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Original Papers 259

Transepithelial Transport of a Natural Cholinesterase

Inhibitor, Huperzine A, along the Gastrointestinal Tract:
the Role of Ionization on Absorption Mechanism

Authors Gregory Burshtein, Michael Friedman, Sarit Greenberg, Amnon Hoffman

Affiliation Institute for Drug Research, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

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Key words Abstract cellular diffusion. Addition of the paracellular
" huperzine A
! permeability modulator palmitoylcarnitine in
" permeability
During recent years there has been increasing in- the Caco-2 model led to significant enhancement
terest in the Lycopodium alkaloid huperzine A as a in the permeability of the ionized huperzine A
" Caco‑2

potential therapeutic agent for neurodegenera- fraction. No evidence of active transport of huper-
" Ussing chamber

" Huperzia serrate

l tive diseases. This study aimed to characterize hu- zine A was detected in this study. The Ussing
" Lycopodiaceae perzine Aʼs permeability across the enterocyte chamber model experiments showed similar drug
barrier along the gastrointestinal tract with an permeability along the entire rat intestine. In con-
emphasis on the effect of ionization on the drug clusion, huperzine A permeates the intestinal
absorption. Intestinal permeability of huperzine border mainly by passive transcellular diffusion
A was evaluated by in vitro Caco-2 and parallel ar- whereas some fraction, dependent on the degree
tificial membrane permeation assay models and of huperzine A ionization, is absorbed by the par-
by the ex vivo Ussing chamber model. The perme- acellular route. Huperzine Aʼs permeability char-
ability rate was strongly dependent on the degree acteristics pave the way to the development of its
of ionization and increased with elevation of the oral extended release dosage form. The specific
donor medium pH in all studied models. The population of the potential users of huperzine A
transport of the unionized fraction was similar to and the high potency of this molecule support
the permeability of the markers for passive trans- the rationale for such a delivery.

Introduction form of AChE (G4 form), which exists predomi-

! nantly in the mammalian brains [4]. In addition
received May 20, 2012
Huperzine A (HupA) is a natural alkaloid derived to its acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect, HupA
revised Dec. 4, 2012 from the pteridophytic firmoss Huperzia serrata also demonstrated neuroprotective properties,
accepted Dec. 7, 2012 (Lycopodiaceae) (Lycopodium serrata) (l " Fig. 1). specifically against damage that can be caused by
The average content of HupA in the plant is about hydrogen peroxide, β‑amyloid protein, glutamate,
DOI 0.01 % [1]. The compound also can be found in and ischemia [5]. Antagonizing effects of HupA on
10.1055/s-0032-1328128 varying quantities in other Huperzia species, in- N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and po-
Published online January 23, cluding H. elmeri, H. carinat, and H. aqualupian tassium currents may contribute to this neuro-
2013 [2]. The extracts of QianCeng Ta (Huperzia serra- protective effect [6].
Planta Med 2013; 79: 259–265
ta) have been used in traditional Chinese medi- Numerous clinical trials have shown the efficacy
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York · cine for centuries for the treatment of contusions, of HupA in the treatment of AD and dementia,
ISSN 0032‑0943 swelling, and schizophrenia [3]. HupA is a specif- with minimal adverse cholinergic effects [7]. En-
ic, reversible, and potent acetylcholinesterase couraging results of the multiple preclinical and
Amnon Hoffman (AChE) inhibitor that has unique chemophysical clinical studies along with the accumulating data
Institute for Drug Research properties in comparison to other AChE inhib- regarding various pharmacological mechanisms
Faculty of Medicine itors. In vitro and in vivo comparison studies with emphasize HupAʼs potential to be used as a treat-
The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem respect to AChE inhibition showed that the po- ment for central nervous system (CNS)-related
Jerusalem 91120 tency of HupA was similar or superior to the in- disorders.
Israel hibitors currently being used in Alzheimerʼs Dis- Although significant progress in the understand-
Phone: + 97 2 26 75 86 64
Fax: + 97 2 26 75 72 46 ease (AD) treatment [3]. This is probably due to ing of HupAʼs pharmacology has been made, only HupAʼs preferential inhibition of the tetrameric

