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From Data Chaos to Clarity: How an Automated Tracking System Can Help?

Group Members
Bernales, Francis Clinton N. (Author or Proponent of the Plan/Script Writer/Video Presenter)
Busbus, KINDLY WRITE YOUR NAME (Video Presenter)
Chipeco, KINDLY WRITE YOUR NAME (Video Presenter/Consolidator of Videos)
Lyceum of the Philippines, Laguna (BSBA-OM under ETEEAP)


Under the administrative category, Group 1 (Bernales, Busbus, and Chipeco) made the
decision to provide business offers to various consumers, especially government institutions,
with hundreds of documents coming every single day to have access to an automated data
tracking system (ADTS) as our target market.

Payrolls, communication, and other necessary files are among the administrative
documents that will be chosen for data tracking to automatically, efficiently, and accurately
monitor them. Tracking of files will be more effective, and you can also save time by adopting
this service. This will also enhance how the documents will be managed, resulting in a faster
accomplishment of duties.

Our company will provide services for consumers looking to resolve data analytics
issues. Consumers may guarantee consistency in data analysis as well as proper organization
with our solution. It seems necessary to offer an ADTS to facilitate efficient data tracking. Our
company will provide a data tracking strategy for the consumer outlining the many institutional
approaches that will be used in the conduct and data recording process in order to facilitate the
seamless automation of institutional records. It is evidently vital that ADTS be able to effectively
monitor each document.

ADTS has the following benefits: monitoring and optimizing data tracker time; real-time
monitoring and reporting; controlling more accurate, useful data; and facilitating improved
communication with various stakeholders related to your institution. Data tracking is essential for
comprehending the target market, spotting issues, and making data-driven decisions. An
institution should always have a strategy in place to gather and evaluate data efficiently.

To guarantee reliable and accurate information, ADTS is essential to making wise

decisions, streamlining procedures, and reducing the risk of committing errors. Our company
will offer a service that may enhance data quality, quickly identify problems, and maintain a
strong data infrastructure by implementing monitoring best practices and using automated data
monitoring solutions.


Data tracking is essential to comprehending and satisfying expectations in the era of

customization. Our company will monitor client’s interactions, preferences, and satisfaction level
with our service to suit the client’s specific needs. This raises lifetime value and fosters greater
loyalty, in addition to raising consumer satisfaction.

Today, data is just as valuable as oil. However, knowledge must be used carefully if we
want to make it more valuable and data tracking is all about this precisely. Achieving
consumer’s success and growth requires data analysis. The consumer will gain a better
understanding of the user journey, increase revenue for your business, and enhance the user
experience with the aid of the actionable insights derived from the analysis. Institutions may
make well-informed decisions based on precise and current information due to data tracking.
Tracking data is crucial to maximizing performance in every part of an institution. You may find
inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and places for development by tracking and evaluating data.

Our company, under the category of administrative, decided to provide access to an

automated data tracking system service to an institution, especially government agencies who
process a lot of documents from daily work.

Our goals for the consumer should be clear, quantifiable, doable, and pertinent—all of
which are crucial in the present day. Prior to beginning data collection in the selected consumer,
we will be selecting data sources that will undergo automated tracking. For our company,
administrative documents of the selected consumer including payrolls, communications, and
other administrative documents will be selected for data tracking in order to automatically,
effectively, and precisely monitor the data. By using this method, the consumer will be able to
track files more efficiently and save 80% of their time. Additionally, this will improve the way
consumers handle papers and be able to complete administrative assignments. With this,
correct software or the ADTS will also guarantee ethical compliance and consistency with the
consumer’'s data protection policy, and we can say that choosing the appropriate tools is vital.

Industry Indicators

Institutions nowadays deal with the bulk of documents lacking organization. Price can be
a hindrance to the goal of automation in an entity. To date, we can just count with our hands the
institutions, especially the government, applying for automation of their data tracking.

Industry Forecast

Our company will offer a service of automation, not just to gain profit with your institution
but to help you organize your documents in a faster and more seamless way. This automation
nowadays is deemed in demand to prevent the risk of losing documents as a result of an
unorganized tracking system.

Industry Drivers
The following are the drivers for the success of having an automated data tracking

National freeze on hiring in the government sector: the automation of data tracking will
ease the lack of employees in an institution.

