What is the postion given to the person who has the responsibilty of eistributing the deceased's estate? A Adudge B An Executor C ARegistrar D ABeneficiary lowing is not an incentive for an employee? Which of the folk A Leave days 8 Basic salary C Leisure time 1 Medical benefits 34. Which of the following is an example of sexual harassment in the work place? ‘Shaking a co-worker's hand after an argument Attacking the credibility of a colleague's qualification Touching of a work mate's breasts by the supervisor ‘Sharing embarrassing information relating to a co-worker's previous work history com> to answer questions 32 and 33. Read the newspaper article below and us A ten year-old boy is accused of fatally stabbing his young friend with a kitchen knife. He is expected back in Court in a week, where attorneys will take the next step in determining how the unusual case will proceed ‘Nyasa time 26/08/14 32. Which of the following types of crime does the case above fall under? A Arson B Burglary C False imprisonment D Juvenile delinquency 33. What could be the benefit of trialling the case in normai courts? ‘A Honouring the families of the culprits B__ Ensuring that societal norms are respected Training young people to behave like adults D Encouraging the youth to be proud of themseives 34, Which of the following is a likely moral implication of divorce to the family? A The other spouse may live in poverty. B_ The family property may be vandalised. The children may excel in their school work. D The other spouse may be expelled from work. 35. Which of the following cannot be a long term consequence on a young girl who ‘commits abortion? A Infertility B Punishment © Anger by parents D__ Rejection by friends 36. What role does a modern school play in the moral development of a child? ‘A Ithelps in instilling cultural values. 8 It builds the platform for physical fitness. C It builds assertiveness in decision making, D__Ithelps in the transmission of family ethics, é * 37. 39. 40. ‘Wh ofthe following is 9 possibe reason for human trafficking? A Repatriation of itegalimmigran B Offering asym te retigen gon © Poverty eradication D Sexual exploitation Which of the following would Amnesty Intemational react to? ‘A Bad relations between countries 8 Denial of fair trial for suspects C Threats to animal rights D Lack of medical care Which ofthe following is one of the esponsibities of a business orgaisation tothe ‘community? ‘A Providing food for employees B Preparing national budget © Providing employment D Paying tax for citizens In which of the following situations does the constitution of Botswana allow abortion? ical bills ‘When the family cannot take care of medical bi ‘When the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother When the father refuses to take resconsibiy forthe child | When the mother wants to have a chance to continue with her studies ooa> BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION MORAL EDUCATION 108 ue October/November 2017 Marks: 60 Time: 2 Hours Candidate $A Full Names: Centre Number: [ c | Candidate Number: INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your full names and examination number in the spaces provided above. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. All’answers must be written in the spaces provided. FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Questions | Marks Scored SECTION A (20 Marta i nd (b). ‘Study the campaign poster below to answer questions 1(a) and (b). Say NO to XENOPHOBIA | siacucsroOrO (2) Give any two moral values which are promoted in the poster 2) (b) State two effects of xenophobia (2)| (c) State two reasons wh; bullying other stug aan ‘ents in school is an immoral (2) Use the information below to answer question 1(4). n't ke my face Pimples, pimples all over me. | wish |oould disappear. | do atall." said Neo it ation. (a) Suggest two ways of helping Neo to cope with the situ (©) Define paedophita v2) (2) [10] exrore | 2. Use the information below to answer question 2(a)- | the police | ‘Thare are some media reports that many women do not report fo the Pe! | | after they have been raped, ee a ‘| jling to report (2) (0) Give two possible reasons why women could be failing t0 report the cases, i (i) State two ways in which women could be helped out to repor these | cases ia | (©) (i) Define business ethics, | Q) (ii) Explain one importance of observing ethics in a business. (©) Give any two cura practices used to help an inert couple to | rave enfaren (2)| 19) (Rai enact ta SECTION B. (40 Marks) 3. Discuss any two wi to ‘ays that can help an individual infected with HIV/AIDS live positively. (19) 4, jeath penalty. Botswana rejected pleas from the UNHRC to abolish ie 3 Position Botswana Discuss two moral issues that may arise as a rest! adopted. (10)| evanners ts 5. Eval uate the influence of any two agents of change on people's moral behaviour (19) 6. Examine any two moral solutions