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By: M. Kumar Sir
revoluation in the field of rural economics.
M 1. Bring under - bring something under control
1. Account for- explain the cause of something ¼fu;a=.k esa djuk½& The police can bring the
¼fdlh pht dk dkj.k crkuk ½ - His poor health I
crime under control.
accounts for his irregularity. 2. Bring round - cause somebody to regain
2 Account for- give a satisfactory record of consciousness ¼gks'k&gok'k esa ykuk@paxk dj
how the money in one's care has been spent, S nsuk½& The injection soon brought the patient
¼[kpZ dk C;kSjk nsuk½- We have to account for round.
every farthing we spend on business trip. S 3 Bring in - earn ¼dekuk½& My business does not
3, Account for - give the explanation of bring in good income.
something,¼Li"Vhdj.k nsuk½- How do you account I 4 Blow out - extinguish by blowing ¼ Qw¡ddj cq>kuk½&
for the show's success? Some body opened the door and the candle
2. Ask for (something)- demand ¼dh ek¡x djuk@ds fy, blew out.
vuqjks/k djuk ½& The union of workers asks for more O 5.Blow up - explode, to be destroyed by an
pay and shorter hours. explosion ¼QwV iM+uk] mM+kdj cokZn dj nsuk½&
3. Ask for(some body) say that one wants to see or N Suddenly the bomb blew up./ A
speak to some body¼feyus ;k ckr djus ds fy, laokn police officer was killed when his car blew up.
nsuk½& Go to my village and ask for my brother. 1. Boil over - boil and flow over the side of a
4. Act on / upon Drugs act on(=has an container ¼ mQu iM+uk ½& Look Khusi! The
effect) bodies. He acted upon ( carried out) my milk is boiling over now.
instructions. C 2. Break down - fail, stop, cease to function
5. Act for-on be half of ¼i{k esa ½& The lawyer acts for because of a fault ¼ deh ds dkj.k [kjkc gks tkuk] :d
his client. L tkuk] cslWHkky gks tkuk½& The telephone system
1. Ask after &¼fdlh ds ckjs esa iqNrkN djuk½ %& To has broken down.
inquire about A 3. Break in (intransitive), break into(transitive)-
2. Attend on &¼lsok djuk½ %& To serve enter by force ¼cyiwoZd rksM+dj Hkhrj ?kqluk½&
7. Accord to & ¼iznku djuk½ %& To provide Some thieves broke in and stole her costly
8. Add up & ¼LkR; ;k mfpr izrhr gksuk½ %& To make S ornaments. / His house was broken into
sense. last night.
9. Admit of & ¼xqatkbl gksuk½ %& To have the scope S 4. Break out - (of bad or violent events) start
10. Answer for & ftEesokjh ysuk¼fdlh xyr ckr dh½ %& To suddenly ¼ cqjh ;k v'kqHk ?kVuk dk vkjaHk gksuk]
be answerable for E ,dk,d QSyuk½& Cholera has broken out in
1 Back out - withdraw from an agreement or a this area. The fire broke out at midnight./
promise ¼ eqdqj tkuk ½& We out not back out of the The first word war broke out in 1914.
agreement. S 5. Break up - end, disperse ¼lekIr gksuk] fc[kj tkuk½&
2 Back up - Support ¼dk leFkZu djuk½& He backed me The meeting broke up at 4 p.m.
up. 1. Break with - end a relationship with same body/
3. Bear out - Support some body/confirm something some habit ¼ fdlh O;fä@vknr ls lEcU/k
¼lR;kfir djuk] lkfcr djuk½& The other witness will E foPNsn djuk½& She broke with her boy-
bear me out. / They will bear me out in the court. friend. You must break wtih smok-
