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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫وبه نستعين‬
Automatic Control Systems
Lecture Note 4

• Prepared by Dr: Tarek Hassan Mohamed

Faculty of Energy Engineering - Aswan

Linear motion


Linear motion

Actuator Plant

Dynamics of Power Drive are very small comparing with
System’s dynamics. So, it can be neglected
First Order System

R(s)=1/s c(s)
,,R(s) unit step =

T is the Time constant

Time Constant
The time needed for the step response to rise to 63% of
its final value
Second Order System

R(s)=1/s c(s)

Damping ratio, 

There are four major specifications that define the response of a second order
The swiftness of the response is measured by the rise time Tr
Rise time is the time required for the response to get from 10% to 90% of yss
The closeness of the response signal to the reference is measured in terms
of% Precentage overshoot taht hcus ) OP (
PO = (cp –final value)/final value *100
The time taken to reach the maximum response is denoted by Peak
Time . The % overshoot is measured at the same location. Finally, the Settling
Time niatrec a nihtiw elttes ot metsys eht rof deriuqer emit eht sa denifed si )
tupni ecnerefer eht fo egatnecrep (δ±)
For a second order system, the above four specifications could be defined in
terms of natural frequency and damping factor of the system as :
Maximum overshoot, MP

• MP is a measure of the maximum response value

• MP is often expressed as a percentage of yss and is

related directly to the damping ratio:
•Rise time is the time required for the response to get from
10% to 90% of yss
For the system shown in the following figure,
determine K, Kh so that Mp=0.2, tp=1 sec. (all at
unit step input)and then obtain the rise time and
settling time .
‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬

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