Environmental Engineering II Diff

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Published By Chand valcoul <) coon BJainanr | Main Road, Nehru Nagar (East) Bhilai (C.G) 490020 Ph. 0788-6455404 Author > 95&96 7616) All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. FANINDRA F KATRE (M-TECH) Env. ENec. Asst, Prof. Civil (SSIET) DURG 2 Phe. Editor By Eminent Faculty ‘Members of Jainam Group = 110/- ee Downloaded from http: CC hos ofral cal Le I Yes ope B= Branch:- CIVIL Environmental Engineer ing-II CONTENT Séwage and “Sewarage... (With Five year Solved) Characteristics of sewage & Primary Treatments Systems. (With Five year Solve $$ Secondary Treatment Systems (With Five year Solved) (With Five year Solved) $ Solid Waste Management (With Five year Solved) $5 Sewage Sludge Treatment..........cccs00040 Environmental Engineering-ll ions and some common Unit 1 Sewage and Sewarage, defi terms, object of sewage disp Conservancy systems, Watt separate and partially separate, pattems of coll ‘Amount of sewage-Estimation of domestic and stom variations in the quantity of sewage, Design of sewers (Only circular sewer) Manholes, Pumping stations, Wet well capacity Unit 2 Characteristics of sewage-physical, chemical and biological characteristics, funcamentals of aerobic & anaerobic process. Sewage treaiment-preiminary treatment systems, Racks and screens, comminuters, Giit chambers. Primary treatment systems-Plain sedimentation, detention time and over flow rates, types of inlets and outlets, onsite wastewater tteatement- septic tank, Imhoff tank, oxidation pond Unit 3 Secondary treatment systems-()) Attached growth process- process, principle of suspended gro\ sludge process, Oxidation ditch aeration and mixing techniques, al problems of activated sludge systems, stabsation Unit 4 Sewage slucige treatment-mporiance, arnount and characteristics of sludige, sludge digestion, Anaerobic digestion, aerobic digesti i affecting self purification, Sag curve, disposal on Steam standards, Effluent standards, theories of waste treatment (Volume reduction, strength reduction, new Equalization and proportioning} Summery of Industrial waste, Its origin, character and treatment. Unit 5 Solid waste management, source and chara‘ collection methods, disposal of sol composting and incineration methods. C of refuse, Composting of refuse. ://notescivil.blogspot.in/ Downloaded from http Environmental Engineering-Il UNIT-I Rane uta ECL Sewage and Sewarage, definitions and some common] terms, object of sewage disposal. System of sanitation: Conservancy systems, Water system, sewage system-| | combined, separate and partially separate, patterns of Vcollection’ system. Amount of sewage-Estimation of] [domestic and storm sewage, variations in the quantity of| | sewage, Design of sewers (Only circular sewer) Manholes, Pumping stations, Wet well capaci Q.1. Define the following terms. (1) Sewerage: - It is the branch of engineering which deals with the collection and carrying of sewage through underground sewers by water carriage system away from the towns and dispose it if in such an order, that it may not cause any danger to the human health. (U1) Refuse: - It includes all types of dry wastes of the community, Itis divided into following categories. jarage: semi solids and solid waste od and products as vegetables, peelings of fruits, waste meats ete. (ii) Rubbish: - It means all sundry solid wastes as paper, furniture, , waste building materials etc. {ii} Ashes: - These ‘are the residues which remain after iquid waste from the community, inals, industrial waste and storm water, It is further classified into two categories:~ (iv) Sewage: - I discharge fr id wastes of domestic and ely foul in nature and or any animal excreta is known as Silage. (ii) Drainage: constructed for the purpose. “The removal of any liquid by = system (Iv) Drain: - A line of pipes including all fittings and equipments such as manhole, traps, gullies and floor traps used for the drainage of a particular area. It also include open channels used for conveying surface water. (V) Sewer: - The finflerground conduits or drains through which sewage is convdyed are known as the sewers. Followihg ferms are used in practice in connection with different types of sewers. (i) Combined fewjer: - The sewer which carries domestic sewage and storm water is known as a combined sewer. (i) Common sewerr ~The sewer on which all the inhabitants fave equal legal rights fe known as a common sewer Depressed spwgrr When an obstruction or obstacle ie met With the sdveq is constructed lower than the adjacent Sections to bvelcome the obstruction or obstacle, Such a section of sewer le known as a depressed sewer. (iv) Intercepting sewer: - This term fe used to indicate the sewer which intercepts the discharge from a number of main or Sutfall sewers and it carries the flow to the point of treatment and disposal. (Lateral sewer: - The sewer obtaining its discharge directly from buildings is known as a lateral sewer. (vi) Brach or Submain wewers - This term ip used to indicate the fewer which obtains its discharge from a few laterals and delivers it to the main sewer. (vi) Main sewer:= This term ls used to indicate the sewer which Obtalne ite discharge from a few branch or submain sewers, Q.2 Explain the methods of collection of the refuse. Aas. There are two method which are employed for the collection ind disposal of refuse. (Conservancy system and _ (ii) Water carriage system. (i) Conservancy system: - In this system, the different types of llected separately and then each type is carried ly disposed off. Sometimes this system is also iry system. In this system, the garbage or dry and’: baskets //notescivil.blogspot.in/ Downloaded from http lying areas for the reclamation Tncincratore and the inflammable matter is buried into low- of soil. ‘The night soil ie collected in pans from lavatories and the sewage is carried by labors in cars, trucks etc. It is then buried into the ground and is thus converted into manure. ‘The storm water and silage are collected and conveyed separately by closed or open channels. They are discharged in natural rivers or «wy matter is quite sufficient and matter with water is so great or less like water. In this system, the conveyed as in case of conserve dilution ratio of solid ‘that! the mixture behaves more st . Water carriage system:- In this sypteln, the water is used as medium to convey the sewage to the point of its treatment or final disposal. The quantity of water|to be mixed with solid age is collected and tem. The storm water may be carried separately or may be allowed to flow with the sewage. Q.3 (a) Compare the “Conservancy carriage system”. ‘ouservancy system ” and “Water ‘Water carriage system) Tt does not permit compact of structures. 