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Publisher: Patrick Hwang

Editorial Manager: Casey Kim
Editors: Jason Wilburn
Interior Design: Hongdangmoo Creative Design
Main lllustrator: Miyoung Song
Other Illustrators: Byoungkwon Min
Yeonju Oh
Kwangbum Lee
Photo Researcher: Sooyoun P.ark
Comics: Story byJason Wilburn
Pictures by Bananabee

Characters and Cover Illustration: Miyoung Song

Cover Design: Karen Kang

Copyright @ ZOOS e-future

publicotion moy be reproduced, stored in o

All rights reserved. No port of this
retrievol system, or tronsmitied, in ony form or by ony meons, eleclronic,
mechonicol, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withoui the priorwritten
permission of the publisher.


4-5F LK Building, 196-8

Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu,
Seoul, 138-220 Korea
TEL: 82.2.3481.0509
FAX: 82.2.591.7626
Lesson Flowchart 4
Map 6
Meet the Kibbits 8

i,'. , m
Les*on'l My Country 10

Lesson 2 Seasons 14

Lesson 3 The Ways of Life 18

Lesson 4 A Great Place to Visit 22

UNtrx ,
Lesson t Weekend Events 28

Lesson 3 School Events 32

Lesran 3 Our Dreams 36

Lessan 4 My Dream House 40

Lesson I Family Events 46
Lesson 2 Family Trips s0
l-esson 3 Enjoying Arts 54

Lesssn 4 Adventures of J &J: 58

- & ff$ffirm ffeaty*3*r

ffig De, &. 1'.1,

Lsss*m t Being Sick 64

Le*s*n 3 Holiday Fun 6B

Lessen 3 ln Our FreeTime 72

Less*m 4 Cooking 76

' .'. ,.," Tk'.

taesen t My Best Day 82

Lesscn 3 My Worst Day B6

{-*sso:t 3 Our Last Vacation 90

L*ss*m & Our Last Christmas 94

wm aDifferent&dd
Lessos? t A City 100

Lessosa 3 A Country 104

I-*ss*m S A Planet 108

*-essmm & AdventuresofJ&J: 112


Scope and Sequen(e 118

Wanrm Up
+The model passage introduces a writing topic through the eyes of the characters
Students will actively participate in completing the passage.
eA reading comprehension activity follows the model passage.
s Students will get an idea of what they are going to write about in the lesson.

*-:mffi Easy-to-Follow

1.r'Warm Up

A. Choose and w.il6

Uy tdr w.d -oEhg b w*t6!d

& kMqulthq,

h d.loai d€phg bF d ma fd

e )d

r cmpne !r lttbi
l_,?55 ryffi irT Dfl 355
& fd,

&std thdrd*

& s@tMo.

X oid Codylismily Stshlng lasl

? oidiheylak€somefood?

3 oidrheyhaveaOdtims? ?.. Word Practico

&t, A. Cho@ and eomplote lhe s6ntence.

qkea. sill& snothadhg 6k@

S Myiamilywedona l6siw6k6nd
3:. Crammar Prectlc6
ai Mom and Dad togeth€r
A, Circle UE namboi Say lho *nlanc$.
? Mybrcth*andllooka lesson-

kch 5*led slqh@iru vleB6d

$ tdyfamily 8o$ont€stsatuday

lE Wswed aDundihecity
1 lGnmate I 1 ll rl I sent€na€(s)with"l.'
t i rewsd toihe l@.
g lenmake ( l 2 li ) $ntem6(s)with'She."
l: kate ro.dl.n.L
1* I can mek€ I1 , :r ) ssnlen.els) with "Wo.'

B" write th6 Fei fom ot aB vorb.

10 $€ Frk Ysteday,
Wq:rd Pnaetlce a lo1 al peple ai the park yesleday

+ Students will be exposed to useful vocabulary and vry excitd at ih6 gam€ 16t S0nday

expressions that are related to the writing topic. This is alrain lo ouruncle's ho0s.

some iecream 6ftddinnei

done through various games and activities.
at a hoial lor &o days.

vry inte@lng.

a snd caslls at ins bgach yEsteday

Sramnmar Fraetlqe
6Students will practice the grammar that is needed for their writing.
*They will also learn how sentences are constructed using different
sentence building blocks. Using these building blocks, students will practice
making sentences that are not only grammatically correct, but also meaningful.
Fin*i Writing
s Students will write a passage based on their own
graphic organizer in Step 5. They will also draw pictures
for the passage. These passages can be compiled to
create a book after they finish all of the lessons.

.*,(a"'"' ..JW
ffi,1=p,ffi wB


SrEarriaing lefeas for \fUnitinE

* Students will organize their thoughts and ideas using a graphic organizer.
# Students are encouraged to use their own words.
However, they can always refer to the word bank when
necessary. Vocabulary in the word bank is arranged in
meaningf ul linguistic collocations.

Writing Practice
6 Students will practice writing complete sentences based
on the information in the graphic organizer.
6 Students will practice sentence building skills.
A Park
rD Shopping Ma I

€ B ueberry Elementary School O Police Department

O Gym @ Pet Hospltal
0 Basebali Field €t Sandw ch Shop
6 Sports Complex @ Hotel
6 lce Cream Shop tD Bookstore
North River
@ Ba?.ery 8l Pet Shop
O Open \4arket @ Toy Store
0 Post Offrce I Fire Departrnent
@ Playground @t Town Hall
O Festaurants @ Science Museum
North Beach
@ Park ng Lot {D Movie Theater
iB Swimmlno Pcol tli Baseball Stadium
(D Biueberry Middle School ip Amusement Park
iD Library @ lVerry-Go-RoL;nd !M
@ B ueberry lrigh School tlr water Slide Y';
O B ueberry Arts Center tlt Roller Coaster
O Hospital @ BLirnper Cars ffi
iD Bank @ Ti'ampoline

i*i'r!,: ::a:.l

* :i,,' ll!
.ri qB
' i:ri ffir*#b*
; €e* | ffi,B


/ o'B**
"ji -ffiW
I -
" r. Wix&
- The u^*^
TL^ Home
's' l:ll;
' **
' ffi
<;*, of the Kibhits

South River
& *r:
'i- :

Island Country Ozmo


& Maha Bora

, '.

. Pomoni
r!O Mount
a Tuca
. .lttr6
.5 o
e.B Blueberry


' ,, 1,.:,..1'

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ffi &
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i..E a
a..i .e
Fo;o *

'* ,#,*

This is $*r. ?.
He is Ella's pet.
This is Mom.
Her names is &s?a Kihbitts.
She is a doctor. . .i-.,,,
She likes to dance. *:

This is ***iy Kibbits.

He is 10 years old.
He wants to be a scientist,
,- ii {143
yi ?:
i*$1.11i,1!&gs6Be4sli.. .

:.,'g '
il '*.

s,6'i. r3
*' i::


This is €s&*.
He is Cody's pet. This is Dad.
llis name is ?*dr* Kibbits.
He is an inventor.
He makes great things.

This is P*p6**r.
She is Finn's pet.

This is Fisxx l(ibbits.

He is I years old.
He can play the trumpet.
W-= MyCountry

, The Ways of Life
* A Great Place toVisit
-.aar Unit I ire I't..- fie L.v"

$trg f.t*ntrg
{#Warm Up
A, Choose and circle. Complete the story.

I live { at / in } Ozmo.

Ozmo is a small island country.

It is in the Indian Ocean, near Africa.

There are nrany beautiful { beach I beaches },

There are mountains and trakes. ,' .'

There lare lis ) many wild aninalb,

:":':::: '
Lemurs are famous animals ia sfr'Coun f,

Sima is the capital city of Ozmo.

It is also the i larger 1}argest i city.

@, Check True or False.

7 The ocean is around Ozmo.


2 Lemurs live in Ozmo.

3 Sima is the smatlest city.

{l0I Unit 1 t hr t :a(e ,fie [.ve

..;# Word Practice

&, Label the map. Ghoose and write the word(s).


. :'. '

second largest
Canada is in _

Norlh America
There are high in the west.
They speak English and =__

Saudi Arabia is in the

hot / dry

oil producer important

It is the most in the world.
sand desert
It is very and in Saudi Arabia.
Middle East
The largest in the world is there.
Spain is in

Madrid'is the , of Spain.

