Programming Workflow Activity Guide - 2

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Lesson 6 Designing Message Templates

8. The LM553<last two digits of your user ID>C message should now be listed as an
object under the Credit Limit Approval project.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 19

Designing Message Templates Lesson 6











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20 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7

Designing Workflow Data


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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 21

Designing Workflow Data Structures Lesson 7

Activity 5: Designing the Credit Limit Workflow Data Structures

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Design a key data structure.

• Design an additional data structure.

Slide 71 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Create the necessary workflow data structures for the Credit Limit Approval workflow
process according to the following guidelines:

• Add both data structure objects to your TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101

• Name the key data structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A.

• To create the key data structure, enter the following information:

Data Dictionary Alias Structure Member Name Data Item

AN8 mnCustomerNumber AddressNumber

n l
• O
Name the additional data structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B.

To create the additional data structure, enter the following information:

Data Dictionary Alias
ALPH szCustomerName
Structure Member Name Data Item
mnOldCreditLimit AmountCreditLimt

UPMJ jdDateUpdated DateUpdated

n a cApprovalActionCode ApprovalActionCode

t e r mnOriginatorNumber

AG mnNewCreditLimit AmountGross
AN8R mnSendToAddress RelatedAddressNo

c l e CO szCompany Company

r a
O Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in each data
structure as shown above. Changing the structure member name will make the data item
more identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

22 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 Designing Workflow Data Structures

Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Designing a Key Data Structure

To design a key data structure:

1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 Credit Limit
Approval project and click Add.

2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A
Description Credit Limit Key Data Structure
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code 55
Object Use 360
Regular Data Structure Selected

n l y
4. Click OK.
e O
5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

U s
6. Define the data structure using data dictionary alias AN8.

7. Change the structure member name to mnCustomerNumber.

8. Save the data structure and return to OMW.

l &
9. The WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A data structure should now be listed
as an object under the Credit Limit Approval project.
Designing an Additional Data Structure
te r
I n
To design an additional structure:

c l e
1. Select the Objects node of the TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 Credit Limit
Approval project and click Add.

r a 2. On the Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, select Data Structure and click


PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 23

Designing Workflow Data Structures Lesson 7

3. On the Add Object form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Object Name WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B
Description Credit Limit Additional Data Structure
Product Code 55
Product Reporting Code 55
Object Use 360
Regular Data Structure Selected

4. Click OK.

5. On the Design Tools tab, click Data Structure Design.

6. Define the data structure using the following data item aliases: ALPH, ACL, UPMJ,

7. Change the structure member names as shown in the activity overview.

Important! Be certain that you change the structure member names in the data
structure. Changing the structure member name will make the data item more
identifiable when you create workflow tasks.

8. Save the data structure and return to OMW.

n l y
an object under the Credit Limit Approval project.
e O
9. The WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B data structure should now be listed as

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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24 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8

Creating a Workflow Process in


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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 25

Creating a Workflow Process in OMW Lesson 8

Activity 6: Creating the Credit Limit Workflow Object

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create a workflow object in

Slide 78 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Before you can develop a workflow process, you must create a workflow object in
OMW. When you create a new workflow object, you specify the key and additional data
structures that the workflow process uses.

In this activity, you will create the Credit Limit Approval workflow process in OMW and
attach the necessary key and additional data structures. Create the workflow object in the
TRN<last two digits of your user ID>101 project using the following criteria:

• Name the workflow object K5503<last two digits of your user ID>.

• Include the last two digits of your user ID at the end of the object description.

• Assign product code 55 to the object.

• Use WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A for the key data structure.

n l y
Use WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B for the additional data structure.

• Enable the history tracking option for the workflow process.

e O
describes what the workflow process does.
U s
After creating the workflow object, enter information on the Attachments tab that

activity. A I
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

l &
Creating a Workflow Object in OMW
n a
te r
To create a workflow object in OMW:

I n
1. On OMW, select the Credit Limit Approval project and click Add.

c l e
2. On Add Object to the Project, click Workflow Process under the Workflow heading
and then click OK.

r a 3. To add workflow process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>. enter the

O following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

26 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Creating a Workflow Process in OMW

Field Value or Status

Version 1
Description Credit Limit Approval <last two digits of your user
Product Code 55
Key Data Structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>A
Additional Data Structure WF5503<last two digits of your user ID>B
History Tracking Selected

4. Click OK to save the workflow process.

5. Add information similar to the following on the Attachments tab to describe what the
workflow process does:

A user changes a customer’s credit limit in the Customer Master (P0301) on menu
G03B11. This is the triggering event for the workflow process. When the user clicks
OK, a message box appears advising that the change has been submitted for
approval. The credit limit does not change until it is approved.

