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CIR v La Flor De La Isabela GR 211289, Held:

January 14, 2019 1. Yes, the prescriptive period under

Section 203 of the NIRC applies to EWT
Facts: and WTC assessments.

La Flor dela Isabela, Inc. (La Flor) is a domestic Yes, La Flor’s EWT and WTC assessments for
corporation duly organized and existing under 2005 were barred by prescription.
Philippine Law. It filed monthly returns for the
EWT and WTC for CY 2005. On 9/3/2008, Withholding taxes are internal revenue taxes
2/16/2009, and 12/2/2009, it executed Waivers covered by Section 203 of the NIRC.
of the Statute of Limitations. On 1/7/2010, it
received four Formal Letters of Demand and SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon
Final Assessment Notices (FANs), all dated Assessment and Collection. – Except as
12/17/2009. On 1/15/2010, it filed its Letter of provided in Section 222, internal revenue taxes
Protest contesting the assessment notices. shall be assessed within three (3) years after the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) last day prescribed by law for the filing of the
return, and no proceeding in court without
On 7/20/2010, it issued the Final Decision on assessment for the collection of such taxes shall
Disputed Assessment (FDDA) involving the be begun after the expiration of such period:
alleged deficiency withholding taxes in the Provided, That in case where a return is filed
aggregate amount of P6,835,994.76. beyond the period prescribed by law, the three
(3)-year period shall be counted from the day
CTA Third Division Decision the return was filed. For purposes of this
Section, a return filed before the last day
In its 8/3/2012 Decision, it ruled in favor of La prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be
Flor and cancelled the deficiency tax considered as filed on such last day. (Emphasis
assessments against it. supplied)

It ruled that based on the dates when La Flor Under the existing withholding tax system, the
filed its returns for EWT and WTC, the CIR had withholding agent retains a portion of the
until 2/15/2008 to 3/1/2009 to issue an amount received by the income earner. In turn,
assessment pursuant to the three-year the said amount is credited to the total income
prescriptive period under Section 203 of the tax payable in transactions covered by the EWT.
NIRC. The Waivers entered into by the CIR and On the other hand, in cases of income payments
La Flor did not effectively extend the prescriptive subject to WTC and Final Withholding Tax, the
period for the issuance of the tax assessments. amount withheld is already the entire tax to be
CTA En Banc Decision paid for the particular source of income. Thus, it
can readily be seen that the payee is the
In its 9/30/2013 Decision, it affirmed the taxpayer, the person on whom the tax is
Decision of the CTA Division. It ruled that the imposed, while the payor, a separate entity, acts
EWT and WTC assessments were barred by as the government’s agent for the collection of
prescription. The 9/3/2008 and 12/2/2009 the tax in order to ensure its payment.
Waivers were inadmissible because they were
never offered in evidence. Further, the 2/16/2009 Thus, withholding tax assessments such as
Waiver was defective because it failed to comply EWT and WTC clearly contemplate deficiency
with RMO No. 20-90 as it did not specify the internal revenue taxes. Their aim is to collect
kind and amount of tax involved. unpaid income taxes and not merely to impose a
penalty on the withholding agent for its failure to
Issues: comply with its statutory duty.
THE NIRC APPLIES TO EWT AND In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Systems
WTC ASSESSMENTS. Technology Institute, Inc., the Court ruled that
2. WHETHER LA FLOR’S EWT AND WTC waivers extending the prescriptive period of tax
ASSESSMENTS FOR 2005 WERE assessments must be compliant with RMO No.
20-90 and must indicate the nature and amount
of the tax due.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.

The September 30, 2013 Decision and the

February 10, 2014 Resolution of the Court of
Tax Appeals En Banc in CTA EB No. 951 are
PSE vs Secretary of Finance, GR 213860, silence in constitutional litigation of such
July 5, 2022 special interest groups in our nation
such as the American Civil Liberties
Union in the United States may also be
FACTS construed as a hindrance for customers
to bring suit.
This is a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition 2. No, the question regulations are void for
assailing the constitutionality of Revenue being unconstitutional.
Regulations No. (RR) 1-2014 2 (RR 1- 2014), Prior to the enactment of RR 1-2014 and the
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 5-14 3 questioned regulations, whenever there is a
(RMC 5-2014), and the SEC Memorandum dividend declaration on the stocks listed with the
Circular No. 10-2014 4 (SEC MC 10-2014). PSE, the listed company, as withholding agent,
reports this taxable event to the BIR and may
Under RR 1-2014, withholding agents are now lump the payees into one account (such as
required to submit a digital copy of the alphalist "PCD nominee," "Various Payees," or "Others.")
of their employees and payees. It requires There is no disclosure of the personal
submission of the tax identification number (TIN) information of the investors. The broker then
and the complete name of the payees, together files the required tax return and attachments, as
with the corresponding amount of income and well as remit the tax due. Subsequently, the
withholding tax. PCD nominee forwards the net dividend
payments to the brokers, who then distribute
Then the Securities and Exchange Commission them accordingly to their investor clients. Under
(SEC) followed suit and issued SEC MC RR 1-2014, the withholding agent now cannot
10-2014. It directs the Philippine Depository and list down PCD Nominees as payees and must
Trust Corporation (PDTC) and broker dealers to disclose all its principals including their personal
provide the listed companies or their transfer information in the alphalist whenever there is a
agents an alphalist of all depository account dividend declaration. The Court noted that even
holders and the total shareholdings in each of without the disclosure of the personal
the accounts and sub-accounts.Failure to information, the BIR is able to collect withholding
comply with these issuances will result to taxes due from dividend income.
imposition of administrative and penal sanctions.
The issuance of the questioned regulations
ISSUE violated due process

