Set 7 Transistor Circuit High Frequency Response

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class notes, M.

Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

ECE 2C, notes set 7:

Basic Transistor Circuits;
High-Frequency Response

Mark Rodwell
University of California, Santa Barbara 805-893-3244, 805-893-3262 fax

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013


These notes : calculate circuit transfer functions H ( s ).

Low - frequency rolloff. High - frequency rolloff.
Frequency response. Transient reponse.

Goals :
Become expert in circuit analysis.
Become expert in LaPlace methods.

Transistor circuits make good exercises :

they are real, interesting, useful.

LaPlace analysis : important in most parts of electrical engineerin g

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Field-Effect Transistor High-Frequency Model

Physical origin of these capacitances will be covered in later classes.

For ece2c, we simply take this model as given.
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Field-Effect Transistor High-Frequency Model

Csb Cdb

C gs arises mostly from gate - channel capacitance

Partly due to gate - source fringing fields, and interconnect vias.

Cdg arises in part from gate - channel capacitance

Partly due to gate - source fringing fields and interconnect vias.

Csb and Cdb are source - bulk (substrate) and drain - bulk PN junction capacitances.

M any of these capacitances vary with bias voltage.

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Basic Common-Source Amplifier

This circuit : 1950' s - styleRC biasing

Cin and Cout will reduce the circuit gain at low frequencie s.
Cgs and C gd will reduce the circuit gain at high frequencie s.
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Basic Common-Source Amplifier

Small - signal equivalent circuit :

Cin and Cout will reduce the circuit gain at low frequencie s.
Cgs and C gd will reduce the circuit gain at high frequencie s.
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Basic Common-Source Amplifier

Let us first consider response at high frequencie s.
We will therefore temporarily neglect Cin and Cout .
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Nodal Analysis: How to solve circuits

Label all circuit nodes. For each : is the voltage known ?

known voltage (blue), unknown voltage (red)

To solve circuit :
# of equations  # of unknowns  # of unknown node voltages
the equations must be * linearly independent * .

Write  currents  0 at each node which you do not know the voltage.

Always gives the needed set of linearly independent equations.

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source Amplifier: Simplifying

Convert the generator from a Thevenin to a Norton model :

And then use parallel resistor formulas :

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Sum of currents at Vin is zero :

VinGi  Vin sCgs  Vin sCgd  Vout ( sCgd )  VgenGgen
 Vin (Gi  sCgs  sCgd )  Vout ( sCgd )  VgenGgen

Sum of currents at Vout is zero :

Vin g m  Vin ( sCgd )  Vout ( sCgd )  Vout (GLeq )  0
 Vin ( g m  sCgd )  Vout (GLeq  sCgd )  0
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Vin (Gi  sCgs  sCgd )  Vout ( sCgd )  VgenGgen

Vin ( g m  sCgd )  Vout (GLeq  sCgd )  0

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd   Vin  VgenGgen 

 g  sC     
 m gd GLeq  sCgd  Vout   0 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd   Vin  VgenGgen 
 g  sC     
 m gd GLeq  sCgd  Vout   0 

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd   Vin  Ggen 

 g  sC       Vgen
 m gd GLeq  sCgd  Vout   0 

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd   Vin  1 Ggen 

 g  sC    
 m gd GLeq  sCgd  Vout  Vgen  0 

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd   Vin / Vgen  Ggen 

 g  sC    
 m gd GLeq  sCgd  Vout / Vgen   0 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

N (s)
Vout ( s )  H ( s )Vgen ( s )  Vgen ( s )
D( s)
Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd
D( s) 
g m  sCgd GLeq  sCgd
Gi  sCgs  sCgd Ggen
N ( s) 
g m  sCgd 0
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Gi  sCgs  sCgd  sCgd

D( s) 
g m  sCgd GLeq  sCgd

D( s )  Gi  sCgs  sCgd GLeq  sCgd    sCgd g m  sCgd 

D( s )  Gi GLeq  Gi sCgd  GLeq sCgs  GLeq sCgd  sCgd sCgs  g m sCgd

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

organize into powers of s :

  
D( s)  Gi GLeq  s Gi C gd  GLeq C gs  GLeqC gd  g m sCgd  s 2 C gsC gd 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Separate into a constant carrying units

multiplied by a unitless frequency response :

D( s ) / Gi GLeq
  
 1  sRi Rleq Gi C gd  GLeq C gs  GLeq C gd  g mC gd  s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 

  
D( s ) Ri Rleq  1  s Rleq C gd  Ri C gs  Ri C gd  g m Ri Rleq C gd  s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 
 1  sR Ci gs  R C
i gd (1  g R
m leq )  R C
leq gd  
s 2

Ri Rleq C gsC gd 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

Follow the same rules for the numerator :

Gi  sCgs  sCgd Ggen

N (s)   Ggen g m  sCgd 
g m  sCgd 0
 Ggen g m  Ggen sCgd  Ggen g m  1  sCgd / g m 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

N ( s )  Ggen g m  1  sCgd / g m 
D( s )  Ri Rleq  1  s Ri C gs  Ri C gd (1  g m Rleq )  Rleq C gd   s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 

N (s)  Ggen g m  1  sCgd / g m 

D( s )  Ri Rleq 1  s Ri C gs  Ri C gd (1  g m Rleq )  Rleq C gd   s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 

Vout ( s )  Ggen Ri Rleq g m  1  sCgd / g m 
 H (s) 
Vgen ( s ) 1  s Ri C gs  Ri C gd (1  g m Rleq )  Rleq C gd   s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source: Nodal Analysis