4. Bear with - tolerate patiently ¼/kS;Z iwoZd lguk] cnkZLr ing.
djuk½& I can not bear with such an insult. N 2 Break away - escape abruptly from one's
5. Bear away- win ¼thruk½& She bore away the prize clutches ¼idM+ ls NqVdj Hkkx tkuk ½& Some notorious
in the speech contest. G criminals broke away from the policemen who
1. Bring out-publish &¼izdkf'kr djuk½& She has were holding them.
brought out a book on English grammar. L 3. Call in - send for ¼fdlh dks cqykuk½& Call in a doctor
2. Bring up - care for a child / to rear or educate immediately.
him / her ¼ ikyu&iks"k.k djuk] i<+kuk&fy[kkuk ½& He 4 Call off - cancel, withdraw, order to stop ¼lekIr
was brought up by his aunt. I djuk] okil ysuk½& The function was called
3. Bring forth - produce something ¼ mRiUu djuk½& off because of bad weather. The union
She has brought forth a son. S called off the strike.
4. Bring down - cause to fall ¼fxjkuk] de djuk½& I 5.Call up - re call ¼;kn djuk] VsyhQksu djuk½& My
think the new government will be able to bring H grand father is unable to call up past events
down the prices of commodities. be cause of his old age./ I will call you
5. Bring about - cause something to happen ¼mRiUu up soon.
djuk ½& Dr. Amratya Sen's theory brought about a 1. Call for- require, demand, need ¼ ek¡x djuk] vko';d
gksuk ½& The principal called for an explanation of
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By: M. Kumar Sir
the peon's absence. something ¼O;ogkj djuk] o.kZ.k djuk½& W We should
2. Call on - pay some body a brief visit ¼ FkksM+h nsj ds deal with our elders respectfully.
fy, tkuk ;k :duk ½& He called on me yestarday. 10. Do away with - abolish ¼lekIr djuk½& We must do
M away with bad customs.
3. Call out - summon- ¼cqykuk½& If situation goes
beyond control the army will be called out. 1. Do with out - manage in the absence of some-
4. Call upon- request, appeal ¼ vkxzg@vihy djuk½& I body or something ¼ ds fcuk dke pyuk ½& Now a
The new Chief Minister calls upon people to days we can not do without telephone.
cooperate him. S 2. Die out - perish gradually ¼ /khjs&/khjs feV tkuk ½&
5. Care for - like/ love some body/ something look Many old customs are dying out.
after ¼ilan djuk] pkguk] ns[k&Hkky djuk½& She does not S 3. Draw back - retire, recoil ¼ ihNs gVuk] ls vyx gks
care for her husband. tkuk ½& It is wise to draw back from the issue of
1. Carry out - excute, fulfil, obey ¼iwjk djuk] disarmament?
vkKk@vkns'k dk ikyu djuk ½& I can not carry out I 4. Draw up - make a written plan or agreement
your orders. ¼fyf[kr ;kstuk ;k eLkkSnk rS;kj djuk ½& We should draw
2. Carry on - continue( usually work or duty) ¼tkjh O up a list of successful candidates.
j[kuk ½& A Student must carry on his study despite 5. Drop in - pay a short sudden visit ¼fdlh ds ;gk¡
difficulties. vdLekr igq¡puk ½& Some unwanted guests dropped in
N on me last night.
3. Carry on with - continue ¼tkjh j[kuk½& The doctor
advised me to carry on with the treatment. 6. Droup out - with draw, retire from a scheme or
4. Carry off - win a prize ¼iqjLdkj thruk½& He carried plan ¼fdlh ;kstuk ls vyx gksuk½& She joined an
off many prizes last year. engineering college but after a few months she
5. Catch on - become popular ¼yksdfiz; gksuk½& Fast C dropped out.
food is catching on these days. 7. Eat into - consume something, destroy asif by
1. Catch up with - overtake but not pass ¼ nqljs ds eating ¼iwjh rjg [kk tkuk@u"V dj nsuk½& Rust has
L eaten into this iron rod.
cjkcj gksuk ½& Rajani is working hard to catch up
with other students. 8. Fall off - decrease ¼?kV tkuk] de gks tkuk ½& The
2. Clear up - make tidy and clean ¼ Bhd djuk ½& A number of students has fallen off.
Clear up the bed before you go to sleep. 9. Fall out - quarrel ¼>xM+k djuk½& The two friends
3. Clear away - disperse, pass away, remove S have fallen out.
¼frrj&fcrj djuk ½& When the foggy weather cleared 10.Fall through- fail ¼vlQy gksuk½& The scheme has
away the roads became quite visible. fallen through for want of money.
