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Nowadays, we have far more technology than 100 years ago, but maybe our standard of living
is not better in terms of welfare. There are some points that we can analyse to conclude.

It is undeniable the enormous progress of medicine, consequently, people have a longer life
than people who lived 100 years ago, but also, we must face now illnesses that did not exist
before, caused mainly by bad habits like sedentarism or junk food.

Currently, many sources of entertainment are available, and the development of new
technologies like television or mobile phones provides us with constant and fast
entertainment. It is difficult for us to imagine how life would be if we did not have our mobile
phones but people who lived 100 years ago live without it, and we may be missing other ways
to have fun.

Last but not least, social interaction has changed. People spend less time talking with each
other, this can affect our social skills and therefore problems like depression or loneliness
might increase.

In conclusion, currently, we live longer and have more sources of entertainment and tools to
do whatever we want in a short time, but I am not quite sure that we live better than our
grandparents, maybe we do not need all these things to be happy.

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