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Which of the following is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that
people experience?
A. Affect
B. Emotions
C. Moods
D. Emotional labor
2. Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions?
C. Emotions last longer than moods
D. Moods are more action oriented in nature than emotions
E. Emotions are less intense feelings than moods
3. There are 6 universal emotions: Surprise, Hate, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Happiness.
A. True
B. False -> Note hate, is disgust
4. ________ is an emotion that falls into the category of high positive affect.
A. Serenity
B. Elation
C. Fatigue
D. Boredom
5. Emotions are _______.
A. independent of the personality of individuals
B. strongly affected by weather
C. less intense as compared to moods
D. important to rational thinking
6. Emotions that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job are
termed displayed emotions.
A. True
B. False
7. Surface acting deals with felt emotions rather than displayed emotions.
A. True
B. False -> Not Surface acting, is Deeping acting
8. ________ indicates a person’s ability to be self-aware, detect emotions in others, and
manage emotional cues and information.
A. Emotional intelligence
B. Emotional dissonance
C. Cognitive dissonance
D. Cognitive distortion
1.Personality is a result of heredity and environment but research supports the importance of
the environment over heredity
A. True
B. False
2. Which of the following statement is true about people with positive core-self evaluations
A. They set ambitious goals
B. They lack persistence
C. They tend to question their capabilities
D. They view themselves as powerless over their environment
3. Which of the following is not true of the five factors included in the Big Five Model?
A. agreeableness
B. conscientiousness
C. intuitiveness
D. emotional stability
4. The personality trait indicates the degree to which a person is unemotional and pragmatic,
believing ends can justify means.
A. Machiavellianism
B. Self-monitoring
C. Narcissism
D. Core self-evaluations
5. When we rank an individual’s value in order of their ____, we obtain the person’s value
A. intensity
B. content
C. context
D. social needs
6. Values tend to be stable and enduring
A. True
B. False
7. Which of the following is not one of Hofstede's five dimensions of national culture?
A. power distance
B. flexibility versus rigidity
C. individualism versus collectivism
D. uncertainty avoidance
16/11/2021 Motivation

Which of the following statements is true according to the two-factor theory

A. Factors that lead to job satisfaction extrinsic factor
B. Recognition is a hygiene factor
C. Hygiene factors lead to job satisfaction
D. Adequate hygiene factors ensure that people are not dissatisfied
Which of the following theories proposes that people prefer to feel they have control
over their actions?
A. motivation hygiene theory
B. Goal setting theory
C. theory of needs
D. self-determination theory
Specific goals produce a higher level of output than do does the generalized goal of
“do your best”
A. True
B. False
Self-efficacy theory refers to an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of
performing a task
A. True
B. False
Self-generated feedback is a more powerful motivator than externally generated
A. True
B. False
Research on motivation focuses on approaches that link motivational concepts to
change in the ways _____ is/are structured
A. work
B. benefits
C. payment
D. Organizations culture

Kahoot W7 23/11
What are the 5 stages of group development?
forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning

Team differ from groups because:

A. teams have no limits on the number of members, while groups have
B. teams have a no fixed duration, while group have a fixed duration
C. members of teams have a specific task-related purpose, while group do not
D. team member work independent, while group members dependent on each other

A group of five working collectively would be certain to outproduce five workers

working individual
1. True
2. False

Which type of teams is most likely to be assembled to improve the efficiency of

company’s production process
A. cross-functional
B. problem-solving
C. task
D. self-managed

When members feel confident to ___without fear of punishment, ___can be beneficial

and boost team performance
A. speak up, training sessions
B. complain, training sessions
C. complain, conflict
D. speak up, conflict

Generally speaking, the most effective teams have ___members

A. 2 to 4
B. 3 to 5
C. 5 to 9
D. 10 to 15

Which of the following terms indicates the tendency of individuals to spend less
effort when working collectively
A. groupthink
B. collective efficacy
C. social loafing
D. groupshift

Kahoot W8 Leadership Trust 7/12/21

Leadership is best defined as:
1. the ability to influence a group to achieve a vision or set of goals
2. the process of carrying out the vision and strategy provided by management
3. the process of drawing up formal plans and monitoring their implementation
4. Coordination and staffing the organization and handling daily problems

Which theory of leadership differentiates leaders from on leader by focusing on

personal qualities and characteristics
1. attributes theory
2. trait theory
3. fiedler’smodel
4. contingency theory

Behavioral studies imply that people can be trained to be leaders

1. True
2. False

Contingency theories focus on the ____ that impact leadership success

1. leader’s personal characteristics and qualities
2. situational variables
3. values and ethics
4. leader’s ability to inspire and transform followers

Which of the following is not a key characteristic of a charismatic leader?

1. sensitivity to follower needs
2. vision and articulation
3. unconventional behavior
4. focus on maintaining status quo

Transformational and transactional leadership are opposing approaches to getting

things done
1. True
2. False

Attribution theory suggests what’s important is projecting the leader’s appearance

rather than actual accomplishments
1. True
2. False

21/12 (8 câu) -> còn 2 câu đầu quên chụp

When your group disagrees about how the group’s work should be accomplished,
your experiences a process conflict
1. True
2. False

Which of the following statements is true regarding task conflicts

1. Task conflicts hinder creativity and innovation
2. groups performing routine tasks won’t benefit from task conflict
3. Task conflict are almost always dysfunctional
4. Task conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships

Relationships conflicts are almost always dysfunctional

1. True
2. False

Which of the following conflicts–handling intentions involves attempting to find a win-

win solution?
1. collaborating
2. avoiding
3. accommodating
4. compromising

Distributive bargaining attempts to create a win-win solution for both the parties
1. True
2. False

What is the overall goal of conflict management?

1. resolving conflict
2. identifying conflict
3. assessing the source of conflict
4. achieving the desired conflict level

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