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™ Five-day hunt | ® Health guru | MOutpouring of forDrMosley | fellonly yards | loveas wife tells ends in tragedy | from sanctuary | ofher heartbreak AGC ae husband A @ Michael so very nearly made it ge Daly Mai, Monty, ie 2024 He was just afew feet away from the safety of the resort cceurued nem eaten Eiivedcat fe fishing lage of oreeeny a De Mead et eel tery Sate gh fee wach Sepa down aid temperate arin Feige sor (Oe costal resort fo the opposite direction up's fier tains aver tad pons “itvearier emerged that Dr idaghuead ""’ POMEPY oar gown cin eho ie a ji vp espatamaes mating Soc" ere around 1blyards tram hese eK: Dr Michael Mosley on holiday on the Greek island of Symi, ircled, the area where he was ya ee Me crs Be oneness aetna hance oeeeesioe arene nd Hee nesta, ieee tec an nee _ === | His wife's heart-rending ‘ichael was an agvensaroxs | @ 1 DON'T know quite past days. My family and I couldn't be easily seen by ‘esta at his act wane pag yet nae et Wwheretobeginwiththis. have been hugely com- the extensive earch team ed metic ofthe national spre We arco et te Tes devastating to have forted by the outpouring of Michael was an adventur- VonloRiedestakient@'nsbsy wie tavewuceed dreeasy tonep | lost Michael, my wonderful, love from people from ous man, it's part of what [epagumiaisnen ee Eatin Someotthese peonecn | funny,kindandbriliant hus: oround the world Ie clear made him so spec iRidevasrating 29'have Jost ——___""""" | and; We had an incredily that Michael meant a huge "We are so. grateful Moonlit A Michael was an | lucky Me topether We loved amount to somany of you. to the extraordinary peo- had an erediiy Wey me » | each other'very much and “Weretakingcomiortinthe ple on Symi who have voarer Weiedencatiervey 2GVEntUPOUS man’ | Weresohappy together. fact that he so very nearly worked {irelessly to help Pen snd were soapy tone ‘Tam incredibly proud of madelt-Hedidanincredible find him. Some of these Heer ees ieoat Ueietna eegasgts’Sacstl | our children, their resil~ cimb,tookthe wrong route people on the Island, wo oe ocr sassy fence and support over the and Collapsed where he hogn't even heard of TArTARMS GB nave veen “Seale fr groeouy auees. |_OTC® ANd SUPPOTY over the and Collapsed where Re Hadn't even heard of naples Wed opt iaiuon the'wend Rs Bear teat Undismvered forso lone.” ""Y mayor had seen something unu- but wil likely return to the UK lives for the better” His agent MiGRS tockehdee chats "Seep ds weuen, Eom a eke AG AR Paha Beas boa sae late ny aa anieonedioitptrhadSiced fal febuptceand ck aa ead scent ah cagreeaay et Ven Eaton of SbevCupureesruled ut pay thie slating in the sun" his of brteseys publisher Octopus say farewell to our dear end ANC ae beret cu, uae Ale cccticonient withing tan nec wee and Cert ie Se eeeeht Karte Mima, Migesdtante Rowe aea's Neeligeigs = et HS bec ats MS. ae ey ut aungue ond “riooks ike it was fal but we we mused himisamgaerz me “The work he did snidren. wichael was unique. Unni colnat Hew pis eed fo evar whether be ed was in disitess cufering tom © WaS important? The work he dd was import. eine UisuieSTptndbeomon ood Seta ogy at Bein ote ‘Atianenine'es: Wetneay ania tine Savina Pole ee an eon oft deneaing iat Medneaier SPARE OES una at aouna "Resuuan CON Gigage tows devastated by the gow of De sep or br Met a ES, Giciacar al ae pursicoke pM AERA AAES a cinauvtcoudhetepi SickutiatY suede OSPR andy etsy coh daa ee eee tee Suge masalerad by etesiat: ose to'waere Dr Money inj. a priviege to wotk Cenely vith reece haa jofed the earch: He dani Twenty mivutesemberte Tans owners who hud fecered 2 Sources sald Dr Mosley wife was hum on his bestselang books that Was seen leaving Saint NMeholas ARG EOGAE'MS Seas Sal ous Syme mayor he not eapected toi the scene ave changed millon of eopics beach Vonarde fea, ia a 700k) Daly Mal, arco, 224 found next toa perimeter fence just yards from the beach resort of Agia Marina soso" eA unique, unmissable tribute in full | ===) writer who was part titctamested cae Secor iwi! of u ‘ary grateful to the Press : Soelachced hh ae the Mail famil Mi itve deat hus wih Earns) OFMhe a reat respect, fine vu her ost ition So By Ted Verity eel so lucky to have our = Saran he children and my amazing > "om intone former deputy lends Most of air Toelso acti oniacadeta wane: | (brouser EDITOR OF MA Iai fo have ha te SERS PENG Ttiy | (Mechel west ounaye —REWSPAPERS a _ as “He was wise “Ente he fr wrote or usin What shone through wos his Dr-Gare Bailey Mosley pevotec: Michael and Clare nd wonderful’ | 2ot, we nove puntsnea none yemrspibecrasty ewes reds ot Hs weekiy columns the very ites, cutting 240e Sndserielsed many hisbes Memes ngmaaicine medion ain wih seep scone CORY (ete, tae dnge). the cour fa" necneta bangs | Sll~gooks-Fonthegrotnd-expnn to readers a way bogeasncdluepusdnetcas femariedin Sgsanermecing described him as q genuine | Deaiimgtatdetstocterson that was both engaging end nee ia Foeaig! choot Sire man dane hee sies | on heat ond ep. ompreherstbie to'8 maln= olct Wliweg Dr Mostey was "Dr ifosty mie a string of s- snort age oth anand | (Its no exaggeration to sey Seam audience, nidneiovmdsihelowae? Spal ence anduton; documeneates aiacenisthetboscenstunt | that over te years MichoeTs. “Wfetiact ae" iso extremely EutSATscnetugiaeqied frie bbe ovcrasyean Heras snd‘ss'e mentor‘ many of Us | Imlghs- especaly hrevcla: uutnathtnat wstrerey TASSAISGEAY MASE (Giteme vet asd go ewe gud ie, ecgammecee tn tenngto bone ct Hace sagan zee’ oitlccer tors fr “Rstels Rippon ica ao. | Mam tmabyoucaNreverst ype the fist fo fer bis home as (HOUR oce SSMU abiourstg'™ * ELEM" | Slendey ed eentned the “Ant