 H ( s )  H mid band  H normalized( s )
1  sCgd / g m
H normalized( s ) 
1  s Ri C gs  Ri C gd (1  g m Rleq )  Rleq C gd   s 2 Ri Rleq C gsC gd 

Ri Rgen || Rin , Amp

H mid band  Ggen Ri Rleq g m   g m Rleq   g m Rleq
Rgen Rgen
Rgen Rin , Amp Rin , Amp
  g m Rleq   g m Rleq
Rgen ( Rgen  Rin , Amp ) Rgen  Rin , Amp
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Common-Source Nodal Analysis: the answer

 H mid band  H normalized( s )
Rin , Amp
H mid band   g m Rleq is the mid - band gain.
Rgen  Rin , Amp
1  b1s
H normalized( s )  is the amplifier frequency response.
1  a1s  a2 s 2

First - order time constant : a1  Ri C gs  Ri C gd  g m Ri Rleq C gd  Rleq C gd

Second - order (time) 2 constant : a2  Ri Rleq C gsC gd 

and b1  C gd / g m
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Comments on the analysis

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Finding Poles: Separated Pole Approximation

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Finding Poles: Separated Pole Approximation

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Amplifier Frequency Response

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (1): DC

FET : Design conditions
( coxWg / 2 Lg )  1mA/V 2 VDS  0.7 V
Vth  0.3 V I D  50 A
1 /   10V VDD  3.3 V
Rgen  100 k, RL  50 k
current through Rg1  1 A
Analysis :
I D  ( coxWg / 2 Lg )(Vgs  Vth ) 2 ( term ignored )  50 A
(Vgs  Vth )  ( I D )1/ 2 ( coxWg / 2 Lg ) 1/ 2
* we are ignoring the (1  VDS ) term in the
bias analysis.
Doing this causes some small error.

(Vgs  0.3 V)  50 A 1mA/V 2 1/ 2
 0.22V
Vgs  0.52 V.
If we do not, the DC analysis involves solving
quadratic formulas. Hard.
RD  (VDD  VDS ) / I D
In ECE137A we will learn some tricks to
calculate this quickly yet fairly accurately.
 (3.3 V  0.7 V) / 50 A  52 k

Do not ignore the (1  VDS ) term in the

Rg1  0.52V/1 A  520 k,
small signal analysis. Rg 2  (3.3  0.52V)/10 A  2.78 M,
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (2): Component Values

3.3 V
52 k
2.78 M

0.52 V 0.7 V

g m  0.47 mS
100 k Gds  5S

520 k 50 k
1 A 50 A

I D
I D  ( coxWg / 2 Lg )(Vgs  Vth ) 2 (1  VDS )  g m   ( coxWg / Lg )(Vgs  Vth )(1  VDS )
g m  (2mA/V 2 )(0.52V  0.3V)(1  0.7V/10V )  0.471 mS
I D I D 50 A 1
Gds    I D   5S 
Vds (1  VDS ) 10V 200 k
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (3): Component Values


100 k 52 k || 50k
 25.5k

g m  0.47 mS
520 k || 2.78M
 438k
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (4): Component Values

g m  0.47 mS
1 pF 0.25 pF

 82k  22.6k
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (5): (time)n constants

 H mid band  H normalized( s )
Rg1 || Rg 2
H mid band   g m Rleq  10.66  0.814  8.65
Rg1 || Rg 2
1  b1s
H normalized( s )  .
1  a1s  a2 s 2

a1  Ri C gs  Ri C gd  g m Ri Rleq C gd  Rleq C gd
 82k 1pF  82k  0.25pF  0.47 mS  82k  22.6k  0.25pF  22.6k  0.25pF
 0.326 s

 
a2  Ri Rleq C gsC gd  a2 / a1  82k  22.6k 1pF 0.25pF/0.326 s  1.42ns
a2 / a  a1 , so, separated pole approximation works.

b1  C gd / g m  0.25pF/0.47mS  0.532 ns
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency Response Example (6): Transfer Function

Vout ( s) 1  b1s
 8.65 
Vgen ( s) (1  a1s)(1  (a2 / a1 ) s)
a1  0.326s, a2 / a1  1.42ns, b1  0.532 ns

Vout ( j 2f ) 1  jf / f z
 8.65 
Vgen ( j 2f ) (1  jf / f p1 )(1  jf / f p 2 )
0.159 0.159
f p1   488 kHz, f p 2   112 M Hz
0.326s 1.42ns
fz   299 M Hz (zero in the right half of the s - plane)
 532ps
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

The Miller Effect

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

The Miller Approximation

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

The Miller Approximation

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

The Miller Approximation

Refer back to the common - source analysis

You will see C gd (1  g m RLeq ) Ri

i.e. C gd (1  Av ) Ri
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Using Miller Approximation to Understand Response

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Using Miller Approximation to Understand Response

Low - frequency gain from Vi to Vout is  g m RLeq
Approximate : replace Cgd with Cmiller

Cmiller  (1  g m RLeq )Cgd

Ri C gs

g mVi RLeq

1 / 2f pole  Ri (Cgs  Cmiller )  RiCgs  Ri (1  g m RLeq )Cgd

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Miller and Exact Solutions

Exact solution
a1  Ri C gs  Ri C gd  g m Ri Rleq C gd  Rleq C gd

a2  Ri Rleq C gd C gd 
class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Further Comments Regarding Miller Approximation

class notes, M. Rodwell, copyrighted 2013

Frequency/Transient Reponse: Real, Important

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