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1. Name ________________________________ Hse no. ____ Estate ____________

2. Nationality :___________________Place of birth __________________________

3. ID No. (please attach copy of ID or passport): _______________________________

4. Postal address and code: ________________________________________________

5. Email address: ________________________________________________________

6. Telephone No. _______________________ Cell phone. _______________________

7. Next of kin(name) ___________________________Kin relationship_____________

Address__________________________ Tel.________________________________

8. Former residence/estate___________________Reason for change________________

9. Former landlord(name)____________________________ Tel.__________________

10. Are you (a) self employed? ___ (b) an employee? ____ (c) Student? _________

11. If you are an employee kindly provide the following information

(i) Name of employer : _________________________________________

(ii) Position in employment:________________________________________

(iii) Postal address :_______________________Tel. _______________

(iv) Physical address :__________________________________________

12. If you are self employed kindly provide the following information
(i) Nature of business :____________________________________________

(ii) Name of business: _____________________________________________

(iii) Physical address :____________________________________________

(iv) Office telephone :____________________________________________

13. If you are a student kindly provide the following information

(i) Name of college: _____________________________________________

(ii) Physical address: _____________________________________________

(iii) Name of person paying rent: ___________________ Tel. _____________

14. Family size: ______________ Signature._________________Date. ______________

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