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Đề bài: people living in the 21st century have a better life than people who lived in previous centuries.

what extent do you agree or disagree?

The 21st century is known as the century of technology and AI. People living in this century, they are
allowed to use technological products early such as smartphone, laptop, computer, robot helping them
doing many thing like clean their house or support them to work. So many opinions about people living
in the 21st century have a better life than people who lived in previous centuries. I completely agree
with that.

In fact, In the 21st century,humans have lots of benefits, because they are living in the techological
century when having a dramatic development in technology with lots of new inventions which help
humans becoming better. Nowadays, when Intenet is created by humans, If Internet is called where
having all the information and knowledge of humans, that is not uncorrect, because everything you want
to know, you can search it in the internet. Still having many wonderful inventions are not only Internet,
but also having AI like ChapGPT owned by Open AI, smart devices such as smartphones, laptop, robot
helping people doing something for their house and some softwares as word, power points owned by
microsoft. These will make the life of humans become better. In the future when technology getting
more and more improvement. People's life will become more and more convenient and comfortable.
Not only improve life but also improve education.

On the other hands, Althought people's life in the 21st century is better than people who lived in
previous centuries but still having pressing in life. Because society changes fastly so humans have to
catch up with the times.

To sum up, in recent years people who live in the 21st century, they are having a better life than humans
who lived in previous centuries but they still have pressing which is invisible, and they have to try hard to
catch up with the fast change of this century when everything surrounding them continuously update

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