Training - Test - English - 1

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Тренувальний тест з англійської мови

у форматі НМТ

Авторка: Ірина Воропай

Частина «ЧИТАННЯ»
Task 1

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1- 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.
1. 2.

 Enhanced Safety Skills
 Career Advancement Opportunities THE HOME DEPOT WORKSHOP
 Increased Employability Sat | Sept 16, 2023 10 AM - 2 PM
 Lifelong Learning Cost: $120
 Personal Fulfilment Topics include:
 Cooling / heating and plumbing
Training duration:
 Yard work / smoke detecting
4 weeks (Saturday, Sunday)
 Gutters / storm doors
Tuition cost covers:
Training Expenses / 3 Mock Exams +1 (718) 230-0833
Training fee: £1.200
tel: +44-20-3870-5111 THD Training Center,
e-mail: 123 High Street, Brooklyn, NY

3. 4.

Join Our 39th Workshop UNDER 25 YEARS OLD?

Time: 9AM TO З РМ
Topics: Join us for FREE
 budgeting Lab sessions may consist of:
 mortgage or rent  deciding on the best direction for you
 health insurance, personal loans, dealing with debt  interview performance training
Bring your bills  group instruction on resume writing
 presentations on networking
Cost: £240
 group activities
Early bird price: £200
 role playing
(valid till 31 May, 2023)
Bonus: investment handbook + 2 e-books  guest speakers on special topics

For more information: Come by on Wednesdays 5 pm - 8 pm

+44 20 9518 8237 Through September 2023 NPO The Wellcome Trust,
98 Stamford Street, South Bank, London

BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELENCE Which advertisement is about …?
4-DAY WORKSHOP ON A. emotional intelligence
New techniques in: B. employability
 overcoming your
C. home maintenance
D. job opportunities
 success conductive
attitude E. personal development
 healthy intra and interpersonal relationships F. personal finance
 emotional stability to handle pressure and challenging G. professional development
situations H. public speaking
On April 3 to 6, 2023 10 am to 5 pm Fee: £400
(includes courseware, lunch and tea)
Roundhouse, Chalk Farm Road, Camden
Contact: +44 020 5639 1203
Task 2

Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D).


A good memory is often seen as something that comes naturally, and a bad memory as something that cannot be
changed, but actually there is a lot that you can do to improve your memory. However, it does mean taking
responsibility and making an effort. Here are the experts’ top tips.
We all remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us. This no doubt explains the
reason why schoolboys remember football results effortlessly but struggle with dates from their history lessons!
Take an active interest in what you want to remember, and focus on it consciously. One way to make yourself more
interested is to ask questions – the more the better.
Repeating things is the best way to remember things for a short time, e.g. remembering a phone number for a
few seconds. ‘Chunking’ or grouping numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember:
1492178919318483. But look at them in ‘chunks’, and it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1931 8483.
Another way to make something more memorable is to think about something visual associated with it. Design
a mental picture and the stranger the picture the better you will remember it! If an English person studying Spanish
wanted to remember the Spanish word for duck, ‘pato’, he/she could associate it with the English verb ‘to pat’ and
imagine a picture of someone patting a duck on the head.
To remember long lists, try inventing a story which includes all the items you want to remember. In
experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this technique and when they were tested
afterwards, on average they could remember ninety percent of them.
If we organize what we know in a logical way then when we learn more about that subject we understand that
better, and so add to our knowledge more easily. Make well-organised notes. Be sure things are clear in your mind.
If not, ask questions until you understand! Many experts believe that listening to classical music, especially Mozart,
helps people to organize their ideas more clearly and so improves their memory. Sadly, rock music does not have
the same effect.
If you do not want to lose your memory as you get older you need to keep your brain fit, just like your body:
‘use it or lose it’ is the experts’ advice. Logic puzzles, crosswords and mental arithmetic are all good ‘mental
Exercise is also important for your memory, because it increases your heart rate and sends more oxygen to your
brain, and that makes your memory work better. Exercise also reduces stress, which is very bad for the memory.
The old saying that ‘eating fish makes you brainy’ may be true after all. Scientists have discovered that the fats
found in fish like tuna, sardines and salmon – as well as in olive oil – help to improve the memory. Vitamins C and
E (found in fruits like oranges, strawberries and red grapes) and vitamin B (found in lean meat and green
vegetables) are all good ‘brain food’, too.

