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Name: Bobzen Albarando Section/Year: BEED-1

Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects Examples

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with billions of people
using it to connect with friends, family, and strangers around the world. While social
media has many benefits, such as facilitating communication and providing
entertainment, it can also be addictive. In this essay, I will examine the causes and
effects of social media addiction.

One of the primary causes of social media addiction is the need for social
validation. Social media platforms provide an easy way to gain likes, comments, and
followers, which can be addictive. People become hooked on the positive feedback
they receive and crave more of it. This leads to an endless cycle of posting, checking
for likes, and posting again. As a result, people become increasingly dependent on
social media to feel good about themselves.

Another cause of social media addiction is the fear of missing out (FOMO). Social
media platforms are designed to keep users engaged by constantly updating their
feeds with new content. This creates a sense of urgency, where people feel like they
need to check their social media accounts regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest
news and trends. FOMO can be a powerful motivator, causing people to spend hours
on social media each day.

In addition to the health effects, social media addiction can also have a negative
impact on relationships. People who are addicted to social media may spend less time
engaging with their loved ones in person. This can lead to feelings of isolation and
loneliness, which can further exacerbate mental health problems.
In conclusion, social media addiction is a complex phenomenon that has both
causes and effects. The need for social validation and the fear of missing out are two
of the primary causes of social media addiction. The effects of social media addiction
can be serious and include mental health problems, poor sleep, and relationship
issues. While social media has many benefits, it is important to use it in moderation to
avoid the negative effects of addiction.

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