1) It permits compact design | of structures. ‘id above ground hence le but non-hygienic. 2) It is necessarily laid below ground, hence it is not visible but hygienic 3) Werequires small quantity of water to the extent of about | water to the extent about 30 to 40 liter per capital per. | 100 to 120 liter per capita | dey ___ __|__per day. _____| ‘4) There exists putrefaction. 3) It requires large quantity of @) There are no chances for putrefaction. B Tthas been normally considered as system for ‘By It has come up basically as an urban system 6) The labour force required is much more. 6) Only few labors are required. 7) iis cheap in initial cost but rural conditions. expensive in maintenances work. - _ @) It requires the help of 7) It is expensive in initial cost but maintenance costs | are low. break of -pidemic. P "There are chances for out skilled or technical personals fof laying Environmental Engineering-II of treatment units. 9) Tt does not require the help of [9) It requires the heip of skilled or technical personals | skilled or technical personals for laying maintenance and running 10) ‘The city remains dirty and | foulsmeling| Ti) It is likely that| id ically no sources of watet may be risk of pollutibn of polluted due to boaking of underground|sources of the liquid wastes from water as sewdge is carried vil.blogspot.in/ latrines. in closed sewer and above | } the water pipes Q.4 (a) What is the classification is of sewerage system?"G Explain suitability of cach system and state tho advantages and flisadvantages of each. | | ane, reno re le are epee oreo: Separate system, Combined system and Partially separate system. //notes es storm water is directly discharged into the natural outle form of river or stream. Advantages:- (The load on treatment units becomes less. ‘The natural water is not unnecessarily polluted. The sewers are smalll in size. The storm water can be discharged into natural streams without any treatment. (©) The system proves to be economical when pumping is required for the lifting of sewage. (2) Combined system: - In this system, only one set of sewers is laid and it carries both, sewage and storm water. The sewage and storm water are carried to the sewage treatment plant Advantages:- tis easy to clean a combined sewer as it is of large size. ‘The maintenance costs are reasonable. The strength of sewage by.dilut . ‘This system requires only one set of sewers and it may thu: prove to be economical SSeRaeN Tabanan Downloaded from htt ‘Disadvantages:- - (i) During extraordinary heavy storms, the combined sewer may overflow and it may thus put public health in danger. ii) The combined sewer, if not properly designed gets easily silted and it may even become foul in dry weather. (ii) The load on treatment plant increases: Gv) The sewers are large in diameter. (v) The store water is unnecessarily polluted. (vi) The system proves, to be uneconomical when pumping is required for the li rages. (3) Partially separate In this systhm, the arrangement ig made to permit edrly by rain |into sewers carrying sewages. But when|the quantity of stom water exceeds a particular limit, it is|collected and conveytd in open drains to Te combines the advantages of both above systems. ‘The entry of storm water avoids silting in sewers. The problem of disposing storm water from houses is simplified, iv) The sewers are of redsonable size Disadvantages: (@ The quantity of storm water admitted in sewer may increas the load on pumping an treatment units. (i) The velocity of low is low in dry weather. Q.5 (a) Compare the Separate and Combined system. urate system _ Combined system ___ system the quantity | 1) In this system the sewage which is to be treated is very less, se there is no need to the storm water. system is suitable at 's where more pumped, so it is less. |, costly.__-__ @j Two sets of Environmental Engineering-I Environmental Engineering-II (Sater ems === same ‘ ‘and storm water open wc fa |__ drains on ground aarfae. = ' LS iff to use this S)Itis suitable for narrow | SS “ —— r i streets, ras ~Y ai 1 Ps i 8) For less intensity oF S H ee | fhroughout the year Taina thie method is | Q 4 = R | | then this syetem is not totaly suitable & I = i | ee 3 ; wivenPesten ‘ | ote tenancies || pee breas Ans. There are various pattems of collection systems but mportant and common system are as follows. > Fig. nteroepter pattern 3 (iil) Radial pattern:- a In this pattern, the sewers are radially outwards Oo from the centre of the city. This pattern is useful for cities, 3S where the faculties of sewage disposal by land treatment are available. This pattern will require large ‘umber of dieeecel () Perpendicular pattern: - In this pattern, the main trunk < ae ND a sewers are land perpendicular to the natural ‘r course and - wR thus they are of the shortest length, Thi proves Sy al useful for separate or partially separate syst hich case, reste, Segond of directly without any agains treatment. This pattern will be impracticable for combined ’ vones as it will require a treatment unit at every point of = ° { { +. (I Ss ao z E = oS — Fig. Perpendicular patern < (ii) Interceptor pattern:- = Fig. Radiat Pattern This pattern is an improvement over the o (iv) Fan pattern: - In this system of layout, the treatment plant perpendicular pattern, In this pattern, the sewers are a is located at a certain point and the entire sewage flow is intercepted by large size sewers which are laid al ig the water directed towards this point. Thus, a fanlike network of The sewage is carried to the treatment plant and conveying main sewers is laid in this pattern. The advantage ling upon the facilities provided, itis disposed off either of this pattem is that only one unit of treatment plant will be with or without treatment. If the quantity of storm water is required. fing two disadvantages: more, the storm regulators may be provided at suitable pomnte, jatar Pion Baka ne "will be more and it may result in increase of cost of laying such sewers. ft of the surrounding area will increase a (i) The development toad on the treatment plant and hence restriction will have ‘to be imposed on such development. {v) Zonal pattern:- In this pattenr, the city is divided ine aaitable zones and a separate intercepter is provided for each gone. This pattern proves to be economical for cities which are situated on sloping hills. PANEER 4 jit N veh Ledec bole ens ohebetaulrelchal teste os uy? alata I cow cBeevonrencerren Fig. Zone Pattern: 0.7 List out and explain the factors to be considered in the secormination of the quantity of sanitary sewage. Jara Publication ://notescivil.blogspot.in/ Downloaded from http ev The quantity of storm water from an area depends upon & umber of factors enumerated below. ‘of rainfall: - As intensity and (i) Intensity and duration ‘es, the quantity of storm water duration of rainfall increasé also increases. (ii) Topography of the watershed: - This include such factor a (a) Extent of the catchment area: - Bigger the catchment farea, greater would be the quantity of storm water. 0) Shape of be area: ~ Fan shaped areas drain away discharge more quickly than the oblong-shaped areas. {o) Slope of the area: - On a steeper slope, the rate of storm ‘water flow would be greater. (a)Nature of soil: - On a steeper slope, the rate of storm water flow would be greater. {c) Number of available ditches in the area: - If the number io large and the ditches are also large sized, part of the storm water may be retained or removed. Thus decreasing quantity fvailable for providing storm water drainage. (iii) Atmospheric temperature, wind and humidity: ~ Worm ‘emperature, high winds and greater humidity tends to reduce the storm water flow. Q.8 (a) How the storm water quantity is estimated? ‘Ans. The quantity of storm water may be calculated by using the following two methods. (i) The rational method and (ii) Empirical formulae method. Tn both the above methods, the qu: storm water is a function of the area, the intensity o land the co-efficient of run-off. The co-efficient of jnaximum rate of runoff mainly depends on the surface and the estimated condition of the drainages area f the rainfall that will run. ns The storm water quantity is Where Q= Quantity of storm water in m?/s. C= Coefficinet of run-off. 1 Intensity of rainfall in mm/hr. ‘A= Catchment area in hectares. Environmental Engineering-Il i) Empirion formulae method:- AD the empirical formulae are applicable only under certain specific conditions, such as slope of land, imperviousness, rate of rainfall etc. These have been developed suiting a particular region after long practi experience and collection of field data (@)Burkli- Ziegler formula: cn fs (0)Me Math’s formula: o=s3t'f {c) Fuller's formula:- ons (¢)Fanning’s formula:~ Q = 12.8M5/5 (e)Talbot’s fornmula:- Q=224Mut /notescivil.blogspot.in/ S = Slope of the area in m per 1000m length of sewers A = Drainage area in hectare. a ‘M = Drainage area in km?. Sb = Q. 9 What is time of concentration? Explain. Ans. Time of concentration: This is defined as the longest tim without unreasonable delay that would be required for ter to flow from the upper limit of the dr int where concentration or the of concentrat ‘a storm sewer is a combination of two things: time and (6) Time of flow inthe sewer z Inlet time: - Also called time of entry, is the time require for first drops of rain water to flow from the distant points o watershed to the head of the sewer or drain. This is found = (i) To decrease with any increase either in the slope of} imperviousness of the ground surface. (ii) To increase either with an increase in the distance ove: to travel or with greater watershed-storage which water In practices, it is generally assumed to lie between 3 minut) for a steep jpervious area an 20 minutes for a flat and agricultural area. a. fei Janam Publienion Environmental Engineering-I {b) Time of flow in the sewer: - Is the ratio of the length of the sewer to the velocity of flow when running full. The velocity of flow is calculated by means of the hydraulic formulae. Q.13 What are self-cleansing, scouring and limiting velocities? Explain. Ans. Self-cleansing velocity :- The minimum velocity at which the sewer will kept itself clean over a wide variation in discharge is known as self-cleansing velocity. Self-cleansing velocity depends upon the size of the particles present in sewages and also on their specific gravity. Scouring velocity: - The minimum velocity to cause the scouring of the suspension of solids heavier than sewage or liquid is known as scouring velocity. ‘The self-cleansing velocity of the sewage depends ‘upon the scouring action of the flowing sewage. Limiting velocity: - The maximum permissible velocity which does not cause any wear of contact surface and not make the surface rough is known as limiting velocity. for self-cleansing velocity. Self is necessary to cause scouring and Consider a layer of sediment of unit width and unit length and of eness t deposit invert of a sewer of gradient 8. Let You is the submerged unit weight of the sediment. ‘Then, the weight of the sediment considered ator A abn ne TG Pobistion a Environmental Engineering-U W=Yer(D(t But Yan =Yo (222) Where Y,, = Unit weight of the water 5, = Specific gravity of the sediment. E = Void ratio of sediment. But the porosity of sediment ne (i), where n= porosity of sediment e dene = Yau = YC Ss 1) —n) & W=YQ(S,~ DO nyt Now, in order to scour the deposited sediment, for just causing it to slide down the inclined plane, necessary that the drag force (r) exerted by the flowing on the surface of the channel equals the frictional resistance Riet=R But R=Wtand //notescivil.blogspot.in/ And for smaller values of 9, tand =siné 2 R=Wsing Or r=R=Wsind the drag force or the in reactive fort ich is exerted by the flowing channel of hydraulic mean depth r is given by =Yans" ie) Where += drag force R= hudraulic mean depth of the channel S = bed slope of the channel Downloaded from http Equating Eq. (a) and (a’), we have Yo(G~ (1 = n)tsind = ¥ors Using (1 ~ n)tsin 8, =k’ (a constant), we get jainam Publeaton environmenuu (G- Dk. n= rs. or s=E(G-Dt For