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Imagine completing a week’s worth of work every single day. What would your life and income
look like?

I know it sounds ludicrous, but science shows that there’s an unconventional yet proven way to
do this.

How is this possible?

Research suggests that the average knowledge worker does real work for only 2.3 hours per day
or about 46 hours per month. In contrast, a 2012 McKinsey study showed that executives can
increase their productivity by up to 500% when in a Flow State.

The same study highlights that high performers in business can be 800% more productive than
average performers.

Let that sink in.

It is safe to assume that when you are eight times more productive than average (you achieve in
1 hour what others achieve in a day), most of your business problems simply disappear.

Let’s be conservative and assume a 300% increase in productivity. At 3 times productivity for 4
hours, you achieve the equivalent of 12 hours of average work output. In an 8 hours work day you
will accomplish 24 hours worth of work.

This isn’t just theory—we’ve seen it happen repeatedly by using a systematic data-driven proven
process. No woo woo motivational” or law of attraction like fluff.

I’m Leon Castillo, founder and CEO of Selfmastered. Over the past 10 years, I’ve dedicated myself
to researching, compiling, and teaching the art & science of peak performance. By blending
neuroscience, psychology, and complexity science principles, I’ve trained over 270 business owners
to access flow and sustain peak performance.

Through years of trial and error, scientific research, and meticulous split testing of my sleep, diet,
daily routine, meditation practices, visualization, and time blocking, I’ve developed a formula that
enables you to consistently stay in flow for up to 9 hours a day.

The 34 frameworks you’ll learn today are based on these lessons from being a human guinea pig.
This formula has transformed my performance and that of my clients.

Here are a few results from high-achieving business owners who have implemented
these strategies:

Conor Gallagher (Founder, Gallaghmedia)

• Before: 60-hour workweek. Overwhelmed serving 1 big client. Dealing with self-doubt &
imposter syndrome.
• After: Hyperefficient. 40-hour workweek. Serving 6x more clients, 12x revenue in
revenue. Marathon finisher.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: Conor Gallagher, CEO of (12x revenue in 12 weeks)

Conor Sunderland (Founder, KensingtonMediaHouse):

• Before: Doing easy stuff that didn’t matter. Never “got in the zone”. Starting to doubt his
ability to lead KMH.
• After: 10h/less time at work. Doubts are gone. Productivity tripled. 220% revenue
increase within 3 months.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: Conor Sunderland, CRO of (2.2x Revenue in 12 weeks)

Yannick Halm (Founder, Nexgeon):

• Before: Business was at a standstill. Poor daily performance. Battling with limiting beliefs.
• After: 4X Revenue. Pushed through limiting beliefs. Ran his first marathon to prove it.
Productivity tripled.
• Timeframe: 11 weeks
• Case Study: Yannick Halm, Director of Performance at (4x revenue in 11 weeks)

Dakota Robertson (Founder, GrowthGhost)

• Before: Successful but overwhelmed. Wasting time on unimportant matters.
• After: Workweek reduced from 80 to 50ish weeks. Achieved the biggest launch of his
career ($500k).
• Timeframe: 24 months
• Case Study: Dakota Robertson, Founder (7-figure Case Study)

Saher Shodhan (Founder, $3k -> 30k/month

• Before: Business was not growing. Overwhelmed, “in a permanent fight or flight mode.”
• After: Revenue 10Xed, while working 20h less weekly. Calm and in control.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: Saher Shodhan, CEO of (10x revenue in 12 weeks)

Max Alexander (Founder, SkyroDigital)
• Before: Stuck at $10k/month. Working almost 24/7. Unable to hire people. In a loop
of underperformance.
• After: 2,4x revenue increase. Hired 2 people. Working 40h/week. Living abroad.
Immune to distractions.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: Max Alexander, CEO (2.4x Revenue in 12 Weeks)

Hanson Cheng (Founder, Contentsprout)

• Before: Dealing with self-doubt. Having trouble sleeping. Juggle too many businesses
all at once.
• After: Improved sleep quality. Enhanced mental clarity and focus. $30k to $80k per month
revenue growth.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: 3,5X REVENUE IN 12 WEEKS - Hanson Cheng, Founder
& LInkJuice.Agency (CASE STUDY)

Caolan Kennedy (Founder, OptimaDigital)

• Before: Business at $8k/month. Dealing with self-sabotage. Performance was lacking.
• After: 4x revenue. Received a nationwide award. Feeling “like a different person”.
• Timeframe: 16 weeks
• Case Study: 4X Revenue in 4 Months + AWARD - Caolan Kennedy, Founder

Matthew Attalah (Founder, StepLabs)

• Before: Burned-out. Low six-figure income. Unmotivated and unsure how to pivot to CRO.
• After: Productivity 10X. Doubled monthly revenue to $50k. Achieved successful pivot
to CRO.
• Timeframe: 4 months
• Case Study: Matthew Attalah, Founder of StepLabs (2x Revenue in 4 months)

Kyle Craven (Founder, KyleCravenDesign)

• Before: Overwhelmed & burned out as a solopreneur. Stuck in an endless loop of
overthinking every move.
• After: Revenue tripled within 3 months. One new worker was hired. The workweek was
reduced from 80 hours to 45 hours.
• Timeframe: 3 months
• Proof: Kyle Craven, Founder KyleCravenDesign (3X Revenue in 3 Months)

