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Exam 1 Material

BIO 216 SI Session #2

Elena Igic
Learning Objectives
At the end of today’s session students should be able to…
● Distinguish between chromosomes/chromatids in meiosis and the stages of the ovarian cycle
● Explain the electrical and chemical steps (fast and slow block) that occur at sperm-egg fusion.
● Compare the early embryonic development of sea urchins, frogs, birds and humans.

I. Review
Not all species have 46 chromosomes like humans. For instance, dogs have 78 chromosomes
in diploid cells. Given this information, answer the following. (Hint: 2n=78)

a. How many pairs of chromosomes do dogs have in their somatic cells?

b. How many chromosomes and chromatids are present after duplication in interphase?

c. How many chromosomes and chromatids are in their gametes?

Ovarian Cycle:
Emma, a 12 year old girl, has been complaining of stomach pain and cramping for the past day.
Her father brought her to the ER after she began experiencing heavy bleeding. The doctor
informs Emma that she is menstruating.
a. Draw out the feedback system for the menstrual cycle.

b. The doctor could prescribe Emma a drug containing which hormones to help stop her
periods in the future? (Hint: look at your above answer)
Exam 1 Material

c. What stage of the ovarian cycle is Emma in right now? What else occurs in this phase?

II. Fertilization
Sea Urchin
a. Place the terms in the box below under their fertilization step and briefly define each

Recognition at a Contact recognition Egg and sperm Blocks to Egg activation

distance and binding fusion polyspermy
Exam 1 Material

b. Match the following molecules released during the cortical reaction to their definitions.

c. What are the main differences between fertilization in sea urchins and mammals?

III. Early Development

A. General Development
1. Define the blastula, blastocyst, and blastocoel.
a. Blastula

b. Blastocyst

c. Blastocoel

2. True or False: The blastula starts to transcribe zygote genes immediately.

3. What is the purpose of the blastocoel?

4. GENERALLY list the end “products” of each layer:

a. Ectoderm:

b. Mesoderm:

c. Endoderm:
Exam 1 Material

5. Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent/totipotent/pluripotent.

6. In spiral cleavage, the blastopore becomes the ___________. In radial cleavage, the
blastopore becomes the _________.
7. Cleavage
a. Which type of cleavage is which in the following images? Describe both and
mention some species that follow each one.

B. Frog early development

1. The __________________ contains the yolk.

2. The sperm always enter at the _________________This entry point marks where
__________________ will initiate.

3. The ______________________marks the future dorsal side.

4. The frog embryo follows __________________cleavage.

5. Gastrulation is initiated by _____________________formation.

C. Sea Urchin early development:

1. Which gastrulation layer are filopodia a part of, and what role do they play in
Exam 1 Material

2. Describe how invagination of the vegetal plate leads to formation of the digestive tube
and therefore the gastrula.

D. Chick early development:

1. What does the epiblast form? What about hypoblast? What does it do?

2. The primitive streak forms along the A-P/D-V/M-L axis.

E. Human Early development

1. State the Fates!

a. ICM →

b. Epiblast →

c. Hypoblast →

d. Trophoblast → →

e. amnion/allantois/chorion →

2. Label the 4 extraembryonic membranes

Exam 1 Material

3. A sac-like structure involved in nutrition and excretion, contains blood vessels, and
participates in gas exchange between mom and embryo is the ____________.

4. What is the purpose of the yolk sac?

5. Order the placental layers from closest to furthest from the embryo

6. Human gastrulation occurs approximately ______ days after fertilization.

IV. Multiple Choice

1. When does a reduction in chromosome number occur during

a. After prophase I
b. After anaphase II
c. After metaphase II
d. After anaphase I

2. What is a similarity between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

a. Both processes produce polar bodies
b. Both processes are influenced by the secretion of GnRH from the
c. Both processes take around two months to produce mature gametes
d. Both processes occur continuously

3. The fate for particular cells to become primordial germ cells is determined …
a. During puberty/sexual maturation
b. During gastrulation
c. During childbirth
d. Both a and b

Suggestions for Future Study Practice

1. Look at the document of development terms on Canvas (under Topic 2: Development) and make
2. Review the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis
3. Repetition is key!

● Next Session: Thursday, Sept. 14th 7:00pm-8:30pm
● Exam 1 on Monday, September 18th!
● Email us with questions &
Exam 1 Material

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