Burshtein G et al. Transepithelial Transport of … Planta Med 2013; 79: 259–265

260 Original Papers

at different donor pH conditions and of the known permeability

Fig. 1 The chemical
markers antypirine, metoprolol, and atenolol was determined.
structure of huperzine
A. The pH-values of the donor solutions were adjusted to 5.6, 6.5,
6.8, and 7.4 with 1 M HCl. The initial concentration of the donor
solutions of HupA, metoprolol, and antipyrine was 25 µg/mL (i.e.,
103 µM, 94 µM, and 133 µM, respectively) and for atenolol 50 µg/
mL (188 µM). These solutions were prepared in PBS containing
5 % DMSO. The assay was carried out in a 96-well MultiScreen
permeability plate (Millipore). After a 16 hr incubation period at
25 °C, samples were taken from the donor and receiver wells and
analyzed. The permeability values of the tested drugs were deter-
limited and fragmented data exist about the drugʼs biopharma- mined from the flux factors between donor and acceptor com-
ceutical characteristics. partments based on the Wohnsland et al. equations [10].
Chinese scientists reported good bioavailability of this molecule
in comparison to other acethylcholine esterase inhibitors [3]. Ad- Caco-2 cell culture model

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ditionally, rapid HupA absorption and high bioavailability was Caco-2 cells were obtained from ATCC. The growth/preparation
mentioned in dogs and rats [8, 9]. However, there is no data re- of the cells and the permeability experiments were performed
garding the transepithelial transport of HupA. These data are of as previously described [11]. Transport studies were performed
great interest due to the fact that the pKa of HupA is about 7, im- when the cells were fully differentiated and the TEER (transepi-
plying possible absorption dependence on the varying intestinal thelial electrical resistance) values were stable (300–500 ohm/
pH. An understanding of HupAʼs absorption rate and mechanism cm2). Experiments were done in 24 transwell plates, 12 mm (Co-
is critical for further development of the optimal route of the star™) where a polycarbonate membrane (pore size − 0.4 µm)
drug delivery, particularly extended-release formulations. The separates between the apical and the basolateral side of the in-
advantages of extended delivery may be relevant for HupA, since serts. Over the course of the experiment, the cells were incubated
it is a very potent AChE inhibitor with a typical concentration-de- at 37 °C with shaking. The initial donor concentration of HupA
pendent adverse effect profile. Moreover, the specific population and antipyrine was 20 µg/mL (i.e., 83 µM and 106 µM, respective-
of the potential users of the drug will particularly benefit from ly) and mannitol 2µci/mL. The Papp of the drugs was evaluated at
the decrease in the frequency of administrations. two apical pH values (6.5 and 7.4), whereas basolateral pH was
The objective of the current study was to characterize HupAʼs 7.4 in all the experiments.
permeability via the enterocyte barrier along the gastrointestinal
(GI) tract. Emphasis was placed on identifying the drug carrier- Side by side diffusion chamber (Ussing chamber) model
mediated transport via biologic membranes, pH dependence of Ex vivo permeability experiments were performed in a modified
the drugʼs absorption, and regional differences in the permeabil- Ussing chamber system (Physiological Instruments Inc.) as previ-
ity of the molecule along the GI tract. Additionally, the study ously described [12]. Male Wistar rats (Harlan), 275–325 g in
aimed to verify the feasibility of controlled release administra- weight, were used. All surgical and experimental procedures
tion of HupA. were reviewed and approved by the Animal Experimentation
There are a number of well-established methods to evaluate sub- Ethics Committee of the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical
stance permeability via the intestinal barrier. Human intestinal School Jerusalem (MD-09-11834-1; 01/02/09). Rat intestine seg-
adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2), parallel artificial membrane per- ments were obtained and the underlying muscularis was re-
meation assay (PAMPA), and the side by side diffusion chamber moved from the serosal side of the tissue before mounting. The
(Ussing chamber) model were used in this study. We have com- permeability experiments continued for 150 min at 37 °C (main-
pared the HupA permeability to known transcellular markers tained by constant circulation), and samples were withdrawn at
with similar lipophilicity (i.e., log P values 1.78, 1.22, 1.8 for Hup- predetermined times. The sampled volume was replaced by
A, antipyrine, and metoprolol, respectively) and either atenolol or blank buffer to maintain sink conditions.
mannitol as paracellular markers. The integrity of the epithelial tissue was monitored by measuring
the TEER throughout the experiment. Generally, TEER values
were 70–130 Ωcm2 and remained steady throughout the experi-
Materials and Methods ment. The initial donor drug solutions of HupA and antipyrine
! were 25 and 20 µg/mL, respectively (i.e., 103 and 106 µM). The
Materials Papp of the drugs was evaluated at three different apical pH val-
HupA (±) (98.9 %) was purchased from Shaghai Tauto Biotech. ues (5, 6.8, and 7.5), whereas basolateral pH was 7.5 in all the ex-
Antipyrine (100 %), atenolol (100 %), and metoprolol (100 %) were periments.
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Radioactive-labeled mannitol
was produced by GE Healthcare. All other materials and reagents Caco-2 and Ussing chamber models data analysis
were standard items from reputable commercial sources. All sol- Cumulative corrections were made at each time point for the pre-
vents used were of analytical grade. viously removed samples. The apparent permeability coefficient
(Papp) for each compound was calculated from the linear plot of
Permeability through PAMPA model drug accumulated vs. time, using the following equation:
The model consists of a hydrophobic filter (polyvinylidene fluo-
Papp ¼ dQ
ride) coated with a mixture of lecithin phospholipids (2%) dis-
solved in an inert organic solvent (dodecane), creating an artifi-
cial membrane barrier (5 µL/well). PAMPA permeability of HupA

