6.6 Components of Food

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Class 6

Lesson 6.6
Components of Food - Chapter 2

Parameters Description Note for teachers

Chapter Covered Chapter 2: Components of Food This Lesson Plan must be taken
after teaching the ‘Section: X
from the Chapter 2:
Components of Food, NCERT,
Science Textbook of Class VI

Name of the Book NCERT, Science Textbook for Class VI

In this chapter, students will learn about the major nutrients in our food like
Learning Objectives carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. They will also understand the
function of different nutrients in our body. They will then use tinkering to create a
machine that can measure body height and weight.

To enable learners to:

Stage 1: Conceptualization Scholastic:

● Identify various nutritional components of food
● Realize the roles of each macronutrient in the diet
● Determine markers of health by measuring height and weight.
● Calculate the quality of the diet based on age, gender, height, weight, and
nutrients consumed.

AI + Tinkering
Stage 2: Apply Design Thinking

● To be able to make a circuit consisting of the sensors and microcontroller

● To be able to program the system to read the data of height, weight, and pulse
Stage 3: Creating a system to collect and measure height and weight data by using
● Students will use Arduino and sensors to collect data about height and weight.
● Students will also survey other details, such as the number of macronutrients
Stage 4: Creating an AI model to analyze the diet of the student.
● Students will create an AI model to classify the data obtained from the sensors
into a balanced diet or a deficient diet.

Time Required 5 periods of 45 minutes each

Seating arrangement -
Classroom/ATL Theory session: 1 period with regular classroom seating
Hand-on activity session: 4 periods of group activity, while learners sit in pair

Material Required ● Smart Class setup
● Whiteboard and marker
AI and Tinkering:
● 50kg Load cell
● 1kOhm Resistors
● Ultrasonic distance sensor
● Arduino Uno and USB cable
● Jumper wires
● Breadboard (if necessary)
● Computer/Laptop with internet connection
● Cardboard
● Tape

Pre-Preparation The teacher will: Link for using Load cell:
● Introduce the concept of nutrients. https://circuitjournal.com/5
● Discuss which foods contain what kind of nutrients.
AI and Tinkering:
Link for Ultrasonic Sensor:
The teacher will:
● Introduce the students to spreadsheet tools such as Excel, Google Sheets, or com/tutorials/arduino/ultra
LibreOffice calc. sonic-sensor-hc-sr04/
● Familiarize them with the process of storing data in tables.

Previous Knowledge The learner understands the concept of
● Different types of nutrients
● Which nutrients are found in which food items
Tinkering and AI:
● Basic operation of a load cell and an ultrasonic sensor
● How to upload code to Arduino Uno
● Basic understanding of programming and various commands
● Login to machinelearningforkids.co.uk

Stage 1: Conceptualization Scholastic: (Science teacher )

The teacher will conduct the first session in a regular classroom setup and cover the following:

1. What do different food items contain?

2. What do various nutrients do for our body?
3. Balanced Diet
4. Malnutrition and other deficiency-related issues.

AI and Tinkering:

Stage 2: Apply the Design Thinking framework to the given scenario and encourage students to ideate solutions
to the problem of malnutrition (Subject Teacher & ATL in-charge)

Problem Statement/Scenario:

Diksha is a high school teacher in a village in Bhopal. Most of the students in her class come from families of farm
workers. Many of the students seem to be tired during class and show very little energy in studying or even playing
games. During lunch, she notices that most students bring dry snacks or rice or roti and achar in their tiffins. She
wants her students to understand the importance of a balanced diet and how it impacts their overall health.
Empathise: Ask students to reflect on the above scenario and think about how Diksha feels in this scenario. The
students will be asked to ponder over the following questions:
1. How does Diksha feel about seeing students eating a poor diet?
2. Why do the students bring an unbalanced diet?
Define: Ask students to identify the various reasons for malnutrition. Show them the various tools that can be used
to track the nutrients consumed in a day. Also, discuss how the weight and height of the student are affected by
the food consumed. Here are some of the points that could be covered:
1. How does one decide on a balanced versus an unbalanced diet?
2. How do you measure the values of the macronutrients?
3. How does the unbalanced diet affect the health of the students?
4. What is malnutrition and what are its symptoms?
Ideate: The students will now be encouraged to discuss possible solutions using tinkering and AI. Based on
already demonstrated activities of making a weighing scale and Distance sensor, students should be enabled to
make their own Height+Weight tracking system.
Stage 3: Creating a system to collect and measure height and weight data by using sensors (Subject teacher and
ATL in-charge)
Below steps are to be followed:
3.1 Connect the Distance sensor, Load cell, and Arduino as per the schematics shown below.

3.2 Once connections are done, we have to code using the logic below and upload it to Arduino

3.3 Install the required libraries for the sensors using the Library Manager: NewPing by Tim Eckel and
HX711_ADC by Olav Kallhovd

3.4 Define the pins through which we will be collecting data from Arduino UNO
3.5 Calibrate the Load cell using a known weight. Detailed instructions to do that:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIuf2egMioA and https://circuitjournal.com/50kg-load-cells-with-HX711
3.6 Create the Height measurement system using an Ultrasonic sensor as shown in this video:
3.7 Take input from the Distance Sensor and Load cell.
3.8 Display value for the real-time data on the Serial Monitor.