he shuns ste eth PEER itimnaiats HERES SS RE SSBB SEITEN ng | Reson eters” geome in wo ceca chistie iGcaslGel senate cutupaz™at | Nopetgnwbtewariqgot SUCRE sate cy aUeMemg or the Mat'rased Siesentimsel He tusrertape Eimrin ay dairentune they | enitesing about elatestmoad aren Kiceanace lack, Daniel Chests CANCE RNSSE MG PANES Gol waitesaioeirce’s | evmammaavod meitetmed dre Henan Tiiouih ei eeaeNsee ay aot seth Setanta sine | bom Mchaclwasas cect "Our Hearts go out to SaeReeaed'eA wes, sicep puntos ormaiyn toe econo Ingathewesinpiatanion tema === Michael Mosley 1957-2024 = One wrong turn If only someone had looked up, they might well have seen him [Ets thought that Dr Mosley had managed to climb the slope from edi tothe top of teil overiodkin From fan ga lanna bisnot ear wipe Gallagher cided to skit the edge ofthe resort ‘ON THE GREEK SUNDOFSHa ONE thot ne aor al thers ete rtp ace Erol breil er tities elma fPabine'ythe se a wea Hee see Say Rede laine steels el thes sirenitiepaae aioe tak ana eae feb tere banate eu "ate Bo ui sa A he SSP iate ate ee i Samet aris ivi weaarenar ne sige Bete ees ome Srarat are anaes soiad is aS TURES “Only a minute from surviving’ SE eta e Slee Seatac eaeestzs aah ‘Wheress the walk to where lye was waving Seicetar scorns rem pot rt Sere aiiace tease [Seat ee ean de ates ‘Bngery picking his way down the ‘i minutes on foot, pass crue, enema, Seti See tom nea ediauclon alos us| ous a wah uy Desroge a ee BRR eres SSeS en BCH gute Meale Blue Cor Moet people tar! to Agia by fercafe Atthetime, eras mov. water an fom fedi_as ddyey Soca mie mt ae Peete ERRshess One TREK ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS atthemarina INTHE MERCILESS SUN Facey doce CoT sku te doctor on the edgeat the security lence. ‘iz appeareto sfnble tround fof several mints before making his way down, ‘only to suddenly asappeat fom view veg nce es Ti abyes “Sl Sothing Pou thou he tld me “How could they have missed him? ioral one. beaming declared Byte mse beaut he Gecx ins ‘We pasged The Abvss. a rocky cuted but ance waa an tintin fact soba seemed to Eee so Pee Then he fas called away — Keats dhemayor dtanaing on esraucrta tars conse Sn SRS Daly Mai, Mond, ie 2024 exerolsed, for nether ihe mayer ni bec clad avy te leet ‘rowid igor roel now he fet Fotced Dr Mowayswetch "int Ipeip tue our And Yea, Bs he ‘Eltberea Up the done awn Adead ee woyts anc fear ge bec fous tear aTher ew bod up tnere he feline fan pran Day Mai ancy, 224 Poses ended in tragedy "Reet to br Maly bod ay his Borne ts aa Sey Ses sujenarinaton ee ses but found at edge of Se hisrucksack 20ft Dr Mosley’ body perimeter fence and ine theugh het was hs go, It’s so awful, so close by’ ‘hag wos trembling lis poor fms ne repented of3Te or, the a How body struggles to cope with extreme heat WALKING nigh temper. lures" the creek ble of Sym has seen tempera: res orbetween 33C and 40cm recent days ~ can Be dangerous fr even 8 fealty person not taking ‘dequate precautions. eat can put a great seal orstrai onthe body fsitstrapglestomaintain fs normal temperature icancauseheat cramps, exhaustion and teeing of ‘onrusion ana nauses. ‘tks most extreme we Which can bring on orga Faure and prove tal "the bodys main weapon o'stop overheating 1s ‘secating.Asswoat evapo Fates cons the boa rsdice the eflectveness ftsweating asthe moister the less mowture fan evaporate from the By Colin Fernandez Stree Corespendert Skin, As the body over: Reais an heststrowe Sets in = the ablty to sea teipesre Se Save Se ccepae ream eoroamicce onareacmar carina gee ee tee eee fae seevieneace ae Seater ae ener ae are ana Se ciency ree Se eee Sees aed ae SEs Apert offers fe in al ‘stepped Nope gards away There war ‘bothing for them to do but guard ‘hema eto arpeul and we re maine {feo of them wiped away tears EE ictys bony an | Ses Seite hate Bat Scone spec ieee el Snr RM St Dear ea Sate een nt ser Soe (tert ee Riacuisnmes ie ADS SA Tr eae Everything played ‘out in public’ ‘eet imme oi ‘Toneer,forenaie ors athe =a ‘ve drengnters masked gloved gna earn fed cane coed Eu, wick ne be {hesiopeto swat ite dinky pase onsgnard earl wich =n Michael Mosley 1957-2024 oat ony re 4 As Mail columnist and Fast Diet guru Dr Michael Mosley dies tragically on a Greek holiday at 67, a tribute to an... Irrepressible maverick who used his own health battles i totransform millions of lives by Christopher Stevens Tm definitely not safearound milk chocolate’ Seer Mee ht ieee gs ea magn ioe gg cay Devoted: Mic Se a ce eee SL e eS Se coe eee er ime rena — My work is utterly rooted Gouna fe endes updeingtorn 72 SCHENCE” eee” ee ener OTR earn on otrd p E ee ey only ang (Ouest it iewuihdrag’ Sad rg peopletoge Teno ang. clare met at University tems yi a eee ‘nity ane Yad plevand then aati oti reat. We-ne sala, was te frat gig He waa open in diseusing the "Couneas an have had thelr Riiue chon Mauatesemene mineat © Raoult oy Ue kumenieir ode Srangolist for the method, pro- rea Erenthedeeaon tobeadoctor stessae well asa genetic pred Sineranrs Meet: Ca oe ee ed PHBE coe Baha alseoonlgened Ge aoa take gex'ta"saurding sanon!in Lard fororr about cne_gipmeisinete audi [Eg Protesor fy Ty ‘creat at fur mgotha be nad Ory savy wort iting wien prop il on ht eraiy han done studies showing Mudyhereforstyeasbui witha ellmeTwasextnemelyiand ior iow, wre the wrong thing ma bres eround’ f— Michael Mosley 1957-2024 —— == As a tribute to his life-changing advice, the Mail ope beens aes tres 2 HEALTH ++ Trowghiy te samo ‘Pao amare o te. st ‘ny shames of WHY IT PAYS TO GOTO WORK iG oebe she vow ead mploms cused by Ene presiade compressing tae ‘Bequentiy during fhe night ant ee Tartar a ea ee Boies should learn from ee = mydad’s prostate Vaxu= cancer diagnosis hey ae. sgaiicantiy of 50 spd is more eon eatucheekfound Th p Ee aaa ‘opstes Ate your prostate to see i Peamuded ain Neo : a vdideu bulthebesefs unrelated near fare several of okt chee seerless ear Yeas ater the operation, 1, good news, ie that 1 Bere cance in sth alt iy e tty je ‘dgnoned win prosiae cancel sce‘wnlau'were worth doing. inpacl of the gurgebghied MiG, und fesent tials have jos concerned, algo your GE srwcmsennen Tricks to help you stop guermeyguemsms wryurtcaaran Jninnate aby or te res of to putting names to faces. Bt form of ut ing. Sapo a forgetting people’s TAIMIES crwth ages wich ape Scents rombianr MeckalSchoo!