S 1. Fall back - retreat, withdraw ¼ ihNs gVuk ½& At last,
4. Clear off - go away, complete the payment ¼ Hkkx
tkuk] pqdkuk ½& As soon as the thief saw the police the enemies had to fall back.
he cleared off. E 2. Fall on - attack violently ¼vkdze.k djuk½& A number
5. Come across - meet by chance ¼ la;ksx ls feyuk ½& of extermists fell on the C.R.P.F. camp but they had
While going to market I came across a magician. S to surrender before the jawans.
3. Fill in - add something what is necessary to make
1. Come on - ¼vkuk½ 'Come on' is often said to some something complete ¼iwjk djuk½& I know how to fill
one who is hesitating or delaying. in the application form.
2. Come over - Come from distant place ¼nqj ls vkuk½& E 4. Find out - get information about something/
He came over to the Botanical Garden for a somebody by asking, reading etc. ¼iwNdj] i<+dj]
picnic. [kkstdj irk yxkuk½& Please find out errors in this
3. Count on - rely on ¼Hkjkslk djuk½& I do not count on N passage.
your help. 5. Fix up - arrange ¼r; djuk½& The meeting has been
4. Cry down - depreciate ¼rqPN le>uk] f'kdk;r djuk½& fixed up for Sunday next.
G 6. Get up - rise ¼mBuk] tkxuk½& When do you get up?
We need not cry down one's simplicity and
humility. 7. Get out - be out ¼ckgj fudyuk½& The teacher
5. Cry up- extol ¼iz'ka'kk djuk½& I was cried up by my L ordered the student to get out of the class.
friends. 8. Get through - complete ¼iwjk djuk½& She easily got
6. Cut down - reduce ¼de djuk½& He does not cut I through the examination.
down his expenses though he is in debt. 9. Get on - make progress ¼rjDdh djuk½& I am get-
7. Cut off - (disconnect, remove) ¼dkVdj vyx djuk] S
ting on well with health and studies.
gVkuk½& The shopkeeper cut off five meters of cloth 10. Get in - arrive ¼ig¡qpuk½& The train got in an hour
from the role. late.
H 1. Get back- return, regain possession ¼ykSVuk] iqu%
8. Deal in - sell something, trade in something ¼dk
O;kikj djuk½& He deals in gold. izkIr djuk½& I shall get back tomorrow.
9. Deal with - behave towards some body, explain 2. Get away - have a holiday/ vacation, succeed in
leaving a place ¼Nqêh@vodk'k ikuk] fudyus dk ekSdk
ikuk½& We are hoping to get away for a few days in
MOB. :7549126996


By: M. Kumar Sir
winter. 7. Kept on - continue ¼tkjh j[kuk½& Shivam kept on
3. Get into - become involve in something ¼Q¡l tkuk] playing for hours.
izos'k djuk½& He got into trouble with the police. 8. Keep off - prevent some body/something coming
4. Give up - renounce, leave, stop, surrender ¼R;kx M near, touching etc. ¼fdlh O;fä ;k oLrq ls nqjh j[kuk½&
nsuk] NksM+ nsuk] can djuk] leiZ.k djuk½& We should They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.
