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Name: Elmark M.

Section: LFCA311E061
Subject: OLPREL-PSY3 - Community Health Psychology
Course: Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Instructor: Mary Ann S. Del Mundo

Self-Quiz: Getting into the Mindset
You’re providing health care in a low-income community. You learn that mothers in the community
eagerly participate in nutrition classes but will not stop feeding their babies junk food.

What do you need to consider in order to effectively improve nutrition for children in this

As a healthcare provider in a low-income community with mothers who eagerly participate in

nutrition classes but still feed their babies junk food, some things to consider to effectively
improve nutrition for their children are:
1. Cultural beliefs and practices related to food and feeding practices in the community, and
gaining their trust and respect before introducing any changes.
2. The availability and accessibility of nutritious food options in the community and the ability of
the mothers to afford it.
3. The importance of involving the entire family and not just the mothers in nutrition classes and
counseling sessions.
4. The need to tailor nutritional recommendations to the cultural and socioeconomic context of
the community to make it relevant and practical.
5. The importance of emphasizing the long-term health benefits of healthy eating habits for
children and their families to motivate and sustain behavior change.were exactly what I needed
to lift my spirits.

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