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(Information Search and Analysis Skill)


Group 4
Names :
Himalaya Nepal
Veronica Dwi Oktaviani

Faculty :
Susi Maulidiah, ST, MKom

Class :

Continuing Education Center for Computing and Information Technology

Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, 1624

We thank God for His blessings so that we can complete this ISAS assignment on time.
The author does not forget to praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT, the Most
Gracious, so that the writer can complete the Information Search and Analysis Skill (ISAS)
entitled "The Implementation of Application Architecture". The author would like to thank
Mrs. Susi Maulidiah as a lecturer who has guided and provided suggestions that helped the
author in writing this paper. And do not forget, we would like to thank those who have helped
us by donating both materially and mentally.
The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfection, therefore it will be very
helpful for the writer if colleagues and supervisors are willing to provide suggestions &
criticisms for the perfection of this paper and in the future.

Depok, September 2023



TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1
1.1 Background...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Writing Objective.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Problem Domain......................................................................................................1
1.4 Writing Methodology...............................................................................................1
1.5 Writing Framework..................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II BASIC THEORY...............................................................................................3
2.1 Aplication Architecture.............................................................................................3
2.2 The Benefit of The Application Architecture............................................................3
CHAPTER III PROBLEM ANALYSIS...................................................................................4
3.1 Types of Application Architecture............................................................................4
3.2 Tips for Choosing an Application Architecture........................................................8
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..............................................................9
4.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................9
4.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................9


1.1. Background

An applications architecture describes the behavior of applications used in a

business, focused on how they interact with each other and with users can also be
interpreted Application architecture is a set of rules and models used to guide software
design, as well as the relationships between them. It defines the organization of the
software, its interactions with external systems, as well as its internal processes.

This example covers the five core components of application architecture: database,
application, web server, user interface, and business logic. With this architecture in place,
software engineers can create the software components and processes necessary for
efficient software development.

Applications architecture defines how multiple applications are poised to work

together. It is different from software architecture, which deals with technical designs of
how a system is built.

1.2. Writing Objectives

1. Introduction to The Application Architecture

2. The Benefits of The Application Architecture

1.3. Problem Domain

The things that will be discussed in this ISAS:

1. Types of Application Architecture
2. Tips for Choosing an Application Architecture

1.4. Writing Methodology

The method used to write this ISAS is research. We were studying and collects data
by seeking information from various online sources related our topic on this ISAS. Where
this study collects data by seeking information from various online sources.

1.5. Writing Framework

The writing system used by ISAS is entitled “The Implementation of Application


a) Chapter I Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Purpose of Writing
1.3. Problem Domain
1.4. Writing Methodology
1.5. Writing Framework

b) Chapter II Basic Theory

2.1. Application Architecture
2.2. The Benefits of The Application Architecture

c) Chapter III Problem Analysis

3.1. Types of Application Architecture
3.2. Tips for Choosing an Application Architecture

d) Chapter IV Conclusion and Suggestions

4.1. Conclusion
4.2. Suggestion


2.1. Application Architecture

Application architecture describes the patterns and techniques used to design and
build applications. The architecture gives you a roadmap and best practices to
follow when building your app, so you get a well-structured app. And it can also be
interpreted as application architecture, which is a structural map of how an
organization's software applications are assembled and how these applications
interact with each other to meet business or user needs.

2.2. The Benefits of The Application Architecture

Overall, application architecture helps IT and business planners work together so

that the right technical solutions are provided to meet business goals. More specific
examples could be:

a. Reduce costs by identifying redundancies, such as the use of two

independent databases that can be replaced by a single database.

b. Increase efficiency by identifying gaps, such as critical services that users

cannot access via mobile apps.

c. Creating an enterprise platform for application accessibility and third-party


d. Enables interoperable modular systems that are easier to use and maintain.

e. Helps architects “see the big picture” and align software strategy with the
organization's overall business goals.


3.1. Types of Application Architecture

Learning about each type can improve your ability to design and implement
applications effectively. Here's a list of 4 common types of application architecture:

1.UML (Unified Modeling Language)

Is a method of visual modeling that is used as a means of designing object-oriented
systems.UML can also be defined as a standard language for visualizing, designing and
documenting systems, or also known as a standard language for writing software blueprints.
The aims and functions of the need for UML are as follows:

a. Can provide users with a visual or image modeling language for a variety of
programming and general engineering processes.
b. Bringing together the best available information in modeling.
c. Provides a model description or as an expressive visual modeling language
in system development.
d. Not only does it describe software system models, but it can model object-
oriented systems.
e. Makes it easier for users to read a system.
f. Useful as a blueprint, this will clearly explain more detailed information in
designing in the form of coding a program.