give up bad habits. I 9. Keep under - oppress, control ¼nck nsuk] fu;a=.k esa
5. Give away - give something as a gift ¼migkj Lo:i j[kuk½& The poor are kept under by the rich.
nsuk ;ks ck¡Vuk½& He gave away most of his income to S 10. Keep out - prevent somebody/something enter-
charity. ing a place. ¼ckgj j[kuk] vUnj u vkus nsuk½&
6. Give back - return something to its owner Determina tion keeps out hesitation and
¼ykSVkuk½& The court ordered to give the property S
back to the real owner. 1. Keep to - do what you have promised ¼oknk
7. Give in - yield, cease to resist ¼>qduk] nc tkuk] gkj I fuHkkuk½& An Indian woman keeps to her promise.
ekuuk½& The robbers were forced to give in. 2. knowk off - stop doing something ¼can dj nsuk½&
8. Go ahead - proceed, continue ¼dk;Z tkjh j[kuk½& O Do you want to knock off early today?
Have patience and go a head, success wil kiss 3. Knock down - hit somebody and make them fall
your feet. N to the ground ¼fdlh dks /kDdk nsdj fxjk nsuk½&
9. Go away - leave a place, disapper ¼xk;c gksuk½& I She was knocked down by a bus.
am going away for a few hours. 4. Knock out - hit someone so hard that they fall
10.Go back - return, ¼ykSVuk½& I am going back to my unconscious. ¼vpsr dj fxjk nsuk½& He knocked out
village today. his opponent in the wrestling.
1. Go up - rise ¼Åij mBuk] c<+uk½& The price of gold is C 5. Leave off - stop doing something ¼can dj nsuk½&
going up these days. Start reading from where you left off last time.
2. Go down - become less ¼de gks tkuk½& The price of L 6. Leave out - omit, not include or mention ¼NksM+
food grain has gone down. nsuk½& Leave me out this quarrel, please.
3. Go off - explode, go without informing anyone 7. Let down - lower something, disappoint somebody
¼foLQksV gksuk] fcuk fdlh ls dgs pyk tkuk½& When A by not helping him ¼mrkj nsuk]uhps fxjus nsuk] fujk'k
Vinay was cleaning has revolver, it went off by djuk½& We let the bucket down by a rope.
mistake. S 8. Let in - allow, to enter ¼Hkhrj vkus nsuk½& Are you
4. Gone off - ¼pEir gks tkuk½& He has gone off to going to let them in on your plans?
Kolkata with his beloved. S 9. Let off - fire a gun or make a bomb, etc explode,
5. Go out - be extinguished ¼jks'kuh cq> tkuk½& He refrain from punishing severly ¼canqd@ce NksMu+ k] fcuk
burnt a candle as the light went out. dM+h ltk fn, NksM+ nsuk½& The boys were letting off
6. Go on - continue any action ¼tkjh j[kuk½& Don't E fire works.
shout while the class is going on. 10. Let out - allow to leave, release ¼ckgj tkus nsuk½&
7. Go into - investigate thoroughly ¼xaHkhjrk ls tk¡p S She opened the window and let the mouse out.
djuk½& Unless I go into the matter, Ican not say 1. Live on- eat a particular type of food to live ¼fdlh
anything. [kkl Hkkstu ij ftUnk jguk½& Small birds live mainly
8. Go through- examine carefully and thoroughly on insects.
¼lko/kkuh iwoZd foLrkj ls tk¡p djuk½& Has the Head 2. Look after - take care of ¼ns[kHkky djuk½& We ought
Accountant gone through the accounts? E to look after our old parents.
9. Grow up - become adult ¼o;Ld gksuk½& She grew up 3. Look forward to - expect with pleasure ¼mRlqdrk
fast. N ls izrh{kk djuk½& We look forward to meeting you
10. Hold on - stop, wait ¼:duk] iaraz h{kk djuk½& Please very soon.
hold on for a minute, I am just calling him. G 4. Look for - search, hope ¼[kkstuk] mEehn djuk½& I am
1. Hold up - delay or block the movement or looking for my handkerchief.
progress, rob ¼jksduk] ck/kk Mkyuk½& An accident is 5. Look down on - contempt or despise some body /
holding up traffic. L something ¼rqPN le>uk] frjLdkj djuk½& We should
2. Hold over - postpone ¼LFkfxr djuk½& Let us hold not look down on the poor.
over this issue for the next meeting. I 6. Look into - investigate or examine ¼tk¡p iM+rky
3. Hold together - remain united ¼,drkc) jguk½& We djuk½& The Magistrate is looking into this case
can not be defeated as long as we hold together. S very seriously.
