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At the outset I fervently thank my guide Dr. Anupam Rastogi, Senior Professor, Finance and
Economics, School of Business Management; for his unflinching guidance, support and review
of thesis, without which this thesis would not have reached this stage. I express the same
gratitude for Mr. RK Bansal, Executive Director, IDBI Bank, for his painstaking review of and
valuable advice on the research and the thesis.

I thank Dr. Vidya Naik, Professor, Business Policy, School of Business Management, now
retired, for her valuable support and encouragement during these years of research.

I thank Prof. Shailaja Rego, Associate Professor & Area Chairperson Operations and Decision
Sciences, for her painstaking review of the statistical analysis, and valuable advice.

But for unfathomable support from my banking colleagues, it would not have possible to
complete this work. Among the banking fraternity, I am especially thankful to Mr. Ashish
Shah, Sr. Vice President, Axis Bank, Mumbai, Mr. SKV Srinivasan, Executive Director, IDBI
Bank, Mr. VV Rao, General Manager, IDBI Bank, and Mr. Manish Kothary, Vice President,
SBI Capital Markets Limited who supported with critical information and documents that made
the research possible.

Last but not the least, I thank my wife Bharti and my daughter Dr. Snehal for their patience,
love, and support without which this milestone was not possible.

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