6. According to the first paragraph a good memory is ________.

A. a “gift” of nature at birth C. a result of your self-perfection
B. something inherently invariable D. something that changes from time to time
7. Which of the following techniques for memorizing a lot of new words at a time is mentioned in the text?
A. asking people the meaning of these words
B. drawing pictures of the meaning of the words
C. writing lists of associations with other words
D. creating compositions with the new words
8. According to the text, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Stress reduction has a negative influence on memory.
B. «Mental aerobics» includes all kinds of logic exercise.
C. Understandable issues are remembered more easily.
D. Mindful memorizing is essential for remembering items.
9. What is stated in the text?
A. Being in good shape means having a good memory.
B. You can improve your memory by working out.
C. You can boost your brain work with medicines.
D. Listening to different music benefits your memory.
10. The author writes about the following ways of improving memory EXCEPT ________.
A. eating certain foods C. training it regularly
B. learning poems D. doing sums
Task 3

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (11-16). There are two choices you do not need to use

11. International Flowers

You’ll find us on the third floor, where we have flower arrangements to suit everybody at all prices. Established in
1968, International Flowers has branches all over the country. This means that when we say your flowers will be
there the next day, they will. Whether it's birthdays, weddings, or even the sad times like funerals, International
Flowers is there to make it easy. For larger items, our monthly payment scheme is very flexible.

12. Fletcher’s Sports

Come on down to Fletcher’s and discover the new you! We’ve got all the best name trainers, sportswear and
equipment you can think of! Best of all, you get John Fletcher's personal guarantee that either you're completely
satisfied or you get your money back, no questions asked! Whether you're a professional or just beginning, we've
got something for everyone. Our staff are players themselves, so you know you'll be getting the advice that's right
for you. At Fletcher's, we're not just selling sports equipment. We're giving you a whole new, healthier lifestyle.

13. The Games Centre

They're the hottest, fastest, loudest computer games and they're here, right now! Located towards the lifts on the
second floor, The Games Centre brings you action like you've never seen! For those of a nervous disposition, we've
also got the largest selection of sports simulations anywhere! We guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with all
the latest games for PC and games consoles from around the world. We regret that refunds are not available on

14. Caring Hearts

Books, clothes, toys and records. Raising money for the homeless, Caring Hearts shop, between Henley's and The
Earth Shop, hopes you'll find time to visit. As well as our ranges of second-hand goods, we have new, quality
products made by homeless people themselves. We also need your donations, so think about us before you throw it
away. Donate to Caring Hearts and put your second-hand goods back into circulation.

15. Snap Happy

Drop your films off with us and have them developed while you shop! Snap Happy is your one-stop shop for all
your photographic needs at unbeatable prices. From panoramic to disposable and from colour to black and white –
you just name it! Our unique ‘no photos, no pay’ policy means that you can be sure of the result. Orders over 3
films are eligible for a 10% discount. To have your photos put on disk, please ask our assistants.

16. The Key Booth

Don’t wait until you get locked out before calling us. Get your keys copied now! We will do any current key type,
and even throw in a keyring free! And it’s not just keys! We sell a full range of locks, keyrings, chains and
penknives. And if you do leave it until it’s too late, our call-out service means you can be back inside your house or
car before you know it. You can be sure your keys are safe and, with our hi-tech cutting equipment, you can be sure
they’re accurate.

Which shop_______?

A. mentions something they can’t do?

B. delivers its goods?
C. will not let you return some of its products?
D. offers different ways of paying?
E. is part of a charity?
F. might help if you have a problem?
G. claims to be cheaper than its competitors?
H. has assistants with experience?
Task 4

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22). There are two choices
you do not need to use.

