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1. Farmers around the world are finding it is difficult to grow sufficient supplies of food. Find sth adj:
find it difficult
2. Many people will suffer permanent mental or physically injuries. physical
3. Because approximately one thirds off all food grown today is dependent upon these types of
compounds. One third (1 phần mấy – không có “s”)
4. Plant nutrients must be soluble so that plants can obtain nutrients through its roots. their
5. Phosphoric acid, produced by the second reaction, is used in a variety of ways to produce others
fertilizers. other
6. In the great majority of case, the drug molecule interacts with a specific molecular in the biologic
system that plays a regulatory. Molecule (danh từ)
7. Toxins are usually defined as poisonous of biologic origin, i.e., synthesized by plants or animals in
contrast to inorganic poisons such as lead and arsenic. poison (danh từ)
8. The upper limit in molecular weight determines primarily by the requirement that drugs are able
to move within the body. Is determined
9. Hydrophobic bonds are usually quiet weak and are probably important in the interactions of
highly lipid-soluble drugs with the lipid of cell membranes. (sai chính tả)
10. The appropriate size, shape and atomic composition of a drug molecule enables it interact
chemically with its receptor. Enable
11. Very large drugs (with MW about 60,000) must be administered direct into the compartment
where they have their effect. Directly
12. Drugs applying to the skin surface may be absorbed slowly into the systemic circulation. applied
13. Some dosage forms are designed to produce only a local effect of the drug on skin or on mucous
membranes, including that of the eye, nose, stomach … those of the eyes (those là thay cho skin or
membranes ở số nhiều)
14. The different forms in which drugs may be supplied to a patient is described briefly in this section.


15. A dietary supplement can be product intended to supplement the diet that bear or contains one of
more of the dietary ingredients. bears
16. “Quality assurance” is a wide-ranging concept covering all matters that individual or collectively
influence the quality of a product. individually
17. Medical chemistry is the study of drug design to optimize pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics, and synthesis of new drugs. Designed
18. An ideal drug is one that reaches its intending location in the right concentration at the right time.
19. An ideal drug is one that is rapidly and completely removes from the body when no longer needed.
20. The pharmaceutical sciences may be further subdivide into several specialties. subdivided
21. A drugs is any substances is used in diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a disease. used
22. Drugs are chemicals affect the human body. affecting
23. Covalent bonding isn’t more common as static bonding in drug receptor interactions. as
24. Aspirin can be poisonous when are taken in excessive amount. When (bỏ are)
25. Acetaminophen is the preferred analgesic during pregnant and breastfeeding. pregnancy
26. The drug insulin given to patients whose bodies do not manufacture sufficient insulin. Is given
27. To help avoid errors, drugs should be prescribed use only the generic name or by using both the
generic and trade name. by using
28. The most wide known antibiotic is perhaps penicillin, famously made from mold. widely
29. Toxic side effects can be direct related to an allergic reaction. Directly
30. Distribution of the drug throughout the circulatory system is rapid and this route bypasses many
biology membranes which may delay absorption into the circulation. biological
31. The dose volume of an intravenous injection may vary on a fraction of a milliliter given as a bolus
injection to 500 ml or more given as a slow infusion. From (…to)
32. Intra-arterial injections are used mainly for diagnostic purposes and rarely for the administrative
of drugs except in neonates. administration
33. Dosage forms of adsorbents, antimicrobial compounds and antacids may design to exert a local
effect within the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. May be designed