4. Hold with - agree with ¼lger gksuk½& I don't hold 7. Look on - regard, consider ¼ekuuk] le>uk½& I look
with the use of force. on a lady as my mother.
5. Hold out - stretch ¼QSykuk½& The beggar was H 8. Look in - pay a short visit ¼de le; ds fy, tkuk½&
holding out his hands for alms. The Prime Minister is looking in this morning to
6. Keep back - restrain, hinder, conceal, prevent take the stock of quake situation in Jammu and
from moving ¼jksduk] vkxs u c<+us nsuk½& Poverty has Kashmir.
kept him back.
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By: M. Kumar Sir
9. Look out - warn somebody to be careful ¼lko/kku piece of equipment ¼iguuk] fctyh ySEi eksecrh
gksus ds fy, pars kouh nsuk½& Look out ! There is a truck bR;kfn dks tykuk½& I like to put on simple dress.
coming. M 3. Pull up - scold ¼Mk¡Vuk½& The wicked boy must be
10. Look out for - think of somebody ¼fdlh dh rkd esa pulled up.
;k [kkst esa jguk½& Do look out for spelling mistakes 4. Put out - stop something from burning or
in your work. I
shining ¼eksecŸkh] ySEi] fctyh bR;kfn dks cq>kuk½&
1. Look up - look for information in a dicitionary or Please put out the light, I am going to read.
reference book. ¼'kCndks'"k vkfn esa [kkstuk½& Look up S 5. Put by - save ¼cpkuk½& We must put by money for
this word in a dicitionary. our future.
2. Look through - examine carefully ¼lko/kkuh ls S 6. Put aside - keep separate ¼vyx j[kuk½& They put
tk¡puk½& Look through your notes before the aside their differences.
examination. I 7. Put in - send ¼Hkstuk½& I am going to put in an
3. Look over - examine ¼tk¡puk½& The teacher looked application for that job.
over the examination answer book. 8. Put down - write down ¼fy[k ysuk½& She put down
4. Look a head - think about what is going to O the dictation in the diary.
happen in the future ¼Hkfo"; dk /;ku j[kuk½& We 9. Ring up - telephone somebody ¼Qksu djuk½& Ring
should look ahead and save a little for the old age. N me up in the morning.
5. Lay down - sacrifice ¼U;kSNkoj djuk½& Asfaque Ullah 10. Ring back - telephone some body again ¼fdlh dks
laid down his life for his country. nqckjk VsyhQksu djuk½& I shall ring you back
6. Let(some one) down - fail to help or support later.
somebody as they had hoped ¼fujk'k djuk½& This
machine won't let you down. C
7. Make up one's mind - come to a decision ¼fu.kZ; 1. Ring off - end a telephone call putting down
djuk½& He made up his mind to join a private L the receiver. ¼ckrphr lekIr gks tkus ij
company. VsyhQksu fjfloj j[k nsuk½& She rang off
8. Make out - understand, discover the meaning of A before I could explain.
¼le>uk] vFkZ yxkuk½& He could not make out this 2. Run after - pursue ¼ds ihNs iM+k jguk] ds ihNs
passage. Hkkxuk½& Don't run after wealth.
9. Make up - use cosmetics ¼Ük`xkaj djuk½& Most S 3. Run away - flee ¼Hkkx tkuk½& As soon as the
women make up their faces. police came, the thief ran away.
10.Make off - run away ¼Hkkx tkuk½& The thief made S 4. Run down - stop functioning, lessen, speak
off when he saw the police. against ¼can gks tkuk] detksj gks tkuk]
1. Make over - transfer ¼gLrkarfjr djuk½& Nehru E fuUnk djuk½& The battery has run down.
made over his whole property to the nation. 5. Run out - expire, exhaust ¼lekIr gks tkuk]
2. Make after - chase or pursue ¼ihNk djuk½& The fddzVs esa ju vkÅV gks tkuk½& The lease will run
police made after the criminals. S out soon.