Bull fighting is a in Spain.

is a famous Spanish artist. ,

3 i Grammar Practice
A. Circle the number. Say the sentences.

1r can make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "There."
Total Number
of Sentences
2I can make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "He."

3r make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "They." ...=.,.,.==>-==:e==:

B. Rewrite the sentence using the word on the left.

1 beautiful There are lakes.

2 wild There are many animals.

3 smallest lt is the country in the world.

4 island Japan is a country.

5 capital Beijing is the city of China.

6 high There are mountains.

7 largest It is the second country.

8 peaceful Switzerland is a country.

,{123] #::it -i :lr:: i'!:ii:t sir f. iL,r:

{i# Writing Practice
&. Look and write the sentence. Use a Be-verb when necessary.

&. Write your story. '

, 'Go to pages 4 and 5 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

tpwarm Up
&. Ghoose and write. Complete the


We have two in Ozmo.

There is a hot, rainy season.

It is from November to April.

many thunderstorms in the rainy

There is also a cooler, dry season.

It is from May to Ostober.

It is nice and sunny in the dry season,

It is never cold in our

It doesn't in Ozmo.

&" Write Yes or No.

I Are there four seasons in Ozmo?

2 Do they get thunderstorms in the rainy season?

3 Does it snow in Ozmo?

tl4 ! il*it 1 Piace i#r*
ffi wod Practice
bF, Go to page 16. Play the game.

ffi Grammar Practice

&. Choose and complete the sentence.

Spring is from February to April.

My class is from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock.

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

I Spring is from to ___*_ in our country.

2 Summer is from to _ _ _ in our country.

3 Fall is from to *__ __ in our country.

...and humid. my country.

...and warm.

...and cold. the winter.

...than spring.
ffi Writing Praetice
A" Look and write the sentence. Use a Be-verb when necessary.

e r.-"



J. Write your story. t


Warrm X,$p

A. Choose and write the sentences.

Complete the story.

, i--

,'We study math and science too. Our favorite sport is soccer:

Life in 1zmo

We speak French in our country.

We study English at school.

We usually wear jumpsuits every day.

They are special clothes.

We love to sing and dance.

We also like sports.

Many children play soccer at school.


B" Read and match.

E They speak... play soccer.

ffi They like... ...special clothes.

Jumpsuits are.., ...French at home. -\ '1.,,:::-j,


ffi Word Practice
A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

#i Enelish


My favorite school subject is

I like studying . lt's fun. i history i

3 I am not good at

4 My friend's favorite school subject is

isrtj .. r i

5 My friend is not good at

6 We study three times a week.

7 We have homework today- $ctence

B. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

speak study play have wear

We *=___* to school from Monday to Saturday.

We _ ** a summer vacation from July to August.

We usually _*- jeans and shirls.

We like to with friends.

igp Grammar Practice
A. Circle the number. Say the sentences.

l lcanmake(2 3 4) sentence(s) with "1."


Total Number
of Sentences
2lcanmake(2 3 4) sentence(s) with "She."

3 Icanmake (2 3 4) sentence(s) with "My brothers." r1 ; ; :: -:r- !ii:*r+;

B" Ghoose and write the correct word.

Chinese English French Japanese Korean Spanish

1 People speak . in Australia.

2 Mr. Hayashi is from Japan. He speaks

3 Mrs. Garcia is from Mexico. She speaks

4 John is from China. He speaks

5 People speak in Seoul.

6 People speak . in Paris.

7 Rmy is American. She speaks

Linit tr Piac* Yye Ltr;*
'lIiri.n fo*d*fr,i *{ l."ifr.l

{# Writing Practice
&. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
like speak study watch wear (x2)

€ .'--

6-r' -

e. :--

e* ..

&" Write your story.

Go to pages 8 and 9 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

l rt f
& ffir#te P*nuw
*ry We$&t
#Fwarm up
&. Choose and write the sentences.
Complete the story.

Come and visit the city of Maha.

It is a famous place in our country.

People can go scuba diving and swimming.

There is a national park near the city.

People can go bird watching.

There are many colorful cabins.

You will have a great time in Maha.

@. Check True or False.

1 There are beaches in Maha.


* There is a national park in Maha.

3 Maha is a famous place in Ozmo.

Uruit I Thc t'iace";?r i-ivs


'# Word Practice

A. Choose and complete the sentence.

I, vlcation _!olt_1?l"trjdllq belgfes seafogd

t .telu lsland is a popular place.

2 There are beautiful

3 People can go

4 People can taste fresh


, lo!1o! Eve galaces dounlg_$ect<11

l_*_Ti* Ylg*l

5 There are many - in London.

6 People can ride buses.

7 People can ride the

I tt is the tallest n Europe. ;.
. ,,-,rLr.:-J

r gllgv ?luil lllq"f ftal y-?l?'.f'rl:

g lguassu Falls are between and Argentina.

t S They are Niagara Falls.

t t There are 275 at lguassu.

12 People can water sports.

ffi Grammar Practice
&" Write the correct form of the word.

scuba diving

I People can go in the city.

2 People can go bike around the park.

ia:aa'i:i:ll:1,::. - .--'
3 el l People can go around the world.
*- _ -_.-

4 i:*,.$$h : People can go in the river.

5 ffi, People can go in the mountains.

at the national park.

@" Check the mistake and correct it.

1 There is a long riqd". @
river &

2 Comes to our city. @ nnru#



ffi ffi
3 People can go swim. @ s ffi

# w

4 He can rides trains. @ # *

# w
# &
5 There are tatl mountain. @ # ffi

ffi ffi
t"3[ll Uow many EO people live on
6 lt is largest waterfall. @ ffi Ozmo lsland? ffi

# @ ebout 1,000 EO people live ffi

&&&there. #
7 I can watching a sunrise. # -#sffiffiMws#-


li.: .lrr..:-.:
{24 Unit L The Piace We Live
ffi Writing Practice
&, Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

go ride watch

@. Write your story.

Go to pages 10 and 11 in your workbook. Draw and write your story

' : r. a:::.r,,1.:a:,:
FF Make an advertisement poster about a special place.

*, Srep i Prepare a sheet of colored construction paper.

* $tcF 2 Glue a photo or draw a picture of your special place.
.* $tep 3 Write about the place.
.j=-ff -f "rf Jt'a S?g9f ??FSSFf a.FS f Sf gtsa!€-tt5f,s€ltSS Sf,*.f,-Fl'.r.f ,f, rd u.{,{

<w*oJ h/ tr'it/ PJ
Come and visit the ciiq of Seoul.
It, is the beauiiful capital citq of South Korea.

There are manq things io seg and do.


;;l " ":H;il":"::-'"'&

People cGn to shopping in the new shopping rnalls.
People can tc.ste wonder{ul Korean foo4.

Come and have c grect time.


Fr I

ffi M
ffiffi WeekendEvents

ffiffi$ School Events


ffiffi MyDreamHouse

i lir+ Iiai+ #+ Li',;i::
2 The Future Events
ii::ti :1 I'i;t: r.v*-'::i: ']i
Lir-:ji 4 i:rr;':tri Ai:+r,:i'. ,,

' ! .:
!,,, .
,""# Warm Up

A" Choose and write. Complete the story.

Mema No,

B" Check True or False.

1 Cody is excited for tomorrow.

2 Cody's family will watch a movie.
3 Cody's family will have pizzafor dinner ll't' ::ll

*n!t E r'*llre L-,;eri:;
# Word Practice
A. Choose and complete the sentence in the future tense.
lwe v.rill go to the library tomorrow.

2we some interesting books.

3we the books home.

ride go have
,-:-;:,-:., 4 We to the park tomorrow.

5 We lunch at the park.

6 We our bikes.

7I early tomorrow.

8I cereal for breakfast

gI cartoons on TV. ,

play bake visit

. 10 My grandparents us tomorrow.


We board games.

'12 We some
13 We home tomorrow.

14 My mom some popcorn.

15 We a movie on DVD together.

#F Grammar Practice
A. Write the verb in the future tense.