Nick Andreassi (Founder, BigHornGolf)
• Before: Juggling too many tasks within 3 business. Burned out easily. Performing way
below potential.
• After: 3X revenue on main business. “Accomplishing in 6 hours what used to take
2 or 3 days”.
• Timeframe: 4 months
• Case Study: Nick Andreassi, Founder BigHornGolfer (3X Revenue in 4 months)

Mike Reese (Founder, Attachments King)

• Before: Revenue at $25k/month. Unsure about how to grow. Battling with
limiting beliefs.
• After: Revenue at $100k/month. Hired 2 people. Operating with 100% clarity,
focus & discipline.
• Timeframe: 4 months
• Case Study: Mike Reese, Founder (4X Revenue in 3 Months)

Adam Abdur-Rahman (Founder, Revgrowth)

• Before: Lack of clarity, his attention was “fragmented and all over the place”.
• After: Solved his “attention fragmentation problem.” New biz revenue at $22k/month.
• Timeframe: 12 weeks
• Case Study: 0 to $22k/month in 12 Weeks - Adam Abdur Rahman, COO

And dozens more across several verticals, industries and business levels. From the 6-figures level up
to CEOs with 9-figure exits. We’ve also worked with crypto protocols, alternative investment funds
(VC, Crypto, PE), the top 100 professionals in Spain, and top executives from consulting (McKinsey,
BCG, Bain), Big Tech (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google), and Unicorns like Glovo (ES), QuintoAndar
(BR) and many more.

If peak performance were an equation here is what it would look like:

Performance = (potential – interference)

“Potential” includes your capabilities—actualized or latent.

“Interference” represents the ways that you undermine the expression of your potential.

The lower the interferences with your potential, the higher your performance naturally becomes.

Doing that involves developing 4 types of skills:

Protocols Fosters strategic thinking,
effective execution,
and flow states.

Builds endurance and promotes
mental and emotional recovery.

Creates the internal climate that
drives courage, self-belief & discipline.

Unlocks a powerful source of motivation,
determination, and endurance.

Stack them together and you’ll remove all the friction keeping you from your potential to become the
most effective person you can be and save yourself invaluable mental stress, time, and energy in the

Now, are you ready? Here are the no B.S tactical frameworks you can implement today:

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” - Friedrich Nietzsche.

The prerequisite to peak performance is clarity on what to work on and why you do it. By being
extremely clear on who you are and why you do what you do, you unearth a deep sense of purpose
and strong core values that make it easier for you to make decisions, sustain intrinsic motivation,
and find fun and fulfillment in your work.

When your spiritual performance is dialed in, your motivation skyrockets. You naturally prioritize
meaningful and important work and gravitate toward the positive habits that will make your ultimate
vision a reality. By extension, you access higher levels of creativity, innovation, and resilience to
keep chipping away at your goal - irrespective of the external circumstances.

Think of it like the wind in a ship’s sails. The stronger the wind, the easier it is for the ship to move
over waves that previously could have been devastating.


If you don’t have a definite and compelling vision for where you want to be in your life and business
over the next three, five, and ten years…you have no chance of performing at your full potential.
Your vision is your motivational fuel - it makes you see purpose in your work and puts everything you
do into high gear. It flips a different switch inside you to approach your work with the intensity and
grit required to access flow. So before you think about writing your next lead magnet, creating that
new offer, or launching new ads (all important things), step back and ask yourself:

• What is my vision for this business and how will it impact my life?
• Exactly how much money do you want to make?
• What sort of impact will this level of revenue allow you to have?
• What will it do for your lifestyle?
• What are the visceral and compelling reasons you must earn it?

Will it:
○ Finally, give you the freedom to pay off your debt and live without constant stress?
○ Allow you to give more money to the charities and causes you support.
○ Help you retire your parents, enjoy a higher quality of living, and do everything
you’ve always talked about but never could afford.

Before you do anything else, think deeply about this question and write down your answer. Don’t
leave any details out. From the number of employees, you want to have to the solutions you wish
to provide to the amount of work you will require to build and maintain your empire…write down
precisely what you want and why. Once you’re done, let me show you how to turn that vision into
reality as quickly as possible.

Aligning with your values is essential for sustainable success and fulfillment as a business owner.
When your actions and decisions are guided by your core values, you create a genuine and
purpose-driven work environment. This alignment strengthens your leadership and inspires your
team to work with greater commitment and passion. By consistently acting by your values, you
build trust, foster a positive company culture, and drive long-term success that resonates with you
and your organization.


Dr. Sara Lazar from Harvard University, who studied at Massachusetts General Hospital, used
neuroimaging technology to examine how meditation can physically change the brain’s structure.
Lazar’s work also found that mindfulness meditation led to changes in brain regions related to
learning and memory processes, emotion regulation, self-referential processing, and perspective-
taking. I do a 15-minute meditation every day (sometimes multiple times). Sit with your eyes closed
and anchor your attention on your breath. When the mind drifts just bring it back. You’ll learn to
accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment and stay grounded in the current moment.
This awareness fosters clarity of thought and streamlines focused action, resulting in much higher
performance levels.


Nurturing a strong mind is like coding robust software that automatically interprets problems and
challenges in a positive light, fosters strong self-belief, and prevents you from being hijacked by
strong, negative emotions.

