Extraterrestrial Aliens and Reptilian 4

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Extraterrestrial Aliens and Reptilian Gods in the

Quran, Pt IV
by Amir Fatir

This is the fourth in a series that

reports on the Quran’s explanation The word “Jinn” literally means
of extraterrestrial gods’ interaction “snake.” So if the Jinn are reptilian
with humans in the not too distant beings, then so also are the angels
past. because both the Bible and Quran
BREAKING UP EARTH AND THE make it plain that Satan (Shaytan),
ASTEROID BELT Iblis and Lucifer were once
Do not those who disbelieve see angels. Lucifer was even
that the asteroid belts and the considered the most beautiful and
earth were joined together? Then brightest of all the angels. Thus if
We ripped them apart. And We Satan is a reptile then so are
made every living thing from the Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and
water. the rest of the beings we call
-- Quran 21:30 angels. One man’s angel is another
The plural of Sama is Samawat man’s devil.
which I have translated “asteroid The Babylonians gods were called
belts” instead of “heavens” which is Asuras (Osirises) who waged war
how the word is usually translated. against the Divas of Rama
The Quran taught that there are (India). But in Indian literature the
seven asteroid belts and science Asuras are classified as demons.
has recently discovered a second And We indeed created you, Then
asteroid belt beyond the orbit of We fashioned you, then We said to
Neptune. Perhaps five more will be the Angels: “Prostrate to Adam”,
located in the future. so they prostrated except Iblis.
It is noteworthy that the Quran -- Quran 7:11
immediately mentions “the water,” This verse indicates that Iblis (the
since the asteroid belt is filled with name of the main devil in the
water. The existence of seven Quran was one of the angels and in
water-filled asteroid belts could be good standing until he refused to
invaluable for future deep space bow down to Adam.
voyages. Huge quantities of water Now there was a day when the
need not be stored for sons of God came to present
consumption. Advanced purification themselves before the Lord, and
technology could clean up water Satan came also among them
found as ice in the asteroid belts -- Job 1:6
and render that water drinkable. And the great dragon was cast out,
Water could also be used as fuel. that old serpent, called the Devil,
Egyptian gods Geb and Nut and Satan, which deceiveth the
The ancient Egyptians referred to whole world: he was cast out into
the earth as the God Geb whose the earth, and his angels were cast
wife was (in Western scholars out with him.
terminology) “the sky goddess -- Rev. 12:9
Nut.” Maulana Muhammad Ali translated
Nut was graphically depicted as a the word “Shayateen” (Satans) into
celestial cow covered with stars “serpents.”
and with two pairs of gods holding Its produce is as it were the heads
each leg or as a woman draped out of Serpents.
like a canopy over the prone body -- Quran 37:65
of Geb. Nut, like Sama, is usually In explanation, Ali wrote, “the
said to symbolize “heaven.” Arabs apply the name shaitan to a
According to Egyptian science, Geb sort of serpent having a mane, ugly
and Nut were once joined together or foul in the head and face.
until the god Shu separated them And when We said to the angels,
and lifted Nut up. Shu is the “Prostrate to Adam, “so they
personification of air or wind and prostrated, except Iblis. He was
the Sumerian records state “winds” from the Jinn, so he transgressed
attacked Tiamet, splitting her in the commandment of his Lord. Will
two. Nut, then represents the you then take him and his offspring
asteroid belts as does the Quranic for friends rather than Me, and
sama. they are your enemies to you? Evil
Flying Serpents and Dragons is the exchange for the unjust.
Every region on earth has stories of -- Quran 18:50
flying serpents and dragons. In From the above verse we learn that
many cases, the snake is the Iblis was an angel and a Jinn
creator of humanity. Some well- (snake) who rebelled against “his
known gods who were either Lord” and who has offspring,
stylised as serpents or closely children. Spirits are not known for
identified with reptiles are Enki, producing children.
Ningishzidda, Apep (Apophis). “The Lord” seems to get upset that
Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Kulkukaan people have taken this rebel for a
and Itzamna. friend “beside me,” that they’ve
The word “dragon” appears to refer actually exchanged the Lord for a
to alien astronauts at times and reptilian being and his
their fiery flying vehicles at others. descendants.
In the ancient texts when a god or We can now safely posit that Jinn
Taoist emperor is said to have and Shayateen (satans) were
flown to heaven on a dragon, the associated with serpents and that
vehicle is apparently the dragon. there is no biological difference
The flying crafts of the ancient between angels (malaikat) and
gods were called heavenly “boats” Jinn. Therefore if Jinn are reptilian,
by the Egyptians, “flaming so also are the rest of the angels
chariots” by the Hebrews and and deities of antiquity.
“dragons” in China and several To be continued ……
other countries.
The dragon’s fiery breath most
likely referred to a rocket’s flaming
exhaust. These serpent gods have
gone by numerous names,
depending upon the culture, but
the various gods are undoubtedly
the same species of being. They
are called Nephalim (Bible), Divas
(India), Asuras (Mesopotamia and
India), Haruts, Maruts, Chanes
(America), Elohim (Cananites),
Loas (Africa), Neteru (Egypt),
Igungun (Yoruba), Rishi (India) and

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