I will watch a movie tomorrow.

. will + verb shows future tense,
They will go to the park tomorrow.

I it$|ryIT... we --- - our grandma tomorrow.

2 tomorrow night.

4':"..:'.' : we __ sandwiches for Iunch today.

5 My dad a new car next month.

6 My brother soccer at school tomorrow.

7 home this weekend.

@" Circle the correct word.

lTomorrowis W,
2 My uncle can speak Fr""." / Fren--h .

3 We will i go swimming / go swim j this weekend.

4 tvty mom wil! buy ne* cbtf'es / n"*

5 we i.ffi earlytomorrow.

6 He i play / will play I soccer tomorrow.

Unit 2 The Future Events

# Writing Practice
&, Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
will buy will go (x2) will have will see willtake


@, Write your story.

Go to pages 12 and 13 in your workbook. Draw and write your story. i

..: X
rir &
r8r #ffi
A. Choose and write. Complete the story.
i--s' !t

t,,; will be willdo '-:will play

W !i,l}iiliili

= a+ ,ri{p
fi1 ",,
I V ,.F
Thurf '

We will have a field day next Friday.

We have a field day at school every year.

no classes.

ilP **. r'

We will play sports all dayt B-

We long iumps.

We Tug-of-War.

There will be prizes too.

It will be so much fun.

B. Write Yes or No.

'l ls Cody happy about the field day?

2 Witt Cody stay home next Friday?

3 Witt Cody have classes next Friday?

i.32j ijiir :i:

ffi wod Practice
)) Go to page 34. Play the game.

ffi Grammar Practice

A. Rewrite the sentence in the future tense.

It ' :. It will be fun,.

She is,happy, She will be
You,are happy-

I It is so much fun. &

2 There are no classes. &

3 we are hungry. *
4 tvty brother is tired. &
5 tt is hot. &

B. Gircle the correct word.

t There . is / will be classes tomorrow.

2 My dad will buy / buys a new bike next week.

3 we t'are / b; very happy today.

4 We will get many present / presents

5 There will be aI A dancing contest.

: i'1. I -at!#L t:i



I >> ?E*Z=,;--z i=..=i:i ?=,=-,=?s?;".i';:? a i'i;#il{fet.
j":':"tr ,
, \\,rt
She will dance.

* She will do face painting.

€i= She will run a '100 m race.

* She will be in a jump rope contest.

* He will sing.

#? He will play the trumpet.

\l #- He will have a special snack.

''----/' I
$'$,} He will get a present.

ff;t They will run a 4OO m relay.

ii* They will do a short play.

r5jE They will play games.

f:; They will cheer for their teams.

! i.i:nn j i" i.l I ))L
r' -l e
-;-\4 s ra:
* l--
:.; s. .:,;1.
"1. -r i r::i-iil
"fi: -- -i r-.. ::.,'- _- - - l_,u-;I,: t:

"'+/ I " .;
qe -.\
''q4 i,]
;-k L :r-, ''
- &F - ^, .'.
J i.
.3_,_\, y_.
t i 4:
k: b'
m#+t ".e.* +. ,j',--,,

,,*'l * r-
13," * . h-
ffir ' \{
',4*/j- "
# Writing Practice
&. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

will be will do will have (x2) will sing

a small PlaY
-. ----
and dance too

L- ___somesnacksJs;
some snacks

1l i


3i :

@, Write your story.

14 and 15 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

ffiww ffimwffiffiffi
f;i warm up
A" Choose and write the sentences.
Complete the story.
I . I want to be a scientist.
.l 1 :; 1r I-rr-r,*,i., j...,j.,i..t.-.:

Our Dreams

My sister, Ella, wants to be a movie star.

She will sing and dance [n the movies.


My brother, Finn, wants to be a sports star,,

He will be a great baseball player.

He will play on the national team.

I will be a famous scientist.

I will discover new things.

B. Read and match.

ff Ella wants... play baseball very much

tr Finn likes... discover new things.

*.& Cody wants... be in the movies.

ff Word Practice
A" Choose and write the correct word.

i:: :

.1=t..-.',. doctor wniter *hildren's help writm work

::1: .

: : ? lwanttobea
a', --

:a;: -
I ,1.: '
Z" rwin at a hospital.

3 twil sick people.

a':: t

.t:: 4 Sfre wants to be a

:..: ::. -

::l;. 5 She will wondedul stories.

Sne will make books.


tea*her pianist concerts famous tearh be

? I want to be an English

* I will English to children.

* I will a good teacher.

re * He wants to be a

X € He will be

tA He will have all over the world.
r 3 ,3 Grammar Practice
A" Circle the number. Say the sentences.

t can make 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "1." Total Number

of Sentences
2 can make 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "He."
3 can make 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "Amy and Tom."

B, Choose and complete the sentence.

I be/am I want to a famous artist.

z on/in lwill swim the Olympics.

My/l sister wants to sing and dance in the movies.

(+ a/ an John wants to be police officer.

Ia wants / want We to be doctors.

6 faster / fastest He will be the runner in the world,

I want / wants My friend to have a big restaurant.

& build / builds Amy wants to beautiful buildings.

t38i ; "
# Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
will be (x2) willfly will make



lD. Write your story.

-..., Go to pages 16 and 17 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.
.r,i .:l,l;lL. .. ..1 .:r,.
.: j? 1
: ;
.j,jj *;! {;i: ,j
. .i


A. Choose and wrif6'thc.-qentences. Complete the story.

'' i
-"1'-" a

My dream house will be in the forest.

{4y Dreem House

I want to build my dream house someday

I want to have many pets with me.

There will be many animals around the house.

They will play in my front yard.

There will be a large game room in the house.

My dream house will be wonderful.

B. Check True or Faise.

4 Cody's dream house will be in the city.

Cody likes animals very much.

E}} Cody will have a game room in the house. ,,,y;.6.r6

I ...

_n/ I I ;:.,

.z|,sWord Practice

A. Look and number the pictures.

d! bedrc*ru: S kitchen $ lir,'ing rooffi @ swimnning p**l $ gar:t* r*sffi $ lihrary

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence.

in the city in the countryside in the forest on an island

? My family lives

& My dream house will be

Grammar Practice
A" Circle the number. Say the sentences.

can make 2 3 &

1 ( 4 ) sentence(s) with "1."
Total Number
of Sentences
2 can make ( 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "She."

3 can make ( 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "There."


. - ,. _.-....._.i:.9.+a:s=

B" Check the mistake and correct it.

1 lt is a beautiful. &
2 There will be many bedroom . @
fsBeS *


3 I want to live on the city. & !s

magic cipsvle

4 t witl have an large living room. @

5 My mom likes cook. @

6 I want to live at the island. @


Q Why can't we see Ozmo

7 There is a indoor swimming pool. @ lsland?

{]} tt's under the magic capsule. .=.


I I want to live on my family. & ,ic

giri l
] :'j

ft lltr':lB [rl's]t' 'ltsr'l! '! l;

# Writing Practice
A, Look and write the sentence. Use a Be-verb when necessary.
Write the verbs in the future tense when necessary.

want to build my dream house

come and visit me


@. Write your story.

Go to pages 18 and 19 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

FD Make a pamphlet about your future dreams.
,o Step I Prepare a sheet of colored constructton paper.
I Step 2 Fold the paper in half.
* Step 3 Draw a picture on the left side.
* Step 4 Write about your future dreams on the right side.

1l<. .\-
-.f q,
F'1 .\

Jt= F\

It .\,

;'E J 1

for m{ f*t'ura'
I have mc.nq dre*mg

I want +,o be *n archiiect'

buildings in t'ho
I will build bsaunifr'rl
houss too'
I will build mq dream

Mq dream house will be on ths top floor

of mq building'

'Ihere will be r*anq bsdrooms'

Mq frien4s can coms c.nd siaq widh

There will be a big living roorn'

hle w'itl talk and Plaq gamee'

ffi K :Family Events

@X FamilyTrips

emffi$ rEhjoyingArts ffi

@& AdventuresofJ&J: .-@
- ie ?*;;rie Ysmvq*;l*x -

H@s ffi
'q. '3";r lJnit 3 Fun fvents
ffiwarm Up
A. Choose and write. Complete the story

tast Saturday was my grandma's birthday.

