Economics and Polity Model

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Cost Free Self Evaluation Test - 7

1. Which of the following statements about Globalization is/are correct?

i. Opening exclusive public sector enterprises to private sector.
ii. Integration of the domestic economy with the rest of the world.
iii. Opening the doors to FDI and FPI.
a. i, ii, iii b. ii, iii c. i, iii d. i, ii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; cyfkakhjy; gw;wp rupahdit vit?
i. nghJj;Jiw epWtdq;fis jdpahu; Jiwf;F khw;wpaikj;jy;
ii. cs;ehl;Lg; nghUshjhuj;ijAk; Vida cyf nghUshjhuj;ijAk;
iii. may;ehl;L Neub KjyPL (FDI) kw;Wk; may;ehl;L njhFg;G (FPI)
KjyPLfSf;fhd fjTfisj; jpwe;J itg;gJ.
a. i, ii, iii b. ii, iii c. i, iii d. i, ii

2. According to International Monetary Fund, World Economic outlook, GDP of India

in 2016 at current prices was ____
a. $ 2521 billion b. $ 2215 billion
c. $ 5221 billion d. $ 2251 billion
gd;dhl;L gz epjpaj;jpd; (IMF) fzpg;Gg;gb> 2016-y; ,e;jpahtpd; cs;ehl;L nkhj;j
cw;gj;jpapd; (GDP) msT _____.
a. $ 2521 gpy;ypad; b. $ 2215 gpy;ypad;
c. $ 5221 gpy;ypad; d. $ 2251 gpy;ypad;

3. Consider the following statements.

I. India shared 8.50% of total Asia‟s GDP (Nominal) in 2016.
II. India was at 3rd position after China and Japan among Asian countries.
a. I, II are correct b. I is correct
c. II is correct d. I, II are incorrect
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. 2016-y; nkhj;j Mrpahtpd; GDP -mstpy; 8.50% ,e;jpahtpd; gq;fhf cs;sJ.
II. Mrpa ehLfspy;> nkhj;j cw;gj;jpapy; rPdh> [g;ghd; ehLfSf;F mLj;J
,e;jpah 3tJ ,lj;jpy; cs;sJ.
a. I, II rup b. I rup c. II rup d. I, II jtW
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4. Match the following

Crops Cumulative Wastages (%)
A. Milk 1. 3%
B. Fisheries (Marine) 2. 5%
C. Fisheries (in land) 3. 10%
D. Poultry 4. 1%
E. Meat 5. 7%
a. 2 1 4 3 5
b. 4 3 2 5 1
c. 5 1 3 2 4
d. 3 4 5 1 2
gapu;fs; $l;Ltpuaq;fs; (%)
A. ghy; 1. 3%
B. kPd;tsk; (flypy;) 2. 5%
C. kPd;tsk; (epyj;jpy;) 3. 10%
D. Nfhop 4. 1%
E. ,iwr;rp 5. 7%
a. 2 1 4 3 5
b. 4 3 2 5 1
c. 5 1 3 2 4
d. 3 4 5 1 2

5. Consider the following statements.

I. The Narasimman Committee was constituted in 1991.
II. It was proposed to cut down the SLR from 38.5% to 22% within a time span
of three years.
III. It was proposed that the CRR be brought down to 3 to 5% over a period of
four years.
a. I, II are correct b. II is incorrect
c. II, III are correct d. all are correct
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. eurpk;kd; FO 1991 ,y; mikf;fg;gl;lJ.
II. ,f;FO %d;whz;L fhy mstpy; SLR tpfpjj;ij 38.5% ypUe;J 22% Mf
Fiwf;f gupe;Jiuj;jJ.
III. ,f;FO CRR tpfpjj;ij ehd;F Mz;Lfspy; 3 Kjy; 5% Mf Fiwf;f
a. I, II rup b. II jtW c. II, III rup d. midj;Jk; rup

6. Who had state that “An Indian farmer is born in debt lives in debt, dies in debt and
bequeaths debt” in 1925?
a. Seligman b. Sir Marcom Darling
c. Schumacher d. Jean Dreze
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APPOLO STUDY CENTRE, PH: 044-24339436, 42867555, 9840226187

“xu; ,e;jpa cotd; fldpNy gpwe;J fldpNy tho;e;J> fldpNy ,we;J mtd;
re;jjpf;Fk; flidNa tpl;Lr;nry;fpd;whd;” vd;W 1925-,y; $wpatu;?
a. nrypf;kd; b. ru;khy;fk; lhu;ypq;
c. Rkhru; d. [Pd; l;uP];

7. Which of the following is/are wrongly matched?

Schemes Year of launch
PMAGSY - 2010
Bharat Nirman Yojana - 2005
Indira Awas Yojana - 2009
JNNURM - 2005
a. i b. ii, iii c. iii d. iv
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; jtwhf nghUe;jpait?
jpl;lq;fs; njhlq;fpa Mz;L
PMAGSY - 2010
ghuj; epu;khd; Nah[dh - 2005
,e;jpuh Mth]; Nah[dh - 2009
JNNURM - 2005
a. i b. ii, iii c. iii d. iv

8. Choose the correct statements about Tamilnadu

i. It accounts for 2.5% of water sources
ii. It contains four percent of land area.
iii. It comprises 6% of India‟s population.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; jkpo;ehL gw;wp rupahdit vit?
i. 2.5% ePu; tsj;ijf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
ii. ,e;jpahtpd; epy gug;gstpy; 4% nfhz;Ls;sJ.
iii. ,e;jpa kf;fs;njhifapy; 6% iaf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii

9. At National level Tamilnadu ranks first in the production of ____.

i. Cotton ii. Maize iii. Jowar
iv. Ground nut v. Total oilseeds vi. Cumbu
a. i, ii, v b. i, ii, iv, v, vi c. ii, iii, iv, v d. all the above
Njrpa mstpy; jkpo;ehL ___ cw;gj;jpapy; Kjyplk; tfpf;fpwJ.
i. gUj;jp ii. kf;fhr;Nrhsk; iii. Nrhsk;
iv. fliy v. vz;nza; tpj;Jfs; vi. fk;G
a. i, ii, v b. i, ii, iv, v, vi c. ii, iii, iv, v d. Nkw;fz;l midj;Jk;

10. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

i. Sivakasi contributes to 70% of India‟s total safety matches production and
90% of India‟s total fireworks production.
ii. Thoothukudi is a major chemical producer next only to Chennai.
a. i, ii b. i only c. ii only d. none

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gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; rupahdit vit?

i. rptfhrp jPg;ngl;b cw;gj;jpapy; ,e;jpa mstpy; 70% kw;Wk; gl;lhR
cw;gj;jpapy; 90% iaf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
ii. J}j;Jf;Fb jkpo;ehl;by; Ntjpg;nghUl;fs; cw;gj;jpapy; nrd;idf;F mLj;j
,lj;jpy; cs;sJ.
a. i, ii b. i kl;Lk; c. ii kl;Lk; d. VJkpy;iy

11. Consider the following statements.

I. Tamilnadu accounts for 30% of leather exports and about 70% of leather
production in India.
II. Hundreds of leather and tannery industries are located around Vellore,
Dindigul and Erode.
a. I, II are correct b. I is correct
c. II is correct d. I, II are incorrect
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. ,e;jpahtpd; Njhy;; nghUl;fs; Vw;Wkjpapy; 30% Ak;> Njhy;nghUl;fs;
jahupg;gpy; 70% Ak; jkpofk; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
II. E}w;Wf;fzf;fhd Njhy; nghUl;fs; kw;W k; gjdpLk; njhopw;rhiyfs; NtY}u;>
jpz;Lf;fy; kw;Wk; <NuhL khtl;lq;fspy; mike;Js;sd.
a. I, II rup b. I rup c. II rup d. I, II jtW

12. Choose the correct statements.

i. The MSMED act was enacted in 2006.
ii. Tamilnadu account of 17.50% Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the
iii. It producing over 8000 varieties of product for a total investment of more
than Rs. 32008 crore.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii
rupahd $w;wpidj; Nju;e;njL.
i. MSMED rl;lk; 2006-y; ,aw;wg;gl;lJ.
ii. FW> rpW kw;Wk; eLj;ju epWtdq;fspy; 17.50% jkpo;ehL nfhz;Ls;sJ.
iii. ,it 8000 tifahd nghUl;fis 32>008 Nfhb &gha; KjyPl;by; cw;gj;jp
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii

13. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

i. Ragnar Frisch, a Norwegian economist coined the words „micro‟ meaning
small and „Macro‟ meaning large in the year 1933.
ii. Macroeconomics in its modern form, began with John Maynard Keynes and
his book “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”,
published in 1936.
iii. Keynes is regarded as the „Father of Economics‟.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii

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gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; vit rupahdit?

i. ehu;Ntiar; Nru;e;j nghUspay; ty;Yeu; Nuf;du; /gpu;];r; vd;gtu; rpwpa vd
nghUs; nfhz;likf;Nuh kw;Wk; ngupa vd;W nghUs; nfhz;l Nkf;Nuh vDk;
gjq;fis 1933-y; cUthf;fpdhu;.
ii. Ngupay; nghUshjhuj;jpd; etPd tbtkhdJ [hd; Nkdhl; fPd;]; - 1936 Mk;
Mz;L ntspapl;l “Ntiytha;g;G> tl;b kw;Wk; gzk; gw;wpag; nghJf;
Nfhl;ghL” E}ypypUe;J Njhd;wpaJ.
iii. fPd;]; nghUshjhuj;jpd; je;ij vd miof;fg;gLfpd;whu;.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii

14. The concept of national income was first introduced by

a. J.M. Keynes b. Samuelson
c. Simon Kuznets d. Fisher
Njrpa tUtha; vDk; fUj;JUit Kjypy; mwpKfg;gLj;jpatu; _____.
a. J.M. fPd;]; b. rhKNty;rd;
c. irkd; F];nel;]; d. gp~u;

15. Identify the items not to be included in the income method of measuring National
i. Transfer payments ii. Balance of payments
iii. Windfall gains iv. The receipts from the sale of second hand goods.
a. i, iii, iv b. i, ii, iv c. i, ii, iii d. all the above
tUkhdKiwapyhd Njrpa tUthapy; fzf;fpy; vLj;Jf;nfhs;shjtw;iw
milahsk; fhz;f.
i. khw;Wr; nrYj;Jiffs; ii. nrYj;J epiyf;fzf;F
iii. tPo;r;rp Mjhaq;fs; iv. ,uz;lhk; Kiw tpw;fg;gl;l nghUl;fspd; gzkjpg;G.
a. i, iii, iv b. i, ii, iv c. i, ii, iii d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

16. Which of the following statement is/are incorrect?

i. The currency notes are also called as Fiat money and legal tenders.
ii. M1 and M2 money are known as broad money.
iii. M3 and M4 money are known as narrow money.
a. i and ii b. ii and iii c. ii only d. All the above
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; jtwhdf; $w;wpidj; Nju;e;njL.
i. fhfpjg;gzq;fs; mjpfhuk; ngw;w rl;lG+u;tkhd nryhtzp.
ii. M1 kw;Wk; M2 gzk; gue;jepiyg; gzk; vd;wiof;fg;gLfpwJ.
iii. M3 kw;Wk; M4 gzk; FWfpa gzk; vd;wiof;fg;gLfpwJ.
a. i kw;Wk; ii b. ii kw;Wk; iii c. ii kl;Lk; d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

17. Which of the following statements about alternative measures of money supply
is/are correct?
i. M1 = Currency, coins and demand deposits.
ii. M2 = M1 + Time deposits of all commercial and cooperative banks.
iii. M3 = M2 + Savings deposits with post office saving bank.
iv. M4 = M3 + Total deposits with post offices.

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a. i and ii b. iii and iv c. i and iv d. all the above

gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; gzmstPLfs; gw;wpa rupahd $w;Wfs; vit?
i. M1 = fhfpjg;gzk;> ehzaq;fs; kw;Wk; Nfl;G itg;Gfs;.
ii. M3 = M1 + midj;J tzpf tq;fpfs; kw;Wk; $l;LwT tq;fpfspYs;s fhy
iii. M3 = M2 + mQ;ryf Nrkpg;G tq;fpapd; Nrkpg;G itg;Gfs;.
iv. M4 = M3 + mQ;ryfj;jpYs;s midj;J itg;Gfs;.
a. i kw;Wk; ii b. iii kw;Wk; iv c. i kw;Wk; iv d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

18. Consider the following statements:

i. Hyperinflation points out to unmanageably high inflation rates that run into
two or three digits.
ii. The first hyperinflation of the 21st century results from Zimbabwe with
3714% at the end of April 2007.
iii. Running inflation is also known as trolling inflation
a. I, II are correct b. I, III are correct
c. II, III are incorrect d. I, II, III are correct
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
i. cau; gztPf;fk; vd;gJ rkhspf;f Kbahj mstpw;F ,uz;L my;yJ %d;W
,yf;f rjtpfpjj;jpy; cs;s gztPf;fk;.
ii. 21-k; E}w;whz;bd; Kjy; cau; gztPf;fk; [pk;ghk;Nt ehl;by; Mz;bw;F 3714%
Mf Vg;uy; 2007 ,Wjpapy; cau;e;jJ.
iii. XLk; gztPf;fk; efUk; gztPf;fk; vd;Wk; miof;fg;gLfpd;wJ.
a. I, II rup b. I, III rup c. II, III rup d. midj;Jk; rup

19. Choose the correct statements about NABARD.

i. Half of the share capital of NABARD is contributed by RBI and other Half
contributed by Government of India.
ii. It has the responsibility to inspect Primary Co-operative Societies.
iii. It maintains a Research and Development Fund to promote research in
agriculture and rural development.
a. i and ii b. i and iii c. ii and iii d. i, ii and iii
eghu;L gw;wp rupahd $w;wpidj; Nju;e;njL.
i. eghu;bd; %yjdk; ,e;jpa upru;t; tq;fp kw;Wk; ,e;jpa muR Mfpait
rupgFjpahf toq;fpAs;sJ.
ii. ,J Jtf;fNtshz;ik $l;LwT rq;fq;fis Ma;T nra;fpwJ.
iii. Ntshz;ik kw;Wk; Cuf tsu;r;rpf;fhd Ma;T kw;Wk; tsu;r;rp epjpapid
a. i kw;Wk; ii b. i kw;Wk; iii c. ii kw;Wk; iii d. i, ii kw;Wk; iii

20. The principle purpose of the ICICI Bank is ____.

a. To channelize the World Bank Funds to industry in India.
b. To Provide financial assistance to new Industrial Projects
c. To help build a capital market.
d. Both a and c

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ICICI tq;fpapd; Kjd;ik Nehf;fk; ____.

a. cyf tq;fpapypUe;J ngwg;gLk; ,e;jpaj; njhopw;fld;fis Kiwg;gLj;jp
b. Gjpa njhopy; jpl;lq;fSf;F epjpAjtp
c. %yjd re;ijia Vw;gLj;j cjTtJ
d. a kw;Wk; c

21. Match the following

A. IFCI 1. 1948
B. ICICI 2. 1955
C. IDBI 3. 1964
D. RRB 4. 1975
E. EXIM Bank 5. 1982
a. 1 2 3 4 5
b. 3 2 1 4 5
c. 1 3 2 4 5
d. 3 1 5 4 2
A. IFCI 1. 1948
B. ICICI 2. 1955
C. IDBI 3. 1964
D. RRB 4. 1975
E. EXIM tq;fp 5. 1982
a. 1 2 3 4 5
b. 3 2 1 4 5
c. 1 3 2 4 5
d. 3 1 5 4 2

22. The book “Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960” was written by ____.
a. Milton Friedman b. J.M. Keynes
c. Lawrence Robert Klein d. Carmen Reinhart
mnkupf;f If;fpa muRfspd; gztpay; tuyhW> (1867 - 1960) vd;w Gj;jfj;ij
vOjpatu; ____.
a. kpy;ld; gpiul;Nkd; b. J.M. fPd;];
c. yhud;]; uhgu;l; fpnsa;d; d. fhu;nkd; nudhu;l;

23. Consider the following statements.

I. The characteristics which a good tax should possess are described as canons
of taxation.
II. According to Adamsmith, there are four canons of taxation.
a. I, II are correct b. I is correct
c. II is correct d. I, II are incorrect

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gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.

