Case C1 - Instructions

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Strategy and Management Control, AY 2011/2012


Lecturer: Daniela Argento

Assignment Read case study ATLANTA HOME LOAN (Merchant & Van der Stede, 2007, pp. 95-99) Write an individual report answering the following two questions: 1) Identify the devices (controls) that Al Fiorini used to control his business both before and after he went back to school. Classify each control as a results, action, or personnel/cultural type of control. 2) Why did Al Fiorinis Management Control System fail? Did Al Fiorini use the wrong type of controls? Or was he just unlucky? Orally present and discuss the content of the written report during the seminar

Written Report The written report must include the answers to the questions, provide explanations and last but not least the arguments must be supported by references. The FORMAT of the written report is as follows: - front page including the name of the module, the name of the teacher(s), the title of the case, the name, surname and e-mail address of the student, date of submission - margins: 2,5 cm (top, bottom, left, right) - font in times new roman, size 12 - spacing 1,5 - no indention of paragraphs - reference list - length: between 2 and 3 pages (excluding the front page and the reference list) The report must be submitted via FirstClass (before December 1, 2011, 11.00 pm) and a printed version (identical) must be provided at the beginning of the seminar to the teacher (in order to be admitted). If students feel comfortable, they can write the report in English (optional).

Seminar During the seminar each student should actively participate by presenting and discussing the content of the written report. Students should speak free, give some few examples to explain complex problems and not read the text off from the report. Lecturer will spend some time to add if necessary some remarks, and/or additional insights. No power point presentation is required. If students are particularly active during the seminar, they will receive 0,5 pts in addition to the grade of the report.

Assessment At least 2 pts out of 4 in order to PASS At least 3 pts out of 4 in order to PASS with distinction

Concluding remarks The written report and the oral presentation should be both meeting the university standards and being motivating and understandable to the audience. Comply with previous instructions. Do not copy ! Do not miss the seminar !

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