She is 75 years old now.

We all to Grandma's house.

My mom a birthday cake,

My dad her a present.

It was.a new sweater,

EIIa, Fina and I made her birthday cards.

We the "Happy Birthday" song,

We all had a nice time at Grandma's.

B" Check True or False.

1 Cody's family was home last Saturday ffi.1,.'.. :t
2 It was Cody's grandma's birthday.
3 Cody's grandma was happy.

Unit 3 Fun fvents
4,J Word Practice

A" Choose and complete the sentence.

bride wedding day went w#re

'l Yesterday was my aunt's

2 We all - to her wedding.

3 Sfre was a beautiful

4 Sfre a long white wedding dress.

brought v,,efit were first birlhday

5 Last Sunday was my cousin's

6 we to my uncle's house.

7 There a lot of people.

I They all nice presents.

family g*t-together relatives eock*d wa$

I Last Saturday was a

10 lt at our house.

11 All my came for dinner.

12 My mom a lot of food all day.

{,. Grammar Practice
A. Write the correct form of the Be-verb.
lam I was
She is happy. She was happy yesterday;,.
They are They were

T Jake and Tom . at home yesterday.

2 There a Iot of people at the wedding last week.

3 My brother excited all day yesterday.

4 There an English test last Monday.

5 I_ _ nervous before the test yesterday.

6 They -"., hungry after the game yesterday.

@. Write the past form of the verb.


I go to school. I went to school yesterday. :."

She bakes cookies. She baked cookies yesterday.

I ,.-99_ ; We _- _ to the park yesterday.

2 :gMe My friends _ me many presents.

3 : come Mydad. _ home early yesterday.

4 : sing I a song at the talent show.

5 .
cooK My mom _ a delicious dinner last Sunday.

6 . clean
1-____ -_:___:-,,
They _._ - . the house together yesterday.

{48 I Unit S Fun flvenis

F**ntifg* Hv*r:t*

ffi Writing Practice

A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

bought had

l. Write your story. "

ffiffi,tu pages 20 and 21 in your workbook. Draw and write your story
IiqrM .-,,r::!.-i'ri-e*-Fii{++9.!"r'?.]@
ffimffiffiffi ffiffiffi

#Warm Up
A" choose and

&fi.PeKed * went,,,,,l:::

My family went camping last weekend.

to Mount Tuca.

We were very excited.

We took a tent, sleeping bags and some food.

the tent in the mountain.

We built a campfire at night.

We told ghost stories.

a great time.

@. Write Yes or No.

I Did Cody's family go fishing last week

"{ Did they take some food?

3 Did they have a good time?

l-.iirit .t i'lrr i:..r+i;ir.

Wotd Practice

A" Choose and complete the sentence.

barheq\tg,,,,; .,.,.cabin lukg-. . ,,' ., ,,swimming

I My family went to the last weekend.

2 We stayed in a by the lake.

3 We went in the lake.

4 rvy dad cooked

cable car ski trip snowboarding skied

5 My family went on a last weekend.

6 Mom and Dad together.

7 My brother and I took a lesson.

S we took a to the mountain top.

beach seafood sightseeing visited

I My family Boston last Saturday.

'10 we went around the city.

I't We went to the too.

12 We ate for dinner.

ffiF Grammar Practice
A" Circle the number. Say the sentences.

I can make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "1." s
Total Number
rt of Sentences
can make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "She."
*l can make ( 2 3) sentence(s) with "We."

B" Write the past form of the verb.

| :'r,9o,.
We to the park yesterday.


- '

, There a lot of people at the park yesterday.

{ am I very excited at the game last Sunday.

)tl t:.
iat<e We a train to our uncle's house.

i, eat They some ice cream after dinner.

l, stay She at a hotel for two days.

,I The movie very interesting.


Iu build They a sand castle at the beach yesterday.

ffi lj*it S f*n [v*nir

ffi:l, .
61 i:: 11""'1"i';.:
: '

# Writing Practice
&, Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.

stayed took watched went {x2)

to Jeju Island

a wondedul

@, Write your story.


Go to pages 22 and 23 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.


l,rwarmup ffimffi
A. Choose and write the sentences.
Complete the story.

It was a rap music concert. We like rap music

TheRaP Concerl

We all went to a concert last Friday.

It was at the Arts Center.

The students made their own rap music,

They sang rap music very well.

Ella, Finn and I were excited.

My mom and dad like classical music.

They still had fun.

B. Read and match.

Cody and his family went... i-'. ,:,:; ...rap music very much.

tr cody tikes... a concert.

S Everyone had... ...a good time.

r{s+} i:i,i
ff Word Practice
A" Choose and write the correct word.

exhibition musical play concert

I We saw a school . 2 There was an art at school.

3 We went to a piano 4 trey went to see

B" Choose complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

enjoyed danced performed great very well very much

'l tre art exhibition was . They drew wonderful pictures.

2 tre school play was fun. They very well.

3 tre musical was exciting. They sang and beautifully.

4 tre piano conceft was wonderful. She played the piano

5 Everyone liked the school play

S tre concert was good. We it very much.
m Grammar Practice
&. Write the words in the correct order.
q:nsl:ff4...ii;.jffi l:*3:+S+i+i=j!iffi ;s-+$5!#+a+q+

He sang very well.


I like / We / very much / movies / .

2 sang / loudly / They /

3 walks / Myl slowly / grandma / .

4 He / ate / very fast / ice cream / .

5 enjoyed / I / very much /the concert / .

6 My / can / very well / mom / sing /

@. Check the mistake and correct it.

T We went to a coriqf,ts.

2 ! see a movie yesterday.

3 It were exciting.




4 They have fun yesterday. @ ffi


5 We go the zoo tomorrow. ,-BF

o They can sing very good. # W i* wfrat do Eo people like most


ffi about ffi

rn"v likethe blue sky most.
7 I like very much music. 6 ffi #

&* * ffi ## * * *#

\# *
t56 Unit 3 Fun Everti

:llr:a' ::aai:.:.
l;;::::.;:r:::lt l,
-*- 1

* Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

like played went



5 They

B. Write your story.

- Go to pages 24 and 25 in your workbook. Draw and write your story

g*w rdsq
- ,# ffi
:q ,}t ,."t f'*
'$'Y,T O
ltf_ &

ffiWmru* Kmmw*Emm
I ilke hovinS {,,n A b,c7 ire:
qt the par.k " _a
rfiy wrt:hl

He has an old
;acket" He ?5

bt3ger,^ *un you,

Pictures by Bcnonobee
Story by lasorr tUilburn

lHlqr"Mfie Yes, but 5oorr

W)y,@Erlr I w?l{ So ?nto
fhe Sutlrre L

Nc,brt 1 need iL
&,- -U?rne travel,

Wh,, 0r€ y6q UVe! jusr trale{i n

still henl? VERY S&OW&Y.
Yeah, what s
3o?ng on?
ffiwarm Up

A. Choose and write. Complete the comic on pages 58 and 59.

He is sitting in a box. a ls that your watch?

What does he look like? o I'm going into the future.

He is behind that building. . Let's go quietly behind him.

B. Match.

1 Janice Iikes... d, ..,for time travel.

2 The Iittle boy lost... d! ...having fun at the park. i

3 The big boy needs the watch... *


€" Check Ti,ue or False.

I Janice and Jacob met a little boy at the park.

- .- .--a--- .-:.-

.,......... *.,.i,.

2 tre little boy needs a watch for time travel.

3 Janice and Jacob found the boy's watch. ffi.,:..

4 Janice and Jacob are traveling into the past.

gJ Uft;t 3 iun Ir,rii.

.. i 6
ffi Writing Practice
&. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in present continuous.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

is closing is walking is counting is looking is playing

hide and seek I

for his friends 5

very quietly 6


2 He




@, Write the summary of the comic.

Go to pages 26 and 27 inyour workbook. Draw and write the summary. ,


FD Make a poster absut one tf ysur farnitry's fun *vents.