to child abandonment. (10)} AUVUMALINIIONN BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION 18/1 MORAL EDUCATION eae October/November 2014 ae Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1, Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided, 2. Four possible answers are given for each question. Select the correct answer and fil the oval for that answer on your answer sheet, : Ee Be sure tl the ovals ike this <=> 3. If more than one oval is filed for a question it will be marked wrong Erase completely answers that you change. DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet. 4, DO NOT mark the oval like this: —====p> mr | 1. Bonolo has @ tendency of using bad words when talking to others. | Which of the following qualities describes Bonolo’s character? A High level of assertiveness | 3 Good communication skis © Poor interpersonal skills D Low self confidence | 2. In what way can an individual show appreciation oftheir culture? A By listening to different music B By learning other languages C By accepting intermarriages D By cooking traditional foods Read the information below and use it to answer question 3. Kimpie is HIV positive and because of her family’s religious background, her parents will not allow her to take ARVs. However, she went ahead and enrolled for Masa programme. 3. Which two moral values are conflicting as a result of Kimpie's situation? ‘A Perseverance and independence B Acceptance and perseverance CC __ Independence and obedience D Obedience and acceptance 4, Which of the following attributes is a benefit of emotional inteligence during he adolescence stage? A Self-centredness B _ Self-awareness C _ Self-absorption D — Selt-interest Use the information below to answer question 5. Wr Porale made f clear to his daughter Mmaletsatsi that he does not want 10 get reports of misconduct from her teachers 5. Mr Porate's warning is likely to make Mmaletsatsi to be A submissive. B defensive. stubborn D bold BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL | JuMIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION 2 MORAL EDUCATION ia Paper 2 October/November 2014 Marks: 60 Time: 2 Hours Candidate's Examination Number: INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your examination number inthe space provided above. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. All answers must be written in the spaces provides. FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Questions | marks Scored Total Marks “Fins question paper contains 72 printed pages. no NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD T@BO SO. z - SECTION A (20 Marks) | (Give two levels at which moral values can be applied @) (i) What is a moral dilemma? (2) Read the information below and use it to answer question 1 (b) Tinao finally realised what her problem was. She then sat down and | gathered as much information as she could on the problem. (b) How would the step taken by Tinao assist her in decision making? (2) Read the information below and use it to answer question 1 (c) in Thabo’ progress epon his clas eacher made a common Wer Ougy] ond that he was a disorganised student who never submitted his work on mee TIne class teacher advised that he should develop a plan to ongunae himself | (c) Suggest two activities which Thabo can include in his plan. @ (2) rd - examine 3) C) (4) What is the value of social ustice in the society? (2) (10) | Read the statement below and use it to answer question 2 (a). | “Lame is always quiet, one can never know if she is happy or hurting.” | (2) How can Lame’s characier affect her relationship with others? @ (b) Explain one role played by fathers in the moral development of children. | ° 4 Read the following information and use it to answer question 2 (c) Kamo is a 13 year old girl who has developed pimples all over her face This condition is making her shy. LPO I ee (©) Suggest three ways that can help Kamo to regain her self-esteem (3) (d) State two forms of cruelty to animals within the farming industry. @ (i (2) (10) aa . ~ SECTION B cue Read the information below and use it to answer question 3. Malutu has been in a coma for over a year, folowing a car accident that left Net unconscious. Doctors have advised the family to switch off the life Suppo! Machine, However, Malutu's family has decided that it was best to leave the Machine on for as long as it would take. 3. Evaluate two moral issues that may arise from the decision taken by Malutu's family, i 4+ Discuss two moral implications of genetic engineering 9 5. Discuss two reasons why itis a moral obligation to pay tax. sperez evariners ._—_ - " Reade information below and answer question 6. ‘and video “Ghoul the world regulary use the internet, cell phones TEEN gather information or communicce ath ach other, adolescents, ray arise from the us rretwork media by al ise tr se of social cer a * ie

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