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Recurring Document/Entries

It is a kind of Transaction which is re-occurring every period. Re-occuring means. There could be
multiple examples of Recurring Document.

Recurring Entries are business transactions that are repeated regularly, such as Rent or Insurance

Recurring Document is quite similar to Sample Document but slight changes are there.

Some of the examples of Recurring Entries are:

Rent A/C Dr 5000
To Bank A/C 5000
Rent for Office paid

Insurance as an example
Policy No 4321 Insurance A/C Dr 7000
To Bank A/C 7000
Being Insurance Paid

Policy No 4322 Insurance A/C Dr 8000

To Bank A/C 8000
Being Insurance Paid

Policy No 4323 Insurance A/C Dr 9000

To Bank A/C 9000
Being Insurance Paid

Policy No 4324 Insurance A/C Dr 7500

To Bank A/C 7500
Being Insurance Paid

Gardening Expenses A/C 5000 This is going to post through

To Petty Cash A/C 5000 Cash Journal
The above Entry will be posted as

Gardening Expenses A/C 5000

To Bank A/C 5000

Like this, we can post Multiple transaction as a Recurring Entry.

Here, GL Account will be same, Bank Account will be same and Narration also will be same. Amount
also will be same. Every month end we have to close this transaction.
Fixed Amount which is paid every month.
How many Recurring Entries we setup.

Let us take an example, we have 5 plants. They are Plant1, Plant 2, Plant 3, Plant 4 & Plant 5.
Let us take Plant 1
Whatever the Manufacturing in Plant1, after manufacturing, they are going to Store the Finished
Goods somewhere. Near plant1 itself they have acquired say 50 acres of land.

Rent for LHL A/C Dr

To Bank A/C

Create Number Range X1 – FBN1

Record Recurring Entries – FBD1
Change Recurring Entries – FBD2
Display Recurring Entries – FBD3
Change Status of Recurring Entries – FBD4
Post Recurring Documents – F.14
List of Recurring Entries – F.15
Delete Recurring Entries – F.56

Recurring Document is similar to Sample Document.

Class 10-10
Define Document Number Ranges FBN1

DC on Define Document Number Ranges

Enter Company Code  SM10

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

Click on

Enter Number Range Number Key as X1 and its number Range starts from 670001 to 670019

Click on

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

X1 Number Range was created for Recurring Entries.

20 Transactions 01 02 03
Rent A/C Dr 4000 5000 6000
To Bank A/C 4000 5000 6000
Chen Bang Hyd
Audit Fees A/C Dr 6000 5000
To Bank A/C 6000 5000

Multiple transactions are posted in Recurring Entries.

FBD1 – Creation of Recurring Entry

Enter all the required fields

After entering all the required fields, screen appears
Press Enter key

Rules for posting key 40 and acct 400000 set incorrectly for "KOSTL" field

PFA for the above Error

Again fill all the required fields

Press Enter key (Now the above error is gone)

Enter all the required fields

Press Enter key

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Enter all the required fields

Click on

Click on

After clicking on , screen appears

You can observe 67000 was stored in Company Code SM10. Not Posted only stored. So since the
document stored, it will not hit any GL Accounts.

Go to FBL3N and Check, you cannot find this Transaction

Click on

After clicking on , screen appears

You cannot see the document number 670000 in the Rent GL Transactions or in Bank Transaction.
Because it was not Posted, it was only stored.

I will take 670000 as a Reference Document for posting the Rent for Corporate Office, I need to
change only the Document Date & Posting Date alone. Amount and other fields are going to be the

Now with the help of this Reference Document 670000, am going to post one more Entry for
Bangalore Office Rent
Again am going to use FBD1 T. Code to create another Reference Document

Press Enter key

Enter all the required fields

After entering all the required fields, screen appears
Press Enter key

Enter all the required fields

I have created Bangalore Office as Business Area

After entering all the required fields, screen appears

Press Enter key

Enter all the required fields

Click on

After clicking on , screen appears

Click on

We have created another Recurring Entry with a Document Number 670001. So totally we have
created 2 Recurring Documents 670000 for Chennai Office and 670001 for Bangalore Office
Audit Fees, we are going for a Recurring Entry, normally Recurring Entries are created if it is more
than 6 months otherwise no need to go for Recurring Entries. We can post Manual JV using T. Code
We assume that this Audit Fees we are going to make for one year or 6 months. So we are going to
pay every month so we are creating Recurring Entry.