single grains, the volume per unit area (i.c.t) becomes a function of the diameter of the grain d’as an inverse measure of the surface area of the individual grains exposed to drag or friction. so (G~2)e! (for self cleansing) or s=£(G-1a Hence, the self cleansing invert slope (s) is given as: sat (Gnd ob) Where k is a dimensional constant, indicating an important characteristic of sediment (solids) present in ‘sewage. Its value usually varies from 0.04 (minimum) - applicable to start of scouring of clean grit, to about 0.8- applicable for full removal of sticky grit. For relat inorganic and organic matters pre are taken at 0.04 and 0.06, respectively. The actual k, should, however be determined only by experimen different materials. Hence, the invert slope at which the sewer will be self- cleansing is given by the Eq. Now, from Chezy’s formula, the velocity vecvis is, hence, given as f cleansing veloc’ eer EG-Da or ya aVkFG=D sete) ‘The Chesy’s constant (¢} in the above equation can be equated to [hy comparing Chey’ formula and Dar Weisbach formula *. Therefore, Eq. (¢) becomes, Page 3 Environmental Engineering-I “From Darcy-Weisbach formula, H, = [22 (where D ie the pipe dia) Or tesa ltt 3 or v= fe oo i) By Chezy’s formula, Vacs Comparing (i) and (i), we get Or ¢ frs 2 Sr But 1 =2 (for circular pipes running full) co fo Por c= fe i= Ror e= Self cleansing velocity = eee Y= fPea@-1) a (@) ‘The usual value of f for sewer pipes is 0.03.Similarly, by equating Chezy’s formula with Manning's formula (i.e.V = Iny2/3s, we can get e=tnr1/6. The Eq, (c) then becomes wal ed@—D (The usual value of n for sewer pipes is 0.013.) Q.5 Write a short note on the followings: //notescivil.blogspot.in/ Downloaded from http basins or Catch pits. Jinn Piblaien alae (g) Ventilating shafts Grease and oil traps. bons. rm water regulators. ‘Manholes: - A manhole is defined as the construction made to connect the ground level with the hole or opening made in the sewer line so that a man can easily. Conveniently and safely enter through it and carry out the usual maintenance operations, A manbole consists of (@ Aworking chamber, An access shaft, (ii)_A strong cover on the top flush with the road level. ‘The lower portion of a deep manhole is known as a working chamber and it provides a working space to carry out cleaning and an inspection of sewer line. ‘The access shaft provides an access to the working chamer. ‘At the top of manhole, the manhole cover of cast-iron or RCC is provided to cover the opening, ‘Beick Arch or R.G.C. Stab Branch Sewer Main Sewer ue ‘ Fig. Manhole Yi gf Tinam Pobicaton a Page 15 (b) Drop manholes: - When itis uneconomical or impracticable to arrange the connection with 60cm of the invert of the sewer and manhole, then a vertical shaft is constructed out: chamber through which the sewage of branch sewer is allowed to enter the manhole as shown in figure. Such manholes which drop “> the level of invert of the incoming sewer by providing a vertic: shaft are called drop manhole. The main purpose of drop manhole is to avoid the splashing of sewage on the man working and on the masonry work. We Cast Iron-Steps Brick Arch or: Woter Supply Enter Pipe ¢ g Inspection Arm Branch Sewer jtomatic flushing tank Pils, Working Chamber} Main Sewer. y {4) Lampholes: - A laniphole is an opening or hole const ‘a sewer for the purpose of lowering a lamp inside it. It cons: vertical stoneware or concrete pipes which are connected to the sewer line through a tee-junction. The pipes are surrounded by concrete to make them stable. At the ground level, the manhole cover with frame is provided to take up the load of traffic. Vertical Pipe //notescivil.blogspot. Drop mariholes (ec) Flushing tanks: - A flushing tank is a device or an arrangement, which is made to hold and then to throw water into the sewer for the purpose of flushing it. When the gradients of the sewers are flat and the velocity of sewage is very low, the () Hand operated flushing tank and (i) Automatic flushing tank Downloaded from http Fig, Lamp-hole Tian Pobioton Maina ee Tainan Pon {c) Street inlets: « A street inlet is an opening through which storm water and surface wash flowing along the streets are admitted and conveyed to the storm water sewer or combined sewer by means of pipes. These are placed at the roads, gutter generally at street junctions. At the street junction, inlets shoul sk eh ae a¢ ka Ey hed! i u Tt gee ol with the traffic. inlets are of the three types. Curb inlet: - An opening is provided in the road curb for the entrance of storm water. Gutter inlet: - These are placed directly below the road gutter and storm water directly enters from the top. Combined gutter and curb inlet: - In this type of inlet, storm water enters from both the gutter and curb. //notescivil.blogspot:i ded from http: Fig. Street Inlets (0 Catch basins of Catch pits: «A catch basin or catch pt is in the form of a chamber which is provided along thef® sewer line to admit clear rain water free from silt, grit debris etc 2 into the combined sewer, ‘The catch basins are adopted for the combined sevesaes system, But at present, the trend is to lay sewers with such gradient seileaning velocity is achieved and to construc paved streets which contribute little debris or grit. Hence it not necessary to provide the catch basins in the modern separate sewerage systems. Baka ae ‘nam Publier Environmental Engineering-Il __ Footpath ‘eur. with Openings Cover with Pertorations: Watt Catch basin Ventilating shafts: - It is « vertical shaft provided in the 12 Git eorenove fou gases fom it and to provide fresh ai to the workers, working in the manholes inte of RCC or s-kom 15-25 om in ameter with cowl provded at the top. The height of the ventilating shafts should be ‘more than the roof of the tallest building in its elghborhood. To Mortoie ng sbatt Fig. ey ee 19 Tainan Pubicavon i environmental kngineering-Il (h) Grease and oil trapa: - ‘These are the traps or chamber which are provided on the sewer line to exclude grease and oil from sewage before it enters the sewer line, ‘The grease and oil beign light in weight and can float on the surface of sewage. Mente , outlet draws the se from lower level, the grease and ‘oil are excluded. Thus, outlet level is near the bottom of chamber and inlet level is, the top of