Peak mental performance is about becoming extremely self-confident, mentally adaptable, and
committed to daily discipline and consistency. When your mental performance is on point, you
always follow through on your commitments. You can cruise past procrastination, demotivation, and
laziness, attacking your big daily goals—no matter how much sleep you get or how “off” you feel.
Mentally strong entrepreneurs have it easier.

While spiritual performance sets the direction, mental performance ensures you stay focused and
undistracted on your journey.


Cognitive load theory, developed by psychologist John Sweller, suggests that our working memory
is limited to holding and processing information simultaneously. Think of cognitive load as the RAM
being used up when you’re learning something new.

Your brain’s got limited bandwidth. Most business owners have so much going on that their mind
is all over the place. It’s like having a bunch of apps open on your phone while trying to focus. Each
fleeting thought or unresolved problem leeches your attention and pulls you away from the present
task. Cut out unnecessary cognitive load that clutters your thinking.

Ways to clear cognitive load:

• Prep your clothes, commute, and food the night before.

• Go through all your texts, respond to everything as needed, ping whoever you need to ping.
• Wrap up any final dangling tasks.
• Erase all possible decisions from your day.
• Close all the open loops.


There will be times when you will feel significant pushback towards work. It’s only natural When that
happens here is what you can do:

• Accept and identify the emotion - you can’t change what you can’t accept.
• Ignore the thought that comes from this emotion
• Embrace the feeling
• Dissect behavior cycle. How can you change your environment to prevent that trigger from
manifesting again?
• Reimagine that dreadful task you are avoiding to make it fun. Add spruce novelty.
• Take deep breaths when you feel you’re getting distracted.
• When needing a short break, stare at a wall until you crave working again.

Visualization, also known as mental imagery or mental rehearsal, is a technique widely used by
athletes across various sports to enhance performance. This technique involves imagining oneself
successfully performing a task before actually doing it. An experiment by Dr. Guang Yue, an exercise
psychologist from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio, showed that people who went through
a mental workout of a hip flexion exercise had strength gains that were almost as significant as
those who physically engaged in the exercise five times a week. It suggests that mental training can
be almost as effective as physical practice, highlighting the significant role of the brain in muscle
control. I do the same to prepare for my day every morning.

By visualizing exactly what you want to accomplish before you start your work day you’ll attack each
task as effectively as possible.

You can tackle challenges with confidence and resilience by embodying a character with the traits
you admire. This mental shift helps you set boundaries, manage emotions, and focus on your goals.
If you’re a sports fan, think Kobe Bryant and The Black Mamba. An alter ego isn’t about hiding your
true self; it’s more so about amplifying your strengths to overcome limitations and achieve peak
performance. It’s a way to block out all the noise and compartmentalize your thoughts and emotions
into something productive.


Procrastination can derail your productivity and hinder your success. Here’s a concise protocol to
help you stop procrastinating and get things done efficiently:

• Assess how long it will take to complete the task or project.

• Identify the tasks or projects you will tackle once this one is finished.
• Devise a plan to finish your work in less time than you initially estimated, and set a hard
deadline to start the next project.
• Focus on executing your plan and finishing the task within the set timeframe.

By following this protocol, you can overcome procrastination, stay on track, and maintain a steady
flow of productivity.



Introducing intermittent rewards into your daily routine is an excellent method to maintain high
motivation and focus levels. By setting up small, achievable milestones throughout your workday,
you can reward yourself each time you reach one. This could be as simple as taking a five-
minute break to stretch after completing a task, enjoying a cup of coffee, or taking a brief walk
after a productive meeting. The key is to choose enjoyable rewards that provide a real sense of
accomplishment. This strategy leverages the psychological principle of positive reinforcement,
which increases the likelihood of a behavior by associating it with a positive outcome, thereby
boosting your overall productivity and satisfaction.


To make new habits stick, it’s crucial to track your progress. Whether it’s working out 5 times a
week, meditating daily, or reading, keeping score helps you stay accountable. By logging your
activities each day, you signal to your brain that these habits are important, significantly increasing
the chances you’ll maintain them. Consistent tracking transforms intentions into sustained actions,
ensuring you achieve your goals and develop lasting habits.

Your internal monologue is a filter through which you see the world. You influence what happens to
you by the way you think about it. Like having a great coach by your side, improving your internal
monologue starts with awareness. Pay attention to the thoughts and advice you give yourself every
day. Are they uplifting and motivating, or do they tend to be negative and self-critical?

Here’s the protocol to take control of your inner voice and turn negative thought patterns into
positive ones:

• Understand Your Inner Voice.

• Spend 5 minutes each day journaling about your inner thoughts.
• Reflect on recurring themes and emotions in your inner monologue.
• Identify three common negative phrases you tell yourself.
• Challenge each negative thought with evidence to the contrary.
• Replace negative statements with positive affirmations.

Transforming your internal dialogue into a source of strength can enhance your confidence,
motivation, and overall performance.


Instead of seeing hardships and setbacks as negatives, cognitive reframing allows you to flip them
on their head and view them as essential parts of your hero’s journey. By challenging negative
thoughts and focusing on growth, you can see each obstacle as a sign that you’re progressing
toward a more significant victory. Discomfort is just a catalyst for resilience. You’ll be grateful for the
lessons learned and continually blaze ahead with conviction that you will win. This perspective shift
transforms adversities into fuel for your ultimate success, proving that every setback sets you up for
an even greater comeback. You will become “antifragile”.