UML can also be used as a tool for transferring knowledge about application systems to be
developed from one developer to another. UML is very important for some people because
UML functions as a bridge or translation bridge between system developers and users. This is
where users can understand the system that will later be developed.UML is also widely used
in large companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and so on.

Examples of Frequently Used UML Diagrams:
• Use case diagram

Use Case Diagram is a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram that describes
the interaction relationship between systems and actors. Use Case can describe the type of
interaction between the system user and the system. Use Case is something that is easy to
learn. The first step in modeling requires a diagram that is able to describe the actor's actions
and the actions in the system itself, such as those found in the Use Case.

2.Component-based development (CBD)

Component Based Development (CBD) is a procedure that highlights the design and
development of computer-based systems with the help of reusable software components.
The main purposes of CBD are as follows:
• Save time and money when building large, complex systems
Developing complex software systems with the help of off-the-shelf components helps
reduce software development time substantially.
• Improve Software Quality
Component quality is a key factor behind improving software quality.

• Detection of defects in the system

The CBD strategy supports fault detection by testing components; However, finding the
source of defects is very challenging in CBD.

Some of the advantages of CBD include:
• Increased efficiency
Developers concentrate on application development
• Quality Improvement
Component developers can allow additional time to ensure quality
• Minimized expenses
CBD specific routines are:
1.Component Development
2.Component Publishing
3.Component search and retrieval
4.Component Analysis
5.Component Assembly

3. Object Oriented Architecture (OOA)

Object Oriented Architecture is an important concept for developing software. A popular
approach of object-oriented design is to view a software system as a collection of entities
known as objects. Object-oriented is based on modeling real-world objects.
Advantages of Object-Oriented Architecture:

1. It has the ability to manage errors during execution. (Robustness)

2. It has the ability to extend new and unaffected functionality to the system.
3. Object Oriented Architecture reduces development time and costs.

Disadvantages of Object-Oriented Architecture:

1. Object-oriented architectures have difficulty defining all the classes and objects
required for a system.
2. It is difficult to complete a solution within the estimated time and budget
because object-oriented architecture offers a new type of project management.
3. This methodology does not lead to successful reuse on a large scale without
explicit reuse procedures.

• Objects: Objects are instances of classes.
• Class: A class is the blueprint of an object.
• Encapsulation: Encapsulation means hiding class data from objects.
• Polymorphism: Polymorphism means having many forms.
• Inheritance: Inheritance is a technique of deriving new classes from existing ones.
• Message Passing: Sending and receiving information between objects through function
parameters is known as Message Passing.
• Association: An association is a group of links that have a common structure and behavior.
• Composition and Aggregation: Aggregation is a special form of association between two or
more objects.

4. Cloud computing architecture

A cloud architect is a professional responsible for designing, building, and managing a
company's cloud computing infrastructure. This includes the hardware and software systems
used to store, process, and manage data in the cloud.
Cloud architects work with a company's IT team to determine how best to use cloud
technology to meet the company's needs, then design and implement the systems needed to
support those needs. They also work to ensure that the company's cloud infrastructure is
secure, reliable, and scalable.

• Key Functions and Responsibilities of Cloud Architect
The main function of a cloud architect is to design and build cloud computing infrastructure
for a company.
Once the cloud infrastructure is built, the cloud architect is responsible for managing it on an
ongoing basis. This includes ensuring that the infrastructure is secure, reliable, and
expandable, as well as monitoring its performance and making necessary changes or updates

3.2. Tips for Choosing an Application Architecture

Before you choose an application architecture, consider these tips:

 Determine the goal. Before you choose how to approach the new
application, try to determine the goal of the project. This can help you
design an application that aligns with this goal.

 Assess the frequency of updates. If you plan to release updates

frequently, this might influence the type of architecture you choose for
the project.

 Know the application size. While you might start small on a new project,
you may likely scale up later. It's important to choose a robust
architecture that's scalable and reliable.


4.1. Conclusion

The topic of "Application Architecture" is a crucial aspect in software development.

In this topic, we have discussed various approaches and principles that can aid in
designing software systems that are efficient, scalable, and easy to maintain. The
choice of the right architecture, such as microservices, monolithic, or service-
oriented architecture (SOA), greatly depends on the project's requirements and

By carefully planning and implementing architecture, we can enhance the quality

and performance of applications, providing a better experience for end-users and
facilitating future development and maintenance. In conclusion, a sound
understanding of application architecture is highly significant in the realm of modern
software development.

4.2. Suggestion

We suggest for the readers to correct if there is a fault in this paper, and we refer to
the readers to read more deeply about the Application Architecture.



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