34. Examples include preparations applied to the skin, the cornea at the eye, the nasal, rectal, vaginal
or urethral mucosa. of
35. All dosage forms should be freedom from gross microbial contamination and standards of
cleanliness in preparation must be high. Free from
36. All dosage forms should be free from gross microbial contamination and standards of clean in
preparation must be high.
37. The difference form in which drugs may be supplied to a patient are described briefly in this
section. different
38. For some dosage forms, sterility that is a total absent of micro-organisms, is essential. absence
39. Many of the dosage form supplied routine to patients on prescription are manufactured and
packaged by the pharmaceutical industry. routinely
40. Many of the dosage form supplied routinely to patients on prescription are manufacturing and
packaged by the pharmaceutical industry.
41. The shells of cachets are modeled from rice paper and are used to enclose quantities of medium-
dentistry dry powder up to 2 g in weigh. weight
42. Some people use ginger to soothe pain joints and cure skin infections. Joint pain
43. The report is first sign that there might be a change in the patent system. The first sign
44. Green tea, is popular in the Japan, is rich in flouride and can prevent tooth decay. Which is popular
45. As a general rule, you should avoid to use penicillin with streptomycin for colds and flu. using
46. As a general rule, you should avoid use penicillin with streptomycin for colds and flu.
47. Drugs abuse has became one of America’s most serious social problems. become
48. Drugs abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems.
49. Virus are simple infectious agent of plants, animals and bacteria that often cause disease. is
50. Vaccine is injected into unhealthy person to stimulate the body’s defenses. healthy
51. Intravenous solutions should be use only for severe dehydration and given by a well trained
person. used
52. Ferrous sulfate pills will do more harm than good for almost all case of anemia. All cases (all + N số
53. Drug abuse is a serious problem which may destroy the abuser health and life. Abuser’s


54. Injecting calcium is extremely dangerous especial when it isn’t injected very slowly. especially
55. Some of the dosage forms described below may be prepared extemporaneously for an individual
patient, other dosage forms may be prepared by the pharmacist like stock products. as
56. Pharmacodynamics interactions related to the pharmacologic activity of the interacting drugs are
more frequent. Pharmacodynamic
57. Four natures of drugs are determined by their curable effects on cold and heat syndromes.
58. With patient and good will, however, an environment conductive to success can be created.
Patience (sự kiên nhẫn)
59. Most medicine is more dangerous injecting than when they are taken by mouth. When injected
60. Most medicine is more dangerous when injected than when they taking by mouth.
61. The license means that the new medicines or drugs protected for a period of 20 years. Are
62. The Japanese Food and Drug Administration official names garlic as a treatment for the condition.
63. We need patents so that we can develop new medicines to fight diseases all in the developed and
the developing world.
64. The research shows that capsaicin may also reduces the chance on developing some type of
cancer. reduce
65. Tea is not only one of the most popular drinks all over the world, but it is also a strong medical
herb. medicinal
66. Never use a drugs prescribing for someone else just because the symptoms appear similar.
67. Never use a drugs prescribed for someone else just because its symptoms appear similar.
68. Aspirin is recommended to many people for their ability to thin the blood. its
69. Aspirin is recommend to many people for its ability to thin the blood.
70. People sometimes use the best medicines in the wrong way, so they work more harm than good.


71. People sometimes use the best medicines in the wrong way, so that they do more harmful than
72. For persons are allergic to penicillin, use another antibiotic such as erythromycin. Who are allergic
73. For persons are allergic with penicillin, use another antibiotic such as erythromycin.
74. For persons who are allergic with penicillin, use another antibiotic such as erythromycin.
75. In some case, SARS progress to severe pneumonia leading to an insufficient amount of oxygen in
the patient’s blood. progresses
76. In some case, SARS progresses to severe pneumonia to lead to an insufficient amount of oxygen in
the patient’s blood.
77. Antihistamines are the most common used type of drug for the treatment of allergy symptom.
78. Despite popular belief, most prescription drugs do not show a clinically relevant interact.
79. Frequent or appropriate use of antibiotics has made many strains of bacteria resistant to
antibiotic treatment. resistance
80. Aspirin should never be used for treating children because it can cause Reye syndrome in children.
81. Drugs apply to the skin surface may be absorbed slowly into the systemic effect. applied
82. The body gets all the calciums it needs from the lime
83. This medicine is recommended for the people in diabetes. with
84. When using correctly, fever reducers are safe for most people and cause few side effects. used
85. Acyclovir is a type of antiviral medications used to treat viral infection. one
86. Nutritions, specifically, vitamins and mineral play an important role in our life. nutrients
87. Because vitamins are contained in a wide variety of foods, we seldom lack of most of them. lack
88. Drugs abuse is a serious problem which may destroy the abuser health and life.
89. People can be infected with touching a doorknob or some objects that a SARS patient coughed or
sneezed on. by
90. Everyone has headaches from time to time. If they continue several days or keep recuring, it’s time
to talk a doctor. Talk to sb