1. Whether or not the petitioners have legal The general rule is that administrative
standing. regulations must comply with the requirements
2. Whether or not the questioned regulations are of the Administrative Code of 1987 69 on prior
valid. notice, hearing, and publication for validity. Here,
the Court finds that the questioned regulations
RULING are not mere interpretative issuances; they are
legislative in nature that change, if not increase,
1. Yes, the petitioners have legal standing. the burden of those governed. Notice and
There is no quibble that petitioners' hearing are thus required for their validity.
businesses directly rely on the
patronage of their investors whose The questioned regulations violate the right
investing activities appear to be directly to privacy
affected by the assailed issuances. In
addition, there is a likelihood that Ople mandates the application of the strict
petitioners will suffer an "injury-in-fact" scrutiny test in approaching government actions
because under the questioned that are alleged to be violative of a fundamental
regulations, they will be subject to penal right, including the right to privacy. Government
and administrative sanctions in case of bears the burden to show and prove that its
noncompliance. This gives them a action serves a compelling state interest and is
"sufficiently concrete interest" in the narrowly drawn to prevent abuses. It can be
outcome of the issue in dispute. As argued that the questioned regulations serve a
stated in White Light, "the relative compelling state interest: the effective and
proper collection of taxes. However, the Court
finds that the second requirement was not met.
The questioned regulations were not narrowly
drawn to prevent abuses. Respondents failed to
present any evidence to show and prove that the
questioned regulations were narrowly drawn as
the "least restrictive means for effecting the
invoked interest." The State must show an active
effort in showing the inefficacy of all possible
alternatives; this is to assure that the chosen
course of action is the sole effective means. 89
This can be supported through sound data
gathering, 90 which respondents failed to do or
show in the instant case.

The SEC Chairperson had no authority to

issue SEC MC 10-2014 and The Secretary of
Finance and the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, in including the prohibition on the
use of "PCD Nominee" in RR 1-2014 and
RMC 5-2014, acted outside their scope of