As an entrepreneur, you are an elite mental athlete. You play the only sport that is played 365 days
a year, 24 hours a day. And if you’re not properly energized to handle the demands of the hyper-
dynamic environment, your business will suffer. Just think about how you feel when you sleep 8
hours versus 4 hours - how much happier and more effective are you?

I’d bet the difference is night and day. When you’re high in energy you can work harder, make
better decisions, and be more successful than you would otherwise. Pro athletes like LeBron James
invest millions of dollars annually in recovery because they understand that performing at a higher
level isn’t just about putting in more hours in the gym and taxing their bodies more heavily. It’s
about ensuring their recovery is so effective that the quality of the hours they put in is better than
everyone else’s.

You’re the same way, but you don’t have to spend millions to do it. You just need a set of simple
routines to improve your rest and recovery.


Allostatic load is the wear-and-tear that your body and brain accumulate throughout the day.
Over time, this can cause excessive stress and affect mental health, contributing to conditions like
depression and anxiety. There are a few things you can do to clear your allostatic load:

• Walk in Nature - spending time outdoors refreshes the mind and body
• Weight Lift 3x a week (30-50 minutes per day is enough)
• Sauna Massages to alleviate muscle tension and stress
• Cold Showers/Plunges to invigorate your body and reduce inflammation

These practices help reduce stress, promote recovery, and improve your overall well-being. You
don’t have to do them all - just pick two or three and do them regularly.


Box breathing is an effective technique for managing stress and improving concentration. It’s often
used by athletes, military personnel, and others who require steady nerves and sharp focus because
it’s a great tool for regulating stress, especially under pressure.

How to Practice Box Breathing:

• Find a Comfortable Position: Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the
floor. Try to relax your body.
• Exhale Completely: Start by gently exhaling all the air from your lungs through your mouth.
• Inhale: Close your mouth and inhale silently through your nose to the slow count of four.
• Hold Your Breath: Hold your breath for another slow count of four.
• Exhale: Again, exhale completely through your mouth, quietly, to the count of four
• Hold Your Breath: Hold your breath for the same slow count of four before you inhale again.
• Repeat: Repeat this process for four full cycles, or continue for a few minutes as necessary.

After extensive research, there are 7 things that most impact our sleep quality:

• Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This consistency helps regulate your
body’s internal clock, leading to better sleep quality and easier wake-ups.
• Keep your sleeping environment cool, ideally between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Use blackout curtains or a sleep mask to block out light, aiding in melatonin production.
• Minimize noise with earplugs or white noise machines to maintain a quiet sleeping
• Develop a calming bedtime routine to help transition into sleep. This might include reading,
light stretching, or meditation to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.
• Avoid large meals close to bedtime. Try to finish eating at least 3-4 hours before you sleep.
No caffeine after noon.
• Get exposure to natural light in the morning to help set your circadian rhythm.
• Reduce your exposure to blue light from screens by wearing blue light-blocking glasses
or avoiding screens for a couple of hours before bed. An app I use to reduce blue light
exposure on all my devices is f.lux. It turns my screens orange to protect me from harmful
blue light.


NASA research on sleepy military pilots and astronauts found that a 40-minute nap improved
performance by 34% and alertness by 100%.

I take a 22-minute power nap around 1 p.m. It’s just enough to reset your circadian rhythm, which
restores energy levels. Remember: Anything longer than 22 minutes may cause grogginess and
sleep inertia.


Just as a well-maintained machine performs optimally, your body, when properly fueled, can perform
at peak levels throughout long, demanding days. The optimal diet I’ve found based on my research
and experimentation is:

• Whole foods: fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. They provide essential
nutrients and clean energy, avoiding the spikes and crashes associated with high-carb and
high-fat foods.
• For Hydration: Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, more if you consume
caffeine or do intense physical activity.

• Limit Caffeine and Sugar: While caffeine can enhance alertness, moderation is key as it
can also lead to dehydration and later energy crashes. Similarly, minimize the intake of
sugary drinks which can lead to quick spikes and abrupt falls in energy. Cutting down
caffeine and sugar almost completely from my diet has made a huge difference in my
energy, well-being, and productivity.


There’s a lot of hype around supplements for boosting energy, focus, and productivity - the truth is
most of them don’t work. After experimenting with a few myself here are the ones that have worked
best for me:

L-Theanine for Focus:

• L-Theanine, an amino acid found primarily in green and black tea, is known for enhancing
focus and reducing stress without causing drowsiness. It works synergistically with
caffeine to improve brain function, and improving focus. I usually take 100-200 mg in the
morning or early afternoon paired with a cup of coffee - I like it because of the mental
clarity it gives me, and especially because it helps reduce the energy crash you feel later
in the day.

Probiotics for Gut Health:

• Due to the gut-brain axis, a healthy gut microbiome is essential for digestion, immune
function, and even mental health. Probiotics help balance gut flora, contributing to improved
digestion and overall health. Look for supplements that contain a variety of bacterial strains
and have a high colony-forming unit (CFU) count to ensure viability.

• Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) help maintain fluid balance and
are essential for nerve function and muscle contraction (which directly impact the brain).
If you like running and working out hard like me - electrolytes help me hydrate and recover
faster after an intense session. Consider using an electrolyte mix in your water if you feel
brain fog and fatigue.

Like everyone, I used to experience energy peaks and crashes but since implementing
these into my daily routine I feel a more clean and consistent energy throughout the
whole day.