_scnmer which measures in actvy, get older the biity to Kent pacar Imagine a tuge cok (ag Ber) on is have recent identibed the nd got 2 yearofisto Shings called neural stfefentiation, forehead theme recal hsname ‘Seerat of ther success, \Theresearchers wore interested diminishes. We struggle to. make the team rom Harvard have started 2 “To-do tis they asked 40 In studying the visual cortex the connections to put names faces.” tral tosee fa course of electromagnetic ane Parco our brein tna proceses Buti tn experiment superagers mulation {which delivers a stall wereasgoodssthestyearaigeimtne Sledrcasnocktoareasotthe tran cn Stmemory ete rove momory inolgr adult ‘were iingin-afunetiofol Is whose jb sto ast Wentiy the Tign "THe fo tne Yvon need bu you Ieoneic Fesonance maging CMR faces animals or objcts-As we tevel of neural siffrentation ss the never know “Ratti cums of wran Day Mal yun 224 c aoe reprints two of our health guru's finest columns DIET »» HAPPINESS eons \ 4 F ye burn andes re JOH years ago,tmanas WY ft then fats dark Gmctic to beat type 2 diabetes ih melatonin is.@ popular by going on my 522 diet oA 4 as ‘Guiting my calories two days a week) and iesag weight MY j DDecome’comething of a broken Hite oh Ste) ‘shedding body fat to mprove your Dood sugar levels. ‘Sol was dtghied bythe news rom the sleep ald and Is used to {oat Jetlag'~ fg very ‘itective). Row researchers ‘te very of connect felatonin actully works — Inworms at ea W'siows the release of geurotrensmitters sub fo'travel between nerve ‘ets Somelafonmeftectivety {ells your brain cols to stop chatting to each other the saulvalent of & thepad cea bed supa levels) Tae monicored tor Sees {foe of ort ed tt ‘Sefton flown pe rary Matas Scere Chowne Ga ot De pu eto remisios BY going on a apd SReett ose dict And as ee own ot ‘fear, wee lose sureery ean nso Feersetipe ae this, the NHS ‘any Decce doctors get mich 1ugbalic ull tile sou tpt 2 mystery Gut ulcers can be oacd attack Putitiarainerale Medicine in 2004 for their wonk, Sen snfammato om Ba, asrucigY palitlandiesdts tg theviht atiuotee, But back ip 1994 when my doe {asad sore ene ne Companies had no ineative to {hat aman ets rororectine tema cede Drove the poli, Barey mentary, Ueer Wars dctaling tomers haano, mente to Juin most peop needing ever “Doctoelmnew the were caused aeiiberacely intestedbimcel{ their wank. came out ene meds Broats siesta Icreanne ves of mediation, yresces acd and tay toad be Sithfichesbactereswalioned calvenciwn ams citer ndificr Wfemaeefeetany cee berger tomach pe ame ee, Asaa oath ates besa ct he ont (0 WHY arent they being pimp inhibitors. were expensive was in 1984 ‘Gpecsded and tendentious. Pattee ehcoatagings burthere wasator of neentneto “Nine your ates when t vegan “Howeree patente ech duedenal The situation wth ope? Usethen bectuseifyor ior’. or ming with Robin and Berry ules wage watned the pro Giabetortemindsme cfatactet It the drags stoppea worntg Chere’ was still widespread warns soon besa desanging ftsd'wih the medical ertablsh: there war'a righ Ghanee you'd feastanactotner came deste Stic eedeneat ‘in dhe undermine dgease ‘itncaure thane yeas ago,""” eee some of our somacl and Sklensie poo hay vere at Enea meeaion, te age inj), wasiookg round for Intestines removed ‘When abe Bary ow lone fn nave sinincantaie-eects, tube! tgmareascenee doce’ Haband Bars however wore thoughts would axeto peaunde partial when vou moveon to ‘entry when feame across he contnced tue) Had a Shep an Hsclleasyeo ta taxe ther cars anvuterwmotetome PASAY whe Makotiwouswalase Beary effective cure. The researan serguiy he Inconcalty epied Sedasonemanputt: "Soft ing eiore there's wide Eahal'ind Bs obi waren Showed tat mow pernasvin Wee benen yeas endien LY FO Meewyodrproenne spre; ncrepeane tint ms Mout somach ulcers” “""°"Y acteriam, which thewo doctors cers this way Pectaps in 100 surgery. and ft was only beeause put into remission y's Tapid ‘Atthe time, stomach or called Helizobacter prio Seareihey willbe dongle’. impdoctoras prepared tolsten Welghtcoas deg) idoaena ces acing cht "The patents siotache were "Infact winter yeas most That war eared ty nines Tels bento happen, ‘Were fneredibly common but ke bacterium, Dut this Taled least because Tarry and Robin guts removed. Gholees will be veling you the pe a a ee bo ag ee hE, How our bodies — and vaccines — beat back Covid {OvID- vaccines are ike buses; tics who calmed we might mover response might weaken. Yetrecent segolting, He's uniikely to be ; corms racers tnues ervoncaeeeDemennar (egemgmaecreen mica Sacettng. tet aamey tbe f grbmicesecgam semen: eran eae heehee i) ee ee eed Speen ont Scena Seeiceette eet SRST wm yon Bue ts yi hore effective en Piters. That Strongesporse to the virus body reedytobeginchurningout Our immune system has been SSeS Serene, Mauteemmecnine Om fetes ae tet bart effective I fantastic news and lohtmutatelnte amore restant “Which makes me wonder why ew vaccines how, Just needs 8 = __Feaiote in the eye forthe se form = or thet our immune Bors