91. Use only an antibiotic that is recommending for the infection you wish to treat. recommended
92. Doctors in China are famous for their knowledge of medical plants, but healers in many countries
all over the world use natural medicines. medicinal
93. Adverse drug interactions can cause a lost in therapeutic effect, toxicity or unexpected increases
in pharmacologic activity. toxic
94. Drugs more larger than MW 1000 won’t diffuse readily between compartments of the body. Bỏ
95. Absorption from the rectal mucosa is less predicted than from the small intestine following oral
administration. predictable
96. The bacteria has become resistant to the antibiotic being used. have
97. Medicines are often much more cheaper when you buy generic rather then brand name products.
98. Babies giving antibiotics sometimes develop fungus infections of the mouth. given
99. Acute pharyngitis pain is most often caused by a viral injection for who antibiotics are ineffective.
100. Diseases caused by viruses can’t be cured by antibiotics. with
101. Together with basic health-related goals many others can set up in an NDP. Can be set
102. Drugs that are administered through parenteral route absorbed into blood veins. Are absorbed
103. Such deliberate therapeutic applications may consider as the proper role of medical
pharmacology. may be considered.
104. Many people have beliefs about things they shouldn’t do or eat when taken medicines. taking
105. The shape of a drugs molecule must be such as to permit to bind to its receptor site.
106. Therefore, very large drugs (usually proteins) must be administered directly into the
compartment which they have their effect. where
107. In the most general sense, a drug may be defined as any substance that brings about a change
in biologic function through their chemical actions. its
108. In order to interact chemical with its receptor, a drug molecule must have the appropriate size,
shape, and atomic composition. chemically


109. A well-balance diet provides an adequate quantity of all vitamins regardless of age and level
of physical activity. Well-balanced
110. Curable effects of drugs come from their polarizing properties. Curative
111. The policy should be concerned with efficiency, equity and sustainable. sustainment
112. Before using penicillin, know their risks and the precautions you must take.
113. Does national drug policies and essential drug programs improve drug use? Do
114. Conventional forms of drug administration general rely on pills, eye drops, oilmens, and
intravenous solutions. Generally
115. Interaction between herbal medicines with synthetic drugs can have serious clinical
consequences. and
116. Patient who experience serious side effects associated with antibiotic use should seek medical
attention. whose
117. Over thousands of years traditional Chinese medicine has developed a threoretical and
practical approach to the treatment and prevent of disease. prevention
118. The symptoms of diabetes in the early stages are too slight that people don’t notice them. So
…. that
119. The indiscriminate and continual use of any drug without medical supervision can be danger.
120. The environment must also be organized so that dispensing can perform accurately and
efficiently. Can be performed
121. Not all bacterium are harmful but some cause diseases. Bacteria ( danh từ số nhiều)
122. Hair, skin, blood and muscles are most made of proteins. mostly
123. The Chinese and Japanese have used garlic for centuries for treating high blood pressure. To
124. In china, the WHO says, up to fifty percent of the total medicine using is traditional medicine
from plants. used
125. Poor countries should be allow to buy cheap drugs without patents from other countries.
126. This change could save millions of life in the world’s poorest countries. lives


127. This change could save millions of life in the world’s poorest countries.
128. Scientists have studied the natural drugs and learn to make synthetic drugs similar to the
natural ones. Learned/learnt

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