Courier spending: all of the documents that will run an institution, particularly the
administrative part, will all be automated. The goal of the consumer to be paperless will be

Business Trends

A few to minimal operations: an automated data tracking system is a tool that can work
with a few to minimal operators and provide a continuous flow of the incoming and outgoing of

Other institutions have a lesser burden of manual logging of documents on the

computer: Though initially practiced primarily by various institutions, the bring-your-own-logbook
phenomenon is still rampant nowadays with regards to data tracking. Institutions may run the
risk of losing some of the documents due to slower transmission as a result of manual tracking.
In response to the trend, automation has released, transmitted, and acted upon more
documents than in manual systems. Going automated comes with less risk of disorganization.

Industry Opportunities

Outsourcing more employees: Many consumers that produce high volumes of

documents incorporate machining or automation into their regular processes. However,
institutions that transmit fewer batches of documents can slow the process by which they are
acted upon. The development of automation techniques, including data tracking, has favored
the company by reducing the outsourcing of employees that can work on the documents.
Automation can also guarantee better quality and on-time delivery than a manual system.

Pre-Distribution Design: To minimize the distribution costs of the consumers, their needs
can be catered to in designing the system before the distribution or handover of the system to
take best advantage of the automation designs and capabilities. Our company will be closely
involved with the consumers in the design process and can offer extensive automation


Our service provides several institutions looking to create alliances in the race for data
analytics with a broad and varied spectrum of experience. As a small company, we have recent
experience preparing proposals and carrying out contracts as both prime and subcontractors.
Both as prime contractors and as subcontractors, we have collaborated with large as well as
small companies. We have dealt with labor unions before.

The fundamental business tenets of our service are prompt client service and high-
quality work. These guidelines focus on offering outstanding customer service and support
systems with additional value. Our consistent and ongoing honesty, reliability, and responsibility
are demonstrated by our steady development.
Although managing a business demands a lot of effort and attention, data tracking may
greatly simplify your task. Data monitoring reduces the possibility of mistakes and inaccurate
insights. Additionally, it might improve your economic outcomes. This is for institutions that
would like to have more control over their data and examine and characterize vast amounts of
data instead of wasting time analyzing them.

We can guarantee a constant high standard of contact data with our solution: (1) for
institutions that must follow data entry service providers to keep an eye on their output,
accuracy, and accountability to make sure they are providing the data they require most; and (2)
for institutions that will supply data services, who must keep an eye on and maximize employee
performance in order to give outstanding customer service.

As data managers for the documents that we receive and work with, our company is
concentrating on the administrative side of the business we are offering to the clients,
particularly the government institutions. We are offering the necessity of a well-thought-out plan
in order to be effective in tracking data. A document that outlines the consumer's data tracking
approach is called a data tracking plan, with the following important inclusions: What to track is
highlighted. In the case of the institution that will be selected, the incoming and outgoing
documents received by the personnel. In what way can we locate the data? In this case, the
data tracking system will be beneficial for monitoring documents. Why monitor the data? In this
case, the monitoring of the documents being received by the institution can be filtered based on
urgency to act upon.

We are presenting to our consumers the concept of data tracking, which is the process
of gathering specific data from our clients's numerous business channels, categorizing it, and
utilizing it to provide insights that guide their decisions. Data monitoring makes use of data to
enhance the performance of websites and provide a more customized user experience.

The amount of information available in today's data-driven environment may be

debilitating. However, there is unrealized potential waiting to be discovered inside this vast
repository of data. Gathering data is not enough; Why automation? We also need to shape it
into a successful road map. Data tracking is an art form, a science, and a game-changer all
rolled into one, from the abundance of free data tracking software to the complex methods used.
Our offer belongs to a more complex technique of monitoring.

Every company has a plan in place for tracking data. While many data monitoring
programs have certain similarities, it's important to match your demands to avoid wasting time
and money gathering, analyzing, and storing unnecessary data. Data is the medium of
exchange that drives businesses, guides decision-making, and develops successful strategies
in the current digital era. Effective data tracking is becoming more and more crucial as
businesses try to obtain a competitive edge. Leveraging data through this ADTS is a systematic
search that offers several benefits as the consumers/institutions navigate a more competitive
and complicated market.

Our company will choose a government institution, specifically it is one of

the bureaus under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources'
(DENR) referred to as the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau
(ERDB). The five main ecosystems of the Philippines—forests, upland farms,
grasslands and degraded zones, coastal zones and freshwater, and urban areas
—are the focus of its research, development, and extension initiatives.

Its mission is to provide appropriate technology and information through

research, development, and extension towards enhanced productivity and
sustainability of natural resources and protection of the environment for the
improvement of Filipinos' quality of life. Its vision is relevant research,
development, and extension towards a healthy environment and sustainable
natural resources for an improved quality of life.

