Bullying News Item

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Jakarta – Polisi masih mengusut kasus perundungan di SMA BINUS School, Serpong,

Tangerang Selatan yang melibatkan anak pejabat dan artis. Pakar Psikologi forensic meminta
polisi untuk mencermati secara spesifik. Antara bullying dan raiding sehingga proses
penegakkan hokum dapat berjalan tepat sasaran.

Penyidikan kasus bullying di SMA BINUS School terus bergulir. 8 siswa terduga perundung
menjadi pemeriksaan didampingi para orangtua tak terkecuali artis Vincent Rompies. Vincent
mengaku berempati dan berjanji kooperatis dengan proses hokum yang tengah dijalani putranya.
Dia berharap kasus ini bisa diselesaikan dengan jalan damai,

“Saya sangat berempati atas kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi saat ini dan juga harapannya
semoga tidak aka nada lagi peristiwa yang serupa di masa mendatang baik itu di lingkungan
sekolah maupun lingkungan terdekat. Semoga tidak terjadi lagi”. Kata Vincent

“Untuk keluarga, semoga bisa menemukan titik terang untuk berdamai dan berdiskusi. Semoga
semua bisa kembali normal lagi” tambahnya

Saat ini polisi masih mendalami peran dan motif terduga pelaku perundungan dan memeriksa 3
saksi baru. Selama 2 hari, polisi sudah memeriksa 11 saksi namun belum menetapkan status
tersangka. Soal permintaan damai salah satu teduga pelaku perundung, polisi bilang masih
menyelidiki kasus tersebut.

“Saat ini masih prosesnya masih berlangsung. Masih melakukan pemeriksaan secara mendalam
oleh penyidik. Terkait update selanjutnya akan diinformasikan kembali” kata AKP Wendi

Terkait kasus ini, pakar psikologis forensic, Reza Indraigiri, kasus kekerasan siswa terhadap
siswa lain tidak mutlak bullying. Menurut Reza, polisi patut mencermati secara spesifik antara
bullying dan ragging sehingga proses penegakkan hokum dapat berjalan tepat sasaran

“Kalau dalam situasi bullying satu anak atau satu siswa memang tidak menginginkan adanya
perlakuan buruk dari siswa lain. Tapi siswa lainnya memaksakan perlakuan intimidasi,
pelecehan, penghinaan, dan lain sebagianya.terhadap korban. Sementara, kalau ragging ada anak
yang secara sengaja, secara sadar memutuskan untuk masuk kedalam kelompok pertemanan
yang ugal-ugalan. Anak ini tau persis kalau dia akan masuk kedalam kelompok pertemanan yang
ugal-ugalan ini dia akan mengisi semacam tradisi atau ritual dimana dia akan diberikan
perlakuan kekerasan dengan kata lain berbeda dengan bullying pada situasi ragging
sesungguhnya perbedaan antara pelaku dan korban sudah menjadi abu-abu” kata Reza

Menurut pakar hokum pidana, Albert Aris pelaku bullying dan ragging sama-sama dapat dijerat
pidana dengan system pidana anak.

“Saya hendak menyampaikan bahwa kekerasan tidak dapat diterima dengan alasan apapun juga.
Tapi, pendekatan yang dilakukan harus dilakukan dengan keadilan restorative. Artinya,
kewajiban untuk divers itu sifatnya imperative karena buat anak yang berhadapan dengan hokum
maka sanksi pidana penjara itu bukanlah primadona” kata Albert

Kasus perundungan yang diduga dilakukan oleh geng SMA, mendapatkan perhartian dari banyak
pihak. Penanganan perkara ini harus ditangani dengan cermat. Baik itu pelaku perundungan
maupun korban.

JAKARTA - The police are still investigating a bullying case at BINUS School, Serpong, South
Tangerang involving the children of officials and artists. Forensic psychology experts asked the
police to look into specifics. Between bullying and raiding so that the law enforcement process
can run on target.

The investigation into the bullying case at BINUS School continues. 8 students who were
unexpectedly bullies took part in the examination accompanied by their parents, including artist
Vincent Rompies. Vincent admitted that he empathized and promised to cooperate with the legal
process that his son was currently undergoing. He hopes that this case can be resolved

"I really empathize with the incident or incident that is happening now and also hope that there
will be no more similar incidents in the future, both in the school environment and in the
immediate environment. Hopefully it doesn't happen again." Vincent said

“For the family, hopefully we can find a bright spot for peace and discussion. "Hopefully
everything can return to normal again," he added

Currently, the police are still investigating the role and motives of the alleged perpetrator of the
bullying and are examining 3 new witnesses. For 2 days, the police have examined 11 witnesses
but have not yet determined their suspect status. Regarding the request for peace from one of the
alleged bullies, the police said they were still investigating the case.

“This is currently still an ongoing process. Investigators are still conducting in-depth
examination. "Regarding further updates, we will be informed again," said AKP Wendi Afrianto

Regarding this case, forensic psychology expert, Reza Indraigiri, cases of student violence
against other students are not absolute bullying. According to Reza, the police should pay special
attention to bullying and rampage so that the law enforcement process can be carried out on

"In a bullying situation, one child or one student really doesn't want bad treatment from other
students. But other students imposed intimidation, forgiveness, insults, and other things on the
victim. Meanwhile, if there is a tantrum, there are children who deliberately, consciously decide
to join a group of reckless friends. This child knows that if he is going to join this group of
reckless friends, he will be involved in some kind of tradition or ritual where he will be given
violent treatment, in other words, which is different from bullying, in a situation where the
situation is ragging, the difference between the perpetrator and the victim has become ashes."
said Reza

According to criminal law experts, Albert Aris, perpetrators of bullying and ragging, can both be
charged under the juvenile criminal system.
“I convey that violence is unacceptable for any reason. However, the approach taken must be
carried out with restorative justice. "This means that the obligation for divers is imperative
because for children who are faced with the law, the sanction of imprisonment is not a prima
donna," said Albert.

The bullying case, which was allegedly carried out by a high school gang, received attention
from many parties. This case must be handled carefully. Both perpetrators of bullying and

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