We are going to create 1 Recurring Document for Audit Fees using T. Code FBD1

Press Enter key

Enter all the required fields

Press Enter key

After entering Enter key, screen appears

Enter all the required fields

Press Enter key

Enter all the required fields

After entering all the required fields, screen appears

Click on

Click on

We have generated the Reference Document Number 670002 for Audit Fees. We have created 3
Like this, we will have Multiple Transactions, might be 40 or 50 transactions for Rent Account and 4
or 5 Transactions for Audit Fees. Insurance Premium may be 15 transactions.

We have Recorded these 3 Recurring Entries.

To Change the Recurring Entry, we need to use the T. Code FBD2

FBD2 – Change

Click on FBD2 – Change

Enter all the 3 fields

Press Enter key

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

DC on First Line Item

You can change only 4 fields ie Amount, Value Date, Assignment and Text fields

Change Amount and Text Field

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

Change the Amount and Text fields for Posting Key 50 (credit side) also

Press Enter key

Click on
After clicking on ¸screen appears

Click on

Press Enter key

Go to Main Menu  Goto  Click on Recurring Entry Data

Click on Recurring Entry Data

After clicking on Recurring Entry Data, screen appears

First Run indicates this is the first time we are creating a Recurring Entry in order to use as a
Reference Document to post to a GL Account.

Last Run indicates this is the End of this Recurring Entry we can use as a Reference Document to post
to a GL Account

If you want to extend the Services of Auditors for another 6 months, you can change the date of Last
Run from 31.03.2024 to 30.09.2024 in the above field.

What is the use of this ?

If you select this Tick Mark (we cannot use this document anymore).

In case any transaction got expired

We will take the Document Number 670001

Now I have changed the Validity Period from 01.04.2023 to 31.05.2023 that means this is valid only for 2 months
If the Validity period is only 2 months then ? Deletion indicator is getting updated
automatically as shown
You need not require to select the check box manually.

Display Recurring Entry using T. Code FBD3

Means you can only view, you cannot Edit or Modify any data.

Display the Modified Recurring Document Number 670000 through T. Code FBD4
FBD4 - Display Changes

DC on FBD4 - Display Changes

Enter all the fields as shown above and Press Enter key
After entering all the fields as shown above and Press Enter key, screen appears

DC on any field above(Amount or Text)

Click on

DC on Text

Click on
List of Recurring Documents using T. Code F.15
F.15 – Lists

DC on F.15 – Lists

Enter Company Code  SM10 & Fiscal Year 2023

After entering Company Code  SM10 & Fiscal Year 2023, screen appears

Click on

You are able to see 3 Recurring Documents.

Before we Execute this Document, we will go to FBL3N and check any of the Recurring Entries are
appearing in Rent Account and in Audit Fees
FBL3N - Display/Change Line Items

Click on FBL3N - Display/Change Line Items

After clicking on FBL3N - Display/Change Line Items, screen appears

Enter Rent GL Account 400000

Click on

Click on (We are unable to see the Recurring Entries 670000, 670001 & 670002 in Rent Account)

After clicking on , screen appears

Change the GL Account from 400000 to 400001

Click on

In this GL so far, we have not posted any Line Item as per the Status indicator.
Execute Recurring Document to post into GL Accounts
F.14 - Execute

DC on F.14 – Execute

Enter all the required fields

After Entering all the required fields, screen appears

Click on

Note: I have not selected any Recurring Document Number (670000, 670001 & 670002)
That means the system is going to execute all the Document Numbers or posting the above 3
Documents into the GL Account through the Reference of the above 3 Documents in the respective
GL Accounts.
We have selected Batch Input Session name  Sekar that means a background job is going to be
created. ie A batch Input Session is going to be created.

After clicking on , screen appears

Either you can execute the Back Ground job from the above screen or go to SM35
Note: Session SEKAR was Created. now how to execute this session

Now we have to run this Batch Input Program in order to hit/Post those entries into the GL Account
Go to Main Menu  System  Batch Input  Click on session

Click on Session
SM35 - Batch Input

Click on SM35 - Batch Input

After clicking on SM35 - Batch Input, screen appears

Select Sekar

Click on

Select Foreground(Do you want to process this Batch Input Session either in the Foreground or in

Always select Batch Input Session to run on (A good Consultant always select
Process/Foreground). The reason behind this you can see the screens step by step and if you find
any error in between, you can rectify that there itself.