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become a powerful tool to enhance mental clarity. While most people
fast in the morning, fasting during the evening and early part of the night can align better with the
body’s circadian rhythms, and improve sleep quality. Start by setting a fasting window 3 to 4 hours
before bedtime. For example, if you sleep at 10 PM, finish your last meal by 6 PM. If you’re new to
intermittent fasting, begin with a shorter fasting period and gradually extend it as your body adjusts.

Since I started doing this, not only do I get the mental clarity benefits of fasting during the day but I
also improve the quality of my sleep.


To sustain peak performance, it’s crucial to recover between work blocks. After every 90 to 120
minutes of deep focused work take a 5 to 15 minute walk, ideally stepping outside. During lunchtime,
extend this break to a 30 to 45-minute walk. Optionally, incorporate quick stretches and box
breathing to enhance recovery further. These short breaks help reset your mind and body, keeping
you energized and focused throughout the day. This is a huge help especially when you have longer,
busier days.


Executive Performance is the art and science of strategically organizing your day to get things done
as quickly and effectively as possible. The secret behind elite executives’ and operators’ ability to
work less yet achieve exponentially more lies in their laser focus on the tasks or projects that yield
outsized returns.

By identifying the 2-3 key tasks that are significantly more profitable than all others, they unlock
extraordinary results within a short timeframe. If you can get those tasks done right, you can drive
insane results in a small amount of time.


Ringfencing is the ultimate daily planning system to maximize output. It blends the latest flow
science research to attune our work blocks to natural energy cycles while stacking 3 powerful flow
triggers. Your body’s energy fluctuates in 90-minute natural peaks and troughs. These waves are
your circadian rhythm at night and continue through the day. That’s why we feel it’s harder to focus
after 90 minutes of intense work. People try to push through, but it’s a huge mistake. When you try
to fight against these natural ‘energy waves, ’ you spike your cortisol hormones, making you feel
anxious, stressed, and sluggish, dramatically lowering the quality of your work. So It’s much easier to
surf the wave to shore than to fight against the tide. Ringfencing does exactly that.

Here’s what you need to do:

• Divide your day into five to six 90-120 minute work blocks
• Set a clear goal you MUST accomplish for each 90-minute session.
• Prioritize the hardest and most important tasks when you feel most energetic
• Work against a timer.
• Recover fully between work blocks for 15-30 minutes. Avoid screens. (I’ll show you a few
things you can do instead in the next few frameoworks)

Take a few moments to do this now - and put each block on your calendar. Here’s an example of a
typical week of mine:

I promise it will transform your productivity.


A clean and minimalistic setup minimizes your cognitive load, which enhances focus and decreases
stress. I keep my workspace tidy and get rid of all the unnecessary clutter. Things like drawer
organizers, cable management systems, and document holders keep my space orderly, functional,
and visually appealing. It seems like something small, but it’s important.

Use a Standing Desk:
Studies have shown that a standing desk can reduce back pain, boost energy, and increase
alertness. Alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day can help maintain high
energy levels and enhance cognitive function, leading to more productive work sessions.

You can significantly enhance your work environment by refining your workspace to be clean and
minimalistic and incorporating a standing desk. This approach improves physical health and sets a
solid foundation for sustained mental focus and peak performance.


An optimal temperature for office work is generally around 22°C (71.6°F), though preferences can
vary. Good ventilation is also crucial, as poor air quality can increase fatigue and affect cognitive
function. Natural light is ideal, but when that’s not possible, having ample artificial light that doesn’t
produce glare on screens is important. Gentle scents like lemon, lavender, and incense increase
productivity. By carefully adjusting the temperature, lighting, and scent in your office, you can
create an environment that enhances productivity and promotes a healthier, more enjoyable
work experience.


Your phone is by far the #1 blocker of flow and focus. Not only is it distracting - the social media
apps are engineered to spike your dopamine which makes focusing after using exponentially harder.
I don’t have any social media apps on my phone for this reason and I keep my screen time under one
hour a day. Here’s what I do:

Schedule times: I only use WhatsApp or Telegram after returning from the gym (around 2 p.m.) and
at the end of my workday (8-9 p.m.). For the rest of the day, my phone is off, out of sight, and out
of reach.

Passive meditation: Train yourself for peak cognitive performance by doing stuff alone. When you go
to the gym, walk in nature, or run errands don’t bring your phone.

You’ll get more and higher quality-focused work time because you’ll protect your cognitive resources
from the constant drain caused by your phone. This has made me happier overall and is one of the
biggest factors in protecting my daily focus.

One of the most challenging things for business owners is effectively managing communication with
their team while still getting money-making work done. Here’s a way I’ve found you can do this:

Time Blocks: Set specific times to check and respond to emails, usually twice daily.
Delegate: Consider hiring an assistant to filter and handle essential emails.
Process for reviewing emails:
• Handle it immediately if it requires immediate attention and can be addressed in under
two minutes.
• Otherwise, defer it until later or delete/unsubscribe if irrelevant.


It’s ideal to keep your decision-making for low-leverage everyday tasks as easy and seamless
as possible.

• Prep meals for the day

• Handle chores and errands beforehand
• Notify loved ones you’ll be offline
• Hire a cleaner or maid
• Schedule errands on specific days (ideally weekends)

You’ll protect valuable time and attention to make your daily routine seamless.