chamber. If sand is desired to be excluded from sewage, the space should be kept at bottom of chamber for sand to be deposited. cover Intet with Grating 6 L + 250mm [Sreese ane ol i outer vial vit yall THA 3 Fig. Combined sand grease and oil trap i) Inverted siphon: - An inverted siphon is a sewer se: is constructed lower than the adjace; runs full under gravity with pressu atmosphere. The main purpose of installa to carry the. sewer line below obstructions such as gro depressions, streams, rivers, railways etc. In an inverted sip! then HGL is above the flown, whereas in true siphon, the HGL is below the flow line. It is also known as depressed sewers. Figure shows the plain and inverted siphon. The pipe of inverte Janam Publiation ://notescivil.blogspot.in/ Downloaded from http figure which come into amount of flow. Stoping’ Length [pi T&L intet chamver Section on AB PIPES =e ae Outlet Chamber + Cover Cover: Storm water regulators: - The structures constructed to the divert part of sewage in case of combined sewers are known as the storm water regulators and they come into operation. When the discharge exceeds a certain value. The excess sewage will be composed of storm water and it will, therefore be not fo1 nature, It will further result in the decrease in load on treatment units or pumping stations. ‘Storm water regulators are of the following three types: sping wait or jumping weir, Wwerflow weir and (3)Section spillway. Q.14 How to locate manholes? Ans. Location of manholes: - Manholes are provided at every ‘bend, junction, change of gradient or change of diameter. On straight reaches, manholes are provided at-convenient spacings which depend upon the size of sewers. The larger the diameter of the sewer, the grater may be the spacing between two manholes. The spacing between the manholes will also depend upon the nature of sewer cleaning device in use. Table 6.1 gives, the spacing of manholes as recommended by the Indian ‘Standard IS: 1742-1960. Tainan Publication Environmental Engineering-I ‘TABLE 6.1 RECOMMENDED SPACING OF MANHOLES: Size of sewer Recommended spacing on J => | straight reaches < f Dia uptoOSm [45m GS [Dia up to 0.6m 75m ° [Dia up to 0.9 m 30m. a [Dia up to1.2'm 120m o Dia. uptolsm | 250m) [ Dia. up to 1.5m. 300%: ° Pumping Station 2 Q.15 What points should be kept in mind while locating the = site of pumping stations? a ‘Ans. The following points should be considered while locating the go site of pumping stations. oO .¢ topographical condition of the city should be thoroughly 3S studied to locate the best site of pumping stations. (2) ifthe quantly of sewage is wy large the ste should be near the point of disposal or at such places where during — , the sewage can be directly disposed off. a (3) The site should be such that during flood, it should not be flooded with river water of seepage from the ground. eS Example 1 A combined sewer of a circular section is to be laid O to serve a particular area. Calculate the size of this sewer = from the following data: r Area tobe served ssaohecires, Population = 1, 00,000 3 Maximum permissible flow velocity = 3m/see. ° ‘Time of entry for storm water = 10 minutes < Per capital water supply = 250 = liters /day/person. So Coefficient of nin-off forthe area = 0.45. a Hourly, Maximum rainfall for the area At the design frequency = Sem Assume any other data not given, and if needed. EB akg gee ‘Assumes that 80% of the water supplied appears as sewage, we have Average sewage discharge = 0.8 x 0.289 + 0.23 cumecs A ssuming the maximum sewage discharge to be 3 time the average discharge, we have Maximum sewage discharge = 3X 023 ~ 0.69 cumecs. Storm water discharge computations ‘Time of concentrations T= Time of entry + Time of flow = (10+ 20) minutes = 30 minutes. Now, maximum hourly rainfall for the = P= Sem/hr. Using Eq, (3,3), we have =R=k Where 7, is the concentration time in hours = 2-05 hour 2» R=5(B) = = 667em/he Now, using rational formula Eq. (3-1), we have mA Maximum storm run off = Qy = 2: = 4.x 045 667 x 120c0mecs. = 10comecs ‘The combined maximum discharge = Storm run-off + Sewage discharge = 10-+0.69 = 10.69cumecs. Environmental Engineering-Il Now assuming the sewer to be running full at the maximum velocity of 3m/sec at the time of maximum flow, we have ‘rea required = = int = 35m? : Dia, of sewer pipe required = [£356 = V435 = 213m, Hence, use a sewer pipe of 2.13m dia. ‘Example2. blogspot.in/ A population of 50,000 is residing in a towns having an area of 60 hectares. If the average coefficient of run-off for this|area is 0.06, and the time of concentration, IV! of the design rain is 3Ominutes, calculate the discharge for which the sewers of a proposed combined system will be W designed for the town, Make suitable assumptions where YD needed. Solutions. Given data. Population =50,000 Area =60 hectares Coefficient of run ~ off = 0.6 ‘Time of concentration (t) =30 minutes Dry weather flow: Assuming rate of water supply = 270lpcd. Average discharge per second = = 0.156m*/sec Assuming a multiplying factor of 2, Maximum discharge = 2 x 0.156 = 03125m® /sec Storm water:- Intensity of rainfall (R)= = Where a= 40 and b= 20 for storms of durations 20 to 100 #8040 = 3032mm/hr ‘Then 9 =A8= =; 032m*/sec Jainam Publication //not Downloaded from http Environmental Engineering: OE Gombind discharge = Dry weather flow + Storm water flow = 0.3125 + 2.032 = 2.344m*/sec. Now Q=AV ‘Assuming V = 2.5m/s running full at the time of maximum flow. oA g= Bt 2 A=0938m? Diameter of pipe d= [# = 1093m = 1.1m Q.3 Design a suitable sewer section for the following data ‘when it is running half full: a ty T % Runoff eeore coefficient Pavements. 30 0.85 Gardens | (Grund) | surface. I For « total drainage area of 25ha. x governed by general formula (a = 40,b = 20) in which the time of concentration is 35min. Assume the population of town as 80000 and rate of water supply as 150lped and design the section as a combined section. Ans. From given data, calculate Average Runoff Coefficient. 