Johnson, who's hed Covi Bitotheipto get back ontop. Cos Ap . ‘es =) 22> SUrges across U qt PFET TU elt SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Daly Mai, Monty, ine 2024 Macron calls snap election as Right He’s humbled at polls by Marine Le Pen’s nationalists from Peter Allen Germany’s ruling socialists finish third to the far-Right AfD EMMANUEL Maeron lastnight Hipie representation in Strasbouns hs Le en sid “The Pronch peop unprecedenie eo ae oe \exng prt Ermanvet Necron : Franceneeds a tet ie fa i ook =e sek he chelsea ye i Hig bot eat plcee ot she azemi en ok ‘talfonyenerae te WFYOUCANT CET ‘DAILY MAIL. roe wales nnatade se your rete easels Ey rat ava yralcauk orl S30 | Didlindvevileniencirto [Ssureedoct espero, Woman's ‘life threatening’ injuries as ride fails Deity Mail Reporter ‘A WOMAN isn hospital with fhertnrestening inuries ater ‘fairground fide maifine: ted xeon show By Dominique Hines font of tc aan de in Shed tough time onthe court wi = ‘epmectialite change in Sanoustarestendnowieiools tater ea A flea old sat eee ‘pital but have since bees a Tins Redcar was consoled by the ‘esata uate ee beet sstor of her bilncire her bea Carts oa Agostinelt fast week ami claims thelr up ides eated cordoned of ‘Yearlong whirhind romance has ended ‘hy tnvestigtion ito the ge noted downcast asshe grabbed a coves f Ptr andthe Heat and Salty With former Made in chelsea star Helse Executive watendog. i ender Moostne'2s ouside a London gat ‘gg tambeta Cound sd au Racca, no won the US Gen in a tee community event shee red alongembrace with Me go fftond sttracts more thon cl 35, oer "eporteay Blocking her os aa ‘Younger brother on Instagram. The cou Helew Hayes, the Labour “Her most serious Briwien end: Wert Norwood, relationship yet’ filure ofa fairground fide ot Barto tues ecto Vilage clock Keone toon pte eaaty that never \lnduonsmotseign "RNA strikes eleven aterm eM drm in ar: Be Roducan ce eer ple had frequently shared images ol! Ex-pundit Ale Alan Hansen ‘seriously ill in hospital’ =~. Silage mey find themselves 8 inte ate fr sunday service = by Richard Marsden ‘Antes guy 20 appearances. team weot.ontoproenin among | suitor sees tat hos INDE Gran ealint "kuiehehin iueatecray,| fold the tne Tncorecty for FORMER EEO pundit and ison league ities, three Bure- Hansen decisred’ “i've been i | SMOYear Liverpool captain Alan PSUR E BaSeh aes ts andregaa | mMEBareh ot Sk metertsn eualy il’ hospital. his = land and puyedtor Meemunetyat atLiverpoal'™*8 | Chock that never strikes due pasty ta hospital 2 TESA RGEC Gil” “SCRA ur ana nis ae | fron ance deg fw "fhe objenod Seotang ® sil yarbpnds Sokaematanees™ | terre ey are Intemational won @ string of +), Tact might batch of the Day | theromenmumerstthot deplet ‘SGeain the 1Stas aod 39808 Jz, “Thoughts wit presenter Gary Lineker posted | the time skipping ver I et ake Cent paceman Passel mia, oreo | Tnteng; he time goes from said: “The thous and support 4 jalltthe family’ ans anda assay ‘Oto GO) andBacktorIe SS Relegeaay acreage | AMeldstar alantasen ys auc uemraie moments see Cufnd ia | SPiangat® ne mor Tat Alta Wanaey” who ls seP put desorbed tnelr legendary, Induced sntruas sam Sue ought ut vier Mark Barsey sid say ep “ HRcPSRaPGSN AEE Renton crate bartaat She tee tenant fa ack aed Reicob Pia contact wen ORE didnt wie nathee etahraisanrhice mnie: "Aa ate SSE ees aca ioe” alan tniy to provide our sap- ther top ten lime appear’ about Lturpoa be Fal or, arth aidicus time, Ob goecesnd eaptined the defor heater Unle's‘Cas of" Frcusts mstes and Hopes are fourscarone "The players on the reoctring wile anda ortuetamay""” "Aveda Partick Tate end neh Pyh Sehois a ‘verpoolddnotrevea further 19 Sy nan Biv’ Beskham then unknown Uroaed ein was at deine about Hansen's health #ou.0Q0-he Spent 14 years ahd ney promoted tothe fr ‘Sport "Bact Page ee | coca a eigmeweses item X ELECTIC ELECTION 2024 Will Labour drive Bo Party will not raise income Chat Potiel Correspondent aly Malt Mondo, uve 2024 uruorsacaneseouvee taX, VAT OF NI... Dut WON'T ss a Labour loos 0 pig Spending pledges, ii feared. cae iasegeas” TUle Out a hike in fuel duty nas fefised 10. ine tay and sprees eto Ee ibe BM hehe ony wa ss veo te iat mh atl ier household es Secmrbomming te ins = e sr Biel Da rir year Cure ty wastrozen m2 ‘Labour is not Sprang leh ers pro-carasarule’ — speed'limile tnd’ tordin wht Shahar 2 th Reeves ia is reveal plans that could hit pensions THE Labour Party has By John-Paul Ford Rojas in isocate ty Eater ines eurrenty Shadow Chanclorachl_ stem fot worth sa0931 Bisencl Times st week “Butttbr etetiseat to 30 : Ss aiference of Feeceree deen eed ods fookd te incu crest saytherrenst gang torus tmeecn ‘Xpol Bye rarrusiux campaign © Britons are working 19 days more than in 2019 just to pay taxes BRITONS are having to By Harriet Line Work an extra days 8 DaputyPoitica Edtor vyearlust to pey taxes hon Before the pandemic, 19 more than in 2019, esearch suggests. Detore the pandemic and ‘Today marts the date simost'2 whole manth wentheaveragetaxpayer fonger thon 2003. ‘Rope earning 2 pay tes - fandstartsputtingmoneyin ment plans for taxation fhetrown pocket. naman James Law sen wormed: Paicans (4 (ase sl “Toecs the Uk ere at Sbout meses and naire Qy thelr highest level for 70 fine tax burden, Years Anat Adomsmith Meer wns on Jy 4, Sud Thatnute ASD found thet they'wilneea te grapple. P Daeg Sons are now working winthetacttattgrtee 6 {Stans to pay tem® Gomday sgetingltes Onde Kelr Starmer and Shadow Home Secretary Day Mai ance. 224 Panes up price of petrol? =z, _Ifwe have got == =~ to have larger classes, we will = Thornberry admits the tax on private chool fees could hit the state sector Breakfast clubs