3.9 Collecting and storing the data:

● Some parts of the data will need to be collected by simply surveying the students. We will need additional
data such as Age, gender, no. of calories consumed, and number of grams of each macronutrient, i.e. fat,
carbohydrate, and protein.
● Finding the information about how much of each macronutrient a student consumed can be done using
a website such as https://www.nutritionix.com/ which is a food database with many different food items
recorded in it. Students can enter the name of a food item and it will provide the nutritional composition
of the item.

● After doing all the processing and recording from the sensor, the data might look like this in the table given

Sr No. Heigh Weigh Age Gend Fats Carbo Protei

t (cm) t (kg) er hydrat n

1 x y g f u k l

2 z a h d i m n

3 b c i e y p o

● Since we need to make the predictions, we also will need the data to make labels. After adding the labels,
the data might look as given below.

S.No Height Weight Age Gender Fats Carbohydrates Protein Diet quality
. (cm) (kg)

1 x y g f u k l Balanced

2 z a h d i m n Lack of

3 b c i e y p o Lack of

4 x y g f u k l Balanced
Stage 4: Creating an AI model to input the details collected and to deduce whether the student is consuming a
balanced diet or it lacks in certain macronutrients (Subject teacher and AI Faculty)

We will be using Machine learning to automatically tell the student about their dietary needs. In order to do that,
we will be using the machinelearningforkids.co.uk website.

4.1 We will create an account on the machinelearningforkids.co.uk website.

4.2 Once that is done, we will create a new project by clicking on “Go to your Projects Page”. Then click on the
“Add a new project” button at the top right of the screen.
4.3 We will now give the name to the project and fill in the recognizing value as “number”, the page will look
something like this.

4.4 After that click on the Add Value button and give the name of the input values like Height, Weight, Gender,
Age, Calories, Fats, Carbs, and Protein

4.5 Then you can click on create and this should take you to the project page with three different options:
a. Train
b. Learn and Test
c. Make
4.6 We will start by clicking on Train. In that, click the button “Add a new label”. We need to add 3 different labels:
Balanced and Lack of Macronutrients.

4.7 Click on the Add example button and then add the values for each label. For values of fat, carbs, and protein
in a balanced diet, refer to the table in this link on page number 6:
https://www.im4change.org/upload/files/RDA_short_report%281%29.pdf and some existing values of BMI for
school children can be found here:

4.8 Make sure you feed in minimum 10 values for the model to get trained.
4.9 After that click on Learn and test button and start seeing the output results.
4.10 The screen will look something like this, where you feed in the real-time values coming from your sensor, as
well as inputs from the student to get the prediction for the diet quality.

4.11 The output will look as given below and will vary according to the input values.

Students can be encouraged to make a complete interface using the Scratch module in the “Make” section of the
The learner:
Learning Outcomes
● Differentiates materials and organisms, based on their properties, structure,
and functions
● Classifies materials and organisms based on properties/ characteristics
● Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries
● Relates processes and phenomena with causes
● Explains processes and phenomenon
● Draws labeled diagram/ flow charts
● Constructs models using materials from surroundings and explains their
● Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life
● Makes efforts to protect environment
● Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, making use of available resources,
● Exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, cooperation, freedom from fear and

 Machine Learning for kids: An educational tool for teaching kids about machine
Glossary learning, by letting them train a computer to recognize text, pictures, numbers,
or sounds.
 Machine Learning: A subfield of artificial intelligence, which is broadly defined
as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. Artificial
intelligence systems are used to perform complex tasks in a way that is similar
to how humans solve problems.
 Data Acquisition: Data Acquisition refers to acquiring authentic data from
reliable and authentic sources/ platforms that are required for the AI model.
There can be various ways to collect data.
 Data Exploration: Data Exploration refers to visualizing the data to determine
the pattern, relationships between elements, and trends in the dataset that gives
a clear meaning and understanding of the dataset. Data exploration is important
as it helps the user to select an AI model in the next stage of the AI project cycle.
To visualize the data, various types of visual representations can be used such
as diagrams, charts, graphs, flows, and so on.
 Data Modeling: Data is the fuel of artificial intelligence. A machine is said to be
artificially intelligent if it gets trained and can make decisions/ predictions on its
own and learns from its own experience and mistakes. In the Modeling stage,
data is split into a training set and a testing set. The model is trained on the
training set from which it makes its own rules that help the machine to give an
output and the model is then evaluated on the testing set.
 Arduino Uno: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet).
It has 14 digital input/output pins and 6 analog-input pins which can be used to
control a large variety of input and output devices such as displays, sensors,
buttons, and motors.
 Load Cell: A special device that is used to measure how much weight or force is
being applied to it. It works by using something called a strain gauge, which is a
very small and sensitive device that can detect even the slightest changes in the
shape or size of the load cell.
 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: A device that uses sound waves to measure the
distance to an object. It works by sending out a high-frequency sound wave, and
then measuring the time it takes for the sound wave to bounce back to the

 How to use a Load cell:

Reference Links https://circuitjournal.com/50kg-load-cells-with-HX711
 How to use an Ultrasonic Sensor:
 Website for collecting data about the nutritional values of food:
Tech Skills
Skill Outcome ● Digital Literacy
● Data Gathering
Design Thinking
● Ideation
● Innovation
● Prototyping
Social Skills
● Critical Thinking
● Decision-Making
Inter-personal Skills
● Empathy
● Collaboration
Intra-personal Skills
● Effective Communication
● Effective Documentation
Social Impact Solution Building
● Problem identifying
● Problem-solving
AI Domain
● AI for Data

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