List of All Prophets Mentioned in Qur'an

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The Prophets in Islam were extraordinary individuals sent by Allah (‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰ َعل‬
ُ ‫ى‬ َ to various
communities for the purpose of being exemplary role models to inspire and spread the
message of Islam. The Qur’an mentions 25 Prophets by name but it is believed there were
many more as the Qur’an states, “And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger”
(Surah Nahl Ayat 16). Below we have written about each prophet story in detail, adapted
from the great work of Ibn Kathir, titled "stories of the prophets". We've expanded on
certain narrations with the use of contemporary Qur'an commentaries.
Insha'Allah, you can read and learn from the journey of each Prophet as they were perfect
role models for all follow. We hope you enjoy this series!

The story of the first man, Prophet Adam (as). His life is filled with many lessons we can learn
from. It covers topics such as creation, temptation, and pride, as well as touching on our
purpose here on earth and the love and mercy of Allah ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَ ٰهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫ َٰوت َ َٰعَل‬.
ُ ‫ى‬

Story of Prophet Adam

Prophet Idris (Enoch) was the second Prophet in Islam after Adam. He was the first person to
Jihad and fought against corruption of Qabil (Cain).

Story of Prophet Idris

Prophet Nuh (Noah) is a story about disbelievers. Prophet Noah was sent down to prevent the
Muslims that were following Prophet Idris from going astray after his passing.

Story of Prophet Nuh

Prophet Hud (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was tasked with guiding one of the ancient tribe of Ad' towards the
straight path. The people of Ad' were renowed for their towering structures and physical
fitness. But, despite these gifts given by their creator, they ridculed Prophet Hud (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬and
rejected the Prophet.

Story of Prophet Hud

Prophet Saleh (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was a respected and wise man sent to help guide the nation of
Thamud. At the time, the city grew very prosperous and began the love for short term
materialistic pleasures. The Prophet sought to make sure the people knew the consequence of
their actions. Read full story to find out what happened to the people of Thamud.

Story of Prophet Saleh


What is most inspiring in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬is the way he endured a very
lonely life for a long period of time and never lost faith. This is among the most beloved people
of Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰ َعل‬,
ُ ‫ى‬ َ and he was tested severely on several occasions, but the bigger the test, the
bigger the reward.

Story of Prophet Ibrahim

The people of Sodom were prosperous and thriving. In such success people often diverge to the
wrong path away from Allah. They got involved in many sinful activities, one of which being
homosexuality. Allah then sent Prophet Lut to help the city of Sodom. The story of Sodom is
also mentioned in the Jewish and Christian faith.
Story of Prophet Lut

The story of Prophet Ishmael (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬, son of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his wife Hagar. It is a
story of tawakkul (trust in Allah ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَ ٰهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬.
ُ ‫ى‬ َ From not being able to have a child, to Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬
َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬
‫ى‬ َ blessing them with two boys. From being stranded in a desert with nothing to drink, to
the discovery of the Zam-Zam well. We also learn of how they built the Kabaa, and the ultimate
sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Story of Prophet Ishmael

Prophet Ishaq (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was the second son of Prophet Ibrahim (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬and half brother to
Prophet Ishmael (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬. Prophet Ishaq (AS) is also the father of Prophet Yaqub (AS).

Story of Prophet Ishaq


Prophet Yaqub (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬story teaches us how a believer should respond in times of distress.
He teaches us about the beautiful concept of Fa Saabrun Jameel or enduring with beautiful
patience. Yaqub (AS) is the father of Prophet Yusuf (AS).

Story of Prophet Yaqub

Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) had a dream that he was destined for greatness. Yet his life was filled
with had adversity and difficulty. It seemed everything would not go his way, he was betrayed
by his brothers, sold as slave, and unjustly imprisoned. Yusuf could have chosen to be bitter
and question his fate by asking Allah, what happened to my dream destined for greatness? He
could have easily complained “why do these things keep happening to me” as many of us
would. But he knew better…

Story of Prophet Yusuf


The story of Prophet Ayyub (Job) is one of adversity where his faith is constantly being tested.
Yet his love for Allah only grows. He remains true to himself and never questions or doubts
Allah’s will for a second. We can learn to be more patient and trusting from Prophet Ayyub.