25 x 0.85 = 6375 25x 015 = 1.125 x25x030=30 STs Basa, +a; -+as = A= 25ha popl = B= = 042 Ee 3s ‘& Jnam Pubeaton Page 2s Environmental Engineering-Il Titensity of rainfall Ref =o = 072em/or Or = 28.4% 072 = 18.3mm/br Storm water flow, @ = ME =2 = 0532m* sec. Now, ‘Town population = 20,000 Rate of water supply = 150iped Average rate of water supply = 80,000 x 150 = 12 x 10%lit/day 1.4m* /sec. Assuming multiplying factor = 2 Maximum discharge = 1.4m3/secx 2 = 2.8m? /sec. ‘Total or combined discharge = 0.534 +2.8 = 3.334m? /sec. a= (MY For sewer diameter running half full. Let d be the diameter. Q=AxV andV = 2mttpst m= For half fall Proportionate discharge for running half full =$=05 orf=05 Assuming minimum self cleansing velocity V = 1.2m/s Q=AxV =i(S)x12 333 tx d= 266m For slope, using Manning's formula Fy =8 Qeaxvav=$ .. for running half full ://notescivil.blogspot.i Downloaded from http z 33345 (2.66 ay? xs =555x 508% s¥? = 0.0118 = 0.1087 Example 4. A town has a population of 1 per capita water supply of 200 litres; rulings 0.7 times full at maximum dis value of Nv = 0.013 at all depths of flow. ata slope of 1 in 500. Take a peaking f Solution. Water supplied = 100,000 x 200 = = 02315 cumecs. = Faeaaenas0o Assuming that 80% of the water appease as swage, we have average dis = 0.8 x 0.2315 = 0.1852cumecs. Ata packing factor of 3, Environmental Engineering-| 10,000 persons with a (day. Design a sewer . Take a constant ‘sewer is to be laid of 3. 0 x 10° litres/day .pplied to the town in the sewer Maximum discharge = 3 x 0.1852 = 0.5556 cumecs. Since the sewer is to be designed as running 0.7 times the full depth d/ = 07 and q = O5SS6 For @ sewer running partially ful (ig 4. cos'=1-28=1-2%07 =-04 $= 113580 = 227.16; sind = 0.73 = 0.587207 p= mp2, = DEES = 1.98230 Now, q=far%s¥? + 0556 = zh; x 0.587202(029620)"" (55 or D' = 06190 From which D = 0.835m ee Monten a 8. ) 2 Environmental sngieering-11 Environmental Engineering-II SSS And, 0 ==(0.6)"0.85 = 0.2403 cumecs. “Check for self dleansing velocity at maximum discharge {b) For partial depth self cleansing flow 7 = 0.29620 = 02962 x 0.835 = 0.2474m 44 = 0.07 cumecs (given) 1 1 = + vm briltgilt = + (0.2474) <¢ = 1356m/sec = scone ‘This is much more than the self cleansing velocity of Q 60em/sec. a a. Check for self clearing velocity at minimum discharge. Letus OY | assume minimiim flow equal to! times the average flow. © + n= hos Bee yamine ie Also, maximum flow Q = 3 x 0.1852 = 0, we get 0~ 1435" Sil bw Ot So n . From Fig. 48 for $= 011, we get $=022, ssumingn =". @ Alternatively, we may get these values from Table 4.8 by o interpolations. | < es = femso22 | =} % = 1(0.7624)"6 = 0.9558m/sec. V, = 0.9558 x 0.85 = 0.812in/sec snd = 0) gym 1206 Corresponding to this depth ratio, “= ~ 0.547 5 min = 0.647 & 1.356 = 0.88m/see ae (Alternatively, the values of d/D, ¥,/V and S,/S can be obtained for gz/Q= 0.2913 if Fig. 4.9 is available ) m http: ‘This is more than the required value of 40cm/sec. Example 5. A ©.07cumecs cm diameter sewer ts to discharge 1 volocity as scifclosnsing as» scwen se flowing fall at .88m/sec. Find the depth and velocity otgy © @ ‘0 Example 6. A 40 cm dia, sewer is to flow at 0.3 depth on a grade ensuring a degree of self-cleansing equivalent to that flow and. the| required slope. Take uniform value o obtained at full depth at a velocity of 80 cm/sec. Find. N= 0.015, cs ‘The required grade Botutions: 8 ‘Associated velonty (a) For sewer running full = ‘The rate of discharge at this depth. Vv =Lprigie £ Given = . Manning's rigidity coefficient = 0,014 ra ncaa & Proporta 0 eee eam a Proportionate HMD (r/R) = 0.684 0.85 = wat (0.15)*/95¥? " 1 ition. From which S = 0.00204 = —— Solut ‘a [Ginam Paenton examen ee Fiinam Pion AS lainan Page 23 Environmental EngineeringsIl {a) For sewer ve SR. Hence V = 0.8cm/sec. ee Also, Q= Fay? x08 = 0: 1005 cumecs. D/A = 04/4 04m {h) For partial depth setf cleansing fow ‘At Ont depth, $= 04 Also: $= 0.252 and 5 = 0.684 Soha = Lace 5,= 1462 x 0.0027 = 000395 = =; Aico #= ("= 10.600 = 09387 = 0.9387 x 0.8 = 0.751m/sec (2) (0)! onsre And 2) ()()"" = 0282x0307 Gy = 0.252 x 09387 x 0.1005 = 0.0238 cumes Alternatively, q5=a.0,= 4.4%, = 0.2525 (04)? x 0751 = 00238 //notescivil.blogspot.in/ Example 7. Determine the size of a circular sewer for a discharge of 500 liters per second running half full. Assume = 0.0004 and W = 0.015. Solution. Given d= 05D + coste1-24—0 Form which 2 = 907,0 = 180° and sind = 0 Prom 4.32 Downloaded from http woe [atten Publication Now, q=sa.r75 Hence q = $00 litres /sec= 0.5 cume 0s = 5, «#0?(2)"" x (oooosjs# Or D%? = 4.8128 From which D ~ 1.80m Q.8 The following data is available regarling various types of area and corresponding impermeabfiity factors of a town. Type % of Area | mpermeability | | | coetticient [Roof 15% 0.9 Pavements 20% | | __ 0.8 1 Tawns, Gardens 40% 015) Unpaved 15%. 0.2 Wooded. 10% 0.05. ~~ Determine the average cpefficient of ram off. If the total aren of the district is 20 hectares, determine the maximum storm water flow fora rainfall intensity of 50mm/hr having a frequency of once in five years. Use Rational formula. Ans. Impervious factor or overall runoff co¢fficient AnCn An _20(0:15x09+02 x08 +0. 15 x 02 40.1 x 005) - 20(0.15 + 0.2 +044 0.154 0.1) = 039 Quantity of storm water Example 9. Find the relation between the side of square section of one sewer and the diameter of a circular section of another sewer when bi charging capacity of the rectangular section ‘a gradient of 1 ip S jironmental Engineering-I £ GONG! =i ‘This is|the required relation, where b is the side of a the dia. of the circular section. tangular sewer with width 1.5 times its" wulically equivalent to a circular to as | cireular one. the relations between the width of the T= and the diameter of the circular sewer. logspot.in/ IVI Solution. Let B and] D, represent the width and depth of the Now, where thig rectangular sewer is running completel /notesc meter P (assuming the roof as part of the dapacity of rectangular sewer the circular sewer, then its capacity at full Downloaded from http wvironmental Engineering-] Or D=1565D; But B=15D, or Dw 2 D=1ses£ D = 1.0438. ‘This is the required relation, where D is the dia. of the circular sewer and B is the width of the rectangular sewer Example 11. A population of 30,000 is residing in a town having on over of 6Oha. If the average co. efficient of run off for this area is 0.60 and time of concentration of the design rain is 30min, calculate the discharge for which the sewers of 0 proposed combined system will be designed for town in question. Make suitable assumption where needed. Sol.:- Given data Pop/n = 30,000 ‘Area = 60ha. Coefficient of run off = 0.6 ‘Time of concentration (t) = 30min. Dry weather Dow - Assuming rate of water supply = 270Iped. Average discharge per second = 20% = 0.093m'/sec ‘Assuming a multiplying factor of 2 Maximum discharge = 2 x 0.093 = 0.1875m*/sec Storm water:- Intensity of rainfall (R) = #42 Where b = 20 for stores of durations 20 to 100 min 2032mm/kr ‘Then Q = Ait = enaert0s2 = 2.032m?