10 TH Assignment - Ic971951

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Assignment for Class X

Section A: Reading Comprehension

1. Prose: "Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom"

a. Questions:

1. Describe Nelson Mandela’s concept of freedom as he experienced it during his childhood and
how it changed over time.
2. How did Mandela’s understanding of freedom and oppression evolve through his life?
3. What were the significant moments in Mandela’s journey that led to the end of apartheid in
South Africa?

b. Vocabulary:

1. Find synonyms for the following words from the text: (a) Apartheid (b) Oppression (c)
Segregation (d) Liberation
2. Use the words ‘inauguration’, ‘profound’, and ‘resilience’ in sentences of your own.

2. Poem: "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost

a. Questions:

1. What does the poet convey through the imagery of fire and ice?
2. Discuss the themes of desire and hatred as depicted in the poem.
3. How does the poet use contrasting elements to present a unified theme?

b. Literary Devices:

1. Identify and explain the use of symbolism in the poem.

2. What is the rhyme scheme of "Fire and Ice"?

Section B: Writing Skills

1. Article Writing: Write an article on the importance of freedom and equality in modern
society, drawing parallels with Nelson Mandela’s struggle.

2. Story Writing: Write a short story about a person who overcame significant challenges to
achieve freedom or success. Your story should be at least 500 words long and should include a
clear plot, characters, and a resolution.
Section C: Speaking and Listening Skills

1. Speech: Prepare and deliver a speech on the topic: "The Role of Youth in Upholding
Democracy". Ensure your speech is at least 3-4 minutes long.

2. Listening Activity: Listen to a famous speech by Nelson Mandela (e.g., his inaugural
address) and answer the following questions:

1. What are the key messages conveyed in the speech?

2. How does Mandela use rhetorical devices to engage his audience?

Section D: Project Work

1. Research Project: Conduct a research project on the life and works of Nelson Mandela.
Prepare a detailed report covering the following points:

1. Early life and influences.

2. Key events in his fight against apartheid.
3. His presidency and contributions to South Africa.
4. Legacy and global impact.

2. Poster Making: Create a poster highlighting the themes of the poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert
Frost. Use images, symbols, and quotes from the poem to convey its message.


1. Answer all questions in complete sentences.

2. For the vocabulary section, write the meanings as well as sentences.
3. Ensure your article and story are structured properly.
4. Prepare for the speech by practicing it multiple times.
5. Use references and citations where necessary for the research project.
6. Submit your assignment in a neat and organized manner by [insert due date here].

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Comprehension and Interpretation: Understanding of the text and ability to interpret themes
and characters.
2. Creativity: Originality and creativity in writing tasks and poster making.
3. Presentation: Neatness, organization, and adherence to instructions.
4. Participation: Active participation in speaking and listening activities.
5. Research: Depth and accuracy of research for the project work.

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