Term 2 Assessment Guide

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Assessment Guide

ICT Enterprise Network

ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging
technologies and practices

ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise

branch networks

ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

1A. Purpose of this assessment

This assessment will develop the candidate’s skills and knowledge on

 Emerging Technologies and practices

 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
 Configure and troubleshoot operating system

The assessment is designed to help the candidate gather evidence of the

candidate’s competence against the requirements of the unit of competency, as
outlined below. The candidate’s evidence may take a variety of forms and must be:

 Authentic – the candidate’s own work

 Valid – related to the competency
 Sufficient – appropriate quantity and quality
 Current – recent proof of the candidate’s skills and knowledge

1B. What you are required to do

For this assessment, you are required to complete seven tasks:

Task A - Knowledge questions

Task B - Determine business requirements
Task C - Install Operating system software
Task D - Configure Server and Client OS
Task E - Install and configure WAN
Task F - Install Operating System Software (Case Study 2)
Task G - Configure and Troubleshoot (Case Study 2)
Task H - Determine the support level and provide support

You may choose to base Tasks B to H on:

a) Your own workplace OR

b) The provided case study information
c) Contact your trainer if you choose option A

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 2 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

1C. A note on plagiarism and referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people
are presented as your own.

When quoting or paraphrasing from a source such as the Internet, the source must
be recognised. If you are quoting a source, make sure to acknowledge this by
including “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the
source at the point at which it is included within your assessment, such as by using a
citation. Then list the full details of the source in a ‘references’ section at the end of
your assessment.

All sources used for your assessment should be detailed in a ‘references’ section. It
is advisable to never copy another person’s work.

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 3 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

2. Assessment Cover sheet

Candidate Name: YUSUF KARA

Student ID: ACBI20230305

Contact Number: 0468585799

Email: Yusufkara87@gmail.com

Trainer / Assessor
Abdullah Mamun

Qualification: ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology

ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and
Units of ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch
Competencies: networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

☐Task A - Knowledge questions

☐Task B - Determine business requirements
☐Task C - Install Operating system software
☐Task D - Configure Server and Client OS
Assessment Tasks: ☐Task E - Install and configure WAN
☐Task F - Install Operating System Software (Case Study 2)
☐Task G - Configure and Troubleshoot (Case Study 2)
☐Task H - Determine the support level and provide support

Due Date:
Declaration: I have read and understood the following information at the
beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):
☐ Assessment information
☐ Submitting assessments
☐ Plagiarism and referencing
I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is
of others, I have fully referenced that material.

Name (please print):

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Version: V23.0 Page 4 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Candidate signature:


Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 5 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task A – Knowledge questions

Answer the questions below to demonstrate your knowledge. When answering the
questions, ensure that you:

 Answer all parts of each question

 Use your own words and give examples wherever possible
 Keep in mind the quality of your answer is more important than how long it is
 Enter your answers in this document
 Acknowledge and cite any sources used

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Version: V23.0 Page 6 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

A.1 Research and identify emerging technology information sources
Learning resources: online research, government website, trusted information


TechRadar :TechRadar is one of the most accurate, simple and user-

friendly online resources to stay current with the latest tech news and
IEEE Spectrum: Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, IEEE Spectrum provides technical insights into emerging
ISACA: This is a forum to collaborate on all topics related to Emerging
Technology or technology with the potential to change the status quo.
Google Alerts And Google News: Google Alerts is a customizable content
change detection and notification service. It will send an email to a user
when it finds newly published results including Web pages, news articles,
blogs or research that match that user’s selected search terms.

A.2 Briefly discuss Internet protocol (IP) addressing scheme architecture.

Learning resources:


The Internet Protocol (IP) addressing scheme provides a unique

identification system for devices connected to the network, allowing them to
communicate and exchange data with each other as a fundamental
component of the internet and computer networks. The IP addressing
scheme architecture is based on two main versions: IPv4 (Internet Protocol
version 4) and IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6).

A.3 Discuss Network topology ? Why is network topology important ? What’s the
most common type of Network Topology? (150 - 200 words)
Learning resources:

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Version: V23.0 Page 7 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system


A well formed network topoplogy makes it easier for network admins to

locate faults, troubleshoot issues and to allocate network resources, provide
efficient data transmission, attain performance optimization. Star topology is
the most commonly used topology system.

A.4 Briefly discuss Network Protocols and security solutions (80-100 words)
Learning resources:


Network protocols are a set of rules and conventions that enable devices to
communicate and exchange data over a computer network. Network security
solutions are measures and technologies such as firewalls, network
segmentation, antivirus and antimalware softwares, encryption which
designed to protect computer networks and data from unauthorized access,
attacks, and vulnerabilities.

A.5 Briefly discuss Open System Interconnection (OSI) layers of networking

(150-200 Words)
Learning resources:


Physical Layer (Layer 1):The Physical Layer deals with the physical
connection and transmission of data over the network medium.

Data Link Layer (Layer 2):The Data Link Layer provides error-free and
reliable data transmission between two directly connected nodes over the
Physical Layer.