.#. $top I Prepare a sheet of colored construction paper"

* 2 Fold the paper in half.
* Step 3 Draw a picture on the top half,
e, $tep it Write about the event on the bottom half.
. S .f .f I -a ? ! : -- -f f i .a J ,a J i- -- .a J-J "a -a -$ .1 -l i f .a ,f .f .r .f ..f .f i.l J .f .r -{ -f v .t .l .i a ",' .f -. -{ -{-.v "l .t .d r

Strrj*i*r* &* fi1+.r-&p,i


Lr^st Sundaq wc^s mq grandpats br'rthdaq.

There wc^s c. surprise ?crrtq crt our hou$e.

Mq da4 invit,ed Qrandpats fr'iends.

Mq mom bake4 a birthdaq cake.

Mq brother and I rnade a birthdaq bc^nnsr.

ule put the banner on ths wall.

F'inallq.r mq grandpa ccma c^nd opened the door.

hle cll qelled, 'oHoWq &irttroaq, &randpo.!!!"

He wc.s surprise4 and happq.

ffiBeingsick @
bF'T e
. ffi
Holiday Fun

e ln Our Free Time

ffi4 Cooking ## '(ff


i il.:r lilr;
\dtl l-:vr:

- ^*dB
%:.- Unit 4 Do and'ruout Eg{qt
-l r 1 t . - I
f,c**t $&sil$
{#warm Up
&" Choose and circle. Complete the story.

My sister, Ella, was sick yesterday.

She { catch t' caught } a cold.

She { have J had } a high fever.

My mom is our doctor.

She checked Ella.

She gave Ella { some J a }medicine.

Ella took the medicine.

She stayed {in / on } bed

She slept all day.

@. Check True or False.

t Ella didn't feel well yesterday.


2 Her dad gave her medicine. ffi

3 She slept in her bed all day.
Un*t 4 ** arici Ah*ut
ffi wod Practice
A" Choose and write the correct word(s).
sore throat headache stomachache toothache fever runny nose

ffi&" "

,H'ehasa She has a H e h as a _.*.;._--. *i,:.,.: __:.* _*.;_ _.--."..


She has a He has a She has a

&. Choose and complete the sentence.

cold dentist medicine temperature in bed

1 The nurse took my *_- . The doctor gave me some

2 My brother had a bad toothach"u. My mom took him to the

3 My sister caught a ,_,_.__._,.._,_-"_,_.. She stayed all day.

\# ,

" * -,
{gF Grammar Practice
A. write a, an, or some.

a sahdwich some sandwiches

an apple some apples
a water some water
o medicine some medicine

1 There are ------ cookies in the cookie jar.

2 My mom gave me , medicine for my cold.

3 I always have hamburger for tunch.

4 I ate orange this morning.

5 Can I have cold water, please?

S frey drank , - orange juice.

B, Rewrite the sentence in the past tense.

1 She stays in bed all day. She stc-ve/

in bed ill da-y,

2 He takes some medicine.

3 | have a bad stomachache.

4 they sleep all day.

5 My mom gives me an apple.

6 He catches a cold.
# Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

gave had (x2) rubbed stayed

*- +';'* -"**^'-"**

t 2

J. Write your story. "

i,.,1'$q to pages 30 and 31 in your workbook. Draw and write your i

WffimffiWffiffi ffiury
i t "J Warm Up
A. Choose and write the word. Complete the story.

ii,'rr:l,,,iweaf ',,rCOlleCt '--r S&Y :-'Ol.l ',,

' '':Halliowe'a6: '

Halloween is my favorite holiday.

It is October 31st.

It is a fun holiday for children.

My friends and I Halloween costumes,

We go around the neighborhood.

"Trick or Treat!'n

We candy and chocolates.

Other children come to our house too.

My dad gives them candy and chocolates.

B" Write Yes or No.

t ls Halloween in November?

tr Do children wear costumes on Halloween?

S Do children come to Cody's house?

l[68jr ijril 4. :j

i2SWord Practice
A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

bqw eai wear January 1"
& 1 New Year's Day in Korea is on
\$ by the lunar calendar.
?" People usually Hanbok.

3 trey - rice cake soup, Tteok guk.

4 Children to their parents and grandparents.

for free activities June 1-' presents

5 Children's Day in China is on

6 Ctriloren do fun

7 They get from their parents.

I mey can go to movies and parks

December 25= exchange put up

S Christmas is on

t0 People Christmas trees.

t 1 They Christmas cards.

'EZ rney gifts.

ffi Grammar Practice
A. write in or on.

in December on December 25*h

in 2001 on Christmas

1 They go to the zoo Children's Day.

2 Crritoren's Day is April 30* in Mexico.

3 My best friend's birthday is March.

4 fVy mom was born 1970.

S Korean New Year's Day is January 1" by the lunar calendar.

S My family goes to church Sunday.

@. Choose and complete the sentence.

1 Children wear traditional clothing on / in New Year's Day.

2 ttis a /an , interesting holiday.

3 we buy a/ some presents for our relatives.

4 Wego in/ around the neighborhood.
5 Halloween is on / in October.

6 We usually are visiting / visit our relatives on holidays.

7 Christmas is in / on the summer in Aust ralia.

unit 4 ) ., -".,,


{# Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

makes watch


B. Write your story.


ffire ffiwr ffirww Wm#ffi#
t.' Warm Up
A. Choose and write the sentences.
Complete the story.

wV family also enjoys going to the,:.i.,
!1t1.1t1!,::We like to go to the park on the

..i,i., .:.- ..,,W .,,.. .,. .

,,. in 0at,fraeTi*a

My family does many things together in our free time.

Mom and Dad usually take a walk around the park.

Finn, Ella and I watch the ducks in the pond.

We feed them bread crumbs.

We like fantasy movies more than adventure movies.

We like the cartoons the best.

They are always fun.

B" Read and match.

,E Cody's family does... ,-, the park on the weekend.

tr They often go... watch cartoons the best.

ffi Cody, Finn and Ella like... . ...many things together.

'{ZZ}, ;-iriii.{
ffi Word Practice
&. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.
exerclse watch TV go to the library
listen to music play the piano go swtmmrng
read books walk the dog help my mom
write letters play eomputer games play with my friends

1 I like to in my free time.

2 My family likes to together on the weekend.

3 ! usually in my free time.

4 My brother and I in our free time.

5 I sometimes after school with my friends.

6 My mom likes to in her free time.

7 My dad likes to in his free time.

8 We always in our free time.

@, Unscramble and write the word.

Obabeskallt €)viseom Ogisfhni

1 I play _*-* with my friends.

2 We like to watch in our free time.

3 My grandpa goes ____ with my dad on the weekend.

-l: ': li:.i:l
i l
. . .:::itn:rli
3 v Grammar Practice

A" Circle the number. Say the sentences.

1 I can make 1 2 3) sentence(s) with "1."
Total Number
of Sentences
2 I can make 1 2 3) sentence(s) with "We."

3 I can make (1 2 3) sentence(s) with "My dad."

B. Write the correct form of the word. Discuss your choices.

to play
want to play lrKe enjoy playing

1 read Do you like ?

2 eat I want some ice cream.

3 walk My brother enjoys with the dog.

4 watch They enjoy movies.

5 go We want to the park.

6 listen They like to classical music.

7 play I enjoy computer games.


U# Writing Practice
&. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
to play house enjoy like watching listen




3 srre

@. Write your story.

Go to pages 34 and 35 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

GWrrm Up
A. Choose and write the words. Complete the
:.l',.:;"SOme ,.:Slice ;will make'

frr;f#g Sandwi&s :
I want to make lunch for my family.

ham and cheese sandwiches.

I need some bread.

Ineed hamandcheese.

I also need some lettuce and tomatoes.

First, I put lettuce a piece of bread.

Next, I put on ham and cheese. *

Then, I put on a of tomato.

After that, I put another piece of bread on top.
€ti*{;A ,

r-ri- y*


B" Check True or False.

1 Cody wants to make hambulgers ',True ,

2 Cody's mom will make lunch today. iiiffi

'- #,
3 Cody needs two pieces of bread for each sandwich ffi

{76} ii::::'i

{# Word Practice

A" Choose and write the word.

cut spread put

'lt peanut butter and jam on the bread.

2"r the two slices of bread together.

