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1. VISTECH CONTRAST SENSITIVITY TEST These charts consist of sine wave gratings.

Each chart contains five rows and nine columns of circular photographic plates (disc) on gray
background. Each row has different spatial frequency (1.5 to 18 c.p.d. at three meters) and
contrast within the row reduces from left to right. The gratings are presented in three
orientations: vertical 90 degrees, 15 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise.
2. 40. Two separate Vistech charts are available: the VCTS-6500 for distance testing and the
VCTS- 6000 for near testing. A projector slide the VCTS-500S is also available.  A
luminance of between 103 and 240cd/m2 is recommended.  It can be used to document the
performance of low vision patients.

A clinical test for contrast sensitivity. It consists of a chart containin
g five horizontal rows, each with nine circular patches of sinusoidal
gratings. The gratings are either vertical or 15º to the right or to the
left. Each row has a different spatial frequency, starting from the to
p of the chart: 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0 and 18.0 cycles per degrees when v
iewed at a distance of 40 cm. The contrast level of each of the nine
gratings decreases from 33% to 0% from left to right in approximat
ely 0.2 log unit steps. The patient is asked to look along each row, i
dentifying the orientation of the grating. The testing is carried out
monocularly with optical correction, if any. The last grating of each
row that is incorrectly identified is noted on an evaluation form, whi
ch is provided with the test. The end points of each of the five rows
are connected to form a contrast sensitivity curve for each patient. It
is then compared with normal values indicated on the form. There i
s also a version for testing at distance. Syn. Vision Contrast Test Sy
stem (VCTS). See contrast sensitivity chart; Arden grating test.