The Court cannot subscribe to this action of the

SEC. The SEC cannot use its rule-making
power to order compliance with a tax regulation
that is outside its ambit. It cannot require
submission of information for purposes not
covered by the provision. To reiterate, the DOF
and the BIR are the primary agencies
responsible for the enforcement of tax laws.
Nothing in the Tax Code states that the DOF, in
implementing tax laws, and the BIR may
regulate the operation of exchanges and
investor relations. In prohibiting the use of PCD
Nominees as payees in the alphalist for
withholding of taxes, the DOF and the BIR
essentially probed into a field that is outside
taxation. It is a field under securities and is
within the ambit of the SEC. In fine, the Court
declares all assailed issuances — RR 1-2014,
RMC 5- 2014, and SEC MC 10-2014 — void for
being unconstitutional.
CIR vs PNB, GR 212699, March 13, 2019 ISSUE: W/N presentation of the subsequent
Quarterly ITRs (for 2006) is indispensable to the
FACTS: claim of refund.
■ April 17, 2006: PNB electronically
filed its Annual Income Tax Return HELD:
(ITR) for taxable year 2005 with
attachments dated February 12, NO. CTA correctly ruled that there is nothing
2007, June 22, 2007, and March 10, under the NIRC that requires the submission of
2008, which were received by the the Quarterly ITRs of the succeeding taxable
CIR on February 22, 2007, June 25, year in a claim for refund. Even the BIR's own
2007, and March 13, 2008, regulations do not provide for such requirement.
■ PNB filed its claim for refund or ■ Winebrenner & Iñigo Insurance
issuance of tax credit certificate of Brokers, Inc. v. Commissioner of
its excess CWT in the amount of Internal Revenue (GR No. 206526,
P74,598,430.47 January 28, 2015): presentation of
■ Due to the CIR's inaction to the said the claimant's quarterly returns is
claim, PNB filed a petition for review not a requirement to prove
for its claim on April 11, 2008 before entitlement to the refund.
the CTA. ■ Republic v. Team Energy (Phils.)
■ CTA Third Division: Denied the Corporation (G.R. No. 188016,
petition for review and Motion for January 14, 2015)
Reconsideration (MR). PNB's ■ BIR ought to have its own
evidence to be insufficient to copies, originals at that, of
support its claim for refund or the the claimant's quarterly
issuance of a tax credit certificate. returns on file, on the basis
Presentation of PNB's Annual ITR of which it could have easily
for 2006 is not enough to prove that rebut the claim that the
it did not carry over the claimed excess or unutilized CWT
excess or unutilized CWT to the sought for refund were
subsequent quarters of 2006 and carried over to the
that succeeding Quarterly ITRs is immediately succeeding
vital to its claim for refund. taxable quarters. Failure to
■ CTA En Banc: Affirmed CTA 3rd present such document
Division but reversed and granted during the trial is fatal
PNB’s MR as PNB complied with all against the BIR's case
the requisites for the filing of such rather than the claimant's.
claim: 1. Within the 2-year ■ It bears stressing that the power to
prescription period 2. Income decide matters concerning refunds
related to the CW formed part of of internal revenue taxes, among
taxable income as evidenced by others, is vested in the CIR. It has
documents presented: Original the duty to ascertain the veracity of
accounting tickets or input sheets; such claims and should not just wait
original deeds of and hope for the burden to fall on
absolute/conditional sale; general the claimant when the issue
ledgers for the years 1999 to 2006; reaches the court.
audited financial statements; and ■ Commissioner of Internal Revenue
ITRs for the years 1999 to 2006 3. v. PERF Realty Corporation (G.R.
Supported by original Certificates of NO. 163345, July 4, 2008):
Creditable Tax Withheld at Source ■ Duty of the CIR to verify
issued in the name of PNB and whether or not the claimant
dated within the calendar year 2005. had carried over its excess
It denied CIR’S MR. CWT
■ CIR filed a petition for review on ■ CTA's jurisdiction is
certiorari under Rule 45 appellate. In the exercise of
its authority to review, the
CTA cannot dictate what
particular evidence the
parties must present to
prove their respective
cases. The means of
ascertainment of a fact is
best left to the party that
alleges the same. The
court's power is limited only
to the appreciation of that
means pursuant to the
prevailing rules of evidence.
■ Despite PNB's failure to present at
the onset its Quarterly ITRs for
2006, its Annual ITR for 2006 is apt
and sufficient to show that no CWT
carry over was made in 2006.
■ Factual findings of the CTA when
supported by substantial evidence,
will not be disturbed on appeal.
CIR vs PNB, GR 180290, September 29, 2014 On January 30, 2007, the Court of Tax Appeals
First Division rendered a decision in favor of
Facts: respondent

In several transactions including but not limited Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was
to the sale of real properties, lease and subsequently denied for lack of merit in the First
commissions, [respondent] allegedly earned Division's resolution dated May 30, 2007.
income and paid the corresponding income On appeal, the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc
taxes due which were collected and remitted by sustained the First Division's ruling.
various payors as withholding agents to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR") during the Issue:
taxable year 2000. Whether respondent's claim for refund of
unutilized excess creditable withholding taxes
On April 18, 2001, [respondent] filed its tentative amounting to P23,762,347.83 were duly
income tax return for taxable year 2000 which [it] supported by valid certificates of creditable tax
subsequently amended on July 25, 2001. withheld at source

[Respondent] filed again an amended income Ruling:

tax return for taxable year 2000 on June 20,
2002, declaring no income tax liability . . . as it These issues require a review, examination,
incurred a net loss in the amount of evaluation, or weighing of the probative value of
P11,318,957,602.00 and a gross loss of evidence presented, especially the withholding
P745,713,454.00 from its Regular Banking Unit tax certificates, which this court does not have
("RBU")... transactions. However, [respondent] the jurisdiction to do, barring the presence of
had a 10% final income tax liability of any exceptional circumstance, as it is not a trier
P210,364,280.00 on taxable income of of facts.
P1,959,931,182.00 earned from its Foreign
Currency Deposit Unit ("FCDU") transactions for Besides, as pointed out by respondent,
the same year. Likewise, in the [same] return, petitioner did not object to the admissibility of the
[respondent]... reported a total amount of 622 withholding tax certificates when these were
P245,888,507.00 final and creditable withholding formally offered by respondent before the tax
taxes which was applied against the final income court.[17] Hence, petitioner is deemed to have
tax due of P210,364,280.00 leaving an admitted the... validity of these documents.[18]
overpayment of P35,524,227.00. Petitioner's "failure to object to the offered
evidence renders it admissible, and the court
In its second amended return, [respondent's] cannot, on its own, disregard such evidence.
income tax overpayment of P35,524,227.00
consisted of the balance of the prior year's At any rate, the Court of Tax Appeals First
(1999) excess credits of P9,057,492.00 to be Division and En Banc uniformly found that
carried-over as tax credit to the succeeding respondent has established its claim for refund
quarter/year and excess creditable withholding or issuance of a tax credit certificate for
taxes for... taxable year 2000 in the amount of unutilized excess creditable withholding taxes
P26,466,735.00 which [respondent] opted to be for the taxable year 2000 in the amount of
refunded. P23,762,347.83. The Court of Tax Appeals First
Division thoroughly passed upon the evidence
On November 11, 2002, [respondent] . . . filed a presented by respondent and the report of the
claim for refund or the issuance of a tax credit court-commissioned auditing firm, SGV & Co.
certificate in the amount of P26,466,735.40 for
the taxable year 2000 with the [BIR]. This court accords respect to the conclusion
reached by the Court of Tax Appeals and will not
Due to [BIR's] inaction on its administrative presumptuously set it aside absent any showing
claim, [respondent] appealed before [the Court of gross error or abuse on its part.
of Tax Appeals] by way of a Petition for Review
on April 11, 2003. The certificate of creditable tax withheld at
source[22] is the competent proof to establish
the fact that taxes are withheld.[23] It is not
necessary for the person who executed and penalties prescribed for perjury under the
prepared the certificate of creditable tax... Revised Penal Code.
withheld at source to be presented and to testify
personally to prove the authenticity of the Thus, upon presentation of a withholding tax
certificates. certificate complete in its relevant details and
with a written statement that it was made under
In Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank v. the penalties of perjury, the burden of evidence
Court of Appeals,[25] this court declared that a then shifts to the Commissioner of Internal
certificate is complete in the relevant details that Revenue to prove that (1) the certificate is... not
would aid the courts in the evaluation of any complete; (2) it is false; or (3) it was not issued
claim for refund of excess creditable regularly.
withholding... taxes:
Petitioner's posture that respondent is required
In fine, the document which may be accepted as to establish actual remittance to the Bureau of
evidence of the third condition, that is, the fact of Internal Revenue deserves scant consideration.
withholding, must emanate from the payor itself, Proof of actual remittance is not a condition to
and not merely from the payee, and must claim for a refund of unutilized tax credits.
indicate the name of the payor, the income Under Sections 57 and 58 of the 1997 National
payment basis of the tax withheld,... the amount Internal Revenue Code, as amended, it is the
of the tax withheld and the nature of the tax payor-withholding agent, and not the
paid. payee-refund claimant such as respondent, who
is vested with the responsibility of withholding
At the time material to this case, the requisite and remitting income taxes.
information regarding withholding taxes from the
sale of acquired assets can be found in BIR Finally, petitioner's allegation that the
Form No. 1743.1. As described in Section 6 of submission of the certificates of withholding
Revenue Regulations No. 6-85, BIR Form No. taxes before the Court of Tax Appeals was late
1743.1 is a written statement issued by the... is untenable. The samples of the withholding
payor as withholding agent showing the income tax certificates attached to respondent's
or other payments made by the said withholding comment bore the receiving stamp of the
agent during a quarter or year and the amount of Bureau of Internal Revenue's Large Taxpayers
the tax deducted and withheld therefrom. It Document Processing and Quality Assurance
readily identifies the payor, the income payment Division.[29] As observed by the Court of Tax
and the tax withheld. It is complete in... the Appeals En Banc, "[t]he Commissioner is in no
relevant details which would aid the courts in the position to assail the authenticity of the CWT
evaluation of any claim for refund of creditable certificates due to PNB's alleged... failure to
withholding taxes.[26] (Emphasis supplied, submit the same before the administrative level
citations omitted) since he could have easily directed the claimant
to furnish copies of these documents, if the
Moreover, as correctly held by the Court of Tax refund applied for casts him any doubt."[30]
Appeals En Banc, the figures appearing in the Indeed, petitioner's inaction prompted
withholding tax certificates can be taken at face respondent to... elevate its claim for refund to
value since these documents were executed the tax court.
under the penalties of perjury, pursuant to
Section 267 of the 1997 National Internal More importantly, the Court of Tax Appeals is not
Revenue Code, as amended, which reads: precluded from accepting respondent's evidence
assuming these were not presented at the
SEC. 267. Declaration under Penalties of administrative level. Cases filed in the Court of
Perjury. Any declaration, return and other Tax Appeals are litigated de novo.[31] Thus,...
statements required under this Code, shall, in respondent "should prove every minute aspect
lieu of an oath, contain a written statement that of its case by presenting, formally offering and
they are made under the penalties of perjury. submitting . . . to the Court of Tax Appeals [all
Any person who willfully... files a declaration, evidence] . . . required for the successful
return or statement containing information which prosecution of [its] administrative claim."[32]
is not true and correct as to every material WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
matter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the
Winebrenner & Iñigo Insurance Brokers, Inc. refund could be granted. In the CIR’s view, this
vs CIR, GR 206526, January 28, 2015 was in accordance with the irrevocability rule
under Section 76 of the NIRC which reads:

FACTS: SEC. 76. Final Adjustment Return. – Every

corporation liable to tax under Section 27 shall
On April 15, 2004, petitioner filed its Annual file an adjustment return covering the total
Income Tax Return for CY 2003. taxable income for the preceding calendar or
fiscal year. If the sum of the quarterly tax
About two years thereafter or on April 7, 2006, payments made during the said taxable year is
petitioner applied for the administrative tax not equal to the total tax due on the entire
credit/refund claiming entitlement to the refund taxable income of that year, the corporation shall
of its excess or unutilized CWT for CY 2003, by either:
filing BIR Form No. 1914 with the Revenue
District Office No. 50 of the Bureau of Internal (A) Pay the balance of tax still due; or
Revenue (BIR). There being no action taken on (B) Carry-over the excess credits; or
the said claim, a petition for review was filed by (C) Be credited or refunded with the excess
petitioner before the CTA on April 11, 2006. The amount paid, as the case may be.
case was docketed as CTA Case No. 7440 and
was raffled to the Special First Division (CTA In case the corporation is entitled to a tax credit
Division). On April 13, 2010, CTA Division or refund of the excess estimated quarterly
partially granted petitioner’s claim for refund of income taxes paid, the excess amount shown on
excess and unutilized CWT for CY 2003 in the its final adjustment return may be carried over
reduced amount of ₱2,737,903.34 in its April 13, and credited against the estimated quarterly
2010 Decision (original decision). The income tax liabilities for the taxable quarters of
dispositive portion of the decision reads: the succeeding taxable years. Once the option
to carry-over and apply the excess quarterly
In view of the foregoing, the Petition for Review income tax against income tax due for the
is hereby PARTIALLY GRANTED. Accordingly, taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable years
respondent is hereby ORDERED to REFUND or has been made, such option shall be considered
ISSUE A TAX CREDIT CERTIFICATE in favor of irrevocable for that taxable period and no
the petitioner in the reduced amount of application for cash refund or issuance of a tax
₱2,737,903.34 representing its excess/unutilized credit certificate shall be allowed therefor.
creditable withholding taxes for the year 2003.
On July 27, 2011, the CTA-Division reversed
SO ORDERED. itself. In an Amended Decision, it denied the
entire claim of petitioner. It reasoned out that
Petitioner filed a Motion for Partial petitioner should have presented as evidence its
Reconsideration with Leave to Submit first, second and third quarterly ITRs for the year
Supplemental Evidence. It prayed that an 2004 to prove that the unutilized CWT being
amended decision be issued granting the claimed had not been carried over to the
entirety of its claim for refund, or in the succeeding quarters. Thus:
alternative, that it be allowed to submit and offer
relevant documents as supplemental evidence. WHEREFORE,in view of the foregoing,
Respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue petitioner’s Motion for Partial Reconsideration is
(CIR) also moved for reconsideration, praying hereby DENIED while respondent’s Motion for
for the denial of the entire amount of refund Reconsideration is hereby GRANTED.
because petitioner failed to present the quarterly Accordingly, the Decision dated April 13, 2010
Income Tax Returns (ITRs) for CY 2004. To the granting petitioner’s claim in the reduced amount
CIR, the presentation of the 2004 quarterly ITRs of ₱2,737,903.34 is hereby REVERSED AND
was indispensable in proving petitioner’s SET ASIDE. Consequently, the instant Petition
entitlement to the claimed amount because it for Review is hereby DENIEDdue to insufficiency
would prove that no carry-over of unutilized and of evidence.
excess CWT for the four (4) quarters of CY 2003
to the succeeding four (4) quarters of CY 2004
was made. In the absence of said ITRs, no
ISSUE: WON THE PRESENTATION OF taxable year. It does not say that to prove such a
QUARTERLY ITR OF THE SUCCEEDING fact, succeeding quarterly ITRs are absolutely