Story of Prophet Ayyub

Prophet Shu'aib (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬believed to be Jethro, according to Judeo-Christian tradition. He was
sent by Allah (ُٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَ ۥه‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬
ُ ‫ى‬ َ to a region called Madyan. We learn from his story the important of
proper business dealings, equality, and justice.

Story of Prophet Shu'aib


The story of Musa (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬, the most mentioned Prophet in the Qur'an. His life was filled with
many trials from the moment he was born. Musa (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬fought hard against tyranny and
oppression and to free Bani Israel.

Story of Prophet Musa

The story of Prophet Harun (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬. He served alongside his brother Prophet Musa (ٰ‫َعلَيْه‬
ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُم‬to free the children of Israel. His story teaches us the dangers of falling into the same old
bad habits as Bani Israel did in the story of the golden calf.

Story of Prophet Harun


Dhul-Kifl is a less known prophet and his story is a bit of a mystery. There are two mentions in
the Qur’an about him that are a testament to his moral character.

Story of Prophet Dhul-Kifl

Prophet Dawud (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was among the most influential Prophets of Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬.
ُ ‫ى‬ َ He
devoutly worshiped Him until his last breath. He was sent as a prophet, as the Children of Israel
needed a guide after the passing of prophets Musa (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬and Harun (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬. He is also
the father to Prophet Sulaiman (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬.

Story of Prophet Dawud


Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) was the youngest son of Dawud (david) and the third king of the
people of Israel. Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬
ُ ‫ى‬ َ bestowed many gifts to Sulaiman including the ability to
speak with animals and rule over Jinn. He was granted a kingdom like none other, and ruled it
justly. He is often regarded as one of the greatest rulers.

Story of Prophet Sulaiman


Prophet Ilyas (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬is mentioned only twice in the Qur'an, once in Surah Al-An'am and the
other in Surah As-Saffat. But these verses reveal a lot into his character which we can learn

Story of Prophet Ilyas


Prophet Al-Yasa (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬, also referred to as Elisha in English, is a revered Prophet in
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Similarly, like Prophet Ilyas (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬he is mentioned in two
different places in the Qur'an.

Story of Prophet Al-Yasa


The story of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) was a difficult one. His commitment to Allah was
questioned and he had to face the consequence of this. However, his story shows Allah’s mercy
as if you are sincere in repentance then Allah will shower His Mercy.

Story of Prophet Yunus


He was among the Prophets sent to tread the blessed soil of Jerusalem, guiding the Children of
Israel along the path of Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬.
ُ ‫ى‬ َ He was also made a guardian of Maryam (Radia
Allahu anha).

Story of Prophet Zakariyah


Prophet Yahya (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬is the son of Prophet Zakariya (ٰ‫)ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬. From a young age, Prophet
Yahya (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was special. While children spent time playing, he was observant and
studious. He also had a very gentle heart and loved animals and nature.

Story of Prophet Yahya


Prophet Isa (ٰ‫ )ٱلس َََّل ُٰم َعلَيْه‬was the last known messenger before Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. Allah
(ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰعَل‬
ُ ‫ى‬ َ blessed Isa (Jesus) with the ability to perform many miracles. The Qur'an mentions,
The Ulul’ Azm (the 5 steadfast or most tested prophets) and Isa (AS) was listed as among the

Story of Prophet Isa


Story of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬- The seal of the Prophets. It should be the duty of every
Muslim to study and learn about the seerah of Prophet Muhammad. Through this study we
come to see the ways he was a role model for the entire ummah. What made him the ideal
husband? How was he such an effective leader? In what ways can we follow his in his footsteps
to becoming a better servant of Allah (ٰ‫س ْب َٰ َحنَهُۥ‬ َٰٰ َ‫)وت َ َٰ َعل‬
ُ ‫ى‬ َ

Angel Name And Duties

The following is the task of angels by name that need to be known:

1. The Angel Gabriel

The duty of the Angel Gabriel conveys revelation from Allah SWT to the
Prophet and apostle. Malakat Jibril is also tasked with regulating the wind,
fulfilling or restraining human hajat, and bringing mercy to those who keep
chastity when sakaratul death.

