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Extraterrestrial Aliens and Reptilian Gods in the Quran, Pt 7

by Amir Fatir

THEY WORKED HARD FOR THE Scholars take great pains to try to
MONEY match “known” (actually, assumed)
dates with alleged Biblical
The Egyptian hieroglyphic for events. The problem is two-
neter (god) is a mining pick axe. fold. First, no-one really knows the
The images of the underworld dates when any of the known events
(Tuat, Gehanna, Jahannum) as a occurred such as the reigns of
hot, tortuous place beneath the Pharaohs, the various famines, wars
earth is rooted in the thousands or deaths. That is because those
of years the Jinn (Anunnaki) gods cultures didn’t use 1521 BC as their
spent in the mines digging for dating system and scholars have
gold. The “underworld” appears to failed to unearth the ancient dating
be both a specific and general system. Farther back in time the
name for important gold-bearing ancients may have counted in sars,
places lower in latitude than not years, and Sitchen says a sar is
Sumer and Egypt. The equivalent to 3,600 earth
Underworld might also refer to years. Secondly, Christionized
Antartica, which, as evidenced by scholars are locked into a 6,000 year
the Piri Reis maps, was once paradigm because a Catholic priest
green land not covered by the claimed to have calculated the
glacial sheet of ice. creation of Adam back to a day in
The Abzu of Enki was in Southern September 4000 BC. So they try to
Africa where evidence of squeeze all of human history into
advanced, technological very narrow dates. Instead of a
civilizations remains and where paltry 6,000 years, the Sumerian
gold mining operations occurred Kings List covers 241,200 years of
at least 100,000 years ago. There civilization before the Flood.
were large Anunnaki gold mining Persian culture – far more ancient
operations also in South America than Hebrew civilization - claims ten
where, according to Sitchen, kings named Sulayman. In all
Tehuti (Thoth/Ningishzidda) set likelihood, the Biblical Sulayman was
up shop after being kicked out of derived from them.
Egypt by Marduk/Ra. In the Many Biblical angels and characters
Americas Tehuti was called were taken out of the African
Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Canaanites’ religion. But instead of
Serpent. The Anannuki had to using the Canaanite history as their
work hard at mining and other research base, many researchers
planetary construction projects use the bible, the Talmud and
which they didn’t enjoy one bit. Haggadah. If used at all, these
Some modern writers, among should be supplementary texts. The
them Egyptian Moustafa Gadella, Old Testament was put together by
posit that King Solomon was Ezra and his subordinates after the
really Egyptian Pharaoh Jewish Exile in Babylon. Just as later
Amenhotep III and that King messianic Jews used “Babylon” as a
David was Twtmosis III (Twt- code word for Rome (see
mos-is). Outside of Semitic Revelation), earlier Jews used
religious texts, no evidence exists “Egypt” as a code for the nation they
of any kings in Palestine names felt was oppressing them, Babylon.
David or Solomon. If they In Babylon the Jews lost much of
existed, surrounded as they are their culture, religion, language and
by Syria, Egypt, Babylon, Persian texts. Ten whole tribes disappeared.
and Arabia, one would expect to Upon their release from captivity
find treaties or records of war or they had to re-create their scriptures
trade with them. No such based upon competing stories
evidence has been found. Either (Eloahist and Yahvist), fragments of
they are fictional characters or history, and no real knowledge of
they existed in a different time the former language. The Bible
and/or place than we imagine. compilers, in some cases, just
Readers may be surprised to mashed together the two sects’
know that there is no traditions which is why there are two
independent, non-semetic opposing creation stories in Genesis.
religious evidence for many In Genesis chapter 1 “male and
events and people in Bible and female” are created by the
Quran including: Jesus, Moses, Elohim. But in the very next chapter
the Exodus, David, Solomon or “there was no man to till the ground”
Abraham. They point out that so Yahweh has to make one, cut his
Sulayman (Solomon) means rib out and makes a wife who gets
peace and that the hotep part of tempted by a snake.
Amenhotep means peace. The The bible should not be used as an
root letters of Dawud (David) are authoritative historical source of
DWD which are, etymologically, information. It can, however,
the same as the Kamitic (ancient supplement other research.
Egyptian) TWT, the main part of
Twtmosis. Gadalla also shows that To be continued ……
there is no record or
corroboration for any of David’s Amir is a student of many ancient
campaigns, but there is ample spiritual traditions including
evidence for Amenhotep making Egyptian, Sumerian, Yogic and
those campaigns. Taoist systems. He is a novelist and
An event like the alleged Exodus social commentator and has studied
– where the “leader of the free the Quran since 1969. After teaching
world” (Pharaoh) was supposedly himself to read Arabic in 1976 he
drowned to death - would be was surprised to find that many
thoroughly recorded by Egyptians, passages of the Quran corroborated
Syrians, Babylonians, Iranians the theories exposed by scholars
and just about everyone else. Yet who held that earth had once been
no civilization corroborates the colonized by ancient astronauts.
semitic story of a mass Hebrew His web page address is
exodus from Egypt. Something He can be
like the parting of the Red Sea reached at
would’ve gotten people’s

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