If you select means, you will not be able to see anything.

After selecting , screen appears

Click on

Press Enter key ( We have not filled any field, system has taken automatically from 670000 Doc No)

Note: now the transaction is started getting posted. You can observe the Reference document
Number it is taking 670000. Now the Real Transaction is getting posted to the respective GL
You can observe the Document Date and Posting Date, it is takeing 30.04.2023 so always give the
highest number 31 so the if the months ends on 28 or 29 or 30 or 31st, system takes care based on
the Fiscal Year Variant.

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Again press Enter key (You are getting a Warning Message, ignore it)
After pressing Enter key again, screen appears

Press Enter key (2 steps I forgot to take the screenshots) observe from the below Reference Docu

Press Enter key

Note: You can observe, the system is taking now 670001 Reference Document No

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter Key again (Ignore the Warning Message)

After pressing Enter Key again, screen appears

Again press Enter key

Press Enter key

Again press Enter key

Again Press Enter Key

After pressing Enter Key, screen appears

Press Enter key (Now we are Processing Reference Document No 670002

Again press Enter key (Ignore the Warning Message)

Press Enter key

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

Click on

Click on

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

Click on

DC on Sekar with time 18:13:44

Click on

DC on 17:53:53
After clicking on 17:53:53, screen appears

Go to FBL3N

These 3 entries are posted through Recurring Entries.

Display List of Recurring Entries using T. Code F.15

F.15 – Lists

DC on F.15 – Lists
After clicking on F.15 – Lists, screen appears

Enter all the required fields

Click on

We will try to run F.14 once again the above are the Reference Documents
F.14 – Execute

Click on F.14 – Execute

Enter all the required fields

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

We have created the Batch Input Session VENI

Now we will run this Batch Input Session using SM35 T. Code

Click on Session

Select VENI
After selecting VENI¸ screen appears

Click on

Click on
Note: we are processing Batch Input Session using Process/Foreground (so no need to change

After clicking on , screen appears

Press Enter Key (you can observe, we are processing Ref Doc No 670000)
After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter key

Note: You can observe the Warning Message, ignore it. Now the system has picked the Doc Date &
Posting Date as 31.05.2023 (Because we have already processed for April)

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Click on & Click on

Press Enter key (now the Ref Doc No 670001)

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

After pressing Enter key, screen appears

Click on

Click on

Press Enter key (Note: the system picks Ref Doc No 670002)
Press Enter key(Ignore the Warning Message)

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Press Enter key

Click on
Click on

Click on

Click on
After clicking on , screen appears

DC on Line Item

Go to FBD3 – Display Recurring Document No 670001

Press Enter key

Go to Main Menu  Goto click on Recurring Entry Data

After clicking on Recurring Entry Data, screen appears

Click on Recurring Entry Data

After 2 runs, this document automatically Marked for Deletion Indicator

Note: If you observe First run on 01.04.2023 & Last run on 31.05.2023 so after 2nd Batch Input
Session automatically this document becomes Marked for Deletion indicator.
If you run the Recurring Document using T. Code F.14, the system will not pick the Ref Doc No
670001 because the Validity Period is only 2 months and already 2 times we have executed so no
more this doc no will be picked whenever you execute the F.14 T. Code

If you see the List of Recurring Documents using T. Code F.15

670001 is indicated by X, this x indicates your Deletion indicator.

This type of transactions needs to be deleted.
We can delete this Entry using T. Code F.56
F.56 – Delete

Click on F.56 – Delete

Enter all the required fields

Click on

Click on
Remove the Tick Mark from Test Run

Click on

Now this document was deleted.

Now again go to F.15 – List of Recurring Documents

Now again if you Execute Recurring Entries using T. Code F.14, now the system will post only the
above 2 Ref Doc Nos only.

Click on

Click on
Click on

We have completed the Batch Input Session.

What is the use of Batch Input Session?
We are posting Multiple Transactions. Automatically the system is going to post so

Creation of GL Accounts for Recurring Entries in FS00

Define Run Schedules OBC1

Click on Define Run Schedules

Click on

After clicking on , screen appears

Enter both the fields

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