Writing down and regularly updating long-term ongoing projects is critical for maintaining clarity
and sustaining momentum over time. Start by creating a dedicated document or digital board (using
tools like Asana, Clickup, or Airtable) where you can outline each project’s objectives, milestones,
timelines, and any updates or changes. Make it a habit to review and update this document at
least once a week. This process helps you keep track of all moving parts and progress and serves
as a motivational tool by visually demonstrating how far you’ve come and what’s left to achieve.
Additionally, this recorded history becomes a valuable resource for learning and refining strategies
for future projects.

Keeping a detailed log of short-term projects ensures you remain action-oriented and facilitates
efficient progress tracking. Use Google Sheets or a specialized app like Notion to list each project’s
goals, deadlines, and pertinent details. Update this list daily to reflect task completion, adjustments,
and newly emerging projects. This habit keeps your objectives clear and organized and provides a
psychological boost each time you mark a task as completed. By visually managing your short-term
projects, you optimize your daily productivity and ensure nothing gets overlooked in day-to-day

When confronted with unexpected ideas and tasks, it’s essential to quickly and effectively sort them
to maintain focus and productivity. Implement the Radar & Parking Lot system to manage these

Relevance: Assess whether the idea or task aligns with your long-term vision.

Impact: Consider if it affects your current priorities and focus areas.

Resources: Determine if you have the necessary resources to take action now.

Parking Lot: If an idea or task is urgent but not immediately actionable, place it in the “Parking Lot”
to address as soon as possible.

Radar: For non-urgent tasks that might be useful later, add them to your “Radar.” This is a
designated space (such as a specific section in your project management tool or a dedicated
notebook) where these ideas can be revisited when appropriate without cluttering your current

You’ll capture all incoming tasks and ideas without diverting your attention from your most important
ongoing projects.


Gamification, the application of game-design elements and principles in non-game contexts, can be
a powerful tool. Kind of like developing a video game character with different attributes and skills.
It’s a way of measuring improvements and getting immediate feedback loops so that progress turns
into a competitive game you play with yourself. The performance dashboard is the easiest way to
do this. It’s a way of getting real-time quantitative and qualitative data-driven feedback so you can
make improvements faster on all fronts. I started doing this back in 2017 and I’ve religiously tracked
my performance since. I log the data collected in life, health, and work to see how each interacts
with the other. Get your performance dashboard template here.

Cal Newport defines deep work as “professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free
concentration that push your cognitive capacities to their limit. These efforts create new value,
improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.”8 Conversely, shallow work is defined as “noncognitively
demanding, logistical-style tasks, often performed while distracted. These efforts tend not to create
much new value in the world and are easy to replicate.

RIZE is a desktop application that automatically tracks and categorizes your time (based on
browser and application use). I use it to track my Deep-Work-to-Shallow-Work Ratio to get real-time
feedback on where my time is being spent, and how effective I am.


A daily End-of-Day (EOD) performance report is a crucial reflective tool for evaluating your
daily activities and outcomes systematically. It helps you see what’s going well and what needs
improvement, effectively “closing the loop” and signaling the end of your workday to your brain while
building momentum for the next. It also provides psychological closure, helping transition from work
mode to personal time, which is essential for work-life balance.

Setting Up Your EOD Report:

Use Jotform or Google Forms for consistency and ease of use. This can be filled out quickly at the
end of every workday.

Key Questions to Include:

• How many ringfenced sessions did you accomplish today? (90 minutes of full focus)
• List the highest leverage work you got done
• List the lower leverage work you got done
• Rate your overall efficiency from 0-5
• Rate your overall energy, mood, and emotional state from 0-5
• Rate your overall performance from 0-5
• Share 1 WIN you had today. What went great?
• Share 1 LEARNING you had today. How can you improve tomorrow?

Analyze and Adapt:

Weekly or monthly, review your answers to identify any patterns or recurring issues. This analysis
can guide you in making informed adjustments to your routines and strategies. Use insights from
the report to make specific changes aimed at improving your efficiency, satisfaction, and overall

By integrating the daily EOD performance report into your routine, you create a powerful habit that
not only enhances your self-awareness and productivity but also ensures that you are continually
moving toward your personal and professional goals. This reflective practice is a cornerstone of
effective self-management and peak performance.

Forcing functions are mechanisms that require you to engage with a task before proceeding to
other activities, effectively ensuring task completion. A few common forcing functions are setting a
deadline that, for example, aligns with a scheduled meeting where you must present your results.
Another method is to make commitments in front of others, which increases your accountability. For
instance, promise a client to deliver a project update by the end of the week, or make a bet with a
friend which compels you to prioritize and execute the necessary work. By integrating these forcing
functions into your daily or weekly routines, you create unavoidable checkpoints that drive you to
complete tasks, thus maintaining a consistent flow of productivity and preventing procrastination.


Setting up external accountability systems can significantly boost your commitment and follow-
through on tasks. Talk to a colleague, mentor, or coach as your accountability partner, and regularly
update them on your progress with specific projects. For an automated approach, use project
management tools like Asana or Trello, where you can share your task list with collaborators who
can monitor your progress and provide feedback. Another effective method is to announce your
goals on professional networks or social media, adding a public commitment that motivates you to
meet your declared objectives. External accountability not only helps keep your tasks on track but
also reinforces your dedication to achieving peak performance by leveraging the power of social
expectations and support.

Thanks for reading - those are the 34 peak performance frameworks to compress one week
into one day.

