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Psychological Evaluation Report


Name: Adan G. Vargas

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Educational Attainment: 3rd Year College
Occupation: Student
Address: Taguig City
Referred by: Ms. Yoj Lirit

REASON FOR REFERRAL: for academic purposes only.


Test Administered Date Administered

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test 02/18/2024
House-Tree-Person Test 03/06/2024
Hand Test 03/06/2024
Sack’s Sentence Completion Test 03/06/2024

Mr. Adan Vargas is a 20-year-old male who is the third of siblings born on March 24, 2003. He is associated
with the Bonifacio Group of Company as a scholar. Every Sunday, he attends the World Mission Society
Church of GOD and enjoys playing the guitar and singing.

Adan Vargas takes responsibility for the family's laundry, housework, and cooking. His mother trusts him
for these tasks and believes that his shyness might stem from their relocation from Taguig City seven years
ago. She also mentioned that her son has never had a girlfriend and that he is a sweet and loving person
who takes care of his siblings.

During my time with them, I could sense the love and respect his family has for him.


Mr. Adan, a kind boy, takes care of their house. I don't know anyone else like him, especially considering
he is a teenager man. We know that most men are naturally ignorant of housework, but he is different.
This observation was further confirmed when I visited him at his house, and I overheard his mother
praising him for his good qualities. During our first meeting at the BVMGT activity, he was wearing
casual clothes, a Blue Polo shirt and jeans, and rubber shoes, with his hair neat. Before we went to his
office, he mentioned that he was shy around me, attributing it to nervousness. I inquired why he felt that
way, and he explained his apprehension about potentially saying something that might bother him. I tried
to make him feel more comfortable by assuring him that our conversations would be confidential and that
the activity was a safe zone.
Despite his stammering, which I noticed during our interviews, he still managed to convey his feelings of
fear and nervousness.

House-Tree-Person Test

Mr. Adan might be dealing with various personal challenges, such as difficulty handling external
pressures, self-centeredness, past traumas, fear of failure, insecurity, and emotional withdrawal.
These challenges could potentially affect his interpersonal relationships, emotional well-being,
and ability to achieve personal and professional goals. It is essential to approach these
interpretations with caution and consider discussing them with a mental health professional for a
more accurate assessment and potential support.

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test:

Mr. Adan BVMT results show above-average visual-motor integration skills, enabling him to
effectively perceive and reproduce geometric shapes and patterns. These insights benefit his
personal growth, career choices, skill development, performance evaluation, and potential special
Hand Test

Mr. Adan projection exam scores indicates that he possesses strong interpersonal skills, effective
communication abilities, and a low tendency towards maladaptive behaviors or withdrawal. This
assessment highlights his capacity to engage with people successfully and maintain healthy

The effect of these scores suggests that Mr. Vargas can navigate social situations with ease,
adapt to different environments, and foster strong connections with others. This can have
positive implications for various aspects of his life, including personal relationships,
professional networking, and teamwork. His ability to communicate well and handle
interpersonal situations positively may also contribute to his overall well-being and success in
diverse areas.
Sack’s Sentence Completion Test:

Family Area:
Mr. Adan positive outlook and strong bonds with his family members indicate a healthy and
resilient family life, despite challenges. His ability to maintain positive emotions and connections
with others contributes to family stability and harmony. With self-awareness and confidence, Mr.
Vargas can inspire and support his family members in overcoming obstacles and achieving their
goals, fostering emotional resilience and personal growth.

Sex Area:
Mr. Adan life involves his personal and intimate experiences, including relationships and sexuality.
He has minor criticisms but is generally satisfied, indicating a predominantly positive and acceptable
situation. This contentment in his intimate life does not significantly impact his overall happiness and
well-being, contributing positively to his self-concept and relationships.
Interpersonal Relationship:
Mr. Adan Interpersonal Relationship is characterized by positive feelings towards his mother,
mutual friendships, and effective connections with subordinates and authority figures. These
aspects foster healthy relationships, personal growth, self-confidence, and emotional well-being,
enabling him to cope with challenges in his personal and professional life.

Mr. Adan self-concept mainly portrays a positive outlook on himself and his abilities. Although
he experiences some internal conflicts and emotional disturbances, such as fear of expressing
emotions, regrets from the past, and occasional self-doubt, these aspects do not significantly
affect his overall self-image. He remains confident in his ability to overcome obstacles and
achieve his goals, demonstrating resilience and a positive self-concept.