3. Make away with one self - commit suicide ¼vkRe 6. Run over - overflow ¼Åij ls cguk] dqpy
gR;k djuk½& She made away with herself. nsuk½& The river is running over.
4. Make away with something - run away, having 7. Run across - meet suddenly ¼vdLekr fey
stolen something ¼pqjkdj Hkkx tkuk½& The thieves E tkuk½& I ran across a friend of mine in
made away with the jewellery box. the Maurya Lok.
5. Make room - accomodate ¼LFkku nsuk½& I moved a 8. Rely on - be dependent on somebody ¼Hkjkslk
little bit and made room for the old lady. N djuk½& He can not rely on her.
6. Make the best of - derive great benefit from 9. Rule out - state that something is not
¼;FkklEHko ykHk mBkuk½& We must make the best of an G possible / not suitable ¼vLohdkj djuk½&
opportunity. Mr. Kumar ruled out the possibility of
7. Make much off - exaggerate ¼fdlh ckr dks L any change in the cabinet.
c<+k&Pk<+kdj dguk½& Don't make much of your little 10. See about - deal with something ¼ckrphr
knowledge. djuk½& I will see about the management
8. Pick out - choose, select ¼pquuk½& Pick out nouns in I myself.
the passage given below. 1. See about - deal with something ¼ckrphr
9. Pick up - improve ¼voLFkk ;k LokLFk lq/kjuk½& Your S djuk½& I will see about the manage-
health is picking up. ment myself.
10. Point out - indicate, show ¼fn[kkuk] ladsr djuk½& H 2. See off - go to a station, an airport etc. to
Kindly point out my mistakes. say goodbye to some body who is start-
1. Poll down - demolish, destroy ¼<kguk] u"V djuk½& It ing a journey ¼fonk djuk½& We all
is easier to pull down than to build up. went to the airport to see him off.
2. Put on - dress yourself in something, switch on a 3. See through - aware of the trick you are
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By: M. Kumar Sir
trying to play on me ¼fdlh pky dks Hkk¡i
tkuk½& I can see through your esa leku gksuk½& He takes after his father.
little game. M 3. Tack back - withdraw ¼okil ysuk½& The book
4. See to - deal with something ¼dk bartke djuk] seller refused to take back the already sold
dh ns[k&js[k djuk] /;ku j[kuk½& His wife will see books.
to programme in his absence. I 4. Take down - write, usually from dictation
5. Send for - to ask somebody to come, to ask ¼fy[k ysuk½& The reporters took
somebody, to bring or deliver something to S down the leader's speech.
you ¼cqyk Hkstuk] ek¡xuk½& Send for a doctor, 5. Take for - suppose ¼dqN nqljk le> ysuk½& I
quickly. S took him for a spy.
6. Set apart - make sb/sth different from other ¼ 6. Take off - remove, leave the ground ¼mrkjuk]
vkSjks ls vyx djuk ;k j[kuk½& Ritika's style sets /kjrh NksMu+ k½& She took off her slipper when
her apart from her sisters. I she entered the kitchen.
7. Set aside - cancel or reject ¼jí djuk½& The 7. Take on - undertake something ¼gkFk esa ysuk½& I
Governor has set aside the orders of the Vice- O am ready to take on this responsibility.