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Original Papers 261

Table 1 Permeability data of HupA and passive transcellular absorption markers in three in vitro models at different donor medium pH values. Data are presented
as Papp for CACO-2 and Ussing chamber models and as Peff for the PAMPA model. Permeability coefficients are presented as mean ± SD × 106(cm/sec). HupA
concentration was 103 µM in PAMPA and Ussing chamber models, and 83 µM in Caco-2 assay. Antipyrine concentration was 106 µM in Ussing chamber and Ca-
co-2 assays and 133 µM in PAMPA model. Metoprolol concentration in PAMPA model was 94 µM.

Drug CACO-2 PAMPA Ussing chamber

pH 6.8 pH 7.4 pH 5.6 pH 6.5 pH 6.8 pH 7.4 pH 5 pH 6.8 pH 7.5
HupA 16 ± 4a 31 ± 1a 0.05 ± 0.01a 0.19 ± 0.03a 0.27 ± 0.02a 0.52 ± 0.06a 4.1 ± 2.1b 5.9 ± 2.6 7.3 ± 1.7 c
antipyrine 39 ± 4 39.4 ± 1.9 ND ND ND 0.29 ± 0.01 14.4 ± 2.9 14.7 ± 4.3 14.9 ± 1.7
metoprolol ND ND ND ND ND 0.59 ± 0.04 ND ND ND

ND – not determined; a significantly different from all other pH values in the same model; b significantly different from pH 7.5 in the same model; c significantly different from pH 5
in the same model

Where dQ/dt is steady state appearance rate of the drug on the

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receiver side, C0 is the initial concentration of the drug on the do-
nor compartment, and A is the exposed tissue/cells surface area.