The following are the functions of the ERDB Main Office: (1) creates,
implements, coordinates, and evaluates integrated research, development, and
extension agendas and programs on environment and natural resources (ENR)
and other related cross-cutting concerns to address the needs of the various
sectors in support of the Department's thrusts and programs; (2) conducts basic
research and develops standards, protocols, and science-based technologies to
address the needs of various DENR Bureaus, end-users, and stakeholders; (3)
provides technical assistance by creating and maintaining networks and
connections with DENR bureaus and offices, local and international institutions,
other stakeholders, and civil society; and (4) carries out other tasks that may be
assigned by higher authorities.

Nonetheless, the following are the functions of the ERDB Research

Centers: (1) create, implement, monitor, and assess applied and action-oriented
Environment and Natural Resources-Research, Development, and Extension
Programs/Activities/Projects (ENR-RDE PAPs) on the watershed, water
resources, lands, agroforestry and upland farming systems, biodiversity, coastal
areas, wetlands, and ecotourism, mining and degraded areas, forests and
timber resources, toxic wastes, and management of hazardous materials; (2)
pilot test and verify the standards and protocols created by ERDB-MO; (3)
provide the latter with feedback regarding their improvement; (4) conduct
coordination and networking services with RDE stakeholders; and (5) provide
technical assistance and extension services on ENR technologies.
With all of the ERDB's functions, it is obvious how crucial an automated data tracking
system is to effectively keeping track of every document that the bureau's employees
handle.Data monitoring is important since it makes sure that all given data is accurate and
satisfies organizational requirements. Even when company guidelines change, it continuously
examines the data to make sure it still complies with the regulations. Furthermore, data tracking
will be crucial to measuring the effectiveness of every action the bureau makes, even if its
leadership changes over time.


Our company will be conducting a series of face-to-face meetings and discussions in

order to elaborate on what service we can offer. An advertisement will be shown to the
consumer in order for them to grasp clearly the importance of having an automated data
tracking system and how it will be utilized. This will be a great help in monitoring incoming or
outgoing documents that will be acted upon by all the employees of an institution.

Our Automated Data Tracking System is offering the following advantages:

(1) Keep Tabs on and Maximize Data Specialist Time
To gain a better understanding of how data professionals utilize their time and enhance
it, insightful data entry time tracking software is needed.

In the absence of monitoring, staff members will need to verify the data one more time
for accuracy before forwarding it to the analytics team. This can take a lot of time since there is
so much data; that time might be better used helping customers, developing ideas, etc. In the
long run, data monitoring saves you money and effort by providing you with a more accurate
picture of your company.

(2) Real-time Monitoring & Reports

Track the actions of data analysts in real time and get automatic reports to improve
accuracy, reduce redundancy, and expedite processing operations.

(3) Control More Precise, Useful Information

With total control over the procedures that go into your data, you can manage your data
processing team more efficiently and improve the quality of your data while saving time.

Inaccuracies are common when data is transferred between sites. This issue is
particularly prevalent if you keep your data on the cloud or in another type of storage facility.
Comparable to a game of telephone, where a single incorrect word may significantly alter the
outcome, this situation might have a negative impact on your company's profits.

On the other hand, data monitoring verifies the accuracy of the information at every
stage automatically. When a disparity is discovered, the data is marked so that it may be
examined and adjusted as needed. Your analytics and reporting will become more reliable as a

For this bureau, data monitoring is a useful tool. Not only does it save you money and
effort, but it also keeps undesired errors out of your statistics.
(4) It facilitates improved communication with clients

You can establish a stronger connection with customers if the information is more
accurate. Data monitoring enhances relationships in an array of ways. Accurate information also
highlights areas in which you might need to improve.

With regards to the price, we are offering a reasonable amount of PHP 250,000.00 for
the copyright. Once your bureau has accepted our offer, our company will help you install the
automated data tracking system under the name of your bureau. Our team will directly
coordinate and have a one-on-one tutorial on how the system will work.

Understanding your target market, identifying problems with our product, and making
data-driven decisions all depend on data tracking. To collect and analyze data effectively, you
should always have a plan in place. This offer of Automated Data Tracking System is very
timely for your bureau.

Data monitoring is vital for businesses to ensure accurate and reliable data, make
informed decisions, optimize processes, and mitigate risks. By implementing monitoring best
practices, and utilizing automated data monitoring systems, the ERDB can improve data quality,
detect issues promptly and maintain a robust data infrastructure.


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