HELD: NO. Requiring that the ITR or the FAR of This simply underscores the rule that any
the succeeding year be presented to the BIR in document, other than quarterly ITRs may be
requesting a tax refund has no basis in law and used to establish that indeed the non-carry over
jurisprudence. clause has been complied with, provided that
such is competent, relevant and part of the
First, Section 76 of the Tax Code does not records. The Court is thus not prepared to make
mandate it. The law merely requires the filing of a pronouncement as to the indispensability of
the FAR for the preceding – not the succeeding the quarterly ITRs in a claim for refund for no
– taxable year. Indeed, any refundable amount court can limit a party to the means of proving a
indicated in the FAR of the preceding taxable fact for as long as they are consistent with the
year may be credited against the estimated rules of evidence and fair play. The means of
income tax liabilities for the taxable quarters of ascertainment of a fact is best left to the party
the succeeding taxable year. However, nowhere that alleges the same. The Court’s power is
is there even a tinge of a hint in any provisions limited only to the appreciation of that means
of the [NIRC] that the FAR of the taxable year pursuant to the prevailing rules of evidence. To
following the period to which the tax credits are stress, what the NIRC merely requires is to
originally being applied should also be sufficiently prove the existence of the non-carry
presented to the BIR. over of excess CWT in a claim for refund.

Second, Section 5 of RR 12-94, amending It goes without saying that the annual ITR
Section 10(a) of RR 6-85, merely provides that (including any other proof that may be sufficient
claims for refund of income taxes deducted and to the Court)can sufficiently reveal whether carry
withheld from income payments shall be given over has been made in subsequent quarters
due course only (1) when it is shown on the ITR even if the petitioner has chosen the option of
that the income payment received is being tax credit or refund inthe immediately 2003
declared part of the taxpayer’s gross income; annual ITR. Section 76 of the NIRC requires a
and (2) when the fact of withholding is corporation to file a Final Adjustment Return (or
established by a copy of the withholding tax Annual ITR) covering the total taxable income
statement, duly issued by the payor to the for the preceding calendar or fiscal year. The
payee, showing the amount paid and the income total taxable income contains the combined
tax withheld from that amount. income for the four quarters of the taxable year,
as well as the deductions and excess tax credits
It has been submitted that Philam cannot be carried over in the quarterly income tax returns
cited as a precedent to hold that the for the same period.If the excess tax credits of
presentation of the quarterly income tax return is the preceding year were deducted, whether in
not indispensable as it appears that the quarterly whole or in part, from the estimated income tax
returns for the succeeding year were presented liabilities of any of the taxable quarters of the
when the petitioner therein filed an succeeding taxable year, the total amount of the
administrative claim for the refund of its excess tax credits deducted for the entire taxable year
taxes withheld in 1997. should appear in the Annual ITR under the item
“Prior Year’s Excess Credits.” Otherwise, or if
It appears however that there is the tax credits were carried over to the
misunderstanding in the ruling of the Court in succeeding quarters and the corporation did not
Philam. That factual distinction does not negate report it in the annual ITR, there would be a
the proposition that subsequent quarterly ITRs discrepancy in the amounts of combined income
are not indispensable. The logic in not requiring and tax credits carried over for all quarters and
quarterly ITRs of the succeeding taxable years the corporation would end up shouldering a
to be presented remains true to this day. What bigger tax payable. It must be remembered that
Section 76 requires, just like in all civil cases, is taxes computed in the quarterly returns are
to prove the prima facie entitlement to a claim, mere estimates. It is the annual ITR which
including the fact of not having carried over the shows the aggregate amounts of income,
excess credits to the subsequent quarters or deductions, and credits for all quarters of the
taxable year. It is the final adjustment return
which shows whether a corporation incurred a
loss or gained a profit during the taxable quarter.
Thus, the presentation of the annual ITR would
suffice in proving that prior year’s excess credits
were not utilized for the taxable year in order to
make a final determination of the total tax due.
Rhombus Energy, Inc. vs CIR, GR 206362, On November 27, 2006, Rhombus filed its
August 1, 2018 Quarterly Income Tax Return for the third quarter
of taxable year 2006 showing prior year's excess
SUMMARY: The Court upheld the tax refund in credits of P1,500,653.00.
favor of Rhomubs, on the ground of the
irrevocability rule On December 29, 2006, Rhombus filed with the
Revenue Region No. 8 an administrative claim
DOCTRINE: The irrevocability rule is enunciated for refund of its alleged excess/unutilized CWT
in Section 76 of the National Internal Revenue for the year 2005 in the amount of
Code (NIRC), viz . P1,500,653.00.

Once the option to carry over and apply the On April 2, 2007, Rhombus filed its Annual
excess quarterly income tax against income tax Income Tax Return for taxable year 2006
due for the taxable years of the succeeding showing prior year's excess credits of P0.00.
taxable years has been made, such option shall
be considered irrevocable for that taxable period On December 7, 2007, pending CIR’s action on
and no application for cash refund or issuance of Rhombus's claim for refund or issuance of a tax
a tax credit certificate shall be allowed therefor. credit certificate of its excess/unutilized CWT for
the year 2005 and before the lapse of the period
It is relevant to mention the requisites for for filing an appeal,Rhombus filed a Petition for
entitlement to the refund as listed in Republic v. Review to the CTA, whose First Division granted
Team (Phils.)Energy Corporation, to wit: such petition.