I. xU ey;y tupapy; ,Uf;f Ntz;ba mk;rq;fs; kw;Wk; jd;ikfs; Gdpj
tpjpfs; vdg;gLfpd;wJ.
II. Mlk;];kpj; fUj;Jg;gb ehd;F Gdpj tpjpfs; cs;sd.
a. I, II rup b. I rup c. II rup d. I, II jtW

24. The Merits of Direct taxes includes.

i. Equity ii. Certainty iii. Elasticity iv. Economy
a. i and ii b. iii and iv c. i, ii and iv d. all the above
Neu;Kf tupfspd; ed;ikfs; vit?
i. rkj;Jtk; ii. epr;raj;jd;ik iii. nefpOk; jd;ik iv. rpf;fdk;
a. i kw;Wk; ii b. iii kw;Wk; iv
c. i, ii kw;Wk; iv d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

25. Which of the following is not the Indirect tax?

a. Excise duty b. Customs duty
c. Entertainment tax d. Corporate tax
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ kiwKf tup my;yhjJ?
a. fyhy; tup b. Rq;ftup
c. nghOJNghf;Ftup d. epWtdtup

26. Which of the following statements about Goods and service tax is/are correct?
i. The GST was passed in the parliament on 29th March 2017.
ii. The act came into effect on 1st July 2017.
iii. GST is one indirect tax for the entire country.
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; ruf;F kw;Wk; Nrit tup Fwpj;J rupahdit vit?
i. ,r;rl;lk; 2017 khu;r; 29-y; ghuhSkd;wj;jhy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;lJ.
ii. ,J [_iy 1> 2017 Kjy; eilKiwf;F te;jJ.
iii. ,e;jpahtpy; fhzg;gl;l gy;NtW kiwKf tupfSf;F khw;whf
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii

27. Which of the following is correctly matched?

i. Article 112: Annual Financial Statement of Union Government.
ii. Article 116: Definition of money bill.
iii. Article 202: Annual Financial Statement of State Government.
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; rupahfg; nghUe;jpait?
i. tpjp 112 – kj;jpa murpd; tUlhe;jpu epjp mwpf;if.
ii. tpjp 116 – gzkNrhjhtpw;fhd epjp mwpf;if.
iii. tpjp 202 – khepy murpd; tUlhe;jpu epjp mwpf;if
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii

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28. Which of the following statements about Budget is/are correct?

i. The president of India, on behalf of the central government places the Union
Budget before parliament.
ii. According to Indian constitution, all money bills must be initiated in the
Lower house.
iii. The demands of various tax proposals are included in the Budget.
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; gl;n[l; Fwpj;J rupahdit?
i. eLtd; murpd; mq;fj;jpduhf> FbauRj; jiytu; ika murpd; tuT nryTj;
jpl;lj;ij ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; jhf;fy; nra;thu;.
ii. ,e;jpa murpayikg;Gr; rl;lg;gb> gz kNrhjh fPo;rigapy; njhlq;fg;gLk;.
iii. tuT nryTj;jpl;lj;jpy; gy;NtW tup rhu;e;j fUj;Jf;fSk; ,lk; ngw;wpUf;Fk;.
a. i, ii b. i, iii c. ii, iii d. i, ii, iii

29. Identify the incorrect definition.

a. Budget Deficit = Total Expenditure – Total Revenue.
b. Fiscal Deficit = Budget deficit + Government‟s market borrowings and
c. Primary Deficit = Fiscal Deficit + Interest payments
d. Revenue Deficit = Total Revenue Expenditure – Total Revenue Receipts
jtwhd tiuaiwiaj; Nju;e;njL.
a. tuT nryT jpl;l gw;whf;Fiw = nkhj;j nryT – nkhj;j tuT
b. epjpg;gw;whf;Fiw = tuT nryT jpl;l gw;whf;Fiw + murpd; mq;fhbf; fld;fSk;
Vida nghWg;Gf;fSk;
c. Kjd;ikg;gw;whf;Fiw = epjpg;gw;whf;Fiw + tl;b nrYj;Jjy;
d. tUtha; gw;whf;Fiw = nkhj;j tUtha; nrytpdk; - nkhj;j tUtha; tuTfs;

30. Match the following

Finance Commission Chairman
A. Eighth 1. N.K.P. Salve
B. Ninth 2. A.M. Khusro
C. Tenth 3. K.C. Pant
D. Eleventh 4. Y.B. Chavan
a. 1 3 2 4
b. 4 1 3 2
c. 2 4 3 1
d. 2 1 3 4
epjpf;FO jiytu;
A. vl;lhtJ 1. N.K.P. rhy;Nt
B. xd;gjhtJ 2. A.M. F];Nuh
C. gj;jhtJ 3. K.C. ge;j;
D. gjpndhwhtJ 4. Y.B. rthd;

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a. 1 3 2 4
b. 4 1 3 2
c. 2 4 3 1
d. 2 1 3 4

31. The Bretton Woods conference (1944) proposed the establishment of ____.
a. International Monetary Fund b. World Bank
c. International Trade Organization d. All the above
gpupl;ld; T+l;]; khehL (1944) ___ cUthf;fg; gupe;Jiuj;jJ.
a. gd;dhl;L gzepjpak; b. cyf tq;fp
c. gd;dhl;L thzpf epWtdk; d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

32. “Economies are linked internationally through trade in goods and through
Financial markets” – Who said this?
a. Dornbusch b. Fischer and Stertz
c. Jean Dreze d. Both a and b
“ehLfspd; nghUshjhuk; nghUs;> thzpgk; kw;Wk; epjpr; re;ijfshy;
,izf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ” vd;wtu;?
a. lhu;d;G];r; b. gpru; kw;Wk; ];nlu;l;];
c. [Pd; l;uP]; d. a kw;Wk; b

33. Which of the following statements about Demonetization is/are correct?

i. It is the act of stripping a currency unit of its status as legal tender.
ii. On 8th November 2016, the Indian PM announced the demonetization of all
`500 and `1000 bank notes.
a. i, ii b. i only c. ii only d. none
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; gzkjpg;G ePf;fk; Fwpj;J rupahdit vit?
i. murpd; rl;lG+u;t gzj;njhFg;gpypUe;J Fwpg;gpl;l myfpyhd gzj;jpd;
kjpg;gpid nry;yhJ vd mwptpf;Fk; nray;.
ii. ,e;jpahtpy; 2016-Mk; Mz;L etk;gu;> 8 Mk; ehs; ,e;jpa gpujku; ` 500
kw;Wk; ` 1000 kjpg;gpyhd fhfpjg; gzkjpg;G ePf;fj;jpid mwptpj;jhu;.
a. i, ii b. i kl;Lk; c. ii kl;Lk; d. VJkpy;iy

34. RBI extended short-term and long term credit to agriculture through ____.
a. State level Cooperative Banks b. Regional Rural Banks
c. Land Development Banks d. Both a and c
,e;jpa upru;t; tq;fp tptrhaj;jpw;F FWfpa kw;Wk; ePz;lfhy fld;fis ___ %yk;
a. khepy $l;LwT tq;fpfs; b. tl;lhu Cuf tq;fp
c. epyts tq;fpfs; d. a kw;Wk; c

35. The securities Exchange act was enacted in

a. 1934 b. 1949 c. 1995 d. 1999

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gpiza guptu;j;jidr; rl;lk; ,aw;wg;gl;l Mz;L ____.

a. 1934 b. 1949 c. 1995 d. 1999

36. Which of the following is wrongly matched?

i. Bank of Bengal - 1809
ii. Bank of Madras - 1840
iii. Bank of Bombay - 1843
a. i only b. ii and iii only c. ii only d. none
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; jtwhfg; nghUe;jpait?
i. tq;fhs tq;fp - 1809
ii. nrd;id tq;fp - 1840
iii. Kk;ig tq;fp - 1843
a. i kl;Lk; b. ii kw;Wk; iii kl;Lk;
c. ii kl;Lk; d. VJkpy;iy

37. India is the ___ country to accept a unique currency symbol.

a. 4th b. 5th c. 3rd d. 6th
,e;jpah jdpg;gzf;FwpaPL nfhz;l ___ ehlhfj; jpfo;fpd;wJ.
a. 4-tJ b. 5-tJ c. 3-tJ d. 6-tJ

38. Which of the following statements about Barter system is/are incorrect?
i. Barter system was first introduced by Mesopatomia tribes.
ii. Phoenicians developed an improved barter system, where the goods were
exchanged for goods.
a. i, ii b. i only c. ii only d. none
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; gz;lkhw;WKiw gw;wp jtwhdit vit?
i. nkrgNlhkpah goq;Fbapduhy; gz;lkhw;WKiw mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ.
ii. NghadPrpau;fs; nghUl;fSf;Fg; nghUl;fis khw;Wk; gz;lkhw;WKiwia
a. i, ii b. i kl;Lk; c. ii kl;Lk; d. VJkpy;iy