Chancellor. 8. Take over - begin to have control of or
8. Set down - write something down ¼fy[k ysuk½& N responsibility for sth. esplecially in place of
Please set my address down on the diary. sb else ¼fdlh nqljs ls in Hkkj xzg.k djuk½&
9. Set forth - make something known, declare The new Principal took over
¼crkuk] Li"V djuk½& The chief speaker set froth the charge of the school.
his ideas on the subject. 9. Take to something/ doing something - begin
10. Set in - begin ¼'kq: gksuk½& The summer season C to do something as a habit ¼dksbZ dk;Z vknr ds :i
sets in April every year. esa 'kq: djuk½& He has taken to drinking
1. Set off / out / forth - Start a journey ¼;k=k izkjaHk L wine.
djuk½& He set out early in the morning. 10. Think over - consider seriously ¼xaHkhjrk ls fopkj
2. Set on - attack or cause to attack ¼vkdze.k djuk djuk½& Please think over what I have said.
;k vkdze.k ds fy, mdlkuk½& Pakistan threatened to A 1. Think of - consider, remember ¼ij fopkj djuk]
set its intruders on India. ;kn djuk½& What are you thinking of?
3. Set up - achieve, establish, start a new busi- S 2. Turn down - refuse, reject an offer/applicant/
ness ¼LFkkfir djuk½& Tendulkar set up a new application ¼jí djuk] vLohdkj djuk½& The
record in the world of cricket. S apex court turned down my
4. Settle down - start to have a quieter way of petetion.
life ¼fdlh dke ;k ifjos'k esa vius vki dks O;ofLFkr rFkk 3. Turn against - become unfriendly or hostile
fLFkj dj ysuk½& When are you going to get married E towards somebody ¼ds fo:) gks tkuk½& I can
and settle down? not turn against my friend.
5. Shout down - make a loud noise to prevent a S 4. Turn in - go to bed ¼lksuk½& I usually turn in at 11
speaker from being heard ¼gYdk djds fdlh oäk p.m
dks cksy us ugha nsuk½& The agitated students shouted 5. Turn up - appear ¼'kkfey gksuk½& He did not turn
down the leader. up in time.
6. Shut down - stop working ¼dke can djuk½& The 6. Turn on/ off - start/ stop ¼pykuk@can djuk½&
factory owner shut down his factory. E Please turn on / off the light/radio.
7. Show off - display purely in order to impress 7. Turn out - produce ¼lkfcr gksuk½& The factory
others ¼fn[kkuk] izn'kZu djuk½& We should not show N turns out 1000 cars a month.
off our strength all the time. 8. Work out - solve, prepare ¼gy djuk] rS;kj djuk½&
8. Stand by - Support or help some body ¼fdlh dks G We should first work out the total expenditure
leFkZu nsuk ;k enn djuk½& I will stand by him at of this project.
any cost. 9. Wait on - attend, serve ¼lsok ;k ns[kHkky djuk½&
9. Stand for - represent ¼izfrfuf/kRo djuk½& The L He expected his son to wait on him hand
abbreviation W.T. stand for without ticket. and foot.
10. Stand out - be easily seen ¼Li"V ;k fof'k"V :i ls I 10. Bear down - ¼tcjnLrh nck nsuk½& The dictator
fn[kkbZ nsuk½& Premchand stands out form the bore down all his oppositions.
crowd of writers because of his distinguished S 1. Let alone & ¼rks nqj dh ckr gS ½ %&
style. I don't have enough money for a new car, let alone
1. (be) taken aback - be surprised and a luxury sedan.
disconcerted ¼pfdr gksuk½& I was taken aback H 2. Let go & ¼c[kkZLr djuk@NksM+ nsuk½ %&
when I found her in my room. My company let 20 people go.
2. Take after - resemble( one's parents / grand 3. Let you off & ¼{kek djuk½ %&
parents) in appearance or character ¼ns[kus ;k pfj= I made a mess but the boss let me off.
MOB. :7549126996


By: M. Kumar Sir
4. Letting off steam & ¼vius vki dks rLkYyh nsuk½ %&
He let off steam by yelling at a clerk.
5. Let me see/ let me think & ¼ns[kus@lkspus ds fy, M
le; nsuk ½ %&
Now let me see, who's the man we want?
6. Let's hope & ¼vk'kk ;k mEehn O;ä djuk½ %& I
Let's hope he will get the job.
 S

MOB. :7549126996

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