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The bar chart illustrates shares of expenditures for five major categories, including Food, Housing,

Transportation, health care and clothing in the United States, canada, the United Kingdom and Japan in

Overall, The high percentages of shares of expenditures in four countries include Food, Housing and
transportation. The low percentages of shares of expenditures in four cointries are health care and
clothing. There is a significant percantage diffenrence between the high and the low in four countries.

Firstly, the housing of The United States is the highest shares of expenditures , over 25%. And other
countries is over 20%. Food is the second with the highest is japan, over 20% and the lowest is United
States. The third is housing, there is not any the percentages over 20%. The fouth is clothing with two
contries is over 5% is Canada and United Kingdom, and Both japan and United States is under 5. Finally,
The lowest is health care with only United States is over 5%, and Others is under 5%.

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