39. Consider the following statements.

I. Keynes‟ book “The General theory of Employment, Interest and money”
published in 1936.
II. Keynes theory of employment was based on the view of the long run.
a. I, II are correct b. I is correct
c. II is correct d. I, II are incorrect
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. fPd;]pd; Gj;jfkhd Ntiytha;g;G kw;Wk; tUkhdk; gw;wpa Nfhl;ghL 1936-,y;
II. fPd;]pd; fUj;Jf;fs; ePz;l fhyj;ij mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L ,Ue;jd.
a. I, II rup b. I rup c. II rup d. I, II jtW

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40. Who said that “The net output of the commodities and services flowing during the
year from the country productive system into the hands of the ultimate consumers
or into net addition to the country‟s stock of capital goods”?
a. Robertson b. Simon Kuznets
c. Samuelson d. Manfred D Steger
“Xu; Mz;by; nghUshjhuj;jpd; cw;gj;jp mikg;gpy; ,Ue;J gz;lq;fSk; gzpfSk;
cw;gj;jp nra;ag;gl;L epfu ntspaPlhf mit ,Wjp epiy Efu;Nthupd; iffSf;F
nry;fpd;wd my;yJ ehl;by; ,Uf;ff;$ba %yjdk; nghUl;fspd; ,Ug;NghL epfu
$Ljyhfr; Nru;fpwJ” vd;W $wpatu;?
a. uhgu;l;rd; b. irkd; F];nel;];
c. rhKNty;rd; d. khd;gpnub];nlfu;

41. Which of the following are the examples of the mixed economy?
i. West Germany ii. England iii. India
iv. USA v. Australia vi. France
a. i, iii, iv, v b. iii, iv, v, vi c. ii, iii, vi d. i, iii, v
fyg;G nghUshjhu ehLfSf;F cjhuzq;fs; vit?
i. Nkw;F n[u;kdp ii. ,q;fpyhe;J iii. ,e;jpah
iv. mnkupf;fh v. M];jpNuypah vi. gpuhd;];
a. i, iii, iv, v b. iii, iv, v, vi c. ii, iii, vi d. i, iii, v

42. The Female Literary in Tamilnadu was ____.

a. 73.68% b. 64.55% c. 73.86% d. 65.81%
jkpo;ehl;by; ngz;fspd; vOj;jwpT tPjk; ___.
a. 73.68% b. 64.55% c. 73.86% d. 65.81%

43. Which state has the highest number of internet subscribes in India?
a. Karnataka b. Tamilnadu
c. Maharashtra d. Uttar Pradesh
,e;jpahtpy; ,izag; gad;ghl;by; Kjyplj;jpy; cs;s khepyk;?
a. fu;ehlfk; b. jkpo;ehL
c. kfhuh~;buh d. cj;jug;gpuNjrk;

44. Consider the following statements.

I. Tamilnadu tanks first in GER of higher education.
II. The GER of higher education in Tamilnadu is 49.6%
a. I, II are correct b. I is correct
c. II is correct d. I, II are incorrect
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. cau;fy;tpf;fhd nkhj;j Nru;f;if tpfpjj;jpy; jkpo;ehL Kjyplj;jpy; cs;sJ.
II. jkpo;ehl;bd; nkhj;j Nru;fi ; f tPjk; 49.6%
a. I, II rup b. I rup c. II rup d. I, II jtW

45. How many foreign bank branches are present in Tamilnadu?

a. 11 b. 22 c. 33 d. 44

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jkpo;ehl;bYs;s may;ehl;L tq;fpfspd; fpisfs; vj;jid?

a. 11 b. 22 c. 33 d. 44

46. Consider the following statements.

I. The Installed capacity of power utilities in Tamilnadu is 26865 MW.
II. Tamilnadu is in Forefront of all other Indian states in installed capacity.
III. Muppandal solar farm is a renewable energy source.
a. I, II are correct b. I, III are correct
c. II, III are correct d. All the above
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfis Muha;f.
I. jkpo;ehl;by; epWtg;gl;l kpd; gad;ghl;Lj; jpwdpd; msT 26>865 MW.
II. epWtg;gl;l jpwd; mstpy; jkpo;ehL gpw khepyq;fistpl Kd;dzpapy;
III. Kg;ge;jy; #upa rf;jp kpd;rhuj;ij toq;Fk; xU GJg;gpf;fj;jf;f vuprf;jp
Mjhukhf cs;sJ.
a. I, II rup b. I, III rup c. II, III rup d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

47. Sivakasi provides over ___ percentage of India‟s total offset printing solutions.
a. 30% b. 40% c. 50% d. 60%
,e;jpahtpd; mr;Rj; Jiwj; jPu;Tfspy; ___ rjtPjk; rptfhrpapypUe;Nj ngwg;gLfpwJ.
a. 30% b. 40% c. 50% d. 60%

48. Which of the following place of Tamilnadu is the main cloth market in South India
for both retail and wholesale ready-mades?
a. Thiruppur b. Coimbatore c. Erode d. Karur
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; jkpo;ehl;bd; ve;j khtl;lk; njd;dpe;jpahtpd; nkhj;j kw;Wk;
rpy;yiw Maj;j MilfSf;fhd Kf;fpa [Tsp re;ijahfj; jpfo;fpwJ?
a. jpUg;G+u; b. Nfhak;Gj;J}u; c. <NuhL d. f&u;

49. Match the following

A. Steel City 1. Salem
B. Knitting City 2. Tirupur
C. Little Japan 3. Sivakasi
D. Pump City 4. Coimbatore
a. 1 2 3 4
b. 1 2 4 3
c 2 1 3 4
d. 3 2 1 4
A. v/F efuk; 1. Nryk;
B. gpd;dyhil efuk; 2. jpUg;G+u;
C. Fl;b [g;ghd; 3. rptfhrp
D. fhw;wOj;j tpirf;Foha; efuk; 4. Nfhak;Gj;J}u;

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a. 1 2 3 4
b. 1 2 4 3
c. 2 1 3 4
d. 3 2 1 4

50. Tamilnadu has a network of about _____ industrial parks.

a. 100 b. 110 c. 125 d. 102
jkpo;ehl;by; cs;s njhopw;G+q;fhf;fspd; vz;zpf;if ____.
a. 100 b. 110 c. 125 d. 102

51. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

The supreme court was established in Madras in 1801.
The First trial by July in Madras was Mrs. Ascentia Dawas.
The charter of 1726 applied only to the Madras Presidency with regard to the
establishment of a Mayors court.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; rupahdit vit?
kjuh]py; cr;rePjpkd;wk; epWtg;gl;l Mz;L 1801.
jpUkjp mnrd;bahjth]; tof;F kjuh]py; Mq;fpNya ePjpgjp tprhupj;j Kjy;
1726 rhrdr; rl;lk; kjuh]; khefuhr;rpapy; kl;Lk; Nkau; ePjpkd;wk; cUthf
fhuzkhf ,Ue;jJ.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii

52. Who was the First person in the legal history of India to realize the necessity of
establishing an All-India court of Final appeal in place of the Privy Council?
a. Harilal J. Kania b. K.G. Balakrishnan
c. Hari Singh Gour d. J. Muthusamy
,Wjpf;fl;l Nky;KiwaPlL ; f;fhf gpupe;J nry;yhky; ,e;jpahtpNyNa Nky;KiwaPL
nra;Ak; xU midj;jpe;jpa jiyik ePjpkd;wj;jpd; Njitia Kjypy; czu;e;jtu;?
a. `upyhy; n[.fdpah b. K.G. ghyfpU~;zd;
c. `up rpq; Nfhu; d. T. Kj;Jrhkp

53. The first law commission of India was established in the year.
a. 1834 b. 1835 c. 1854 d. 1855
,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; rl;l Mizak; mikf;fg;gl;l Mz;L.
a. 1834 b. 1835 c. 1854 d. 1855

54. Which of the following statement is/are correct?

i. The Government of India act 1919, introduced Partial autonomy in the
ii. The Government of India act 1935, granted provincial autonomy at the
a. i, ii b. i only c. ii only d. none

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gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; rupahdit vit?