3. Neural mechanism of contrast sensitivity: Campbell and Green gave the concepts of
different visual channels for handling information about bands of spatial frequencies.  This
concept indicates that the retina is not uniform. Fovea is specialized for high acuity and is
responsible for high spatial frequencies.  In the retinal periphery, only low frequency
channels are represented.
4. 25. M and P------- pathways Ganglion cells divded into p- Cells :- small,slow conducting
axons that input into parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate body. P-Cells have higher
spatial resolution. m-Cells :- large ,fast conducting axons that input into the magnocellular
layers. M- Cells have higher contrast sensitivity and temporal resolution and lower spatial
5. 26. Channel theory CSF is a function of several independent parallel detecting
mechanisms. Each channel is highly sensitive to some particular spatial frequency  Visual
world is broken into its separate spatial frequency components and this information is then
passed in separate channels to the cortex,where it reconstructed. Visual system consists of
4 to 6 spatial frequency channels
6. 27. Channels CSF channel could be due to a series of ganglion cells that have receptive
fields of different sizes so that they are maximally sensitive to different spatial frequencies.
Stimuli smaller than the center receptive field only produce a partial response from the
ganglion cell. Stimuli larger than the center receptive field also stimulate the surrounding
area so that the overall response from ganglion cell is reduced.
7. 28. SYMPTOMS OF CONTRAST SENSITIVITY Have problems with night driving, including
inability to see traffic lights May require extra light to read Their eyes may become tired
when they read or watch television  Not being able to see spots on clothes, counters, or
dishes Missing facial gestures
8. 29. MEASUREMENT OF CONTRAST SENSITIVITY: There are three variables in
measurement of contrast sensitivity: 1. Average amount of light reflected depends on
illumination of paper and darkness of ink. 2.Degree of blackness in relation to white
background that is contrast. 3. The distance between the grating periods of cycles per
degree of visual angle.
9. 30. The various methods available to measure CS include  Pelli Robson test  Bailey
Lovie chart  Vision contrast test system (VCTS) by Vistech  Cambridge low contrast
grating  Regan charts  FACT charts
10. 31. PELLI ROBSON CONTRAST SENSITIVITY CHARTS letters of the same size but with
reducing contrast two charts and two scoring pads. Each chart has 6 letters in each row
organized into two triplets of varying contrast. illumination of the chart is 85 cd/mm2 1
meter distance
11. 32. The score of the test is recorded by the faintest triplet out of which at least 2 letters are
correctly identified. The log CS value for this triplet is given by the number on the scoring
12. 33. CAMBRIDGE LOW CONTRAST GRATING  It is a rapid and simple screening test for
contrast sensitivity.  Performed at a distance of 6m.  It comprises of 12 pair of plates
consisting of stripes of varying contrast.  First one is for demonstration and rest are for the
proper testing and are numbered from 1-10.
13. 34. The plates are changed sequentially starting from plate 1 till the patient fails to respond.
Then a new series is begun starting 4 plates prior to where the patient failed to respond.
Four such series are completed and the score of each series is noted (numbered as per the
number of plate read) and added. The final total value is converted into contrast sensitivity
from the provided table.
14. 35. BAILEY LOVIE CHART Low contrast acuity testing & acuity testing in presence of
glare. Each row has same no. of symbols & constant spacing is used between rows &
letters. Chart is logarithmic based & visual acuity is based on log of minimum angle of
resolution or logMAR. Berkely Glare Test provides 10% of contrast & is provided with glare
15. 36. FUNCTIONAL ACUITY CONTRAST TESTING(F.A.C.T) FACT charts were developed
by Dr. Arthur Ginsburg. FACT comprises of a chart with sine-wave gratings of varying
frequencies. The chart tests five spatial frequencies (sizes) and nine levels of contrast The
Contrast varies in a row, decrease from left to right
16. 37. And the spatial frequencies increase as one move down the various columns from top
to bottom. This test is performed at a distance of 10 feet. The patient determines the last
grating seen for each row (A, B, C, D and E) and reports the orientation of the grating: right,
up or left. The last correct grating seen for each spatial frequency is plotted on a contrast
sensitivity curve.
17. 38. THE ARDEN PLATE TEST Introduced in 1978. Consists of a booklet containing
several sine wave gratings patterns Each grating is oriented vertically The contrast varies
from the top to the bottom of the grating, lowest at the top and highest at the bottom.
18. 39. VISTECH CONTRAST SENSITIVITY TEST These charts consist of sine wave gratings.
Each chart contains five rows and nine columns of circular photographic plates (disc) on gray
background. Each row has different spatial frequency (1.5 to 18 c.p.d. at three meters) and
contrast within the row reduces from left to right. The gratings are presented in three
orientations: vertical 90 degrees, 15 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise.
19. 40. Two separate Vistech charts are available: the VCTS-6500 for distance testing and the
VCTS- 6000 for near testing. A projector slide the VCTS-500S is also available.  A
luminance of between 103 and 240cd/m2 is recommended.  It can be used to document the
performance of low vision patients.
20. 41. REGAN LOW CONTRAST LETTER CHARTS Consists of three letter charts, printed on
white cardboard having contrast of 97%, 7% and 4% 3 meter with eight letters in each line
Patients are instructed to start at the top and to continue reading until they can correctly
identify no letters on a line. For one chart letter size goes on reducing and contrast remains
constant Regan in 1988 suggested there chief role in detecting early visual loss in diabetes
and glaucoma.
21. 42. It is widely used in the world This test provides four rows of sine-wave gratings The
test distant 2.5 meters, these gratings test the spatial frequencies of 3,7,12,and 18
cycles/degree Good for evaluation eye disease
22. 43. Use for screening refractive surgery patients
23. 44. Used for in or out of office screening and for cataract evaluation
24. 45. Used to evaluate both contrast sensitivity and low contrast acuity Contain 3 contrast
25. 46. Provided the same tests as standard CSV- 1000-S expect that acuity is presented in
landolt c format Useful when patient cant read English alphabet
26. 47. It is special test designed specifically for food and drug administration clinical trials
27. 48. FACTORS AFFECTING CONTRAST SENSITIVITY 1. refractive errors. 2. age 3.cataract lenses 5.refractive surgery. 6.glaucoma. 7.diabetic retinopathy. 8.optic
neruopathies 9.pituitary adenoma. 10.drugs. 11.toxic chemicals
28. 49. Refractive errors: Uncorrected refractive disorders manifest themselves as a decline in
contrast sensitivity first at smaller grating sizes or higher spatial frequencies for mild
refractive disorders.  As the degree of refractive disorder increases, contrast sensitivity
declines at the middle and then larger grating sizes (middle to lower spatial frequencies).

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