A message is sent to the Accounts Receivable manager for the account, asking for
approval of the credit limit change. The message is sent to the manager’s Credit
Management mailbox in the Employee Work Center. Using an online form, the
manager has the option to either approve or reject the credit limit change.

n l y
If the manager approves the change, the Credit Limit field in the Customer Master

e O
table (F0301) will change from the old credit limit to the new credit limit. A message
is sent to the user that changed the credit limit to advise that the change was

U s
If the manager rejects the credit limit change, the Credit Limit field in the Customer
Master table retains the old credit limit value. A message is sent to the user that
changed the credit limit to advise that the requested change was not approved.

6. The K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit Limit Approval workflow process
should appear under the Credit Limit Approval project.
This concludes the activity. Do not continue.
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 27

Creating a Workflow Process in OMW Lesson 8











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28 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9

Describing Workflow Modeler

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 29

Describing Workflow Modeler Lesson 9

Activity 7: Exploring Workflow Modeler

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Open a workflow process in Workflow Modeler.

• Explain features of Workflow Modeler.

Slide 89 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Open the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> workflow in Workflow Modeler.
Explore the features of Workflow Modeler and then answer the following questions:

Question Answer
In Workflow Modeler, locate the Object Creation
Tools toolbar. What is the purpose of the toolbar?
How can you find out what each icon represents?
List the available icons in the order that they appear
from top to bottom on the toolbar.
Note: Do not list icons that are unavailable for
selection, because they are not available.

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30 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10

Designing Workflow Tasks

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 31

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Activity 8: Designing Tasks for the Credit Limit Approval Process

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create tasks for the Credit Limit Approval process.

• Configure workflow tasks.

Slide 108 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Review the Credit Limit Approval diagram in Activity 2. Based on the information in the
diagram, create the following four tasks in the K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Credit Limit Approval workflow. Name the tasks as shown in the following table:

Name of Task Purpose

APPROVE Send message to credit manager for approval
UPDATE Update the credit limit in the Customer Master table if credit change is approved
ACCEPT Send notification of accepted credit limit change to originator
REJECT Send notification of rejected credit limit change to originator

After you have created all four tasks, configure them with the required information. n l y
e O
Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

U s
Creating Tasks for the Credit Limit Approval Process
l &
1. In OMW, select the K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit Limit Approval

workflow process and click the Design Tools button.

te r
2. On the Workflow Design form, select the Design Tools tab, and then click Start
Workflow Modeler.

I n
Creating the APPROVE Task

c l e
The Approve task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit
limit change.

r a To create the APPROVE task:

O 1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

32 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Credit Limit Approval Request
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Approve task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Creating the UPDATE Task

In the Update task, you attach a business function to update the customer’s credit limit in
the Customer Master table if the manager approves the credit limit change.

To create the UPDATE task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Business Function icon.

n l y
2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.

U s
3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Value or Status
O K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

Version 1
Update Credit Limit
Category Code 1

t e r Blank

Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

c l e And Join (Y/N) Blank

r a
O 4. Click OK.

The Update task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 33

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Creating the ACCEPT Task

The Accept task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit
limit change.

To create the ACCEPT task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram. The Workflow
Task Revisions form appears.

3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description Send Accepted Message to Originator
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank
And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK. n l y
The Accept task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.
e O
Creating the REJECT Task
U s
limit change.
The Reject task sends a message to the credit manager asking for approval of the credit

1. In Workflow Modeler, click the Message icon.

l &
2. Drop the task onto the diagram by clicking anywhere in the diagram.

The Workflow Task Revisions form appears.
te r
3. On the Workflow Task Revisions form, enter the following information:


Process In Value or Status
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>

c l Version 1

O ra Task
Send Rejected Message to Originator
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

34 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

Field Value or Status

And Join (Y/N) Blank

4. Click OK.

The Reject task appears in the Workflow Modeler diagram.

