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ICT Applications


1. Explain the different modes of e-learning.

Ans. The different modes of e-learning are:

1. On-Demand e-learning: This mode of e-learning maintains

repositories of content which is made available to the e-learner
as and when he/she demands.

2. Online individual self-paced: In this mode a learner is allowed

to access learning resources online through the Internet (or
intranet) at his/her own pace. The learner can be stationary or
mobile depending on his/her choice.

3. Offline individual self-paced: E-learning can be carried out

through offline computer-based learning package. E.g. CD,
DVD, requiring no active connection of the Internet.

4. Blended e-learning: Face to face classes supported with

technology support for content delivery and teaching aids.

2. Write any five advantages of e-learning. Explain them.

Ans. Five advantages of e-learning are:

1. Flexibility: One can attend the learning session at any

convenient time. E-learning is available 24 x 7.

2. Accessibility: Classes and lessons can be accessed from

anywhere in the world provided you have active an Internet

3. Own pace of study: Participants can set their own pace of

study and can adjust the pace of study to other obligations.
(e.g. family, work, sport)

4. Flexible learning styles: E-learning session can be customized

to suit the learning style of an individual learner.

5. Less overhead: All students problems are addressed online, the

administrative activities are reduced.

3. Explain the disadvantages of e- learning.

Ans. The disadvantages of e-learning are:

▪ Lack of socialization: The students may feel socially isolated

from their peers and tutors. Better learning actually takes
place in physical proximity of the other learners and teachers.

▪ Overdependence on technology: E-learning is essentially a

technology-driven activity and hence unavailability,
inadequacy or failure of technological support is detrimental to
the success of e-learning.

▪ Basic computer skills: E-learning students to have skills and

knowledge to use modern ICT and computers. Therefore, in
some cases basic IT training is required before embarking on
e-learning in any other subject.

▪ Strong self-discipline and self-motivation: In an e-learning

environment, you cannot enforce discipline on the students. It
depends on the students to be self-motivated and ensure to
follow the course rigidly.

4. Write the features of Social Media.

Ans. The features of Social Media are:

i) It is very easy to connect with your friends on a social networking

site as it has a simple interface and communication is fast.

ii) The data generated by online interaction by users, whether text

posts, comments, digital photographs/videos and audios is the
backbone of social media.

iii) It allows registered user to create their profiles and generate a

list of their contacts.

iv) You can utilize the services of social networking site for free
business promotions.
2 Uripok Bachaspati Leikai, Uripok, Imphal, Manipur 795004 Standard VIII

v) It helps the development of network by connecting a user’s

profile with those of other individual or groups.

5. What is asynchronous learning?

Ans. Asynchronous learning is when students interact with each

other and access resources at their own pace over a longer period.

E.g. Watching record lectures and instructional video and

assignments to conduct research.

6. Define cloud computing.

Ans. Cloud computing is an internet-based service which provides

shared resources, software and information to the computers over
a network, on demand.

7. Name any two cloud storage providers.

Ans. Any two cloud storage providers are:

i) Google Drive ii) Dropbox

8. Write the full form of SMART.

Ans. SMART- Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology.


C. Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the role and importance of ICT.

Ans. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the

technologies and system that are used to transmit, store and
process information.

ICT plays a vital role in many aspects of modern life and has
had a profound impact on society and the way we live and work.

Some of the importance of ICT include:

i) Communication and connectivity: ICT enable people to

communicate and connect with each other in variety of ways,

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including through email, social media, video conferencing and

instant messaging.

ii) Increased access to information: ICT has made it easier for

people to access information from around the world, including
news, research and educational resources.

2. Explain any three ICT tools used in schools.

Ans. Any three ICT tools used in schools are:

i) Tablet: Tablets, which are small devices with a touch screen, can
help students understand a complex concept by offering variety of
e-learning modules.

ii) Touch Screen: A touch screen is a computer screen that you can
touch with your fingers to enter information.

iii) Smart Board: Smart Boards enable teachers to display their

lessons and digital content while also saving it for potential
analysis by the students.

3. Explain any two ways in which we can communicate with our

friends using the Internet.

Ans. Any two ways in which we can communicate with our friends
using the Internet are:

i) Skype: Skype is one of the most popular VoIP services. It allows

you to do instant messaging and make voice and video calls to
fellow users on the Internet for fee. To use skype, you must have a
high speed internet connection, speakers, microphone, webcam is
required if you want to make a video calls.

ii) WhatsApp: WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging

application which provides excellent quality of voice and video-call.
WhatsApp’s key features include the ability to send text messages
and voice messages, share images, documents, user locations etc.

4 Uripok Bachaspati Leikai, Uripok, Imphal, Manipur 795004 Standard VIII


4. Explain the importance of cybersecurity in the present decade.

Ans. Cybersecurity threats have increased in recent years,

outpacing societies’ ability to effectively prevent or respond to
them. There is an urgent need for cooperation between the
government and business leaders to align global cyber regulations
that safeguard data and privacy. Reinforced cybersecurity
protocols are also expected to help companies and manufactures,
especially smaller businesses that may not have technical
resources or financial resources to survive a cyberattack.

5. Name some of the popular social networking sites.

Ans. Some of the popular social networking sites are Facebook,

Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.

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