Analytical procedures
HupA and antipyrine were detected using a Waters 2695 Separa-
tion Module HPLC system with Waters 2475 fluorescence detec-
tor and Waters 2996 photodiode array detector (Waters Corpora-
tion). The separation was achieved by a Hypersil GOLD C8 column
(5 µm, 4.6 × 150 mm) at 40 °C. The mobile phase consisted of
methanol : water, adjusted to pH 10 with triethylamine (45 :
55 v/v). The flow was set to 1 mL/min. HupA was detected with a Fig. 2 HupA (83 µM), antipyrine (106 µM), and mannitol (2 µci/mL) per-
λ excitation of 310 nm and λ emission of 370 nm, and retention meability via CACO-2 cell monolayer presented as apparent permeability
time was 4.7 min. The calibration curve for HupA was linear be- coefficient (Papp). Permeability in the A–B direction is presented by black
bars and in the B–A direction by white bars. When the Papp of HupA was
tween 2 and 50 000 ng/mL. Antipyrine was detected by a UV de-
evaluated at two apical pH values (6.5 and 7.4), about two fold greater
tector at 243 nm wavelength, and its calibration curve was linear
permeability was detected at the higher pH value (p < 0.05). The basolat-
between 5 and 50 000 ng/mL. Samples containing [C14]-mannitol eral pH was 7.4 in all the experiments. Each bar represents the mean ± SD
were analyzed using a liquid scintillation counter. (n = 6).
Atenolol and metoprolol were separated by a Nova-Pak C-18 col-
umn (4 µm) at 35 °C and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The mobile
phase consisted of methanol (25%): 50 mM sodium acetate buffer
(pH 3.3, 75 %) for atenolol and of methanol (50%): 50 mM sodium
acetate buffer (pH 3.3, 50%) for metoprolol. Both molecules were
detected with a λ excitation of 276 nm and λ emission of 296 nm.
Retention times were 5.87 min for atenolol and 6.15 min for me-
toprolol. The calibration curves for atenolol and metoprolol were
linear between 10 and 100 000 ng/mL.

Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses of differences between two values were per-
formed using Studentʼs t-test. The comparison of results from
multiple group experiments was performed by a one-way analy- Fig. 3 Permeability of HupA at different apical buffer concentrations (in
sis of variance followed by Tukeyʼs test. A p value < 0.05 was con- the range of 2 µM – 100 µM) across the CACO-2 cell monolayer. No statisti-
sidered to be statistically significant. cally significant differences (p = 0.99) were detected between the Papp
values of the drug at different concentrations in the tested range. Each bar
represents the mean ± SD (n = 3).

The permeability of HupA across the Caco-2 monolayer was eval- The transport rate was determined in both apical-to-basolateral
uated and compared to antipyrine and mannitol, acceptable stan- and basolateral-to-apical directions in order to detect polarized
dards of transcellular and paracellular transport, respectively [13, transport in the absorptive or secretory direction. As presented
14] (l" Table 1). Additionally, the effect of donor medium pH on in l" Fig. 2, in pH-gradient conditions the absorption of HupA in

drug permeability was evaluated (l " Table 1). Permeability rates basolateral-to-apical direction was more than 2 fold greater as
of the marker molecules were not affected by the donor medium compared to apical-to-basolateral permeability, whereas in iso-
pH and matched the previously reported data in the same model pH conditions HupA permeated the Caco-2 monolayer identically
[15]. The Papp of HupA increased from 1.6E‑05 cm/sec to in the opposite directions.
3.1E‑05 cm/sec with the elevation in donor medium pH from 6.5 The effect of donor concentration (ranging from 2 µM to 100 µM)
to 7.4 (l
" Table 1). on the permeability rate of the drug across Caco-2 monolayer

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262 Original Papers

Fig. 4 Effect of the paracellular transit modulator,

palmitoylcarnitine (PC, 0.3 mM) (black bars) on
mannitol, antipyrine (106 µM), and HupA (83 µM)
permeability via the CACO-2 cell monolayer. The
Papp of mannitol was substantially increased (A),
whereas the Papp of antipyrine was not changed
(B), indicating the specific modulation of the para-
cellular pathway by PC. C The effect of PC on the
permeability of HupA was tested in different apical
pH values (6.5 vs. 7.4), while the basolateral me-
dium pH remained constant (7.4). At an apical pH
of 6.5, HupAʼs permeability was significantly en-
hanced by PC (p < 0.05), whereas at pH 7.4 only a
slight, statistically insignificant increase was
achieved. Each bar represents the mean ± SD
(n = 3).