i. ,e;jpa muR rl;lk;> 1919 khfhzq;fspy; ,ul;il Ml;rp Kiwia mwpKfk;
ii. ,e;jpa muR rl;lk; 1935> kj;jpapy; ,ul;il Ml;rp Kiwia mwpKfk;
a. i, ii b. i kl;Lk; c. ii kl;Lk; d. VJkpy;iy

55. Which of the following is/are correctly matched?

State Rajyasabha Seats
Uttar Pradesh - 39
Nagaland - 1
Tamil Nadu - 18
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; rupahfg; nghUe;jpait vit?
khepyk; uh[;arig ,lq;fs;
cj;jpug;gpuNjrk; - 39
ehfhyhe;J - 1
jkpo;ehL - 18
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii

56. Which of the following is/are correctly matched?

i. Article 275 - State Finance Commission.
ii. Article 280 - Composition of Finance Commission.
iii. Article 263 - Formation of Inter State Council
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; rupahfg; nghUe;jpait vit?
i. tpjp 275 - khepy epjp Mizak;
ii. tpjp 280 - epjpf; FOtpd; mikg;G
iii. tpjp 263 - khepyq;fSf;fpilNaahd FO
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. ii, iii d. i, iii

57. Match the following

A. Sarkaria Commission 1. 1983
B. Second Administrative Reforms Commission 2. 2007
C. Punchhi Commission 3. 2005
D. Venkatachaliah Commission 4. 2000
a. 1 2 3 4
b. 1 3 2 4
c. 1 4 2 3
d. 1 3 4 2
A. ru;f;fhupah fkp~d; 1. 1983
B. ,uz;lhk; epu;thf rPu;jpUj;j Mizak; 2. 2007
C. Gd;r;rp FO 3. 2005
D. ntq;flnry;iyah FO 4. 2000

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a. 1 2 3 4
b. 1 3 2 4
c. 1 4 2 3
d. 1 3 4 2

58. Which of the following statements about cabinet secretary is/are correct?
i. The office of cabinet secretary was created in India in 1951.
ii. The first cabinet secretary was N.R. Pillai.
iii. The cabinet secretary is the head of the cabinet secretariat.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; mikr;ruitr; nrayhsu; gw;wp rupahdit vit?
i. ,e;jpahtpy; mikr;riur; nrayhsu; mYtyfk; gjtpahdJ 1951-y;
ii. ,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; mikr;ruit nrayhsu; vd;.Mu;.gps;is.
iii. mikr;ruit nrayNu mikr;ruit nrayfj;jpd; jiytu;.
a. i, ii, iii b. i, ii c. i, iii d. ii, iii

59. The plan for linguistic re-organisation began by the congress party, in ____.
a. 1917 b. 1921 c. 1928 d. 1940
nkhop mbg;gilapy; kWrPuikg;G vd;gJ ____ y; fhq;fpu]; fl;rpapy;
a. 1917 b. 1921 c. 1928 d. 1940

60. Who proposed Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha to take the Chair as temporary chairman
of the constituent assembly?
a. Rajendra Prasad b. Dr. BR Ambedkar
c. Sir BN Rau d. Acharya JB Kripalani
lhf;lu; rr;rpjhde;j rpd;`hit jw;fhypfj; jiytuhfj; jiyikNaw;FkhW
Nfl;Lf;nfhz;lth; ahu;?
a. uhN[e;jpugpurhj; b. lhf;lu;. B.R. mk;Ngj;fu;
c. ru; B.N. uht; d. Mr;rhu;ah J.B. fpUghspdp

61. Which of the following provision were not adopted from the Government of India
Act 1935?
1. Public Service Commission
2. Suspension of Fundamental Rights during emergence
3. Office of Governor
4. Removal of Supreme Court Judges.
a. 2 and 3 only b. 1 and 2 only
c. 3 and 4 only d. 2 and 4 only
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; ,e;jpa muR rl;lk; 1935-apypUe;J vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glhj
mk;rq;fs; vit?
1. nghJj; Nju;thidaq;fs;
2. neUf;fbfhyj;jpy; mbg;gil cupikfs; gwpg;G
3. MSeu; gjtp

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4. cr;rePjpkd;w ePjpgjpfis gjtpePf;fk; nra;Ak; Kiw.

a. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; b. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk;
c. 3 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk; d. 2 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk;

62. “The Greater the power of the people, the better for its people”, This statement on
Panchayat Raj system is attributed to
a. BR Ambedkar b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Sardarvallabai Patel
“kf;fsplk; ve;j mstpw;F mjpfhuk; ,Uf;fpwNjh me;j mstpw;F ,J kf;fSf;Fr;
rpwe;j gad; mspf;Fk;” ,t;thW gQ;rhaj; uh[; mikg;ig gw;wp $wpatu;.
a. BR mk;Ngj;fu; b. [t`u;yhy; NeU
c. kfhj;kh fhe;jp d. ru;ju; ty;ygha; gl;Nly;

63. Which of the following statement is/are correct about Rajyasabha?

1. The Government of India Act, 1935 provided for the creation of a „Council of
2. Rajya Sabha is a federal chamber where 238 members are elected by the elected
members of Assemblies of the States and Union Territories.
3. The 1st sitting of Rajya Sabha was held on 13th May 1954, unlike Lok Sabha,
Rajya Sabha can never be dissolved.
4. The Vice-President acts as the Chairman of Rajya Sabha. In his absence, the
deputy chairman takes the place of the chairman who is elected by the members
of Rajya Sabha.
a. 1 and 2 only b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1, 2, 3 only d. 1, 2, 3, 4
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; uh[;argh Fwpj;J rupahdit vit?
1. ,J ,e;jpa muR rl;lk; 1935-d; fPo; cUthf;fg;gl;lJ.
2. 238 cWg;gpdu;fs; khepyq;fs; kw;Wk; xd;wpa MSiff;Fl;gl;l gFjp
rl;lkd;wq;fs; %yk; Njue;njLf;fg;gLfpd;wdu;.
3. Kjy; $l;lk; 1954 Nk 13 md;W njhlq;fpaJ. kw;Wk; khepyq;fsit kf;fsit
Nghd;W fiyf;fg;gl KbahjJ.
4. FbauRj; Jizj;jiytu; khepyq;fsitj; jiytuhfr; nray;gLthu;. mtu;
,y;yhj NghJ khepyq;fsit cWg;gpdu;fshy; Nju;e;njLf;fg;gLk;
khepyq;fsitapd; Jizj;jiytu; jiytuhfr; nray;gLthu;.
a. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk; b. 2 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk;
c. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; d. 1> 2> 3> 4

64. The Period of the first Assembly of Tamil Nadu is

a. 1950-1955 b. 1951-1957 c. 1952-1957 d. 1953-1958
jkpo;ehl;by; Kjy; rl;lkd;wk; nray;gl;l fhyk;.
a. 1950-1955 b. 1951-1957 c. 1952-1957 d. 1953-1958

65. Which Chief Minister of Tamilnadu was responsible for the abolition of hereditary
village officers Karnam?
a. C. Rajaji b. K. Kamaraj
c. M. Karunanidhi d. M.G. Ramachandran

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thupR mbg;gilapy; fpuhk epu;thf mYtyuhd “fu;zk;” vd;w gjtpia KbTf;F

nfhz;Lte;j jkpo;ehl;bd; Kjyikr;ru;?
a. C. uh[h[p b. K. fhkuh[;
c. K. fUzhepjp d. vk;.[p. uhkr;re;jpud;

66. Which among the following is/are correct regarding Tamilnadu legislative
1. The Tamilnadu state legislative assembly consists of 234 member.
2. The first Madras Legislative Assembly service was held on 3rd of the May 1952.
3. Under Article 333 of the constitution of India, the governor nomination one
member representing from Anglo-Indian community.
4. The fifteenth Tamilnadu Legislative assembly was constituted on the 21 st May
Which among the following statement is/are correct?
a. 1, 2 and 3 only b. 1, 3 and 4 only
c. 2, 3 and 4 only d. all the above
gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; jkpo;ehL rl;lkd;wk; Fwpj;J rupahd $w;Wfs; vit?
1. jkpo;ehL khepyr; rl;lkd;wk; 234 cWg;gpdu;fisf; nfhz;lJ.
2. rl;lkd;wj;jpd; Kjy; $l;lj;njhlu; 3 Nk> 1952-,y; eilngw;wJ.
3. murikg;G cWg;G 333,d; fPo; Mq;fpNyh-,e;jpa gpujpepjp xUtu; MSeuhy;
4. 15-tJ jkpof rl;lkd;wk; $ba jpdk; 21 Nk> 2016.
a. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; b. 1> 3 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk;
c. 2> 3 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk; d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