/sec Combined discharge = Dry weather flow + storm water flow = 0.1875 + 2.032 = 2.2195m*/sec Now Q= AV Finan Renton ‘a Environmental Engineering}II Environmental Engineering-I "Assuming V = 25m/s Tanning full at the time of maximum, - = = 1.063m tample 12. 300m dla, ser having an taverted slaps LE 150 was flowing full. What would to the velocity of look and discharge? (n= 0.0 1 3). Is the velocity self = 2546 cleansing? What would be the velocity and the discher, Average flow = 880000 x 250 flow. ~ < ‘be taken as + nq =e 3 in excess of the 2 th the sewer is = A= 08878? fF the sewer with ia & sewer ranning half-full Take a= 0,013 hnd available slope Diameter of pipe d = Pls a as Lin 1000 ° ‘Solution. Total population = 44 x 10? x 200 = = 880000 2 when some is flowing 0.2, 0.6m depth? Now Q= AV Solution. According to manning’s formula 2 When the sewer runs half full = =05D and 0= = 4=05D and 0= 160" & a= Ypx/,0* =M/gp? = pans, — = Wi ° =? —_ ° V = 1.116m/sec > Tgp x Ze D/4 If R =02 (R-hydraulic mean depth) 3 va haangua vad persiee i = 5d5 02008 2 V = 7692% 0:34 «008 £ V=210m/see 3 it REOam a 76.92 vad pessire age 35 Q.1 (a) Term used to indicate the wash basin waste water: 2 | = Sullag < fight bea a arbdge ° ‘Ans.: () Sullage | 2 Part -B n Da (b) Describe the cpnditions for satisfactory disposal of sewage. 7 Ams: Refer Q-22 ynit 3 Give various flow in sewers| explaining their aj pirical formulae for determining storm water licability, Ans.: Refer Q-7 | (4) A 40cm die te is to flow at 0.3 depth on a grade ensur degree of self ¢leansing equivalent to that obtained at full depth at a veldcity of 80 cm/sec. Find 7 /motescivil.blo: | UNIT-I Part- A 9.1 (0) st 6 ver appurtenances £ Bj dere specie gravity of sewage io S {i} Zero") ofl to Ghote ) Calculate the fiameter and wo Q.1. Write a note on characteristics of sewage. a stop of din 400 when it is nn Seren eta oO ‘Ans. Sewage is a dilute mixture of the various types of 2 from the residential, pubic and industrial places ‘Ams.: Refer Bxample-7 ° cmractevitics and composition of sewage mainly depend! | £ caer erat contains organic and inorganic matters wh i 3 be in dissolved, suspension and colloidal state, The ¢ Be _ ot sewage can be classified es | S Physical characteristics, | <= Chemical characteristics and Ee Biological characteristics. ° (Physical characteristics :- The sewage has the = physical characteristics | cs (a) Colour :- The colour of fresh sewage is earthy or gre uv has soapy or ily smell. It starts decompositic 3 get black after few hours of its production. Th s industrial sewage depends on the chemical pr 2 the industries i Fresh domestic sewage has slightly soapy o the stale sewage has offensive odour of a (cj Temperature :- Generally, the temperature of the sewage is igntly higher than the water supply. When the sewage flov closed conduits its temperature further rises res | crease of viscouity and bacterial activity | a : meets ines of viscoey | Tainam Poblieadon ‘A Jainant age 40 Tainam Publication ai a Environmental (d) Turbidity :- The normel sewage is usually turbid and it contains some matter which can be easily identified when the sewage is fresh. Such matter includes, fecal matter or nigh—= soil, pieces of paper, cigarette ends, grease, and fruit, soap match sticks, vegetable debris etc. - (¢) Solids:- The sewage contains a very small amount of solid if relation to huge amount of water. The liquid content of normefe © sewage is about 99.9% and the total amount of solid matte) present either in suspension state or dissolved state is onl about 0.1% — (i) Chemical characteristics :- The nature of fresh sewage ami treated or purified sewage is alkaline. The nature of stags sewage is acidic. In addition to solids and liquids, the sewagS> also contains various gnses such as hydrogen sulphide methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide. Industrial sewage may) possess unusual chemical properties. vy 2 (iii) Biological characteristics:- The sewage contains bacterioD, tnd other living. micro-organisms such as. alge, fang protozoa etc. The bacteria are present in sewage in larg>Sy number and depending upon their nature, they may be}, classified as pathogenic bacteria or non-pathogenic for causing diseases. The sewage obtains such bacteria from the dischargees of persons and animals suffering from various diseases. Tae non-pathogenic bacteria are harmless. Depending upon their $= action, the bacteria are divided into three categories, namely aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria and facultative bacteria. at Q.2. Define the following term. cs naerobic processes ov (ii) Aerobic processes cs Anaerobic processes:- The work done by anaerobic , ie. decomposition of organic matter is calleq@Q@ putrefaction and the result is called liquefaction, as the solid = organic matter is dissolved by enzymes, Aerobic bacteria oxidize organic matter utilizing electron acceptors other than & oxygen. In carrying out their metabolic processes, they produce. COs, HzS, CHs, NH, No reduced organics and more bacteria. Treatment units which work on putrefaction alone are septic tanks, Imhoff tanks, and sludge digestion tanks. The Saka ne Jsinam Publication ion are likely to be odorous. (i) Aerobic processes : The work of combination with oxygen is called utilize free oxygen as an electron acce} aerobic activity are Coz, H20, Sos, No acrobic bacteria, ie. dation. Aerobic bacteria .. The end products of (Hs and more bacteria. ‘way into cell mass or not undergo further tion of total solids, ids for a waste water (Nov,-Dec.,2009) (QAO Explain the procedure of de suspended solids. And settle able sample. ‘termination of a given sewage can be Ans. Following procedure are adopted for (a)The total amount of solids:- Present i determined by evaporating a known vollme of sewage sample, and weighing the dry residue left. Thk mass of the residue divided by the volume of the sample evpporated, will represent the total solids in mgil {b) The suspended solids:- Are those solids which are retained by of Ium pores ; and they are, therefore, also called as ‘Their quantity dan be determined by lume of sewage sample through a glass- is, and weighing the dry residue left. The mass of the residue divided by the vollime of sample filtered, will represent the suspended solids, in ng. .