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was evaluated. As can be seen from l " Fig. 3, drug permeability creased along with the increase in the drug unionized fraction
stayed constant and was independent of the donor concentration (l" Fig. 5 B).

in the tested range. HupAʼs permeability across rat intestine segments was studied in
The involvement of the paracellular pathway in HupAʼs transepi- the side by side diffusion chamber in order to test the drug per-
thelial absorption was evaluated by the specific modulation of meability in conditions more similar to the physiological state
tight junctions by palmitoylcarnitine (PC) (0.3 mM), a potent par- and to evaluate its absorption from the different segments of rat
acellular permeability enhancer [16, 17]. Additionally, the effect GI tract. Antipyrine was added to the donor medium of each of
of the different apical medium pH values on HupA paracellular the diffusion cells to serve as an internal standard for the trans-
transport was evaluated. cellular permeability.
As presented in l " Fig. 4 A, PC increased the mannitol permeabili- l" Fig. 6 demonstrates Papp values of the tested compounds

ty via Caco-2 monolayer by 760%, while antipyrine Papp was not found in the different regions of the rat gastrointestinal tract. No
affected at all (l" Fig. 4 B). There was a significant increase in statistically significant differences were found in HupA absorp-
HupA permeability (37% increase in Papp value) via Caco-2 cells tion rates via the duodenum, the jejunum, and the colon tissues
after the tight junction modulation when the apical pH was 6.8. (l" Fig. 6 A). The drug permeability profile across different seg-

Addition of PC to the apical buffer at pH 7.4 led only to a slight, ments of the GI tract was similar to the permeability profile of
statistically insignificant increase in the drug permeability antipyrine (l " Fig. 6 B).

(l" Fig. 4 C). In order to evaluate the presence of carrier-mediated transport,

In order to isolate the drugʼs passive transcellular transport, HupA permeability via rat jejunum was tested from the mucosal
PAMPA experiments were performed. Known permeability stan- to serosal and from the serosal to mucosal side of the tissue. In
dards were used to confirm the integrity of the phospholipid the pH-gradient conditions (mucosal pH 5 and serosal pH 7.5),
membrane. Antipyrine and metoprolol were used as markers of the permeability constant from mucosal to serosal side of the je-
transcellular transport, whereas atenolol was used as a standard junum was 1.8 fold smaller than the Papp of the drug placed on
for paracellular permeability [18, 19]. The permeability results of the serosal side (l " Fig. 7). However, when the mucosal pH went

the marker molecules supported the existence of the integral up from 5 to 7.5 (iso-pH conditions), no polarity in the tissue per-
phospholipid barrier (l " Fig. 5 A). Similarly to the Caco-2 model meability was detected, similary to the Caco-2 results (l " Fig. 7).

results, HupA permeability dependence on the donor pH was ob-

tained also in the artificial membrane model (l " Fig. 5). Drug per-

meability increased dramatically with the elevation of the donor Discussion

medium pH. Above pH 6.8, HupA permeability across artificial !
phospholipid membrane was similar or even greater than the It is of considerable importance to understand the rate and the
permeability of antipyrine and metoprolol (l " Fig. 5 A). As ex- mechanism of the moleculeʼs absorption from the GI tract into
pected, HupA permeability via the phospholipid barrier in- the blood in order to allow development of the optimal route of

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Fig. 5 A Effective permeability coefficient of

