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, ' ~ ~ ~ . NCE RT Practice Problem Level-1

J,, ~----~~~m'.;~ I', · l\v1.:ry 100 111 1 of oxygcnatc<l blood delivers following
t1tttint or <J 7 1,, the 1is~uc:-; unde r normal physiological
t.:u n<liti on
(u) 5 ml (b) 2S ml
(~) 5(1 ml (<l) More the 50 ml
I 1. II ~o nccnlration of CO 2 is more the cu rve of oxygen wi ll
shI ft towar<ls ·
(a) Right (b) Left
(c) Central {d) Noneof these
1un12:-. 1s ca I led I 2. Hemoglobin that is bonded to carbon monox ide and
·nn..: ,,<' ~
':x·n, !lrdit1n1 (b) perichondrium therefore cannot transport oxygen, is called
··: ~cni,,ncum (d) pleural membrane (a) carboxyhemoglobin (b) methemoglobin
(c) reduced hemoglobin (d) carbaminohemoglobin
Meen~•t•~••.• 1.H~a1.hing
13. When percentage saturation of haemoglobin with 0 2 is
plotted against p0 2, the graph obtained is
1tnS1>!ra~i~n-~ ·Expiration) (a) J shaped (b) Hyperbola
Funcnonal residual capacity can be represented as (c) sigmoid (d) U shaped
n·..,. ERV (b) ERV+ RV . 14. Increase in body temperature makes oxygen haemoglobin
, RV -"- IRV . (d) ERV+ TV+ IRV dissociation curve
1 1
\\ lnch of the following breathing process in human is passive? (a) shift to left (b) shift to right
(b) Aspiration (c) hyperbolic (d) parabolic
13) Expiration Identify the correct statement with reference to transport
tr) Inspiration (d) Forced breathing 15.
The amount of volume of air that can be inspired/expired of respiratory gases by blood. 1-~
t ,..;,
normally is called (a) Haemoglobin is necessary of the transport of carbon
(a) Tidal volume (b) Vital capacity dioxide and carbonic anhydrase for the transport of
(c) Residual volume (d) Normal volume oxygen
\·i tal capacity of the lung includes (b) Haemoglobin is necessary of the transport of oxygen
1a) IRV + TV + ERV (b) ERV+ RV and carbonic anhydrase for the transport of carbon
(cl ERV + TV (d) IRV+ TV dioxide
!~00 ml volwne of air that always remains in the lungs (c) Only oxygen is transported by blood
eYeo after forcible expiration is called (d) Only carbon dioxide is transported by blood
!a) tidal volume (b) residual volume 16. Which one of the following can bind several hundred
(c) vital volume ( d) inspiratory volume times more strongly to the haemoglobin than oxygen?
(a) CO (b) CO 2
Exchange of Gases (c) S0 2 (d) H2C0 3

People li ving at sea level have around 5 million RBCs per Regulation of Respiration
cubic millimetre of their blood whereas those living at an
altitude of 5400 m have around 8 million. This is because J7. Controlling centre of normal breathing (= respiratory
at high altitude ~ 1\ centre) in mammals lies in
(b) cerebellum
(a) people get pollution-free air to breath ·· ,.._,-;: (a) cerebrum
(c) midbrain (d) medulla oblongata
and more oxygen is available
18. Pneumotaxic centre which can moderate the functions of
(b) atmospheric 0 level is less and hence, more RBCs
2 the respiratory rhythm centre is present at
are needed to absorb the requied amount o_f 02 to
survive (a) pons region of brain
(b) thalamus
(c) th ere is more UV radiation, which enhances RBC
production (c) spinal cord
(d) p I (d) hypothalamus
eop e eat more nutritive food , therefore, more centre in medulla is
RBCs are fonned 19 Chemosensitive area of respiratory
affected by
(a) concentration of H20 & H+ ions
(b) concentration of 0 2 and H+ ions
~) ount of 02 nonnally carried by 100 ml. of pure blood (c) concentration of CO 2 and H+ ions
5 ml (d) is concentration of S0 2 and H+ ions
(c) IO · (b) 20 ml.
ml. (d) 30 ml.

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