1. That the claim for refund was filed within the CTA en banc reversed.
two-year reglementary period pursuant to
Section 229 of the NIRC; ISSUE: WoN Rhombus has proved its
entitlement to the refund.
2. When it is shown on the ITR that the income
payment received is being declared part of the HELD: YES. The CTA En Banc thereby
taxpayer's gross income; and misappreciated the fact that Rhombus had
already exercised the option for its unutilized
3. When the fact of withholding is established by creditable withholding tax for the year 2005 to be
a copy of the withholding tax statement, duly refunded when it filed its annual ITR for the
issued by the payor to the payee, showing the taxable year ending December 31, 2005. The
amount paid and income tax withheld from that irrevocability rule took effect when the option
amount. was exercised. In the case of Rhombus,
therefore, its marking of the box "To be
FACTS: refunded" in its 2005 annual ITR constituted its
exercise of the option, and from then
On April 17, 2006, Rhombus filed its Annual onwardsRhombus became precluded from
Income Tax Return ("ITR") for taxable year 200 carrying-over the excess creditable withholding
In said Annual ITR for taxable year 2005, tax. The fact that the prior year's excess credits
Rhombus indicated that its excess creditable were reported in its 2006 quarterly ITRs did not
withholding tax ("CWT") for the year 2005 was reverse the option to be refunded exercised in
"To be refunded". its 2005 annual ITR. As such, the CTA En Banc
erred in applying the irrevocability rule against
On May 29, 2006, Rhombus filed its Quarterly Rhombus
Income Tax Return for the first quarter of taxable
year2006 showing prior year's excess credits of NOTES: The SC REINSTATES the CA First
P1,500.653.00. Division decision, and DIRECTS the
Commissioner of the Bureauof Internal Revenue
On August 25, 2006, Rhombus filed its Quarterly to refund to or to issue a tax credit certificate in
Income Tax Return for the second quarter of favor of petitioner Rhombus Energy, Inc. inthe
taxable year 2006 showing prior year's excess amount of P1,500,653.00 representing excess
credits of P1,500,653.00. creditable withholding tax for the year 2005.
CIR vs PBCom, GR 211348, February 23, credit/refund to be maintained is that a claim of
2022 refund or credit has been filed before the CIR;
there is no mention in the law that the claim
PBCOM is entitled to a tax credit/refund of its before the CIR should be acted upon first before
CWT in the amount of P4,624,554.63. The a judicial claim may be filed.
requisites for claiming a tax credit or a refund of
CWT are as follows: 1) the claim must be filed
within the two-year period from the date of
payment of the tax; 2) it must be shown on the
return that the income received was declared as
part of the gross income; and 3) the fact of
withholding must be established by a copy of a
statement duly issued by the payor to the payee
showing the amount paid and the amount of the
tax withheld.

PBCOM filed the present claim within the

two-year prescriptive period, satisfying the first
requirement. They also complied with the last
two requirements as to the amount which is
verified by the CTA to have been included in the
former’s General Ledger and Annual Income Tax
Return for taxable year 2006, and supported by
the required Certificates of Creditable Tax
Withheld at Source.

The failure in proving an administrative claim for

a CWT refund/credit dues does not preclude the
filing of the judicial claim for the same.

The taxpayer filed a petition with the CTA

praying for the issuance of a TCC for its
excess/unutilized CWT for the year 2006. It
alleged that the said petition was filed due to the
inaction of the CIR on the former’s claim for a
TCC. On the other hand, the BIR argued that the
taxpayer’s claim for the issuance of a TCC is in
a nature of a refund and thus subject to the
administrative examination of the BIR. It further
argued that the taxpayer failed to fully comply
with the requirements for the administrative
claim for CWT refund/credit, hence the judicial
claim with the CTA was premature.