HupA and permeability standards (metoprolol,
antipyrine, and atenolol) (103 µM, 94 µM, 133 µM,
and 188 µM, respectively) in the PAMPA model.
Donor medium pH effect on the permeability of
HupA was evaluated. Acceptor medium pH was 7.4
in all the experiments, and the permeability of the
transport markers was evaluated in iso-pH condi-
tions (pH = 7.4). In the tested range, HupAʼs phos-
pholipid membrane permeability was highly af-
fected by the donor medium pH (p < 0.01). Each
point represents the mean ± SD (n = 4). B HupAʼs
effective permeability coefficients in the PAMPA
model as a function of the unionized fraction of the
drug molecules.

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Fig. 6 HupA (103 µM) (A) and antipyrine (106 µM) (B) permeability via rat
duodenum (black bar), jejunum (lined bar), and colon (white bar) in the Fig. 7 Coefficients of HupA (103 µM) and antipyrine (106 µM) permeabil-
side by side diffusion chamber model. Apical pH was 6.8, and basolateral ity via rat jejunum in the side by side diffusion chamber model. Permeabil-
was 7.4 in all the experiments. Each bar represents the mean ± SD of 4 an- ity in the A–B direction is presented by black bars and in the B–A direction
imals (3 intestinal segments from each animal for each tested group). by white bars. The Papp was obtained in two different donor pH values, 5
and 7.5. The absorption polarity (p < 0.05) that existed in pH gradient con-
ditions disappeared in iso-pH conditions, indicating that HupAʼs absorption
is a pH dependent process. The absorption of antipiryne was independent
the drugʼs delivery. Moreover, knowledge of the permeability of the apical pH. The basolateral pH was 7.5 in all the experiments. Each bar
mechanisms via biological membranes can increase and deepen represents the mean ± SD of 4 animals (3 intestinal segments from each
our understanding of the moleculeʼs tissue disposition, entrance animal for each tested group).
to CNS, and potential interaction with other drugs.
HupA is a slightly alkaline molecule with a pKa of 6.97 [20]. This
pKa value falls in the range of the varying intestinal pH, implying
possible drug absorption dependence on the anatomical location pH 7.4 this fraction increases three fold. This can explain the sig-
in the GI tract and on the fed or fasted state. According to the nificant increase of HupA Papp in the higher donor pH values in
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, in pH 6.5 the unionized frac- Caco-2 and PAMPA permeability assays (l " Figs. 2 and 5). In the

tion of HupA available for the transcellular absorption is 24 %. At Ussing chamber model, the effect of different mucosal pH on the

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264 Original Papers

tissue permeability was also seen but to a lesser extent (l " Fig. 7). In summary, the results of the current study clarify that HupA
The reason for this diminished effect could be that the mucus crosses the intestinal barrier by the passive route with strong de-
layer, present only in the Ussing Chamber model, creates a micro pendence on the pH of the surrounding medium. The predomi-
environment with a different pH compared to the donor medium nant fraction is absorbed via the enterocytes, whereas the minor
and therefore neutralizes the mediumʼs influence on the passage fraction is absorbed between the cells. The increase in the union-
of the molecule across the intestinal barrier. ized fraction of HupA, caused by the increase in the pH of the do-
In the Caco-2 experiments performed at higher donor medium nor medium, elevated the predominant, passive transcellular ab-
pH, where the major part of HupA molecules were unionized, sorption of the drug, whereas reduction in the medium pH led to
the permeability of the drug was very close to the permeability an increase in the paracellular transit. No signs of active absorp-
of the transcellular marker antipyrine (l " Fig. 3). These findings tive or secretory transport in the relevant concentration range
can be supported by the results of the PAMPA model. In the case were detected.
of the donor pH of 7.4, HupA permeability was very close to the HupA permeability in pH conditions near and above the pKa val-
permeability of the transcellular marker metoprolol and greater ue is comparable to the permeability of markers of good intesti-
than the permeability of antipyrine (l " Fig. 5 A). In addition, a lin- nal absorption (antipyrine and metoprolol). Because a significant
ear correlation was found between the drugʼs unionized fraction part of the GI tract has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, and as

