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“I lay in sorrow, deep distressed; I lay in want, in grief and pain;
My grief a proud man heard; A poor man passed my way;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold, He bound my head, he gave me bread,
But not a kindly word. He watched me night and day.
My sorrow passed – I paid him back How shall I pay him back again
The gold he gave to me; For all he did to me?
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks OH, gold is great, but greater far
And blessed his charity. Is heavenly sympathy
Glossary :
Distressed : feeling unhappy
Cold : without feelings

Now answer the questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer 5x1= 5
and write A,B,C, or D in the brackets given
1. The proud man found the poet…… [ ]
A) asking for money B) singing in joy
C) feeling unhappy D) crying due to pain
2. “His looks were cold;…” This suggests that the proud man was……. [ ]
A) kind hearted B) curious
C) emotionless D) sympathetic
3. How did the proud man help the poet? [ ]
A) offered him kind words B) ignored him
C) gave him food D) gave him gold
4. The poor man gave the poet…… [ ]
A) a greedy look B) food and care
C) a diamond D) unkind words
5. The poet refers to ‘sympathy’ as heavenly because…. [ ]
A) it is found in proud men B) it is found only in rich people
C) it is found in ordinary people D) it is a blessing from God
Q.No. (6-10) In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and
rewrite them in the given space. 5x1= 5
I saw it now. (6) It was indeed a game ,a game I have played as a child. (7) Every boy took it in turn every
alternate day to be the boss, the other the slave.(8) It had been great fun to I as a youngster. I smiled as I
remembered.(9) I looked at the man stood by the gate. He was a white man. I remembered what I had
thought yesterday.(10) He, no doubt, I thought to myself, was wondering if the black race is superior than
the white!’


11. In the lesson ‘My Childhood’ you have read how Kalam was humiliated by his new teacher in his class. Lakshmana
Shastry summoned the new teacher and gave a warning not to spread the poison of social inequality and communal
intolerance in the minds of innocent children. The new teacher regretted his behaviour. 10x1= 10
Now, write a possible conversation between the new teacher and Lakshmana shastry

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