in primaries ‘would slash absence and save parents £400’ ay ya on spokesman Bridget we wants every eng to breaks ‘er also ‘Wette Cooper in Grays, Essex, yesterday “The policy 8 also aimed at helping the “We'll fund our clubs by Clamping Gown provide the morning mealsin schools teen X ELECTION 2024 After D-Day disaster, fury at tone of Farage attack on PM A BRUISED’ Rishi Sunak fetums fo tne campaign pice stor am gel FARE jow.key weekend regrouping Mel Sh ‘sferastommotericumat tas ‘rom fit weeks Sour annersany 7 ~% BEST GIFTEVER "ues Procedures sol Payers and ters] mustbe 1 ommerorations for which deep pet Backlash: Nigel Farage was to defend his Lib Dems: We'll tax banks and put the cash into NHS HEALTH and care wil be tthe Dally Mall Reporter Iamtestownentiaunchestodey, or banks and that would ase ledged sr Ea Davey. L3oliion? He promisea ree "a pary fede adhe NHS penne ire sninresdng he Polley we have sia we wil hosp beds 8000 new CPs and Peversethe Conservatives taxcut money torepai hospital, Day Mai ancy, 2024 Pages Reform now ahead of Tories in 40 Red Wall seats, poll reveals Bpeisontamea SReeetoaenas pevadrcemaaecaiae Soares ‘Riese mcr ceoergancnt it sececierectar irae aa ease ucts See e ae rna Soa eeat sheets er Re cries Stetas Sree abusers Siecohanens By Greg Heffe devise abetter strategy for tack tog msaraeney, the Prime fered.a major setback ater ist week's D-bay anniversary Bin fer, has so fgrrted out doing & ‘dai with Retorm, Megnwhlle, with pressure ‘mounting trortReform.the Teles Fevebeen accusedot arty tricks tor one of Mr Frage’ cand “Splitting the Right-wing vote’ dates withdrew trom standing, Fanaing Tory exminister sir evin'Wilimson a better hance of wining. ‘rom wellings, who was Retorm's. candidate. in Stone, Great Wyrley and onkriage has pulled out an fnnouneed ne wil now be Supporting Conservative former education secretary Sir {avin plctured, wif stanting forre-election n the Statfora Shire consttueney. Me Wellings Sale tt by stancito asa Reform Spitting the tight wing vote ana Aanaing victory to Labour. {cling tne Suncay hirror. ‘hallenging Gavin Wiiomson Say whether money, fobs or 8 Ste Seat was offered to Wesings eo nis “one of our candidates in the same region was aflered a sate ouncllseat andtwo obsto sand own He sensibly rejected the ‘offers and fold us what wes ‘jongon” ‘sirCovinrelectedaccusa Hons of dry teks sving its "certainly not the case’, A Tory spokesman 4 Mar Tice’: fersatlons. ¢3 i 2 8,000 extra police officers... paid for by foreign visa fees By Harriet Line Deputy Patil Eator THE Conservatives last night pledged to reeruit 48.000 extra police oficers by Iuereasing Visa fees for (OF ign visitors and workers. o-toe on law ad onde, Rashi Suinak vowed to bring back belghbourhord policing while ‘up prison bulldog and facie {he our backlog rape eases, Under the plah. the, Tories pindsed antec at aed Biles offer for evaty werd in Sige to coe eter eed i imeans fhe “Standard Visitor aint isa turers go sown. the aereteeycmere * ‘ome JU extra ole otaers Patriotic ish Sunak and veteran Bernard Morgan inNormandy have been eenstedsnee 01, pot Pouce PATROL, his Aen (Serovses) Teabct Her pledged to boost paced fod nas. fr Skarm: eF% patty pledued to feleve pas aang process Sad boosting the ‘UGitbelneiaied i itemaniesion [Pouce amicer each Sue aeeared Reeribeacommanty People deserve to fee cate in thogtehtourd More ocie ‘thugive pice foreea tne tals sey eed to de dmncihbourhong ‘inc even ther Pole oteey "oda "Was ¢ nee il cl eSup an weve Sep aege near ice Depo ap a sown ani ‘ie country ane. Yea nly hate ‘Sota seut comma Fee's Daly Mai Mondo, ine 2024 eitiiviivs Rishi’s decision to leave the D-Day events early was a Serious error. But for Nigel Farage to suggest that the PM is ‘not patriotic’ is truly vile COMMENT Can Sir Keir really be trusted on taxes? ‘DURING the 198 US presidential lection, Sent ge None tee spending requietaonts ogee in the Wate ee eae Sa dak die ita fe Aeic pule Si Ret Slee has eta jer when cones tasalion. ee tie Labour ade aE"tnnounced a Via rpie Tock” Canin Sot fo flee Income ex, iene cares eae Suftotet re elted tank ckncty tow ne would phges bck fete of st east Banilon i spending pats The nator comand foes means boning a hon starter Ad rabours pit seems tnevitabie te party wil bump apie aitade artatetle Gr mated Wisk ateral. gis DNAS IA na ring ot hike noel ty, ic would ann ber pressed ek Sut busktes Cabo i ie to plage Bate pension hinds (gun ane wea "And ieee io site a unteethe “Ml o any of these would make @ mockery oti wstenee at Labour eat aol Eteadact tes for worse poopie Tdend wie propensty Co lipop sx aris eee gt ent upo are Gaziron tan George bush promise mas Awortying Reform THE economia sot pets of Labour Preteen wih acon aot mud eager Nigel Yortee, wie has feiumed to the party's heim has vawed to reduce the Bereettives ta pina amok rable aeysiend singe ine wrecking ba ok Mal ol Bn Neto Was ern fe Tor to become the ain opposition aay dons oP ea Wal sei Immigration to meng Bret wai Tlf tetracaine spots nal he major asues facing the county ae Seadbare Wiest eatin, lore Minin or Refer can ony Sand Se Rta chop monty and khan enfecbled Speman le hee ens Ms ‘pe dlaned ens Si ant that? Class warfare LABOUR'S claim tat wnaeking VAT on ate echool ees wil relia beer state Education was always but on sana Sir Kear insists the tax grab wil raise Wiion ta faod more teachers ut his feasure sts driving down, bot boost ‘dassroom standard ‘There wil Inevitably be an exodus of etildren rom the independent sector ether Brice or tei? aehools are freed to cows isnt wl have to be absorbed ino the already overstre¢ched state education System, Class sizes would be hugely