Mr. Adan is a responsible, kind, and talented individual with strong interpersonal skills and
emotional resilience. He faces some personal challenges, such as shyness and internal conflicts,
but his supportive family and positive self-concept contribute to his overall well-being and
personal growth. Mr. Adan is skilled in household chores, cooking, and playing the guitar,
showcasing his creativity and care for others. With his strong communication abilities and
ability to adapt to different environments, he maintains healthy relationships. However, it is
crucial to address potential personal challenges with caution and consider professional
assistance for a more accurate assessment and support.
Mental Status Exam

a. General Appearance, Attitude, and Behavior

The client appeared to be casually wearing a blue polo shirt, jeans and normal grooming and
hygiene. The client was too nervous and shy before the start of the interview but he was very
cooperative for this assessment. He was clearly eager to show his best and made an effort to
present himself in a professional manner.

b. Stream of Talk
The client is initially nervous and shy and that he stutters when speaking and when
asked questions especially when it is about personal but his volume of voice is normal.

c. Thought Content
The client appears happy, with has no trace of sadness, it but he may feel shy and nervous.
However, he is expected to manage these feelings effectively.

d. Mood
The client is initially nervous, but once he becomes comfortable with me and gets to
know me, he is no longer shy.

e. Affect
The client is very cooperative during our assessment. He is enjoying himself and smiling; his
face reflects happiness.

f. Sensorium
The client is functioning normally and has the ability to concentrate and think properly.
Based on the assessment, it is recommended that Adan G. Vargas continues to focus on his strengths and
work on addressing his personal challenges, such as shyness and internal conflicts. This can be achieved
through various strategies, including:

a. Seeking professional help: Consider consulting with a mental health professional, such as a
psychologist or therapist, to gain a more accurate understanding of his personal challenges and
receive guidance on how to overcome them.

b. Enhancing social skills: Adan can participate in social activities or join clubs and organizations that
align with his interests to expand his social circle and improve his communication skills.

c. Practicing self-care: Encouraging Adan to engage in activities that promote self-care, such as
exercise, meditation, or creative pursuits, can help improve his emotional well-being and resilience.

d. Support from family and friends: Adan's family and friends can play a crucial role in providing
emotional support and encouragement as he works on addressing his personal challenges.

The effect of addressing these challenges can lead to significant improvements in Adan's life. He may
experience increased self-confidence, better interpersonal relationships, and a more positive self-image.
These changes can contribute to his overall well-being, personal growth, and success in various aspects
of his life, including his academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

Tests Administered and Interpreted by:

Elmark M. Merilos

Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test

Copy Phase Classification Recall Phase Classification

Total Raw Score 32 27
Standard Score 97 118
Percentile Rank 42.07 98.83
T Score 48 73

Supplemental Test
Raw Percentile Range
Score 0-25 26-50 51-75 76-100
Motor 12 X X
Perception 10 X X X

Hand Test

AFF – 7 ACQ – 3 TEN – 0 DES – 0

DEP – 2 ACT – 5 CRIP – 0 FAIL – 0
COM – 1 PAS – 0 FEAR – 1 BIZ – 0
EXH – 0 ENV = 8 MAL – 1 WITH – 0
DIR – 0
AGG – 1
INT = 11

PATH: MAL + 2(WITH) = 1+2(0) = 1

AOR: (AFF+DEP+COM) = (DIR+AGG) = (7+2+1) = (0+1) = 10 = 1
ER: INT: ENV: MAL: WITH = 11 : 8 : 1 :0
H – L: H = 44 L = 22.4 = 44 ÷ 22.4 = 21.1 or 21
AIRT: 333.1 ÷ 10 =33.31 or 33

R; AIRT; H-L; AOR's; ER: 20 ; 33 ; 22 ; 10 = 1 ; 11 : 8 : 1 :0

Sach’s Sentence Completion Test

Scores and
Area Attitude Interpretation
0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Expresses only positive feelings towards the
I. Mother mother.
0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Expresses complete satisfaction with father’s
II. Father
Family Area personality.
0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Feels that instability of the family domicile has
III. Family Unit had
Little effect on her/his favorable feeling towards
IV. Women 0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Has only minor or superficial criticisms.
Sex Area V. Heterosexual 0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Indicates satisfaction towards this area.
VI. Friends and 0+2+0+1 = 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 Expresses only positive feelings towards the
Acquaintances mother.
VII. People 0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Expresses mutual relationship with friends and
Interpersonal self.
0+1+0+0= 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25 Feels controllable and well-accepted by
VIII. Supervisors subordinates.
IX. Colleagues 0+0+0+0= 0 ÷ 4 = 0 Shows good relationship with authority.
X. Fear 1+2+2+1= 6 ÷ 4 = 1.5 Expresses good mutual feelings.
1+1+1+1= 4 ÷ 4 = 1 Is disturbed by the apparent fear of loving,
XI. Guilt Feelings possibly to control one’s feelings
2+0+1+0= 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 Regrets the past and seems mildly disturbed by the
XII. Own Ability failure to control her/his troubles.
0+0+0+2= 2 ÷ 4 = 0.5 Is confident of her/his ability to overcome
XIII. Past obstacles
Feels well adjusted, no significant disturbance
XIV. Future 1+0+0+0= 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25
in the past.
XV. Goals 0+1+0+0= 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25 Seems confident in achieving goals.

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