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Block-2 Genres of Popular Literature I : Children's Literature and Young Adult Fiction

Unit-1 Children’s Literature: An Introduction

2 Unit-2 Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass

2 Unit-3 Young Adult Fiction: An Introduction (Writings From Sri Lanka)

Unit-4 Shyam Selvadurai: Funny Boy

Unit-3 Young Adult Fiction

Young Adult
Young Adult fictionist fiction written for, published for, or marketed to adolescents and
young adults, roughly ages 12 to 18.Young adult fiction, whether in the form of novels or
short stories, has distinct attributes that distinguish it from the other age categories of
fiction. The vast majority of Young Adult stories portray an adolescent as the
protagonist( central character), rather than an adult or a child. The subject matter and
story lines are typically consistent with the age and experience of the main character,
but beyond that Young Adult stories span the entire spectrum of fiction genres. The
settings of YA stories are limited only by the imagination and skill of the author.

Themes in Young Adult stories

Themes in Young Adult stories often focus on the challenges of youth, so much so that
the entire age category is sometimes referred to as problem novels or coming of age
novel. Writing styles of YA stories range widely, from the richness of literary style to the
clarity and speed of the modest. Despite its unique characteristics, YA shares the
fundamental elements of fiction with other stories: character, plot, setting, theme, and

1.Fiction - young adult contemporary

2.Teen - young adult paranormal (super natural)
3.High School - young adult science fiction
4.Coming Of Age - young adult historical
5.Young Adult Fantasy - fiction
6.Young Adult Romance - realistic young adult


 romance
 fiction
 young-adult
 fantasy
 science-fiction
 non-fiction
 children
 history
 covers
 mystery
 best
 horror
 historical-fiction
 gay
 paranormal
 middle-grade
 historical-romance
 thriller
 contemporary
 biography
 women
 series
 classics
 graphic-novels
 memoir
 queer

Popular Young Adults Novels

1. In Desert and Wilderness

2. The Inquisitor's Tale
3. Into the River
4. The Island on Bird Street
5. Kingdom of the Golden Dragon
6. Kram (novel)
7. Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined
8. The Lottery (Beth Goobie)
9. The Night Diary
10. Nothing Was All He Said
11. Wolf Hollow (novel)
12. Of Women and Frogs
13. Otaku Girl
14. The Paul Street Boys
15. The Prince of Mist
16. Přístav volá
17. Reality Check (novel)

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