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Dual Nature

of Radiation
& Matter
Lect 02
Today’s Goal

Photoelectric effect – Part 1

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Photoelectric effect
Particle Nature of Light
i. The particles of light are called ‘photons’ or
‘energy packets’ or ‘quanta of energy’

ii. The mass of photon cannot be defined in

sense of Newtonian Mechanics.The rest
mass of Photon is Zero.

iii.A photon always travels at a speed

299,792,458 m/s≈3x108 m/s irrespective of
frame of refrence.
v.Each Photon has definite
Energy & definite Momentum
vi. Photons of light of particular wavelength(𝝀) have
𝒉𝒄 𝒉
same energy ( ) & same momentum( )
𝝀 𝝀

vii.The collision of a photon with a material particle is

assumed as perfectly elastic collision

viii. If the Intensity of light of a given wavelength is

increased, the number of photons will increase but
the energy of each photon is still same
Emission of e- from Metal Surface
i. The e- on the surface of metals are slightly less
bounded as compared to the e- in the bulk of metal

ii. Such e- are called free e- or surface e- & can easily be

ejected from metal.
Electron Emission
Work Function
The minimum amount of energy required to remove a
surface e- is called Work Function of a Metal(𝝓)
Note: If the supplied energy is greater than work
function even then there is no guarantee of e-
emission as e- may loose energy while colliding
with ions while coming out

So, when the supplied energy

is greater than work function
the e- may come out.
If E>𝝓 &
If e- makes best use of incident energy then it comes
out with a kinetic Energy(k.E)
Threshold Frequency
K.E.max v/s f
Threshold Wavelength
K.E.max v/s λ

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