Network Layer (Layer 3):The Network Layer is responsible for routing data
packets between different networks to reach their destination.

Transport Layer (Layer 4):The Transport Layer ensures reliable and end-to-

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 8 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

end data delivery between two hosts on the network.

Session Layer (Layer 5):The Session Layer establishes, maintains, and

terminates communication sessions between applications on different

Presentation Layer (Layer 6):The Presentation Layer is responsible for data

format translation, encryption, and compression.

Application Layer (Layer 7):The Application Layer is the topmost layer and
interacts directly with end-user applications.

A.6 How does transmission control protocol works ? Briefly discuss the layers of
TCP/IP models (100-150 Words)
Learning resources:
https://www.fortinet.com/resources/cyberglossary/tcp- ip#:~:text=What%20is
%20TCP%3F,data%20and%20messages%20over%20net works.


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable, connection-oriented

transport layer protocol used for data transmission over IP networks. The
TCP/IP model is a conceptual framework which has application layer,
transport layer, internet layer, link layer used for communication in computer
networks and the internet.

A.7 What are the seven layers of Open System Interconnection (OSI) of
networking? (100 - 150 Words)
Learning resources:


Open System Interconnection (OSI) has physical, data Link, network,

transport, session, presentation, and application layers that computer
systems use to communicate over a network.

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Version: V23.0 Page 9 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

A8. What is the purpose of WAN connection? How does a WAN works? (100 - 150
Learning resources:
https://aws.amazon.com/what is/wan/#:~:text=A%20wide%2Darea%20network


The purpose of a (WAN) connection is to interconnect devices from multiple

locations over long distances. WANs are either point-to-point, with a direct
connection between two sites, or packet-switched, with data transmitted in
packets over shared circuits. Point-to-point WAN service can use either analog
dial-up lines or modems to connect the computer to the phone line. Local
telephone companies and long-distance carriers are both point-to-point WAN
service providers.Packet-switched network services are typically chosen by
organizations with low data volumes or multiple sites for which multiple
dedicated lines would be prohibitively expensive.

A9. Research and list some hardware and software tools that can be used to
troubleshoot network issues.
Learning resources:
https://aws.amazon.com/what is/wan/#:~:text=A%20wide%2Darea%20network


Some common hardware tools used for network troubleshooting are network
cable tester, loopback plug, ethernet cable crimper, network tap (test access
point), multimeter, wireless signal analyser. To troubleshoot network issues
effectively, network administrators and IT professionals use a combination of
software tools such as network protocol analyzer, ip scanner, port scanner,
command-line network diagnostics, ping, traceroute.

A10.Briefly discuss commandline, GUI, Operating System (OS) (80-100 words)

Learning resources:
Learning resources: lecture notes on Moodle.

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Version: V23.0 Page 10 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system


Command Line is a text-based method of interacting with a computer's

operating system. Users input commands in the form of text strings, in
which operating system responds.
GUI is a visual way of interacting with a computer system through icons,
buttons, windows, and menus.
An Operating System is a software that manages computer hardware and
provides essential services for computer programs.It handles tasks like
memory management, process scheduling, file system management, and
device drivers.

Case Study 1
Task B- Define business requirements – Documentation &
This task demonstrates that you are able to research the IT requirements of a
business. Review the Sydney Institute of Technology policies and provide the
following information.
You have to write a report that details the information about the requirements of the
proposed system. Your report should have the following sections.
 Outline the contents and purpose of the report.
 Limitations and operational issues of the current IT system
 Research and recommend three emerging technologies and practices for Sydney
Institute of Technology (SIT)
 Discuss potential opportunities and threats resulting from the emerging
technology and practice
 Likely impact on current organisational technologies and practices
 Objectives of the organisation in responding to the emerging technology or
 Changes required in order to achieve intended objectives of the organisation
 Develop a change management plan for SIT
 Develop an Action plan to implement the changes required
 Analyse the existing IT infrastructure. Compare and contrast the existing system
with recommended system
 Research on vendor sites for installation requirements and procedures

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Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system
 Identify the domain name and computer naming conventions to be used.
 Provide the list of server services (such as Active Directory, DNS etc.) that need
to be installed.
 List the IP settings to be used for the computer’s network configuration.
 Recommend the disk layout of the computer and partition type for each disk on
the domain controller.
 Include a directory structure to be implemented on the server that will meet the
needs of both user accounts and SIT storage requirements.
 Schedule a meeting with John Steven principal of Sydney Institute of Technology.
Discuss recommended solutions. You have to ensure there is a Q & A session in
your meeting. Update the report based on the feedback from the principal. You
have to record the meeting and submit a copy of the recorded session in moodle.

Submission requirements:
 Report with action plan in word or PDF format
 Change management plan
 Recorded Meeting in mp4 format

Report with action plan:

Change management plan:

Meeting link:

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Version: V23.0 Page 12 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task C - Install Operating System Software

By completing you can demonstrate your ability to install an operating system which
meets the specifications of a business. In this task you will install a server and a
client on separate computers.
You need to do:
 Install the Windows Server operating system recommended by your
trainer and related services that follow the specifications you identified in
Task B.
 Use another machine/device, install the Windows 10 operating system
and related services for a client.
 Install Norton’s Antivirus (or similar) to the client PC
 Test the domain installation by logging on as administrator on the client
computer and join the server’s domain.