If you want to see what applying them can do for your business check out the case study below:

CASE STUDY: $0-$100K IN 7 MONTHS - Carlos Charre


Point A (Stuck at his 9-5, 3k/month salary)

• When we began working together, Carlos was an ambitious marketer making $3k/month
as an employee who dreamt of starting his own business but was too afraid to do so.

○ Here’s what his situation was, in his own words:
• “I had invested over $40k in the past 4 years trying to launch a business but
would never FINISH what I STARTED — therefore never got an ROI on
my investments — frustrated the HECK OUT OF ME because it was an
EXECUTION problem… I would fail just to DO THE WORK…”
• “Didn’t feel proud of what I PUT OUT daily.”
• “Wouldn’t even get ONE deep work session per day... “
• “I wasn’t clear on what I wanted to pursue (I was working a 9-5 job I didn’t feel
aligned with).”
• “Would hit the snooze button consistently.”
• “Didn’t have a morning/evening ritual in place.”
• “Didn’t follow a high-performance nutrition protocol for optimal FOCUS.
• “I would lean into VICES such as masturbation, overeating, and drifting on
social media/dating apps every time I got frustrated (wasting time, energy,
and productivity).”
• “Not seeing the progress I KNOW I could be making if I was clear on my
GOALS, BLUEPRINT, WORK I needed to execute on, and consistently working
the roadmap to achieve the goals I set for myself.”

Point B (3 months later, new business at $10k/month revenue)

• After three months of working together, Carlos has progressed more than in the
previous 3 years.

○ He’d unlocked his full potential, built a new business, and transformed how he’d
show up daily. He’d be a different person. In his own words:
• “Launched my business after 8 months of procrastination.”
• “Quit my 9-5 after 3 years.”
• “Tripled my monthly income and on path to 10X within next 30-60 days (From
$3k to $10k —> $30k/mo).”
• “Living in ALIGNMENT with my VISION, love what I do, who I serve.”
• “Focused on optimizing my sleep (bought Oura Ring).”
• “I am consistently waking up and going to bed at the same time (have AM and
PM rituals dialed).”
• “I execute 2-3 deep work sessions per day vs. nonexistent before.”
• “I am eating like a high performer to maximize daily performance.”
• “I only check social media at an allocated time during the day (saves me 1-2
hours per day, 7-14 hours per week).”
• “I’m much more aware of how I allocate my time.”

Point C (7 months later, new business at $100k/month revenue)

• After 7 months in our program, Carlos had exited the rat race and built a 7-figure business.
• He’d paid back his $40k debt, built a small team, and helped 80+ clients build dream
physiques with his business. In his own words:
• Business hit $100k/mo.
• Having to restructure the offer + delivery because of too many clients.
• He hits his daily KPIs every single day.
• Looking forward to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

THE PROCESS (How We Specifically Helped Carlos)
Personalized Audit & Analysis
• As we do with all of our clients, we start by peeling back the onion and get to the root cause of
these problems. We usually do this through:

○ Time-tracking (how you spend your time)

○ Psychological testing (what your personality, character, strengths, etc are)
○ Cognitive evaluation (how well you can focus, memorize, and learn)
○ Behavioral tendencies analysis (how well can you control your behavior)
○ Business audit (how your business is performing)

• In the case of Carlos, we also specifically audited:

○ His vision for the future
○ His habits & routines that were keeping him stuck & exhausted
○ His belief system
○ His blindspots and self-perceived obstacles
○ Everything and anything needed to understand why things were not working
out as they should

• We were also keen to understand:

○ Why the $40k spent on courses and masterminds had yielded zero ROI.
○ Where did that general sense of overwhelm come from?
○ Why that self-doubt and fear of failure?
○ Why was he constantly exhausted at the end of the day?
○ Why he’d hit snooze every day without fail?
○ Why so much time wasted in distractions?

• On the personal side, we found out that:

○ He’d get mentally overwhelmed by the work needed to get a business.
○ He knew what needed to be done (build an offer, reach out to people, sell it, fulfill),
but he would self-sabotage every time he started.
○ He wanted to build a business but he didn’t expect it to work.
○ He couldn’t focus for more than 15 mins without getting distracted.
○ He was wasting 3+ hours/day procrastinating and engaging in nasty habits.
○ He unconsciously feared failure more than he consciously wanted success.
○ His rest & recovery protocols were non-existent, so he was exhausted daily after
working his 9-5.

• On the business side, we found that:

○ His sales & marketing skills were top-notch.
○ He lacked a product to sell.
○ Also, he lacked an audience to sell to.

• Once we understood what wasn’t working, we went into solution mode.

Guided Personal Transformation With Proven Systems
• The next step was upgrading his performance, starting with his weakest links, to guarantee
a strong, foundational, personal transformation that changed the game for him.’
• First, we trained his mind:
• He had been dealing with terrible self-doubt for years, so he’d never launched that
business. He knew he was good at sales and marketing, but imposter syndrome
would get the best of him when he tried to start.
• We trained his mind through mental reprogramming protocols (based on
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy used by NAVY Seals) that involve self-hypnosis,
visualization, and affirmations. We created a specific protocol for him that
eliminated self-doubt for good within a few weeks.
• The result: he started working on taking his business off the ground.