Configuring Workflow Tasks

After the tasks have been created, configure them as follows:

Configuring the APPROVE Task

To configure the Approve message task, you must define the contents and the recipient of
the message.

To configure the APPROVE task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Approve message task that you added to the
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Value Additional Information

Structure Type
BF mnSendToAddress
<Single Recipient>
n l y
<Credit Management>
e O
Text <Blank>

U s

<Define Active Message> Find and select application
P98805, Form W98805A
Pass the following value:

O BF cApprovalActionCode Æ

l & cCommentRequired

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 35

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>A for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnCustomerNumber
&2: BF szCustomerName
&3: BF mnOldCreditLimit
&4: BF mnNewCreditLimit
&5: BF jdDateUpdated
&6: BF szOriginatorName
Message Key <None>

3. Click OK.

Configuring the UPDATE Task

In the Update task, you attach an existing business function, N03B0159, to update the
credit limit on the customer record.

n l y
To configure the UPDATE task:

e O
1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Update business function task that you added to
the diagram, and then select Event Rules.

U s
2. On the Business Function Search form, find source module N03B0159 and then click

3. On the Business Functions form, map the parameters by entering the following

l & Dir Data Item
BF mnCustomerNumber
n a Æ mnCustomerNumber

te r
BF mnNewCreditLimit Æ mnNewCreditLimit

I n
BF szCompany Æ szCompany

c l e
r a 4. Click OK.

Configuring the ACCEPT Task

O To configure the Accept task, you must define the contents and the recipients of the

To configure the ACCEPT task:

36 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Designing Workflow Tasks

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Accept message task that you added to the
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

Field Value Additional Information

Recipient BF mnOriginatorNumber
Structure Type <Single Recipient>
Mailbox <Electronic Workbench>
Subject <Blank>
Text <Blank>
Active <None>
Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>B for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF szCustomerName
&2: BF mnCustomerNumber

Message Key <None>

n l y
&3: BF mnNewCreditLimit

e O
3. Click OK.
U s
Configuring the REJECT Task

To configure the Reject task, you must define the contents and the recipients of the
l &
To configure the REJECT task:

1. In Workflow Modeler, right-click the Reject message task that you added to the
te r
diagram, and then select Event Rules.

2. Enter the following information:

I n
Field Value Additional Information

cl e
Recipient BF mnOriginatorNumber

Structure Type <Single Recipient>
Mailbox <Electronic Workbench>

O Subject
Active <None>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 37

Designing Workflow Tasks Lesson 10

Field Value Additional Information

Message <Define Message> Type LM553<last two digits of
your user ID>C for the
Dictionary Item and then click
Find. The Description, Glossary
and Parameters boxes should
display information for this
message. Map the parameters as
shown below.
Assign the following values:
&1: BF mnNewCreditLimit
&2: BF szCustomerName
&3: BF mnCustomerNumber
Message Key <None>

3. After you have defined and configured all the tasks for the Credit Limit Approval
workflow process, save your changes and exit Workflow Modeler.

4. On the Workflow Design form, click OK to return to OMW.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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38 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11

Designing Workflow Transitions

and Conditions

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 39

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

Activity 9: Creating Transitions and Transition Conditions

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Locate transitions and transition conditions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow

• Create task transitions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow process.

• Add and attach transition conditions.

• Validate a workflow process version.

Slide 118 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Review the Credit Limit Approval diagram to determine the sequence of tasks and to
locate transition conditions:

Change Credit Limit Triggering Event

Enter Workflow Send Message to Approver


e O

U sReject

A I Send "Rejected" Message to

Update Credit in
O Originator

l &
Send "Accepted" Message to

te r Originator

Diagram of the Credit Limit Approval workflow process

I n
In Workflow Modeler, move each task to a location in the workspace that corresponds

c l e
with the Credit Limit Approval diagram. Create the necessary transitions between the
tasks to complete the process flow.

r a Create two transition conditions in your K5503<last two digits of your user ID> Credit

O Limit Approval workflow. For the transition condition properties, enter the following

40 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions

Rule Description
IFAPPROVED If credit limit change is approved
IFREJECTED If credit limit change is rejected

Attach each transition condition to the appropriate transition in the workflow process.
Consider the following information when defining the event rule logic for each transition

When you configured the Approve message task in Activity 8, you specified that the
message sent to the approver is the Generic Approval form (P98805, W98805A). The
Generic Approval form has two radio buttons: Accept and Reject. These radio buttons
represent action codes A and R respectively. The data item for the action code in the
additional data structure attached to the workflow process is cApprovalActionCode.

The IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED task transitions appear as part of the workflow
diagram when you complete the transition conditions.

After you have added the transition conditions, validate the workflow process. If there are
errors, correct them until the “Workflow is VALID” message appears.

Note. Use STA<last two digits of your user ID> for the user name and password in this

Locating Transitions and Transition Conditions in the Credit Limit Approval

Workflow Process
The following diagram illustrates the transitions and transition conditions for the Credit n l y
Limit Approval workflow process:

e O
U s

Change Credit Limit
Triggering Event


Enter Workflow

l & Send Message to Approver PROCESS

n a
te r
If Approval Action Approve Reject If Approval Action

I n
Code is equal to A Code is equal to R

c l e Update Credit Limit

Send "Rejected" Message to

r a in Database

O Send "Accepted" Message to


Transition conditions in the Credit Limit Approval workflow

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 41

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

The diamond in the middle of the diagram is the decision point, with Approve and Reject
being the two choices. If the credit manager selects the Approve radio button on the
Generic Workflow Approval form, the event rules in the application assign A as the
action code. Alternatively, if the credit manager selects Reject, the event rules assign an
R as the action code.

Creating Task Transitions in the Credit Limit Approval Workflow Process

1. In Object Management Workbench, select the K5503<last two digits of your user
ID> Credit Limit Approval workflow process and click Design Tools.

2. On Workflow Design, click the Design Tools tab, and then click the Start Workflow
Modeler option.

3. On Workflow Modeler, move each task to a location in the workspace that

corresponds with the workflow diagram. You might find it easier to create the
diagram horizontally rather than vertically in the workspace.

4. Connect the tasks by clicking the Transition icon on the toolbar. Click and drag the
mouse from the task at which you want to the transition to originate to the next task
in the process.

Adding and Attaching Transition Conditions

Create and attach the two transition conditions to the workflow diagram as follows:

1. Create and attach the IFAPPROVED transition condition by right-clicking the
n l y
transition between the Approve task and the Update task and then selecting Add and

e O
2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

A IValue or Status
K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
O 1
If Credit Limit Change is Approved
Category Code 1
n a Blank
Category Code 2

te r Blank

I n
Category Code 3 Blank

c l e
3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

r a
O Operator
Left Operand
BF cApprovalActionCode
Is equal to
Right Operand

42 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions

4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.

1. Create and attach the IFREJECTED transition condition by right-clicking the
transition between the Approve task and the Reject task and then selecting Add and

2. To complete the Process Rule Revisions form, enter the following information:

Field Value or Status

Process K5503<last two digits of your user ID>
Version 1
Description If Credit Limit Change is Rejected
Category Code 1 Blank
Category Code 2 Blank
Category Code 3 Blank

3. To complete the Criteria Design form, enter the following information:

Operator Left Operand Comparison Right Operand

If BF cApprovalActionCode Is equal to R

n l y
4. Click OK twice to return to Workflow Modeler.
e O
U s
After adding the IFAPPROVED and IFREJECTED transition conditions, the Credit
Limit Approval workflow diagram should appear similar to this illustration:

l &
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c l e
r a Workflow process with tasks, transitions, and transition conditions
O 5. Save the Credit Limit Approval workflow process and then exit Workflow Modeler.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 43

Designing Workflow Transitions and Conditions Lesson 11

Validating a Workflow Process Version

1. On the Design Tools tab, click Validate Workflow.

2. If the version contains no errors, the message “Workflow is Valid” appears. This
message means that you can now attach the workflow process to an application.

3. If the version contains errors, a dialog box appears with a list of errors. Click Start
Workflow Modeler to open the version in Workflow Modeler and correct the errors.

4. On Workflow Design, click OK to return to Object Management Workbench.

This concludes the activity. Do not continue.

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