67. “The successful working of our constitution, as of any democratic structure,

demands the closest cooperation between the two Houses”. This statement is
attributed to
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. BR Ambedkar
c. Sardar Vallabhai Patel d. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
“ekJ murikg;gpd; ntw;wpfukhdgzp> mjd; neUf;fkhd gzp> mjd; neUf;fkhd
kf;fshl;rp mikg;ghd ehlhSkd;wj;jpd; <uitfSf;fpilNa neUf;fkhd
$l;Lwitf; NfhUfpwJ” vd;W $wpatu;?
a. kfhj;kh fhe;jp b. B.R. mk;Ngj;fu;
c. ru;jhu; ty;ygha; gl;Nly; d. gz;bl; [t`u;yhy; NeU

68. “Villages were nothing but a sink of Localism, a den of ignorance and
communalism”. This statement is attributed to
a. Sheikh Abdullah b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. C Rajaji d. Ambedkhar
“fpuhkq;fs; vd;gJ mwpahik kw;Wk; tFg;Gthjj;jpd; ,Ug;gplk; vd;gijj; jtpu
Ntnwhd;Wk; ,y;iy” vd;W $wpatu;.
a. N~f; mg;Jy;yh b. [t`u;yhy; NeU
c. C. uh[h[p d. mk;Ngj;fu;

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69. Consider the following pairs regarding private members bills passed by parliament
Title Date of Assent
1. The Muslim Wakfs Bill 1950
2. The Women and Children‟s Institution 1954
3. The Marine Insurance Bill 1966
4. The Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes 1970
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
a. 1 and 3 only b. 2 and 4 only c. 2 only d. 4 only
ehlhSkd;wk; epiwNtw;wpa jdpegu; rl;lq;fspy; rupahfg; nghUe;jpa ,izfs;
jiyg;G epiwNtwpa Mz;L
1. ,];yhkpa tFg;G thupa kNrhjh 1950
2. ngz;fs; kw;Wk; rpwhu; epWtdq;fs; 1954
3. fly;rhu; fhg;gL
P kNrhjh 1966
4. mdhij kw;Wk; ,ju mwf;fl;lis ,y;yq;fs; 1970
a. 1 kw;Wk; 3 b. 2 kw;Wk; 4 c. 2 kl;Lk; d. 4 kl;Lk;

70. Consider the following statements

1. Central Government has power to make laws on Agriculture and Irrigation.
2. Both Central and State Government jointly make laws on Education and Forest.
3. State Government has power to make laws on police
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 only c. 2 only d. 3 only
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; rupahdit vit?
kj;jpa muR tptrhak; kw;Wk; ePu;gg ; hrdk; njhlu;ghd rl;lkpaw;Wk; mjpfhuj;ijf;
kj;jpa kw;Wk; khepy muRfs; fy;tp kw;Wk; fhLfs; njhlu;ghd rl;lkpaw;wyhk;.
khepy muRfs; fhty; njhlu;ghd rl;lkpaw;wyhk;>
a. 1 kl;Lk; b. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; c. 2 kl;Lk; d. 3 kl;Lk;

71. The Major responsibility of the committee is to suggest the examiner, estimator and
recommendation on matters related to economic related policy issues. This
Statement refers to
a. Committee on public accounts b. Committee on public undertaking
c. Ethics Committee d. Committee on Estimates
gupNrhjfUf;Fk; kjpg;gPl;lhSUf;Fk; mwpTWj;JtJ kw;Wk; nghUsjhuk; rhu;e;j
nfhs;iffs; khw;Wf; nfhs;iffs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; gupe;Jiu nra;tJ Mfpait ___
FOtpd; Kf;fpa nghWg;GfshFk;.
a. nghJf; fzf;Ff; FO b. nghJj;Jiw epWtdq;fspd; FO
c. newpf;FO d. kjpg;gPlL; f;FO

72. He is referred as „Primus Inter Pares‟. Who is he

a. Attorney General b. Comptroller and Auditor General
c. President d. Prime Minister
gpiuk]; ,d;lu; ghu;]; (rkkhdtu;fSs; Kjd;ikahdtu;) vd;W mwpag;gLgtu;?
a. ml;lhu;dp n[duy; b. jiyikf; fzf;F jzpf;ifahsu;
c. FbauRj; jiytu; d. gpujku;

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73. With Reference to the Prime Minister, Consider the Following Statement
1. He has the power of selecting ministers.
2. He cannot transfer a minister from one department to another.
3. He is the sole channel of communication between the cabinet and the council.
4. He is the Head of the Government.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
a. 1 and 4 only b. 1, 2 and 4 only
c. 3 and 4 only d. All the above
gpd;tUk; $w;Wfspy; gpujku; gw;wp rupahdit vit?
1. mikr;ru;fis Nju;T nra;Ak; mjpfhuk; nfhz;ltu;
2. xU mikr;riu xU JiwapypUe;J NtW Jiwf;F khw;w gpujkUf;F
3. Nfgpndl; kw;Wk; rl;lkd;wk; ,ilNa njhlu;G ghykhf jpfo;fpwhu;.
4. murhq;fj;jpd; jiytu;> ,tNu.
a. 1 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk; b. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk;
c. 3 kw;Wk; 4 kl;Lk; d. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk;

74. The Prime Minister office was renamed as Prime Minister Secretariat in
a. 1976 b. 1977 c. 1978 d. 1979
gpujku; mYtyfk; gpujkupd; nrayfk; vd;W ngau; khw;wg;gl;lJ ____.
a. 1976 b. 1977 c. 1978 d. 1979

75. Consider the following statement as the “Oath by the President

1. To faithfully execute the constitution.
2. To preserve, protect and defend the constitution and the law.
3. To devote himself to the service and wellbeing of the people of India.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
a. All the above b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only d. 1 and 2 only
FbauRj; jiytupd; gjtpg;gpukhzk; Fwpj;J rupahd $w;Wfs; vit?
1. murikg;gpw;F cz;ikAld; gzpahw;WtJ.
2. murikg;G kw;Wk; rl;lj;ijg; ghJfhg;gJ.
3. ,e;jpahtpd; kf;fs; Nrit kw;Wk; eytho;tpw;fhf jd;id mu;g;gzpg;gJ.
a. Nkw;$wpa midj;Jk; b. 1 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk;
c. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; d. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk;

76. Who was awarded with the ICAR-Jawaharlal Nehru award under the 'Crop
Protection' category for his research work on 'Emergence of tobacco streak virus
infecting cotton?
a. Vinod Kumar Selvaraj b. A.L. Somayaji
c. Akash Ganesan d. M. Pranesh
gUj;jpiaj; njhw;Wk; Gifapiy ];l;hPf; iturpd; ntspg;ghL gw;wpa Ma;Tg;
gzpfSf;fhf „gaph; ghJfhg;G‟ gphptpd; fPo; I.rp.V.Mh; [t`h;yhy; NeU tpUJ
ngw;wth; ahh;?
a. tpNdhj; Fkhh; nry;tuh[; b. A.L. Nrhkah[p
c. Mfh~; fNzrd; d. M. gpuNd~;

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APPOLO STUDY CENTRE, PH: 044-24339436, 42867555, 9840226187

77. Mobile Application to provide affordable Working Capital loan to street vendors
c. Atmanirbhar Bharat app d. Mausam
njUNthu tpw;gidahsh;fSf;fhd tpahghu %yjd fld; toq;f
cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;s ifg;Ngrp nrayp __________
c. Atmanirbhar Bharat app d. Mausam

78. International Tiger Day is observed on

a. 29 July b. 29 june c. 29 august d. 28 august
rh;tNjr Gypfs; jpdk; mDrhpf;fg;gLk; ehs; ______
a. [{iy 29 b. [{d; 29 c. Mf];l; 29 d. Mf];l; 28

79. Asia's largest 750 MW solar power project is located at

a. Rewa, Madhya Pradesh b. Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh
c. Khargone, Madhya Pradesh d. Seoni, Madhya pradesh
Mrpahtpd; kpfg;nghpa 750 nkfhthl; nfhz;l #hpa Mw;wy; jpl;lk; mike;Js;s
,lk; _________
a. Nuth> kj;jpagpuNjrk; b. mypuh[;g+h;> kj;jpagpuNjrk;
c. fhh;Nfhd;> kj;jpagpuNjrk; d. Nrdp> kj;jpagpuNjrk;