- Can be determined easily with the help of conical glass veskel called Imhoff cone ne is 1 litre, and it is (c) Settle able solid: a specially design: (Refer Fig. 7.2). The capacity of the graduated up to about 50 ml. Sewage is allowed to stand in |this Imhoff cone for a period of two hours. And the quantitylof solids settled in the bottom of the cone then be directly read out. However, in order to obtain precise amount of settle abl¢ solids collected at the bottom of the cone should be dried and freighed. —~"“‘Blainagl scivil.blogspot.in/ | ; of 8c For performing this test, the sample of sewage free from preservative is diluted in water in 1:100 ratio. The water used for Fitation has excess of oxygen, which is determined before dilution. The diluted sample is kept in incubator at average temperature 20°C for 5 days. The quantity of dissolved oxygen in sample is “determined after incubation. The difference between the quantity Of oxygen present in water in the beginning and the end of {ncubation is the amount of oxygen consumed by the sewage Q.6. What are the limitations of BOD test. lowing are the limitation of BOD testi~ the sample of sewage contains toxic wastes, it should be given pretreatment before applying the BOD test. It is essential to have a high concentration of active bacteria present in the sample of sewage. ‘The effects of nitrifying organisms should be reduced before applying the test. liv) The test losses its stoichiometric validity after the soluble organic matter present in the sample of sewage has been ‘exhausted or utilized ‘The test measures only the biodegradable organic. i, Fe Sac rte erie ray sv one [AA define BOD, deduce expression for first stage BOD- (April-May, 201 ‘Ans, First stage BOD : At a given temperature the ra BOD is satieied at any time, (Le. rate of deoxygenat = amount of frst stage BOD remaining in the sample ‘ime ¢ (or oxygen equivalent of carbonaceous oxidisable creanie matter present at any time t), expressed as ms/! K’ = rate constant signifying the rate of oxidation of organic matter, having a unit (day) value depends upon the Dature of organic matter present and the temperature during the reaction. et ns Jainam Pubcaion ‘ab Jainant Pape Environmental Engineeringell Ta Umeln days Totegrating Bq. Lbetween time tO (as which as y= Ly Say) tot = we get oe = t de ye ann fae or tone figh ee or BS = e#'t = 19-k i 10 Where the rate constant k= In the above equation, I is the oral sean Babe : cxygen equivalent ot tter present in sewage atthe beginning, Also K is known Smt base 10 rate constant (or di i S leoxygenating constant) whil > known base e rate constant. a ene Kis o The amount of BOD remaining at any time t at any time ¢ see, ent") . g fence y;, the amount of BOD that has been ext i Bence nt s been exerted at any tim’ Ye (ly ~ Ly) = Lo — 107*) & tbove equation yy, is the BOD of t days “Ss tp BOD is evidently given by (a~ 10-5) i fs enprested by Bas. and “sre hy te eoeaponting cress ni 3 inate ret stage BOD(.e Ju) wl Bea . t=0o in Eq.(e) Thus, > mene some m be BOG EXERTED) ett Lyte, 800 REMaiNING) Downloaded fi ——~ TIME + roars) Fig. FIRST STAGE 8OD CURVE. Malas Jaina Publicstion ‘ns. CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (CODJ: COD test, which can ‘be used to measure content of organic matter of both wastewater 2 well as natural waters, COD can be detefmined only is 3 hours in contrast to 5 days of BOD test. In COD oxidizing agent is used in an acidic oxygen equivalent of organic matter that ‘The COD test is specifically more suitable to measure organic matter present in industrial wastes havingg compounds that are toxie to biological life. For typical untreatefi domestic wastes, the ratio COD/BODs is found to vary from 1,24 to 2.5. A higher value of the ratio indicates that the wastewater iq difficult to biodegrade. For non-biodegradable wastewater, genefally specified by the authorities is 250 mg/1 Significance of COD ‘The ratio of COD are generally higher than ratio of BOD Q.9 Derive the stricter Phelps Equation {April-May,2012) ‘Ans, Streeter-Phelps equation: The entird analysis of oxygen sag curve can be easily done by super-inmy the rates of ‘deoxygenation and reoxygenation, as suggested by Streeter- phelps analysis gives below. #2. F (deonygenation and reoxygenation) $= K'Le De or ‘where D; =DO 4 1; = amount of first stage BOD remaining in the sample at any time t. i’ = BOD reaction rat constant or deoxygpnation con-stant to the base e. ’ = reoxygenation constant to the base 4 ¢ = time (in days) a Janam Pulcaton Cy of DO deficit. Be = rate of ch But Ly = La.e7*t Where t, =BOD Hence £2— K'L,, vy a wv £2 ° ; = =: m http: = on the order of 50 to 100 mm. AZ Draw neat diagram and explain working of, 3 moving bigger suspended of loating © or in sewage. The main purpose ofthe installation of screens gS remove the floating. Matter of comparatively large size. If materials are not removed they wil Choke up the small pipes SS y the working of sewage pumps. 3 ing clement may consists of parallel bars rods, wire meshes or perforated plates and the opening may. any shape although generally they are circular or rectangular. ‘The racks of screens are constructed of fit iron bars set on edge across the channel through which sewage flows with a Tainan ableaton ‘AM lainant Page 50 Velocity of at least 0.45 m/sec. It is ust een wit an angle of about 30” to 6 Tow. The screens are sometimes accommbdet rat chambers. - oo Sereen Bors pr Streerngs Pon sewage treatment pro git sand and such other inorganic matter from sewage. T@ achieve this purpose, the velocity of flow in grit chamber is| decreased to such an extent that the heavier inorganic materials settle down at bottom of chamber and the lighter Jorganic materials are carried for further treatment ¢ [Ee pe re Pon. Fig. crit ehomber with a net flow

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