hlarged, to the detriment of the pups, tu tenehing and Yearning wou sulter ‘Shadow ebinet minster Bly Thomberny, however remains sanguine. If we have 0 Does that expose the spite truth? srtrom imprownd our eidre'seduceticn, thisis a exerts in the pais of ext Site major shgrenoiase af he Sesplay Loowat Reform Uk Lid understands Beter'than any of his rivals Row‘to use words co tigger Berto enmis sehen omer ctr SEs Ena een Sentero anna ee ‘ttendingal he ovents tring Beth Scunee irae Rae eS eee Rh neneecchecan meee Misjudgment Semen Siena he Ringe ocach Sighscacry a fries sar oanalto lente whex he dd and ‘pent a ie ed come fe te Eoeita a Ncaa ates Pea ars ee GEL FARAGE Is amaster of political phrase-making scan Peco ‘Sesieleatei a ideas tr ae oe doligntocur ob shed SRST Serine eA ved St DOMINIC LAWSON COLUMN ortemouth event with er 100 year-old Epetaid Te Toes “founda ds Sie Spent londs ne sithrench SiuPStiaet Saucy vecnee dy at er sur ter the Pe Niet ‘Mldresved veterans and thet families fede ili aah spent most of Ma cancod on milan Seneca nas Unflinching In gels Sunk the Sr PA Yo ewe ateleamd nner ine ahe ‘han devoted nee to tis cause st the wate of last wees debate. gt relective of fis views on veterans. ‘leer acused pewous Conserrative sof ving nl pester cone ‘arvana Dowaang See i a dy thats he House of Stir caled on Bors Suse fo tein Ger partes st Nuriber I during ok: Sewn In fhe name of Got adted the then Chancellor ne oped Heute Wier be Pa es Uaiad Nations Core tite ange Tre ae easier ea ‘on the global stage isan eeaenial part of ene teeta are facie ceemore ‘rag ted to the wider publi. Patriot Bee Neen ra Sues cata sae ae pet ee int Soe aioe nt feed See ane Pi bey ake “ie rng sa not British it emerged ina" LBC SPE | Sees ar iRe Speen ane italy Tegreta and has apologised for CEU Src ie Hane Dally Mal, aay, June 2024 4 from Tom © Leonard TNNEW YORK ce. — ‘Onthe ist Oprah Winfrey Firestarter: Model Haley Kalil Condemned Selena Gomez Wj How celebrities are being sent to the ot cknowledgement that ve sare to dread (that's digital guillotine) - by the social mediamob ifthey dare to stay silent on Gaza OU Tes eRe of followers in the latest chilling Creme Racy vH Frets “ FROM PREVIOUS PAGE by blocing them on allsociel_ Some marketing experts say Meda andaigtalpiatorme’ theres tle evidence that she denied she had been "Ang sp Blockowt 2024 was celebrity intervention has erring to Gaza born The Mest sentenced fo changed the course of geo 'ATILTOK user calingherseit_ ‘indytromtheoutsde’ never tees stepped in and, war Ing to the Marte Antoinette theme, sued a revelutionary flemand-on video. posing th front of picture of guile Beople to conduct wnat | Wwont Co calls dill guile, tine. A aigtine” you wil "its time to Block a celeb ties, inuencers and wealthy Glotst death was predictably, polls. Even the advent of Kolmerseit~"who'nad ‘done Social eda andthe potenti nothing’ with her “omilion: Aranciol power i gives wers fotloyer plattorm as people over celebrities if they act Srestorvingand vind» together wont end wore ‘ikiokershave een gleefully But tha wort stop the Gen-Z pacung them offin the tum ‘netizens’ nor this partlewar niseversince ‘campaign of online retriba "here are few cleer criteria tion’ or thowe that will no aitowhoshouldbecsecuted doubt vollow: Ghling infact there aresev- “Others, meanwhile, might Sralrvalistsloatingaround inka stars wo sks ath “complied by so-called Ingeosynguptotheirtolowers Socaltes wino are not using ‘netizens, not a cf whom —ensocalmeaahae ony ihetrresourcestoneipthoseln ove done thelr researeh. selves to blame when thelr fire need. We gave them ter "Selena Gomer forinsance, Combs ans tid reasonsto Blotters, its time to take Back Tate our ews away, our hes ourcomments ourmoney wrote to Joe den calng oF entice Ortnot peraps cle ceasefire November but files on the méke shoud take Got the chop all the same. theroughwihthesmoath ENGLAND DENMARK Af USA SURO Des" Fi hie ‘The Mail has teamed up with Hisense - the global technology giant and Official Partner of UEFA Euro 2024" ~ to give Mail readers the exclusive chance to win a pair of tickets to see England play Denmark. ‘One lucky winner and guest wil watch glands second game ofthe tournament in Frankfurt on Thursday une 20 2024 pus enjoy two-night’ luxury accommodation In Frankfurt, return fights from Londan and pevate transfers. ‘Hisense isthe proud Officil Partner of UEFA Euro 2024, Prepare to take your ‘owing experience tothe nex eel as you dive int every exhilarating moment of the tournament with the latest TV range from Hisense festuring cutting edie tech snd an unbeatable viering experince. Visit hisensecom to ind aut howto immerse yourself inthe action! HOW TO ENTER + Leino Maltewards oak and eter your Unoue ‘umber rte bat pea th newspaper RI youea gta subsomertap ths page © + ties dose 2.5 on des, une, 2024 Ca lg at WEI CU CSR Daly Mai, Mondo, ine 2024 ‘Indolent’, ‘risky’ ‘too late’: Tories’ history lesson ISHISUNAK might not like it, But next month's General, Siamese Election is as much doesno! fre well echer“Sincee ayolg oni past years furor Regt A rbot of'Tory rule ag itis a Jonmlen,Taeiea hu indoknt judgment, on ‘his own “And no'prizr for guess SHowibnay tent ustoran EESSEH but qaeky ended anthony Sidon, shoud havea Snfeare. a Sect fa “ie Converts fire 2010. “Hl what'of Blsht Sunak Gk {Pieter nee "Showed ome et {erm report fom e-man who aiferenca says Seldon. ‘ington Coleg. ngs atone favourable vow of BeOS OP ey 1 cin soar natn Bren dor sn: soung eaters, The ‘Ser John teianey refed Basen foinvon, the ack, National “party Seeking the pro Noy BRS imped ed Fenamle ot Sein bona. ‘After the ster ey ore ee FORMER Tony minister