If you’re not someone who usually comes into contact with celebrities (17) _______________________, you
might a have a chance to rub shoulders with the stars acting as a seat-filler during numerous awards ceremonies that
take place in the world of show business. If it isn't Cannes, it's the Oscars or Emmies or Grammies; the list is
endless. Awards ceremonies have become an industry. They make good TV, (18) _______________________ .
The routine runs as follows. The winner is announced by another celebrity. He or she turns to kiss their partner
and steps hesitantly up to receive their award, acting surprised and modest as they thank all those people who got
them where they are today. The camera then moves around the audience to show the nominees who lost putting on
a brave face and other nominees (19) _______________________. If it were not for seat-fillers, TV viewers may
see big gaps in the rows of seats, because the rich and famous have gone to the toilet or the bar. But the organizers
don't want to reveal a half-empty theatre. Instead, a whole army of complete unknowns are sitting in the very seats
(20) _______________________.
When the formalities over, the post-ceremony party starts off. This is where the celebrities let their hair down, in
the mistaken belief (21) _______________________. In fact, they're surrounded by seat-fillers who want to talk to
them. It has to be said, however, that the average star is very pleasant, and the bigger the star, (22) _____________
- in case you don’t tell them that you are a seat-filler!

A. and seat-fillers are an important part of them

B. confusing them with the characters they play
C. still waiting for their big moment
D. that the stars have left vacant
E. point or smile stupidly at familiar faces
F. that they are among only friends
G. the more pleasant they are
H. while they're shopping in your local supermarket

Task 5

Read the text below. For questions 23-27, choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D.
The incredible pre-historic Chauvet cave art in France is painted in bright colours and dates (23) __________
to a period around thirty thousand years ago when early humans first started to create rock art. Although various
(24) __________ of this art have been found in caves in Western Europe, very few people have seen the art at
Chauvet because it is located deep inside an inaccessible underground cave system. Those who have seen it say
that it is very (25) __________impressive, showing animals such as horses, rhinos and cows, and that the artwork is
good enough to rival modern compositions.
The first scientists to (26) __________ the Chauvet paintings missed some other important details,
however. The walls of the cave are also marked with a series of lines and symbols, that were initially
(27) __________ as insignificant. But recent research has suggested that these marks may represent humankind's
first steps towards the development of writing.

23. A. up В. from С. back D. on

24. A. illustrations В. models С. cases D. examples
25. A. impressive В. progressive С. imitative D. oppressive
26. A. arrive В. reach С. meet D. know
27. A. believed В. regarded С. thought D. agreed

Task 6

Read the text below. For questions 28-32, choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D.

Since the establishment of the United States’ national parks, visitors (28) ___________ questionable choices
with animals and natural features, and that hasn’t changed much in recent years.
In May 2016, two Yellowstone tourists put a baby bison in their car to take selfie with it, which caused the
(29) ___________ death. Commentators pointed to it as the latest example of a society that (30) ___________
touch with the wilderness.
Just over a week after the baby bison incident, Yellowstone witnessed (31) ___________ spectacular display
of bad judgment when a group of four Canadian viral filmmakers (32) ___________ walking on Grand Prismatic
Spring, which can reach 160º F (71º C). Fortunately, they escaped injury, but faced criminal charges.

28. A. make B. are making C. made D. have been making

29. A. animal B. animals’ C. animal’s D. animals
30. A. had lost B. have been lost C. have lost D. had been lost
31. A. others B. other C. the other D. another
32. A. photographed B. were photographed C. had photographed D. were photographing

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

1. G 6. C 11. B 17. H
2. C 7. D 12. H 18. A
3. F 8. A 13. C 19. C
4. B 9. B 14. E 20. D
5. E 10. B 15. G 21. F
16. F 22. G

Task 5_M.choice vocabulary Task 6_M.choice grammar

23. C 28. D
24. D 29. C
25. A 30. A
26. B 31. D
27. B 32. B

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