3r the sandwich in half.


: " - :-:--.-:-==..=.;*j

put add peel


a banana and cut it in two.

3 scoops of ice cream on the banana. i


whipped cream on top of

put bake

, the pizza sauce on the pita bread. :

U I put some pepperoni and cheese the pita bread.l

s lhe pizza. !;

1S r

tt r

# Grammar Practice
&" Write a or some.

a tomato a bread
a slice of tomato a slice of head
some tomatoes some bread

I I bought apples.

2 t traO slice of cheese and - crackers.

3 We need chocolate ice cream.

4 ! always drink cup of milk in the morning.

5 I need peanut butter and strawberry jam.

6 There is lettuce in the refrigerator.

W" Choose and complete the sentence.

1 I want . _maklng / to make , d s?hdwich.

rEGsS ;
2 lpeel a/some banana. s[
ffi ffi

w ffi

3 My mom takes sugar i. , ;; her coffee. * ffi

# !d

ffi ffi
4 ffi ffi

ffi #
5 ffi ffi

m ffi
6 fli i{i what are EO people afraid &
ry of on Earth? ffi

& S They are afraid of snow &

7 ss * ffi wru * * *6

: rI'rie
{zs} 4
Unit Do and Aboui

=ir.:., '{.

,&Writing practice

A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.

to make makes

4 Next,

5 Then,

6 After that,

l" Write your story. o

ir:'Go to pages 36 and 37 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.
>> tu?afy *{cw-Yc-F*st*r *€ y**cr fmv*r$t* sre**k.
e Step 1 Prepare different colored construction paper
* Step 2 Write the recipe step by step,
*. 3 Add drawlnOs or pictures

hra** ffiflkslrata
=\1*<i ty Ja+""Es

,:=*::. ._,
0 Put into tha blenderi
I cup of milk
@ rtix everyrhlng rogerher.
7 arl ice cubes
I banana
Cf,# MyBestDay

Cm[# OurlastVacation

C;ftlp OurlastChristmas

;Jrii il
i ii":r: i::i;:il*
ii:lri 3 i:uii
Unit 5
'.. . j'

The Best and Worst


#reHd #
1.: Warm Up

A. Choose and circle. Complete the story]


!!r" lt
-^"' !\ , '_--]
it a;_ u
il r*-*-
tl '.t, l

/4yF.est DaY
&.lL : {{ .

Yesterday , is 'was , my best day. *-----<*;:-;"-:--*--*"*:

My class went on a field trip.

We went , to at : the science museum.

There : w?s . were , interesting things at the museum.

We saw a huge dinosaur skeleton.

We saw a space shuttle.

We talked , to , at , a real scientist.

We learned about space travel.


Everything was exciting at the museum. i '?'.i%

i I
tl ]

B. Check True or False.

G Cody's class was at the museum yesterday. Truc False

ff Tlley saw a dragon skeleton at the museum. Trule False

i Cody had a great time at the museum. ,,1,';.*:llAr:i:.:t ;r$*l**.

.3i Word Practice
A" Choose and write the correct word.

mgainst wmn play*d

tr in the school soccer game.

2 We played another school.

3r the winning goal.

4we the game.

watched party invited presents

5I all my friends to my birthday party.

S tne was at the indoor playground.

7 We a magic show.

S I got many great

elass spelled sp*lling bee pilz*

S There was a at school.

1S My class played against another

X t We the words correctly.

tff We won the first

lp Crammar Practice
A. Circle the number. Say the sentences.

1 I can make (1 2 3) sentence(s) with "We.,, q*

Total Number
2 I can make (1 2 3) sentence(s) with ',My friends.,, of Sentences
3 I can make (1 2 3) sentence(s) with "The show.,,
:."-- - ..,.., .

B. Circle the correct word.

with my friends.
We played "
We talked
to Mary.
about the party.

1 Boys are talking about / io tomorrow,s game.

2 we learned a lot , wlth / about, stars in science crass.

3 I raced , igainst / wilh John, and I won.
4 My mom is talking t;o / aoout. . my dad. The y arein the kitchen together.

5 I did my art project with / againsl Amy. we did a good job.

6 My dad usually asks to / about our school at dinner.

Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

bought got won


J. Write your story. t

1.i Warm Up l- i.l

A. Write couldm't or had to.

Gomplete the story.
AY \t'/orsl DoY

Today was my worst day.

I woke up late this morning. 1*t'3'
.L{ - \*
rt ,t * '-o
I missed my school bus.

walk to school.

There was a math test at school.

I didn't do well on the test.

Then I lost my favorite pen.

find it anywhere.

I was unhappy all day

B" Write Yes or No.

'H OiO Cody get up early today?

ffi Did he take the school bus this morning?

# Did he find his favorite pen?


'.?#Wold Practice
A" Choose and complete the sentence.

Eave had had to stay took

1r a terrible stomachache.

2 My mom me to a doctor.

3He me a shot.

4r in bed.

couldn't find got out looked lost

5 My dog of the house.

6 tvty dog was

7r everywhere.

8r him anywhere.

fell off embarrassing rode were

9r my bike to the park.

t {} There many people.

t1 r my bike.

te lt was so
ffi Grammar Practice
A. Read and match the sentences. Discuss your choices.

I lost my pen. I was very sick.

I couldn't find it anywhere. I had to go to a hospit&1".'.:'.1,...,r;,

I couldn't te!! my mom a Utttl...,1

my new bike. I couldn't do my ho,meW0fk;rtr'l,,t,,...ll,,ttl:,,..,.t


3 tiif&Ai,i*ry tired. I couldn't eat anything.' ,,,,' ,,:,,,..i:rr:,,.1.,,.


4 ,{had a stomachache. * e I had to study for the test.

:-l, watch TV. e! had to miss my bascbalt gtffi*jr;i

. . .,
sl .:, \,,..t! ,,,t :,i;

ir;fii[1r,rpsrn was really messy. had to clean it.

B. Circle and write the correct word.

1 tate / tately I woke up _ , this morning.

2 very good / very well I did not do on the test.

3 everywhere / anywhere ! could not find my dog

4 t/me The doctor gave a shot.

5 They / There was a math test at schoo!.

6 had / had to I __*_ finish my homework.

S unti 5 ire bclr anr uvor(i

* ",
ffig Lff*r*i **ig

ffi Writing Practice

A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

didn't have felldown fell .

c. -"


D. Write your story.
1 Warm Up
A. Choose and write ifres*"t"*;e
Gomplete the story.

:W:e went the_re by plane It was half-human and half-lion.

' Vscs*ian in EyYP+ :

My family had a vacation in Egypt last summer. "',Eii"gg

We saw many things in Egypt.

We saw the amazing pyramids.

They were really huge.

We also saw the Great Sphinx of Giza.

We had a lot of fun in Egypt. f*,l:,:91

?-r' !...

It was a great vacation.

B. Read and match.

Cody's family was... ...a plane to Egypt.

{. They took... Egypt last summer.

The pyramids were... ...very big.

ff Word Practice
A" Choose and write the correct word.

visited vacaticn spent by

1 ttly family had a in Peru.

2 We went there plane.

3we Machu Picchu.

4 W" two days at Machu Picchu. I

tour dry took cacti

5 My family a vacation in Arizona.

6 lt was very hot and

7 We saw many huge there.

,,; 8 We did the Grand Canyon E

picnic movies museum AT


$ We had a vacation home.

'trO we had a at the park.

1 I We went to the

, 1? We also visited the local

;: .

{91 }
r,g Grammar Practice
A. Gomplete the sentence about yourself.

by plane / boat / train/ bus / car.

We go there
on foot.

1 We usually go to school

2 My dad goes to work

3 My mom goes shopping

4 t go to my friend's house
5 My mom goes to a bank

6 t go to my English school

@. Gircle the correct word.

1 our last vacation was a / the best vacation ever.

2 We went camp / camping at the Grand Canyon.

3 We did many fun things at / in home.

4 We went to Egypt by / in plane.

5 Our vacation trip was exciting / excited

6 I will never forget / forgot this trip.

7 We had a lot of fun in / on Egypt.

{trJ un;i5: .''d,r',i.,

#* r Lal rr I

# Writing Practice
A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.

mountain climbing swrmmrng





J. Write your story.

i€*i.$o to pages 42 and 43 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.
ffiww fumWffi ffituwm%ffiwmw
.1 Warm Up

A" Choose and write the words.