2. The Angel Michael

The duty of The Angel Michael regulates the distribution of sustenance to
the creatures of God, such as sending rain and giving life to plants.

3. Angel Israfil
The duty of the Angel is to blow the trumpet on the day of the Coming of

4. The Angel of Izrail

The duty of the Angel of Izrail took the lives of mankind when his death

5. Munkar Angel
The angel Munkar’s task is to ask people in the realm of barzah (the realm
of the grave).

6. Angel Nakir
The angel Nakir’s task is the same as that of the angel Munkar, which is
to question mankind in the realm of barzah.

Angels Munkar and Nakir in the grave will ask about gods, religions,
prophets, scriptures, qiblah in worship, brothers, guidelines of life, way of
life, and daily behavior with the language used by grave experts while
living in the world.

7. Angel Raqib
It is the duty of the Angel of Raqib to record the good deeds of mankind.
8. Angel Atid
The angel’s duty is to record every deed and deed that man has done.

9. Angel Malik
Angel Malik’s job is to guard the gates of hell. He is hard and has no mercy
for the dwellers of the Fire.

10. Angel Ridwan

The duty of the Angel Ridwan to guard and watch over the door of heaven.
The Angel Ridwan is also tasked to welcome all servants of God who will
enter it. His attitude is gentle and very friendly when allowing people to
enter paradise

The Function Of Believing In Angels

Believing in the angel is obligatory or fardu ‘ain. As stated in the Qur’an:

After knowing the names of angels and their duties, as creations of God,
we also need to know the benefits and functions of believing in angels,

1. Always obey the command of Allah SWT, and avoid the

2. Always help, maintain, optimistic, energetic and not
3. Always do the best thing in order to increase piety.
4. Always be grateful for whatever sustenance he gets
5. Always be careful in speaking and acting.
6. Know the majesty of God who created noble creatures such
as angels.
7. Always compete in doing good.
8. Have a love for angels because of their worship.

The Major Angels in Islam And their Duties.

𝟏. Jibril (‫)بْريل ج‬- To deliver the Devine Revelations from Allah to His
chosen Messengers from among the prophets.
𝟐. Mika-il (‫)ميكال‬- To manage man’s mundane necessities, bring forth
rain, and oversee the cultivation of crops.
𝟑. Israafil (‫ْـرافـيْـل إ‬
َ ‫)س‬- In charge of blowing the Trumpet. Once for the
destruction of the universe; and again for the Resurrection of all
accountable beings to face Judgement Day.
𝟒. Izra-il or Malak-ul Maut (‫)ملك الموت‬- Angel of Death, the most
fearsome of them all, who does not delay or expedite the hour of
claiming a soul.
𝟓. Maalik (‫)مالك‬- Guardian of Hell-fire (Jahannam); an unwelcome
sight, for the unfortunate and wretched dwellers of the eternal fire.
𝟔. Ridhwaan (‫)ض َْوان ر‬- Guardian of Paradise, who welcomes the
prophets and the righteous who have been blessed by Allah.
𝟕. Munkar and Nakir (‫)منكر ونكير‬- To question the dead on issues
relating to his/her God, prophets, religion, belief, deeds, e.t.c.
Questioning in the grave.
𝟖. Raqib (‫)رقيب‬- Sits on the man’s right shoulder to record his/her good
𝟗. Atid (‫)تيد َ ع‬- Sits on man’s left shoulder to record his/her evil deeds.

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Together, Raqib and Atid are called the “Kiraaman Kaatibeen”
(‫)كراما كاتبين‬. This expression means “honorable recorders” or “noble
The Angels are part of the unseen world which we cannot comprehend
and cannot prove scientifically. One cannot see the Angels unless Allah
allows for and enables their vision.

Allah describes the appearance, attributes, characteristics, and

responsibilities of Angels in His Holy Book, The Quran. We do not
know precisely when Angels were created, but they pre-date the
creation of human beings. The Angels are created from pure shining
light (Noor in Arabic). They are light-giving entities. The Angels are
generally more powerful than humans and travel at the speed of light.
The Angels have certain specialties and capacities that humans do not
possess. Allah refers to the Angels as honored servants.
“…Rather, they are [but] honored servants” (Quran 21:26)

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