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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus







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May 09, 2024

This narrative report covers vital facts on Brunei, including its history, lifestyle,
business culture, marketing, and economic status. Furthermore, all of the content in
this study was obtained from credible sources, publications, and trusted papers.


Brunei, officially known as the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace, is a

small but wealthy country located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia.

• People

o Nearly two-thirds of Brunei's population is officially classified as Malay.

This category comprises not just ethnic Malays, but also a number of
indigenous peoples.

o Chinese make up about one-tenth of the population. The rest of

Brunei's population is made up of other (non-Malay) indigenous

• Language

o The official language of Brunei is Malay and English is their second


• Government

o In 1959 Brunei became a self-governing state, meaning, the country is

free from oversight by higher governments. However, the British kept
control of its foreign policy, defense, and internal security.

o In 1984, Brunei attained its full independence.

o Ultimate authority of Brunei rested with the sultan. The Sultan became
both head of state and head of government of Brunei.

o Brunei is divided into four districts for local administration. First is

Temburong for the country's eastern segment, Belait, Muara and Tutong in the
western segment and each segment is headed by district officers.

• Health and Welfare o Brunei is essentially a welfare state. Basic dental and
medical care are provided to citizens without any charges. Moreover, the
Brunei government has a flying medical service that frequently travels to
remote rural locations.

• Education

o Education is free and compulsory in Brunei for the aged 5 to 16.

o Malay, English and Chinese are the three official languages for the
modes of instruction. In government schools, Malay is the major
language of instruction; however, starting in upper primary, English is
the medium for several subjects.

o In Brunei, students may further their studies at any of a number of

technical or engineering colleges or vocational schools.


Despite the fact that Brunei is a small country, the people's lifestyle is profoundly
anchored in tradition while also embracing modernity.

• Life in Brunei is peaceful and centered on harmony and balance. The call to
prayer, which is heard throughout the nation from mosques, usually heralds
the start of a new day.

• Bruneians place a high importance on education, children attend school from

a young age because it is required and compulsory. Adults, on the other
hand, frequently work in a variety of fields, and industries that significantly
boost the economy.

• Brunei provides its citizens with a wide range of leisure activities in spite of its
small size. Weekends are commonly spent by families exploring beautiful
tourist spots in Brunei.

Business Culture

• Islamic Values

• Islam is a major influence on Brunei's corporate culture, directing moral

behavior and commercial procedures. Business interactions are based on
ideas like honesty, fairness, and mutual respect.

• Decision Making is for Hierarchy

• In Brunei, decision-making is frequently hierarchical, with the person in

charge making the final call.

• Building Trust is a Must

• In Brunei, before starting a business negotiation, building a personal

relationship and trust is essential. Bruneirans spend time getting to know their
business partners before finalizing a business deal.

• Government Influence

• The economy of Brunei is heavily influenced by the government, with state-

owned companies controlling important industries including oil and gas.
Navigating regulatory systems and obtaining business permits require good
contacts with government officials.

• Power of giving gifts

• Giving gifts as a token of goodwill is valued in Brunei, though it is not

required. Presents ought to be tasteful and not unduly costly or showy.

• Marketing

Just like other countries in the world, Brunei approaches marketing both
locally and internationally.

• Local Marketing or Traditional Media: Advertising in local newspapers,

radio, and television channels to reach the domestic audience.

o Events and Sponsorships: Participation in local events, festivals, and

sponsorships to increase brand visibility and engage with the

o Word of Mouth: Leveraging word-of-mouth marketing by providing

excellent products or services to encourage recommendations and
referrals within the local community.

o Partnerships: Collaborating with local businesses, influencers, and

organizations to extend reach and promote products or services.

• International Marketing:

o Tourism Promotion: Highlighting Brunei's attractions, culture, and

heritage through tourism campaigns targeted at international travelers.
o Trade Shows and Exhibitions: Participation in international trade
shows, exhibitions, and conferences to showcase products and
services to a global audience.

o Digital Marketing: Utilizing digital platforms such as social media,

websites, and targeted online advertisements to reach international

o Investment Promotion: Showcasing investment

opportunities, economic incentives, and business-friendly policies to
attract foreign investors and businesses

Things you need to know in Brunei as a marketer

• Market access and promotion strategies typically focused on cities. Brunei

has a relatively small population, and there's a strong sense of community.
So, word of mouth marketing can be most beneficial because personal

recommendations influence different types of people.

• Religious Sensitiveness. Brunei is an Islamic country, and there are

significant sensitivities regarding religious and cultural traditions.

• High Purchasing Power among consumers. Brunei has one of the highest
GDP per capita rates in the world, largely due to its oil and gas reserves. This
means that there's significant purchasing power among the population, which
marketers can leverage in their campaigns.

• Quality over Quantity. Bruneians often prioritize quality over price when
making purchasing decisions since their purchasing power is significantly

Economy of Brunei

Brunei's economy heavily relies on the exploitation of its extensive petroleum

and natural gas reservoirs. The state has one of the greatest per capita incomes in
Asia , but they have also made the state dependent on a single commodity that is
subject to fluctuations in the market. Furthermore, a considerable portion of Brunei's
food supplies and manufactured items are imported. Since the late 20th century, the
government has worked to diversify the economy in order to preserve economic
stability, concentrating on industries including financial services, tourism, agriculture,
and fisheries. Moreover, the government has a big impact on Brunei's economy, and
state-owned businesses are important in a lot of different areas. Brunei's substantial
natural resources and government policies contribute to its high level of living, which
is higher than that of many other countries in the region.


In summary, the nation of Brunei has a lengthy history and a distinctive fusion
of traditional and contemporary culture. It is an Islamic Sultanate with a constitution
that puts the welfare of its people first and provides free healthcare and education.
The country's economy, which is mostly dependent on oil and gas, is trying to
diversify, and industries like finance and tourism are receiving more attention.
Bruneian marketers face a challenging environment driven by the country's strong
purchasing power, religious sensitivities, and government intervention. Brunei is a
small country with a high quality of life thanks to its well-planned economic policies
and wealth of natural resources.



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