• Then, we reworked his health habits:

• He had no energy to work on his business after 9-5. He’d try to focus but couldn’t
because his health protocols were all over the place.
• We specifically reworked his sleep hygiene (using protocols from the NASA
& Navy Seals for maximum impact), exercise routine, and nutrition. We even
taught him how to meditate properly (to reduce stress and anxiety).
• We also created AM & PM protocols to ensure he was consistent with his
new habits.
• We gave him a dashboard to track his data with Oura (a fitness tracker), and
started correlating his sleep quality with his overall output.
• The result: more energy, better focus, more stamina during the day.

• Next, we created a strategy for him to reach $10k/month with his new business on just
4h/of work per day (considering that he also needed to learn new skills).
• We first looked at how much he had available to build the product, reach out to
potential clients through Instagram, work the sales calls, etc. We analyzed how he
could do all this under 4 hours/day.
• We created a holistic plan that encompassed business, development, and
health goals that looked like this:
• Business goals:
- Get to $10k/month within 12 weeks so he could quit his job.
- Design an offer he could sell, or find someone else with a strong
offer he could sell (this is what he ended up doing).
• Development goals:
- Learn two specific high-leverage skills he needed to build
his business: cold outreach + high-ticket sales. We input this
development time into his routine.
• Health goals
- Start meditating 5x/week to lessen his anxiety.
- Achieve deep, restorative sleep 7x/week.
- Exercise at least 3x/week.

• Then, we trained his executive performance (ability to get things done).
• Carlos was easily distracted. He procrastinated hard half the days, which resulted
in a lot of wasted effort. He was already busy with a 9-5 that looked like a 9-7 at
times, so setting the right structure was crucial.
• We did a total revamp of his work routines to shorten the gap between action
and reaction.
• We also created a specific “mental priming protocol” to eliminate
• We helped him stack flow triggers to guarantee he’d access flow states at
least 2x-3x weekly.
• We optimized his environment to reduce potential distractions to a minimum.
• The result: was up to 4 hours of deep work ON TOP of his 9-5, which
he used to build his business and learn the skills to take himself to the
next level.

Weekly Accountability

• Finally, we kept him accountable to his $10k/month goal without excuses. We:
• Gave him a tool, the Selfmastered Dashboard, that helped him track his progress
and gamify his business-building journey.
• Checked in with him every week.
• Troubleshoot his performance every week.
• Connected him with other elite players in our Mastermind who could help him
market/sell/fulfill better.

• Within 2 weeks of signing up, Carlos had completed the 360º Audit (this can be done
in 1 week).

• Just 4 weeks later, he’d already:

• Partnered up with a fitness trainer.
• Built an offer he could sell.
• Learned how to do cold outreach & how to sell this new offer
• Had revenue coming in from his biz FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 4 YEARS.

• Within 6 weeks at Selfmastered, he had made more progress than in the previous
200 weeks (his own words).

• 2 weeks later, he quit his job.

• 4 weeks later, he had sold about $100k worth of programs, and his cut was 30%.
So, about $33k income in 3 months. He only had $10k of debt when we recorded the
case study.

• 16 weeks later, in December 2022, his business had crossed $100k/month for
the first time.

What seemed hard or downright impossible was simple, fun, and even somewhat easy once he
followed the right peak performance protocol.


• In his own words:

○ “Immediate ROI of 3X. Medium-term ROI of 10X... but the ROI is for a lifetime.
These are evergreen principles and ways of operating. Thank you.”


Congratulations on taking the first steps toward mastering your own peak performance by engaging
with this handbook. Remember, compressing a week’s work into a single day is not just about
working harder—it’s about working smarter, with intentional focus and strategic recovery.

The strategies and frameworks you’ve learned are based on years of rigorous experimentation
and research, tailored to help you unlock the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness. But
knowledge alone isn’t enough—it’s the application that transforms potential into results.

I encourage you to treat this handbook as a read and a manual for action. Start small, apply one
strategy at a time, and build on your successes. Track your progress using the performance
dashboard, refine your approaches based on your EOD reports, and always be willing to adjust your
methods as you learn what works best for you.

As you embark on this path, remember that every day is an opportunity to optimize a little more,
push a little further, and achieve the seemingly impossible. I am excited to see where this journey
takes you, and I hope these tools will redefine your productivity and enhance the quality of your life
and work.


If you feel stuck in life or business and want a proven framework to become the most effective
entrepreneur you can be, Selfmastered is for you.

Here’s what will happen if we decide to work together:

Within 1 week, you’ll have more clarity about your blindspots and business bottlenecks.

Within 3 months, you’ll have achieved 10 years of personal growth across mind, body & spirit. We’ll
specifically help you:

• Unlock an elite version of yourself waiting, dormant, to be unearthed.

• Find & remove your limiting beliefs regarding this new identity.
• Find purpose & define your life’s core values.
• Create a compelling vision and architect a 12-week Roadmap that uses excellent
prioritization, planning, and execution strategies to deliver a seemingly impossible goal.
• Leverage a proven tool, the Selfmastered Dashboard, to track your performance over time
(so you can get 4% better every day and unleash Flow daily).

We help you TRANSFORM - and WIN.

The only catch is that due to the fully customized nature of our work and the intimate one-on-one
support, we can only work with a certain number of clients per month.

And we only work with business owners generating at least $3,000+ per month.

If that’s you, I invite you to book a call to learn how we can get you on the fast track to creating the
freedom and revenue you know you’re capable of today.

Let’s go, shall we?

Book your call here:

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