The Supreme Court affirmed the CTA En Banc’s

ruling that the failure of the taxpayer to comply
with the requirements of its administrative claim
for refund/credit does not preclude its judicial
claim. A judicial claim for tax credit/refund CWT
is independent from its administrative
counterpart as implied in Section 204(C) and
229 of the Tax Code which require that both
administrative and judicial claims to be filed
within the same two-year prescriptive period.
With reference to Section 229 of the NIRC, the
only requirement for a judicial claim of tax
BDO vs Republic, GR 198756, 2016 20% FWT on the imputed interest income from
the bonds.
The two BIR Rulings is void for disregarding the
The Bureau of Treasury (BTr) in a notice 20-lender rule provided in Section 22 (Y) of the
announced the auction of 10- year Zero-Coupon Tax Code. BTr reprimanded for its continued
Bonds denominated as the Poverty Eradication retention of the amount corresponding to 20%
and Alleviation Certificates or the PEACE Bonds FWT. Separate Motions for Reconsideration and
on October 16, 2001, which the BTr states shall clarification were filed both by BDO, et al and
not be subject to 20% final withholding tax since the Republic, et al.
the issue is limited to 19 buyers/lenders.
At the auction, Rizal Commercial Banking 1. Does CTA have jurisdiction to determine
Corporation (RCBC) participated on behalf of the constitutionality or validity of tax
Caucus of Development NGO Networks laws, rules and regulations, and other
(CODE-NGO) and won the bid. administrative issuances of CIR?
2. May the 20-lender rule apply to PEACe
Thus, bonds were issued to RCBC, who, as Bonds?
appointed issue manager and lead underwriter 3. Assuming the PEACe Bonds are
of CODE-NGO, then sold and distributed said considered “deposit substitutes,”
government bonds to petitioner-banks. whether government or the Bureau of
Internal Revenue is estopped from
On October 7, 2011, barely 11 days before imposing and/or collecting the 20% final
maturity of the PEACe Bonds, the BIR issued withholding tax from the face value of
the following: these Bonds?
4. Whether BTr is liable to pay 6% legal
BIR Ruling No. 370- 201119 declaring that the interest rate?
PEACe Bonds, being deposit substitutes, were
subject to 20% final withholding tax . Under this, HELD
DOF directed BTr to withhold 20% final tax from
the face value of the PEACe Bonds. BIR Ruling #1
No. DA 378-201157 clarified that the final YES. CTA has jurisdiction and may take
withholding tax should be imposed and withheld cognizance of cases directly challenging
not only on RCBC/CODE NGO but also on all constitutionality or validity of a tax law, regulation
subsequent holders of the Bonds. or administrative issuance such as revenue
order, revenue memorandum circular, and ruling.
Banco de Oro, et al. thus filed a petition for RA 9282: appeals from the decisions of
Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus under quasi-judicial agencies on tax-related problems
Rule 65 to the Supreme Court contending the must be brought exclusively to the CTA
assailed 2011 BIR Ruling, with urgent
application of TRO and/or writ of Preliminary #2
Injuction. YES. The 20-lender rule may apply to PEACe
Bonds, depending on the number of lenders “at
SC then issued a TRO enjoining the any one time”
implementation of the BIR ruling, subject to the
condition that 20% FWT be delivered to the The definition of deposit substitutes in Section
banks to be placed in escrow. SC Decision 22(Y) specifically defined “public” to mean
promulgated January 13, 2015, SC granted “twenty (20) or more individual or corporate
petition and ruled that the number of lenders/ lenders at any one time.” Hence, if there are 20
investors at every transaction determines or more lenders, the debt instrument is
whether a debt instrument is a deposit substitute considered a deposit substitute which is subject
subject to 20% FWT. When at any transaction, to the 20% FWT.
funds are simultaneously obtained from 20 or
more lenders/investors, there is deemed to be “The reckoning of the phrase “20 or more
public borrowing and bonds are deemed deposit lenders” should be at the time when the
substitutes. Hence, seller is required to withhold petitioner-intervenor RCBC Capital sold the
PEACe bonds to investors. Should the number
of investor to whom petitioner-intervenor RCBC
Capital distributes the PEACe bonds, therefore,
be found to be 20 or more, the PEACe Bonds
are considered deposit substitutes subject to
20% final withholding tax. Petitioner-intervenors
RCBC/CODE-NGO and RCBC Capital, as well
as the final bondholders who have recourse to
government upon maturity are liable to pay the
20% final withholding tax.”

YES. The Bureau of Internal Revenue is
estopped from imposing and/or collecting the
20% final withholding tax from the face value of
these Bonds

The Supreme Court interpretation in its January

2015 decision of the phrase “at any one time” to
determine the phrase “20 or more lenders” to
include both the primary and secondary market
cannot be applied to the PEACe Bonds and
should be applied prospectively.

RCBC and the rest of the investors relied in

good faith on the BIR Rulings which provide that
PEACe Bonds are not treated as deposit
substitutes and are subject to the 20% final
withholding tax.

YES. BTr may be held liable.
The BTr made no effort to release the amount
corresponding to the 20% FWT which is an utter
disregard and defiance of the order of the Court
BTr is ordered to immediately release and pay
the bondholders the amount of
P4,966,207,796.41, representing the 20% final
withholding tax on the PEACe Bonds, with legal
interest of 6% per annum from October 19, 2011
until full payment.

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