80. The committee which suggested changes in the education system under the NEP,
was headed by
a. K Kasturirangan b. D. P. Singh
c. R. Narayanaswamy d. S. Suresh Babu
Gjpa fy;tpf;nfhs;ifapd;gb fy;tp Kiwapy; khw;wq;fs; nfhz;L tu mikf;fg;gl;l
FOtpd; jiyth; ahh;?
a. K. f];J}hpuq;fd; b. D.P. rpq;
c. R. ehuhazrhkp d. S. RNu~;ghG

81. India ranks _______ in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index 2020
a. 117 b. 120 c. 121 d. 123
ePbj;j tsh;r;rp ,yf;F (SDG) FwpaPL 2020,y; ,e;jpahtpd; epiy _________
a. 117 b. 120 c. 121 d. 123

82. India‟s first trans-shipment hub in

a. Cochin b. Kandla
c. Marmagao Port d. Nhava Sheva port
,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; fyk; khw;wp ruf;Nfw;wy; ikak; mike;Js;s ,lk; vJ?
a. nfhr;rpd; b. fhz;lyh
c. kh;kNfhth JiwKfk; d. eth Nrit JiwKfk;

83. World‟s first reusable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) launched by

a. Loyal Textile Mills Ltd. b. Vardhman textiles
c. Reliance Textiles d. Arvind Mills.

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APPOLO STUDY CENTRE, PH: 044-24339436, 42867555, 9840226187

cyfpd; Kjy; kWgad;ghl;L jdpg;gl;l ghJfhg;G cgfuzq;fs; ahuhy;

a. yhay; [Tsp Miy ypkpnll; b. th;jkhd; [Tsp
c. hpiyad;]; [Tsp d. mutpe;j; Miy

84. First state with LPG gas connections in 100 percent households
a. Himachal Pradesh b. Tamilnadu
c. Uttarkhand d. Andra Pradesh
tPLfspy; 100 rjtPjk; vhpthA ,izg;gpidf; nfhz;l Kjy; khepyk; ______
a. ,khr;ry gpuNjrk; b. jkpo;ehL
c. cj;jh;fhz;l; d. Me;jpugpuNjrk;

85. First indigenously developed COVID19 vaccine (COVAXIN)

a. BBV152 b. BAV162 c. BCG153 d. BCG166
Kjd; Kjypy; cs;ehl;by; cUthf;fg;gl;l COVID19 jLg;g+rp _______
a. BBV152 b. BAV162 c. BCG153 d. BCG166

86. PASSEX (passing exercise) conducted between INDIA and

a. France b. Russia c. Japan d. Germany
PASSEX (fle;J nry;Yk; gapw;rp) ,e;jpah kw;Wk; ve;j ehl;bw;fpilNa eilngw;wJ?
a. gpuhd;R b. u~;ah c. [g;ghd; d. n[h;kdp

87. A new species of ribbon worm from Chennai‟s Kovalam beach

a. Tetrastemma Freyae b. Pheretima morrisi
c. Lumbricus rubellus d. Lumbricus terretis
nrd;id Nfhtsk; flw;fiuapy; fz;lwpag;gl;Ls;s xU Gjpa tif hpg;gd; GOtpd;
ngah; __________
a. nll;uhnlk;kh /g;NuNa b. ngnubkh Nkhhprp
c. Yk;g;hpf]; &ngy;y]; d. Yk;gh; pf]; nlhpnl];

88. __________ has been chosen as a clinical trial site by the Indian Council of Medical
Research for the country‟s first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine in Tamilnadu.
a. SRM Medical College Hospital
b. Tagore medical college hospital
c. VIT medical college hospital
d. Sai medical college hospital
ehl;bd; Kjy; cs;ehl;L COVID – 19 jLg;g+rpf;fhd Nrhjid jskhf ve;j
kUj;Jtkidia ,e;jpa kUj;Jt Muha;r;rp fTd;rpy; jkpo;ehl;by; Njh;T
a. SRM kUj;Jtf;fy;Y}hp kUj;Jtkid
b. jh$h; kUj;Jtf;fy;Y}hp kUj;Jtkid
c. VIT kUj;Jtf;fy;Y}hp kUj;Jtkid
d. rha; kUj;Jtf;fy;Y}hp kUj;Jtkid

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APPOLO STUDY CENTRE, PH: 044-24339436, 42867555, 9840226187

89. CMBT Metro station is named as

a. Puratchi Thalaivi Dr J Jayalalithaa CMBT Metro.'
b. Puratchi Thalaivar Dr M G Ramachandran CMBT Metro
c. Arignar Anna Alandur CMBT Metro'
d. Kalaingar Karunanidhi metro
CMBT nkl;Nuh epiyaj;jpd; Gjpa ngah; ________
a. Gul;rp jiytp lhf;lh;. J. n[ayypjh CMBT nkl;Nuh
b. Gul;rp jiyth; lhf;lh; Dr. M G ,uhkr;re;jpud; CMBT nkl;Nuh
c. mwpQh; mz;zh Mye;J}h; CMBT nkl;Nuh
d. fiyQh; fUzhepjp nkl;Nuh

90. Recently in Tamilnadu, Central Government approved new medical colleges in

districts, except
a. Ramanathapuram b. Tiruppur
c. Kallakurichi d. Coimbatore
rkPgj;jpy; jkpo;ehl;by;> kj;jpa muR ve;j khtl;lk; jtpu Gjpa kUj;Jtf;fy;Y}hpfs;
njhlq;f mbf;fy; ehl;lg;gl;lJ?
a. ,uhkehjGuk; b. jpUg;g+h;
c. fs;sf;Fwpr;rp d. Nfhak;Gj;J}h;

91. The value of a machine depreciates 10% each year. A man pays Rs.30,000 for the
machine. Find its value after 3 years
a. Rs. 39,830 b. Rs. 21,870 c. Rs. 39,930 d. Rs. 21,970
xU ,ae;jpuj;jpd; kjpg;G xt;nthU Mz;Lk; 10% FiwfpwJ. xUth; ,ij
thq;Ftjw;F Rs.30>000 nfhLj;jhh;. %d;W Mz;LfSf;F gpwF ,jd; kjpg;G vd;d?
a. Rs. 39,830 b. Rs. 21,870 c. Rs. 39,930 d. Rs. 21,970

92. 0.15% of 33 % of Rs. 10,000 is
a. Rs. 0.05 b. Rs. 5 c. Rs. 105 d. Rs. 150
&. 10>000 –y; 33 % - y; 0.15% -d; kjpg;igf; fhz;f
a. Rs. 0.05 b. Rs. 5 c. Rs. 105 d. Rs. 150

93. If the price of a book is first decreased by 20% and then increased by 20% then the
net change in the price will be
a. No change b. 5% increase
c. 4% decrease d. 10% decrease
xU Gj;jfj;jpd; tpiyahdJ Kjypy; 20% Fiwf;fg;gl;L gpd; 20% tpiy
Vw;wg;gl;lhy; Kbtpy; mjd; tpiyapy; Vw;gLk; khw;wj;jpd; rjtPjk;
a. xU khw;wKk; ,y;iy b. 5% Vw;wk;
c. 4% FiwT d. 10% FiwT

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94. The price of coal is increased by 20%. By what percent a family should decrease its
consumption so that expenditure remains same?
1 2
a. 40% b. 23 % c. 20% d. 16 %
3 3
epyf;fhpapd; tpiyahdJ 20 rjtPjk; mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ. xU FLk;gk; jd;Dila
nryit xNu msthf itj;Jf; nfhs;s ntz;Lk; vdpy;> mJ jd;Dila
cgNahfj;ij vj;jid rjtPjk; Fiwj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;?
1 2
a. 40% b. 23 % c. 20% d. 16 %
3 3

95. If numerator of fraction is increased by 20% and the denominator is decreased by

5%, the value of the new fraction becomes 5/2. The original fraction is:
24 3 95 48
a. b. c. d.
19 18 48 95
xU gpd;dj;jpd; njhFjp 20 rjtPjk; mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ. mNj rkak; mjDila
gFjp 5 rjtPjk; Fiwf;fg;gLfpwJ. me;jg; Gjpa gpd;dj;jpd; kjpg;G 5/2 MFk;.
vdpy;> %y gpd;dk;
24 3 95 48
a. b. c. d.
19 18 48 95