C1. Server operating system

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 13 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

C2. Client operating system & Antivirus

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 14 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task D - Configure Server & Client OS

D1. Active directory:

This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure Active
Directory server roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots


This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure DNS roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 15 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system


This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure DHCP roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 16 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 17 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task E- Install & Configure WAN

Sydney Institute of Technology expending their business services in Melbourne.
Recently they purchased a new campus in Melbourne CBD. SIT Management like to
install new server and computers for their staffs and students in the new campus.
Management would like to integrate the new network with the existing IT network
infrastructure at Sydney. As a Support analyst of the IT team your tasks are :

NOTE: Use CISCO packet tracer to complete the required assessment activities.

E1. Install Switch

 Select media, cables, ports, and connectors according to task requirements
 Identify network segmentation, traffic management and switching requirements
 Perform, save and verify initial switch configuration according to task
 Verify network status and switch operation according to technical and
organisational standards
 Implement and verify security level for switch according to organisational

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 18 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 19 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

E2. Install Router

 Select media, cables, ports, and connectors according to task requirements
 Perform, save and verify basic router configuration according to task
 Install and verify classless routing protocol and network connectivity with
required personnel
 Implement password and physical security according to organisational

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 20 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system
E3. WAN Configuration
Using CISCO packet tracer complete the following task and activities:
 Determine required method for connecting to a WAN
 Implement and verify basic WAN serial connection

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 21 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

E4. System Documentation

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Version: V23.0 Page 22 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system
This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to document the configuration of the
Windows server

Your user documentation must contains:

1.A technical system specification of the actual server outlining the hardware
configuration and drivers used. Include serial numbers for major components.

2.The configuration of the OS services you installed.

3.The name version and licence numbers of the software installed.
4.The testing procedures used to verify that the system is working
5.The Active Directory structure you created
6.The test user’s password security configuration

Submission requirements:
 Copy of the user documentation

E5. Test the system

This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to test and ensure that installed OS
and network equipment are working according to the requirements. Use the test
template to document the test results.

Submission requirements:
 Copy of the Test documentation

E6. User training

You are to organise training sessions for SIT management and staff members. Use
the training template to complete the task.

Submission requirements:
 Copy of the training plan

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 23 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

E7. System Handover Documentation

This task allows you to document the server’s configuration. You need to prepare a
document called a Systems Handover Technical Reference that has the following
1.Identify the expected role of the server.
2.Provide technical system information outlining hardware configuration.
3.Identify the disk and directory information including share points.
4.Outline security groups
5.Outline system backup procedures
6. In a meeting discuss the new system with SIT principal John Steven. Incorporate
any feedback in the document and obtain sign off

Submission requirements:
 Copy of the technical documentation
 Meeting link

Case Study 2
Task F - Install Operating System Software
By completing you can demonstrate your ability to install an operating system which
meets the specifications of a business. In this task you will install a server and a
client on separate computers.
You need to do:
 Install the Windows Server operating system recommended by your
trainer and related services that follow the specifications you identified for
case study 2.
 Use another machine/device, install the Windows 10 operating system
and related services for a client.
 Install Norton’s Antivirus (or similar) to the client PC
 Test the domain installation by logging on as administrator on the client
computer and join the server’s domain.

F1. Server operating system

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 24 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

F2. Client operating system & Antivirus

Submission requirements:
 Screenshots

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 25 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task G - Configure & Troubleshoot

G1. Active directory:

This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure Active
Directory server roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots

Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 26 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

G2. Domain Name System (DNS)

This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure DNS roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots

G3. Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)

This task allows you to demonstrate your ability to install and configure DHCP roles.

Submission requirement:
 Screenshots

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Version: V23.0 Page 27 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

Task H - Determine the support level & provide support

Research and identify level of support required for each department at NBC

Submission requirements:

 Level of support information

You are required to research and complete following support activities

H1.Test the DHCP functionality for NBC server using the windows commandline


Student Assessment Guide - ICT Enterprise

Version: V23.0 Page 28 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

Student Assessment Guide
ICTICT426 Identify and evaluate emerging technologies and practices
ICTNWK424 Install and operate small enterprise branch networks
ICTSAS445 - Configure and troubleshoot operating system

H2. If you having connectivity problems, what is the command (DOS)

to check the destination IP address you want to reach and record the results.


H3. Test the host connection using the ping command. Submit screenshot of the


H4. Write the command to display network Statistics of NBC Lawyers.


H5. Write the command to show paths a packet of information takes from your
computer to one you specify.


H6.You are working as a network administrator at NBC Lawyers. You receive a call
from one of the staff member who does not have an internet connection. It seems
that his wireless router is working, but is not getting any internet connection.
Research what kind of network or hardware problems he might have and note the
possible solutions to this problem


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Version: V23.0 Page 29 of 29

Developed by: ACBI Approved by: DoS Issued: May 2023

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