HANDOUTS WEIGH ATOR: Etjoina Currlenstintively | Labour Jose Pili grasps the sgnuicance of Nigel” | recalls an exchange rom Ferage'sinatngency efor wut | fecalsan exchange from milion oes Bulaa Ps. | Geer ea doqinthe manger-eant cat tae | Metoday on her ny but will step ocherevensures | doorstepitt were Won eating: cant get easted but | Bresident, what would ‘Dil stop rome Contersariver | Ho? And would give her 00" Wet, Jes atwayssay {Unbourfor a andoutt STARMER SECOND-RATE See a Se ae eee Surely Sir Keir Starmer is the Vaughan Gething is a new entry EES twwnne enek Bie aca isc Eee sein ighine was ctor Woe cto Rewer d__ Sine ete rettaaaat stants for asks Penny stands or “Giant Bil ‘recoding’ ail youl dos put ‘more Labo thei the ‘Common: Wy bother Gules andrew aerce@eaihmalcauk Day Mai onc, Jn 224 Page Moderate quits Netanyahu’s war cabinet A.KEY member of terse's war cabinet quit Mall Foreign Service warnedhe wouldIeave the government by lune Benjamin Netanyahu government it night, Meroreu@mService _ yf Netanya oa not formate 9 pan for Reaping domestic pressure on the Israeli toges were rescued from Gaza earler in the Postwar Caza Healso alle on the tird mem feeder asthe warn Gaza rages ty but la ight heresignsd,cayinghirNetan ber ofthe wor cabinet. defence minster Yoo ony Gantz «centrist member ofthe three- yahu is preventing true wetory ana "making Gallant, to ao the right ing end resign oo. ‘man commitee, accused Netanyahu ofmis: Empty promises"He added thet the country OnSaturday. Mr Netanyahu urgedhir Gant not ‘managing the wr effort and pultng hi own newds(otekeadtierentdirecion ashe expects to leave, soying Ths the time for unity, nat pollealsurvival over thecountryssceuny, thefighting fo continuefor yeartfo come, foralvsion’ Rat ns decison to go orgy “emeve doesnotimmediatelyposeathreat The popular former military ce Joined Mr_ symbolic move born of rustation sald cidcon totheprimeminierwhostilentratsamajor- Netemyahu's government shorty after the Rahat atthe Hebrew Untversty of ieruslem. {fy coalition im parliament, but he becomes October Hans attackin snow of unity." “Tne outuige wor, especialy the US isnot Imoreneaviy reliant ontisfar-ight ales." His presence boosted raelscredibity with very happy about i because they see Gant? Mr Gants strapped a planned news confer- Ksinfereatlonal partners asMe-Gantzhas Good and fl party as the more responsible people cence’on Saturday night afer four israeli hes: working relations with US officals: Ne had within this government sald Raho Popular Benny Ga 245 days kept in darkness .. terror of hostage Noa Family celebrate her return, but backlash at raid that’ killed 274’ By Andy Jehring Sha Natalie LisBona in Te Aviv ISRAELI hostage Noa Argamani revealed she had not seen day Tight for 248 days before she was rescued ina danng raid by special frees deep inside Gaza "The 2 puro, wo ea reunited ati famaly on Saturday, the feee ofthe October ‘his mother Orit yes Sirens, a ‘ Father dies eae on | just hours sae to i van ae sel Mail Foreign Service se j Sie Soa et She ming and r< N Ms nt ry happy” ‘Safe: Noa Argamani and her father Yaakov meet with Israel PM day, the Israel Defence Forces BeniaminNonahurtetcNoabeingusneppedon Geter? {ae ahaha Yu — PaseResGes “EA TSCEASS um me Reef cen ete we sdualR{Toom whore Noa was Sheba Medical Center near ee een SEL apne ere Saba, central trae.“ knocked, {ound ate hag evealed she was Avy for monitoring. sainally il with stage-four brain ot Ses ace wns a Sic Sraeaeraarine Secreieaetoeny Skee ee a Seon Senet clareedin thr omng ds 1 day Now's fate iontovsaidatnetnpct gr fo cana ie led ofa heart CTRL U melt (eM oeex-t adi itd With a Mail+ Editions digital subscription, you will have access to: YOUR NEWSPAPER Read the next day's PUZZLES Over 45 interactive TV FINDER Our NEW and easy- Cr . ns to-use On Demand PVA TEAL any TV Guide and ioe TV Programme Finder. ud meee for FREE! Podcasts I Looking for cooking | inspiration? Search hundreds of fabulous dishes. NFIDENTI Watch the Mail+ = Editions royal talkshow. New episodes every Thursday Listen to the latest stories and debates, including favourites such as Sarah Vine » and Liz Jones! ta mm CK HERE FOR MORE DET: Pe 20 How glowing dye can help surgeons target prostate tumours By Colin Fernandez Science Correspondent SURGEONS may soon beberterable to remove prostate cancer thanks fova dye that makes Sn ford expe Epewrecinteoets meres Hise To te te remover more prowtate Han amine Uaiery ot ncer and preserves more Our gs ei ime ‘Sdpeareets fue incontinence erect aetunsion Daly Mai Mond, une 2024 fen colons: Ukrainian youngsters paint aan event in Woking Dream day for war children CEST SMERE SoC | scary dressed nthe be and fy Sam Grecanit saeait sry ecemtin tee uy and_ by sem eee Sree Seon acon aa sieht eS rei m Wenn, surrey, Couisiou tonne ens get te eth Sarees tr "rane ans ay | Bete organ years fougnt to-raise tne | Shoal partly Mall readers le SthiarysUkramn School rece ‘Kom the Moi force Drain sneer in men sponey fom Ena" 'Needieds Prostate | Appeal which helps young refugees happy childhoods an Destng cama ‘et pryhological help: Events were were dreams canbe etindled! DJ Johnnie has not left house since January VETERAN Johnnie Walker now Fequlres round-the-clock care from his wt goons com yhowsebo hasbeen suffering frominammaton oe ngs ir rfl ore Mag she er hand ha re ibshows wearing PS st 8 wince wah ‘eeding him aryoen ‘She said his Meoith “ell off a li efter atriptotondon to New Year's Eve braedcast at the tart of hs year and he has ot ieft the house since Hello dolly... medieval treasure found in mud nas eiscovered Dally Mall Reporter are medieval dol DNV Mall Repor Sndsincide the