96. If 8% of „a‟ is same as that 4% of „b‟ then what will be 20% of „a‟?
a. 10% of b b. 80% of b c. 16% of b d. 24% of b
„a‟ ,d; 8 rjtPjKk; „b‟ ,d; 4 rjtPjKk; xd;Nw vdpy;> „a‟ ,d; 20 rjtPjk;
vd;dthf ,Uf;Fk;?
a. b ,d; 10% b. b ,d; 80% c. b ,d; 16% d. b ,d; 24%

97. A man saves Rs. 3,000 per month from his total salary of Rs. 20,000. The percentage
of his saving is
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%
khj tUkhdk; &. 20>000 ngWk; egh; xUth; xt;nthU khjKk; &. 3>000I Nrkpg;G
nra;fpd;whh; vdpy; mtUila khjr; Nrkpg;G rjtPjk;
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%

98. A sum 817 is divided among, A, B and C such that A receives 25% more than B and
B received 25% less than C. What is the A share in the amount?
a. 228 b. 247 c. 285 d. 304
&.817 A, B, Cf;F gphpj;jspf;fg;gLfpwJ. A-f;F fpilf;Fk; njhif B-I tpl 25%
mjpfk;. B-f;F fpilf;Fk; njhifC-I tpl25% FiwT vdpy; A-d; gq;F ahJ?
a. 228 b. 247 c. 285 d. 304

99. If 60% of A‟s income is equal to 75% of B‟s income, then B‟s income is equal to x%
of A‟s income. The value of x is:
a. 70 b. 60 c. 80 d. 90

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APPOLO STUDY CENTRE, PH: 044-24339436, 42867555, 9840226187

A d; tUkhdj;jpy; 60 rjtPjKk;> B apd; tUkhdj;jpy; 75 rjtPjKk; rkk; vdpy; B

apd; tUkhdkhdJ A apd; tUkhdj;jpy; „x‟ rjtPjkhFk;. vdpy; „x‟ d; kjpg;G
a. 70 b. 60 c. 80 d. 90

100. 20 litres of mixture contains 15% alcohol and the rest water. If 5 litres of water be
mixed with it, the percentage of alcohol in the new mixture would be?
a. 18% b. 15% c. 6% d. 12%
20 ypl;lh; fyitapy; 15% My;f`hYk; kPjk; jz;zPUk; cs;sd. ,g;nghOJ 5
ypl;lh; jz;zPh; ,f;fyitapy; Nrh;ff ; g;gLfpwJ vdpy;> jw;NghJs;s fyitapy;
My;f`hypd; rjtPjk; vt;tsT?
a. 18% b. 15% c. 6% d. 12%

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Cost Free Self Evaluation Test - 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1 | Page
1. The value of a machine depreciates 10% each year. A man pays ` 30,000 for the
machine. Find its value after 3 years
A. ` 39,830 B. ` 21,870 C. ` 39,930 D. ` 21,970
xU ,ae;jpuj;jpd; kjpg;G xt;nthU Mz;Lk; 10% FiwfpwJ. xUth; ,ij
thq;Ftjw;F ` 30>000 nfhLj;jhh;. %d;W Mz;LfSf;F gpwF ,jd; kjpg;G
A. ` 39,830 B. ` 21,870 C. ` 39,930 D. ` 21,970
 100  10 

30000   
 100 
90 90 90
30000     21,870
100 100 100

2. 00.15% of 33 % of Rs. 10,000 is
a. Rs. 0.05 b. Rs. 5 c. Rs. 105 d. Rs. 150
&. 10>000 –y; 33 % - y; 0.15% -d; kjpg;igf; fhz;f
a. Rs. 0.05 b. Rs. 5 c. Rs. 105 d. Rs. 150

15 1 1
.15%  33 % 
100 100 3 3
Required Value
15 1
 10000  5
100 100 3

3. If the price of a book is first decreased by 20% and then increased by 20% then
the net change in the price will be
a. No change b. 5% increase
c. 4% decrease d. 10% decrease
xU Gj;jfj;jpd; tpiyahdJ Kjypy; 20% Fiwf;fg;gl;L gpd; 20% tpiy
Vw;wg;gl;lhy; Kbtpy; mjd; tpiyapy; Vw;gLk; khw;wj;jpd; rjtPjk;
a. xU khw;wKk; ,y;iy b. 5% Vw;wk;
c. 4% FiwT d. 10% FiwT
x y
20  20   4%

2 | Page
4. The price of coal is increased by 20%. By what percent a family should
decrease its consumption so that expenditure remains same?
1 2
a. 40% b. 23 % c. 20% d. 16 %
3 3
epyf;fhpapd; tpiyahdJ 20 rjtPjk; mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ. xU FLk;gk;
jd;Dila nryit xNu msthf itj;Jf; nfhs;s ntz;Lk; vdpy;> mJ
jd;Dila cgNahfj;ij vj;jid rjtPjk; Fiwj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;?
1 2
a. 40% b. 23 % c. 20% d. 16 %
3 3
100  r 100  20 2
  16 %
100  r 120 3

5. If numerator of fraction is increased by 20% and the denominator is decreased

by 5%, the value of the new fraction becomes 5/2. The original fraction is:
24 3 95 48
a. b. c. d.
19 18 48 95
xU gpd;dj;jpd; njhFjp 20 rjtPjk; mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ. mNj rkak;
mjDila gFjp 5 rjtPjk; Fiwf;fg;gLfpwJ. me;jg; Gjpa gpd;dj;jpd;
kjpg;G 5/2 MFk;. vdpy;> %y gpd;dk;
24 3 95 48
a. b. c. d.
19 18 48 95
Original Fraction let be
x 120 5

y  95 2
x 95

y 48

6. If 8% of ‘a’ is same as that 4% of ‘b’ then what will be 20% of ‘a’?

A. 10% of b B. 80% of b
C. 16% of b D. 24% of b
‘a’ ,d; 8 rjtPjKk; ‘b’ ,d; 4 rjtPjKk; xd;Nw vdpy;> ‘a’ ,d; 20 rjtPjk;
vd;dthf ,Uf;Fk;?
A. b ,d; 10% B. b ,d; 80%
C. b ,d; 16% D. b ,d; 24%
8%a  4%b
a 1

b 2
 20%a  10%b

3 | Page
7. A man saves Rs. 3,000 per month from his total salary of Rs. 20,000. The
percentage of his saving is
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%
khj tUkhdk; &. 20>000 ngWk; egh; xUth; xt;nthU khjKk; &. 3>000I
Nrkpg;G nra;fpd;whh; vdpy; mtUila khjr; Nrkpg;G rjtPjk;
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%
100  15%

8. A sum 817 is divided among, A, B and C such that A receives 25% more than
B and B received 25% less than C. What is the A share in the amount?
A. 228 B. 247 C. 285 D. 304
&.817 A, B, Cf;Fgphpj;jspf;fg;gLfpwJ. A-f;Ffpilf;Fk; njhifB-I
tpl25%mjpfk;.B-f;Ffpilf;Fk; njhifC-I tpl25%FiwTvdpy; A-d;
A. 228 B. 247 C. 285 D. 304

9. If 60% of A’s income is equal to 75% of B’s income, then B’s income is equal to
x% of A’s income. The value of x is:
A. 70 B. 60 C. 80 D. 90
A d; tUkhdj;jpy; 60 rjtPjKk;> B apd; tUkhdj;jpy; 75 rjtPjKk; rkk;
vdpy; B apd; tUkhdkhdJ A apd; tUkhdj;jpy; ‘x’ rjtPjkhFk;. vdpy; ‘x’
d; kjpg;G ahJ?
A. 70 B. 60 C. 80 D. 90

4 | Page
10.20 litres of mixture contains 15% alcohol and the rest water. If 5 litres of water
be mixed with it, the percentage of alcohol in the new mixture would be..
A. 18% B. 15% C. 6% D. 12%
20 ypl;lh; fyitapy; 15% My;f`hYk; kPjk; jz;zPUk; cs;sd.
,g;nghOJ 5 ypl;lh; jz;zPh; ,f;fyitapy; Nrh;f;fg;gLfpwJ vdpy;>
jw;NghJs;s fyitapy; My;f`hypd; rjtPjk; vt;tsT?
A. 18% B. 15% C. 6% D. 12%
Alcohol = 20   3 ltr
Water = 20 – 3 = 17 ltr
At present Quantity of water = 17 + 5 = 22 ltr
At present Quantity of Mixture = 20 + 5 = 25 ltr
percentage of alcohol = 100  12%

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