Complete the story.

,,:-.from ,,;a lot of -: last

Our Lost Chrisfmos

Ella, Finn, and I were very happy

We got presents,

Ella got a new doll Grandma.

She was so excited.

Finn got a soccer ball from Mom.

He was very happy.

I got a game player from Dad.

It had many games.

I was really happy

B" Check True or False.

t Everyone was happy last Christmas. Tiue Falee

?" Ella liked the present from Grandma. *r:f+;6*

3 Cody got a new soccer ball.

t943 Li:irl ij
ffi Word Practice
A. Choose and write the correct word(s).

made put up wrapped waited for went

1 We _ a Christmas tree in the living room.

2 We _ shopping for Christmas presents.

3 We _ the presents for Mom and Dad.

4 We Christmas cards for our friends.

5 Ghristmas cookies.

6 We Santa CIaus.

family presents grandma cousins best exeited

7 We got a lot of on Christmas day.

I I played with my We are the same age.

I We went to visit our We gave her presents.

10 My uncle's _._,_. ,,.. .- came to visit.

11 We were very . ,-".. We couldn't sleep at a!!!

12 It was the Christmas ever.

- illlF
__t .+s
ffi Grammar Practice
&. Circle the correct word.

week week week

last this next
vacation vacation vacation

1 I went to the movies '. Sunday.

2 trey will go on a field trip ffisi i #ii week.

3 My family will have a vacation in Japan ?=ry1 ry*l-. summer.

4 We got a lot of presents ,' last / next Christmas.

5 I am waiting for my &$

I ;e*t-' birthday.
6 We had a special Christmas €--€ai i neii year.

@. Check the mistake and correct it.

1 We got many preuspnt @ prQSQntS

2 We was very happy. @
ffi #
ffi ffi
3 It was a best Christmas. @ W


4 I got a new bike to Dad. @ ffi ffi

ffi #

5 We went shop at the mall.
ffi #
ffi :." Can the Kibbits go back to @

6 We watched a movies. ,#F. @

Planet EO?

m ffi Yes,they can. m

Cody's dad is working on
ffi the spaceship. #
7 The movie was excited. @ "@swsE4Hgs+HB

ttr/ unit 5 lne Bpst ar)o v.'u':L

#*r L*ml#hrs*trsr**

ffi Writing Practice

A. Choose and cm-plete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

made played put up




B. Write your story.
ffio to pages 44 and 45 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.
DD Make a pamphlet ahout your best or worst day.

,E Step I Prepare a sheet of colored construction paper.

* Step 2 Fold the paper in half.
{n $tep 3 Draw a picture on the left side.
&, Step { Write about your best or worst day on the right side.
ra-{-f J-f'-f.{ _t _!'.,ffJJ: €:.a -a r5: g ? € -.:a: a _a €a€ -f: _, -a -{ -{ -{ f ,t _{ J /.{,{lJ -{!.! I r.!.r !

IlaY dones
bq Kimberlq

Wctg mq besn daq'

Last Sat'urdcrt{
the Earth Festjval'
Mq fcmilq ${sni do

It was at the Park'

It rntas a wonderful sunnq

therewers manq paople

ai {hs {est'ival'

ltls le*rned about' new oner$q'

l4om bought me a i-shjrL'

It saqs, "Pont t' Pollute ltt

I will wear'it to school tomorrow'

. .-.',t,r.t,:.
it ,

.:. "::.. -. i
' '::i
,'-t,. i" .

:- ': ,-, t*
' ":= rr

eM ffi
,., ., A City

A Planet

:,,'Adventuresof J&J:
* $km*wws mf ffimms *

1-,;:'iii ;: Iilij l-::i;.rrl ir..,

ll.i+ a ,* r\irravan+ w.
& ffieeffi
#Warm Up
&" Choose and write the words. Complete the story.

LivelY f'iew York

New York is the largest city in the U.S.

It is on the east of the country.

'Big Apple' is a nichname for New York.

Over 8 million people live there.

They are from all over the

There are many tall and theaters.

There are many department stores and museums too.

There is a great system in New York.

It runs 24 hours a day!

ffi. Check True or False.

t New York is the largest city in the U.S.

-,,-- __-___-*--e
2 People speak only English in New York. ,ffi;
3 People can take a subway anytime.

tEI ijr:it 6 A ii,r:.'|r r !,r) ,r

itWod practice

A. Choose and write the correct word.

islands million coast skyline

I Hong Kong is on China's south

2 About 7 people live in Hong Kong.

3 Hong Kong has many hills, mountains and

4 Hong Kong has a beautiful too.


eanals capital 750,$Q0' .''""'".',;,' ll




Amsterdam is the city of the Netherlands. i;r


6 About people live in the city.

7 There are many in Amsterdam.

I R tot of people ride their i':


. ..r :. ...:.,.:.t:rit:tr::tt::t_,.. f..


rhurch second largest PCIpl-ll'Ai'.'"'"'i"ili',:.. lii


q Barcelona is the city in Spain.



r0 The Sagrada Familia is a very famous . i,1:

1t Soccer is the most sport in Barcelonr. ii

i i' '";'

d Grammar Practice
A" Circle the number. Say the sentences.

I I can make ( 1 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "|t."

Total Number
,} of Sentences
G. lcan make ( 1 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "Many people."
? I can make ( 1 2 3 4 ) sentence(s) with "There." .. !. ;r.,!rr.;i,l!;;!:it;

B" Circle the correct word.

'! Hong Kong is in / on the coast.

2 There are many tall building / buildings in the city.

3 New York is larger / largest than Chicago.

4 Seoul is a/ the biggest city in Korea.

S About

S Soccer is
6 million

/ millions people live in the city.
more / most popular sport in the city. &
? subway runs 24 hour / hours a day in New York.
& You can see spiders all around the world / worlds ff:=:3
ffi UnitS ^i)'l't''rn' .\'",: I
ffi Writing Practice
A" Look and write the sentence. Use a Be-verb when necessary.



J. Write your story. *

.1 -

i'1iti@to'Pages 46 and 47 in your workbook. Draw and write,your etory



@ ffiwffiWwM
Warm Up
FB*e l@

A. Choose and write the words. 6e#$ &

Gomplete the story.

i,,.;.t.,bitlion .. history :.: countries

* l,

China,Dig and Orowdea

China is one of the largest in the wortA,.,l.'.


China is in East Asia.

It is about the same size as the U.S.

Over 1.3

China has a long

people live in China.

It has the oldest written language system.

Four great are from China.

They are paper, the compass, gunpowder and printing.
Panda bears are famous in China.

B. Write Yes or No.

G ls China in East Asia?

A Does China have a long history?

S ls the language one of the four great inventions?

,t0$, i.r.;.:; i
ffi wod Practice
A, Look at the table and complete the sentences.

Madag;*scari Mexico I St'ritr*rixnt{

Where in the world? lndian Ocean I North America :

- Western Europe

ffi;;;;r;i;i :
-io;iil"] liog,irri"' j -;o*irri".
MalagasY' i cerman,French,
They speak,,. i spanisrr
-'- -

French I
--1*------- ---r----------
ttatian, Romansh

They are famous for... : lemurs i tacos and burritos i one of the richest countries
,...*'.-.".-,'.-.".'+'.."'+ ""'1"'-''''''--'"'-''"'*'-

1 Madagascar is an island country in the

2 About people live in Madagascar.

3 trey speak - and French.

4 -- are famous animals in Madagascar'

5 Mexico is in

6 About - people live in Mexico.

7 trey speak
I and are famous Mexican foods.

$l Switzerland is in

10 lt is one of the in the world.

11 About people live in Switzerland.


'12 rney speak ,ltalian and Romansh. i

ffi Grammar Practice
A" Read and match. Discuss your choices.

China is,one of the,largest:countries in the world.

Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world.

1 My grandma is... s of the best teachers.

2 Singapore is... € of the kindest people.


3 My English teacher is... e

- one of the smallest countries.