torso ofasmae Sell But to ind acompltecne "een plat her aut and nas et Stems ne pape aang lato oan the fortressire Her previous Olio heurtay Mussa |s dairy food behind E.coli bug outbreak? THE mystery food behind an out Dreak of coh is more kel to bea "ready to eat" item than Something that has to be ‘oe top scents has sa. ugh Pennington, emertu ea, stomach cramps, vom ingond ever URS CATE ODL LA pad on market as J-Lo and Affleck ‘split’ ‘ow THE DALY Mal ARCHIVE Soa faa a nee pbs ae Gash gate meses? tare sutaany Ee Shue Wigs Gana Push: Beverly Hils home. Inst, Prue | Jeni ratrrie BACKinFebruary they wore gst By Dominique Hines has20nathoomsand peringtor ff | etsess iarzed ts | Ingiatout They lae fe Gach St DOmmawe Mines —_—_—aggerna veces ed | ciher'ana big budget kmezon viewing torthepastwoweeks. “AMeCL St has reportedly been ff | Bo2s=, cd Hater frie Sacamentary EaRenysumolteatwatgoon saying ta separse nometrom ff | Tose Sha was gee ‘it jum tour months on, ent. ‘anew tox on super-expensve hawicandwasrecemiyspotes [| | Tari \iacBoo fertoperanében htieck have properties asouretoisIz.”* without hsweddno.ns. ss ele hada Ren at Wleed dcr route ny Mase fevitroaredtnt "Bnae Motoper st wno hes | East str ir ircd || lemon pte ie, "Sabai orem ney Sitweanngters ous opang | RAMONES on sn They. are asking 3edmilion isl yearten months ater ner withonughtertmmelcnoneat fl | Ties utes thet stat (Gatton) tor the T-bed Vega wedding’ were uplosded wndey and later at Garg falai J | Amricsn to win an Oscar for ome, with prospective buyers Totherenesaeate dow: kabo restaurantinsantaMontatet. | | Gore Wiheltnd erat awa... New Sandhurst |= AN OFFICER cadet at Ist sear was‘ vated Sandhurst has become the Humber one on BBG <2... tragedy as cadet | 2 = {othe prestigious miliary aeade lease evervoody. oly caren ===> ==: ‘Shoots himself eae ee ees Weg same ahes te scer | on WARD Seatenecen weet | oe Experiencing Pee cai OE welfare issues” ‘Geseribed as acomplete break- | PHRASE EXPLAINED ger | ASOD, eu nn LEE ee eedies inorder to eet attention. comes am and tlented sportsman. belonged to caterers ‘oppor: | tiding, where ‘trotting’ a horse is per ce x Sve, cena | meron Ton fees age heaped ments a plese ae mrane mm ley | @ Our deepest fea sno hat SERUM AGIES? Wemeceitarauimer Sade Oterene fociteamsiaa anced | © tee! Pils tiecas utectctoas niin Sartore Rare rts ‘uiicrvimavtmartnes | Broclevalonsoe tS sor SMES UERE., omer etwas “Aemmymmintae LSE AGC | de ormepe Beare OAR NG Rianne Gmeceromemteamee paemanengemeeany | HME po re bet Satie arinsd imaciht Ramat muahatma ete Puce lnc | Meath amr x Tem SLES RCM: Perm eea Compl by EH SuALs4a cing deci! aot obra ceoceanies Be coon presaae, soaee nd ADAM ACO DEBOINOD Anger as trans police can still subject women to o strip-search POLE nltae under re riage San unnsere bette beng allowed to Spacath waren Sula pst te Satta tee ee i wae launching a ALS nes” pial Geeta aS eee as Pao eee “Unlawful and abusive’ are Sass ‘leopnition efioate) aay cearch LGB Alliance and retired police KUROSU EY cay tha you canlaykuro, Eta, hee ae two rule Inny rom or cousns important ne: $2tecn ow ae cohen mst conta Fieve nmchtnand ieee ‘Sen ohtnamne Sirs te ay cee a sre aa oe ep pean LECTURERS at top university say they've been pressured" Into signing ant trensphobia pledges and declering tel pro fours Exeter Unversty ashes Stat ost week to sana nc $e practitioners commitment {o demonstrate alyaip" with transgender stuaent the Sunay ‘Wearanhreported sald: “Senemes ike this are Coercive and intended to but reuse on peop” ‘aniverity spokesman salt: cis inisatve entirely volun tary, drven by our ncependent Stal network ond coordinated ithe university Freriey reaactnornag tt Recher ae eet ‘Sea tote ot bc eowed iouantieaaidalas Saar Couto be Liibriaentuched anya ae sb una? tte ett Sur by tranegemer sal incudes legate perme onesies stay Geo sad sea RnR oy se SS Ne ye X| Xx! |X 0) 0 o HE summer season is stil Iimbering up tere in sunny Majorca, But the incoming fights are already jam-packed, the hotels busy, tie beaches iling up fand, after weeks of appalling behaviour in some of the island's most notorious party zones, the locals are pulling back har So far there have been beach i ing, Heats to close the airport ineveasingly aggressive anti fours, aint purine Go Eome ‘wth und to notorigas Gutaion, Valencian end Basae ‘roups, Have been popping un. egies ce oeas feporte the Germans, rather athneh staged sett, when frum &t loans took offence a ‘It’s their party HQ- they drink and drink’ Tiletar beach club, in a quiet eae are eae soe ieee mee bat Sse at Sa ed ‘gat thrown at ibe cls a fee rea ee Se echenet Sent ot ees cree pe koe Soke by Jane Fryer ond simpy topped oe. PBSC, wae aly bynes hem Bt the ‘aly font aun fy Siy Because tbe whole aa eee eal ‘or Biarapenatr. as sant stared ars i Adare Seleerens atibens sot wore Earn "i fold And Beceet Ws fb of ber gears Sa ten ‘drunken Germans in identical eee Seis Seen footeebsnat 7 bom ite a lvey soup of gine col meta oe ‘rankfure ‘They have been pay” ine hard singe pm ond re ‘ea seen Suto dow ‘net esdaien "We are bier Daly Mai Mon, ie 2024 (Going strong: A football team from Frankfurt, above, and, ‘ight a Fowdy group Inbar asthe beer begins to flow purle football shirt eine fed Braied nother Hes wits his Deeds mctay tena iemon to beet and oe ‘usualy See irner were iatwurst and German beer peionattecnessaeis ‘They will not remember in the morning’ pes a at Fy cea wa eee te ae eee Eee ae tie SESE were oaks Watters ate pa Reig face atas Eee ete sie Tita es ee pheut imoes tn. Ala ata Sinus atic ene Succi Sn a eit ity Sui acai Shei Sacer esas

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