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and the phospholipid membrane permeability (l " Fig. 5 B), indi- clinically relevant dosages of the drug are low, full absorption of
cating that the unionized fraction of the drug absorbs passively HupA can be expected. This conclusion is corroborated by the
across the phospholipid cell membrane. However, even when good HupA bioavailability reported in a few publications [3, 8].
the unionized fraction was only 24 %, the HupA permeability co- However, a limited permeability in lower pH conditions may im-
efficient in the Caco-2 model was much closer to the Papp of the ply food effect on the absorption profile of the drug. The pH of the
transcellular marker rather than to the Papp of the paracellularly small intestine decreases below 6 in response to a meal with the
permeable compound (l " Table 1). These results imply that the arrival of acidic chime from the stomach and is later reestab-
predominant pathway of HupA absorption in the intestinal pH lished by pancreatic bicarbonate output [27]. Hence, the Tmax
range is passive transcellular diffusion. and Cmax of the drug can differ between the fed and fasted state.
To determine the involvement of the paracellular pathway in the In addition, based on the current study findings, some pharma-
drugʼs absorption, palmitoylcarnitine was added to the apical cokinetic parameters of the drug can be predicted. Good transcel-
buffer of the Caco-2 cells. As expected, the permeability of man- lular absorption in physiologic pH values can contribute to a large
nitol was highly affected by palmitoylcarnitine, whereas the Papp volume of distribution and to a good blood brain barrier perme-
of antipyrine was not influenced at all (l " Fig. 4). The significant ability of the drug.
increase in HupA permeability, caused by palmitoylcarnitine, at Focusing on the drug delivery, good passive transcellular perme-
a donor pH 6.8 (l " Fig. 4 C) could be explained by the fact that ability of HupA enables the oral extended-release drug delivery.
60 % of the drug molecules are ionized in this pH. The ionized Efficient, homogeneous absorption from all parts of the GI tract
fraction is more likely to permeate via the paracellular route is a critical condition for this route of administration [28, 29].
[21]. These data indicate that in the physiological environment Moreover, pH dependent permeability which grows in higher
some fraction of the drug can be absorbed by the paracellular pH values (l " Table 1) may contribute to the drugʼs complete ab-

pathway. This assumption can be supported by the fact that the sorption from the colon, supporting the rationale of HupA ex-
paracellular pathway is more expressed in vivo in comparison to tended-release administration.
the Caco-2 model [22–24]. Nonetheless, comparison between the
effect of palmitoylcarnitine on the permeability of mannitol and
its effect on HupA clarifies that the major fraction of HupA still Acknowledgements
enters the body by the transcellular pathway. !
No evidence of carrier mediated transport of HupA was detected This research was partially supported by the “NOFAR” program of
in this study. This can be seen firstly by the absence of HupA the Israel Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor. Prof. Amnon
transport polarity across the intestinal barrier in the Caco-2 and Hoffman and Prof. Michael Friedman are affiliated with the David
Ussing chamber models (l " Fig. 2). In addition, when concentra- R. Bloom Center for Pharmacy at The Hebrew University of Jeru-
tion dependency of HupAʼs permeability was evaluated, the drug salem.
transport across the Caco-2 monolayer remained identical
(l" Fig. 3), indicating that the drug is transported passively in the

range of concentrations to which the intestinal tissue is likely to Conflict of Interest

be exposed on the basis of the drugʼs therapeutic dose. !
Moreover, in order to verify the absence of carrier-mediated- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest with re-
transport, HupAʼs permeability profile across different segments spect to this work.
of rat intestine was compared to antipyrine, the marker for pas-
sive transcellular diffusion. A slight decrease in Papp between the References
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Burshtein G et al. Transepithelial Transport of … Planta Med 2013; 79: 259–265

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