4 books are... * . of the Iargest animals.

6 ,,.,,l$6 ii'.,,,Zealand i s. . . ...some of the most popular books.

3. Write the correct word.

1 2,000 = two

2 670,000,000 = six hundred seventy

3 745,OOO = seven hundred forty five

4 98,000,000,000 - ninty eight

5 46,000,000 = forty six

6 37,000,000 = thrity seven

Unit6 ADifferentWorld
@ Writing Practice
A. Look and write the sentence. Use a Be-verb when necessary.




J. Write your story.

Go to pages 48 and 49 in your workbook. Draw and write your story.
'iri:, .l
& fffiere
GWrrm Up
A" Choose and write the sentences.
Complete the story.

; Mars has two moons. '-: lt looks red from

i,,.. ..,,.i3.:.:: -:, .-
: ...,.f.tqR;d, {qaat'''

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.

It is smaller than Earth.

They are Deimos and Phobos.

B" Read and match.

1 Mars is... ...two moons.

2 Mars' surface is... ...smaller than Earth.

3 Mars has... ...dry and rocky.

f,.0ql i.i::it L-i ri i i,rir;r.r:':i'r'',rr.:i:l

,2; Word Practice
A. Choose and write the word.

t Earth is the third planet from the

2 lt has one
3 There are many on Earth.

4 There is on Earth. ,."__j


5 is the fifth planet from the Sun.

6 lt is the largest in our solar system.

7 lt has many on its surface.

I lt has four large moons and many

I Saturn is the planet from the Sun.

10 tt is the planet in our solar system.

t I lt has beautiful

12 It has moons.
ffi Grammar Practice
&" Read and match. Discuss your choices.

,.; 'i

o,+ 2

4 There is Iife... - ...than Earth.

5 Mars is smaller... = our solar system.

6 Jupiter is the Iargest planet... ;' = nn Farth

&" Check the mistake and correct it.

I tqlrany moons.
& h.LS
Gf=-J-' tI
2 It is small than Earth. & ; ;tcts I
3 There are two moon. & I I
4 It Iook red from space. & I I
t I
5 There are life on Earth. & I I
t il
I 6*t.,istheenergysource I
6 There is waters on,Earth. & t for the spaceship? I
I @ rtt Mega Power. I
lt is underneath Mr.T's shell.
7 It is a first planet from the Sun. $ t
** * r. !il : r **

qgp unit 6 A Drlterenl \trorlc




'ffi Writing Practice

A" Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

rains is called

l i The rain :


@- --




B. Write your story.

Go to pages 50 and 5'l in your workbook. Draw and write your story.

11 ,a,s*M
@. ti- "
iiq 5*
". S. ;5. + ,ffi
k"*+tr 1.f L'& ffi
w. --
#, .ffi

ffifum#ffiwffi ffig ffimw

Why ?s it
a.lways mea
You qoe
So [6ev€,
Fictr-rres by Bononabee
Story by Jaron Wilburn
ffiwarm Up

&, Choose and write. Complete the comic on pages 112 and 113.

Sentences for Page 113

. May we go up there? . I'll close it quietly.

. I think a ghost lives here. . Well, there are no ghosts in the

. Something is behind those attic.

boxes! . She didn't close the window.


@, Match.

The old lady thinks... :--.: ...there are no ghgsts in the attic.

.i, ...a ghost lives in her house.

Janice and Jacob think... ': the attic first.

@, Check True or False.

1 The old lady likes to live with ghosts.

2 There was an owl behind the boxes.

3 Janice and Jacob found the ghost. Wffi..,,.'.'t

4 tre ghost closed the window.

q$ unit 6 { -,,iil:ni v,o,ic

;5h;.;ii*',ri,t #! S#.;rI

ffi Writing Practice

A. Choose and complete the chart. Write the sentence in the past tense.
Use a Be-verb when necessary.

came back looked for was sitting went



.4_ ll


D. Write the summarlr of the comic.

Go to pages 52 and 53 in your workbook. Draw and write the summdry. :

D) futm$q* re pmster *b*u€ *uy s*$mn symt*m.

+; Step 1 Prepare a sheet of colored construction paper.

e Step 2 Fold the paper in half .

*i Step 3 Draw a picture of the solar system on the top half.

, ,: , .::u* 1 '?::',,'::':',:: ::":-* "l :n: ::u:T,l'n: ,.,.,

the fi,,l,r $1;tew crected bq Clcrc Lee

There is a cantral Sun and eight planets in our

solar sqst,em. Theq aro Mercurqr Venus, Earch,

Mars, dup'itar, Sat,urn, Uranus and Neptune.

Pluto is a dwarf planet. These planets orbit,

go around, the Sun. The Sun ls a medium-

s'ized stGr. The firEt four planets are small,,
rockq planets. Tha next, four planets are bigr

gcrsaous planets. Pluto is a Emall, rockq glanet.

: ,.t:...:.:!::-rtt

'. . ..t. t...::j:tj.t,::,4.:

ffi My Counlry
. countries and continents . present simple with 8e

. words describing countries . adjective + noun

. seasons and months of the year . prepositions: from/to

. adjectives and nouns for weather . present simple with 8e

. school subjects . present simple with common verbs
3 The llUays of Life
. action verbs for school or daily life . nations - nationalities - languages

ffi 4 A Greal Place to Visit

. famous places

. words and phrases describing places

. g0 -lng
. grammar link and review

ffi Weekend Events . action verbs for weekend activities

. future tense: will

. grammar Iink and review

ffi 2

School Events
. words and phrases for school


. occupations
. future tense: will

. grammar link and review

. future tense: will

Our Dreams
. words related to occupations . grammar link and review

. rooms in a house . future tense: will
My llream House
. places to live . grammar link and review

. past tense with

. family events Be
Family Events
. words related family events . past tense with common verbs

.jffi . places and activities for family . past tense with Be

2 FamilyTrips

. performing arts
. past tense with common verbs

. adverbs
Enicying Arts
. words related to performing arts . grammar link and review

, 4 Adventures of J & J: Alime Traveler {Comic}

. illnesses . a/anlsome
Being Sick
. words related to illnesses . past tense

. holidays . prepositions of time: in/on

Holiday Fun
. words related to holiday activities . grammar link and review

. words and phrases related to . verbs with infinitives or gerunds as

3 ln Our Free Time
free time activities objects

. words and phrases for easy-to-make . quantifiers

{ Sooking
recipes . grammar link and review

. words and phrases related to . past tense with prepositional phrases

My Best Bay
parties and school events . prepositions: with/against/tolabout

. words and phrases related to . helping verbs: couldn't/had to

2 MyWorst Day
unhappy moments or events . grammar link and review

. vacation places . preposition: bylon

3 0ur last Vacation
. words for vacation activities . grammar link and review

. words and phrases related to . last/this/next -

4 Our Last Christmas
Christmas . grammar link and review

. cities in the world

A City . grammar link and review
. words describing specific cities

. countries in the world . superlatives

2 ACountry
. words describing specific countries . big numbers

. planets
3 A Planet . grammar link and review
. words describing planets

tl Adventures al J & J: Shadows of Fear {Comic}


a:b 't

is a fun and easy writing series for young EFL beginners. lt is designed to help
students develop sentence building skills from the start. Students will begin to
write sentences within a context of fun topics they can easily relate to. With the help of the
characters in the series, students will learn to write sentences step by step The interesting characters
are used tCI grasp the students' attention from beginnrng to end and guide them through, Throughout
the series, students will expand their vocabulary in meaningful linguistic collocations. Vocabulary is
introduced in fun activities using illustrations and real photos. The series will develop and enhance
students' senience building skills in a fun and engaging way leading lhem to paragraph writing.

& American English
@ An lnteresting Family of Characters
@ Familiar Topics Children can Relate to and Write about
# Activiiies for Developing Sentence Building Skills
* Vocabulary Arranged in Meaningful Linguistic Collocations
& A Systematic Writing Process using Graphic Organizers
& Summary Writing Practice through Fun Comics
* Various Writing Projects

& Student Book 1 2 3

# Teacher's Manual 1 2 3

lsBN 978-89-5635-263-3

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