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Class IX

Objective Type Questions

Answer any 5 out of 6 questions on Employability skills

1. Which of these is a positive facial expression?

a. Staring hard
b. Nodding while listening
c. Wrinkled forehead
d. Looking away from the speaker
2. I am the happiest woman in the world. The happiest is a
a) Adverb b) adjective c) verb d) noun
3. Body language and eye contact are examples of __________
a) visual b) written c) verbal d) non verbal
4. When preparing for a presentation you should.....
a. focus on the objectives of the presentation
b. practice your speech in front of a mirror or friend
c. do rehearsals to time your presentation of slides
d. all of the above
5. You show some printouts in the form of text regarding science
subject to your subject teacher for clarification. What type of
communication will you be undertaking?
a) Written b) verbal c) visual d) non verbal
6. Identify the subject in the sentence,’This intelligent girl has
passed her examination in the first division.’
a. this intelligent girl
b. examination
c. first division
d. Girl
Answer any 5 out of 6 questions on Subject specific skills
7. Which of the following means creating, managing, storing and
exchanging information?
a. IT
b. ITeS
c. BPO
d. KPO
8. ITeS is defined as outsourcing processes that can be enabled by
a. Information technology
b. Human Resources
c. Networking
d. Communication Technology
9. ‘e’in ITeS stands for: -
a. enabled
b. educated
c. embedded
d. none of the above
10. What is the full form of LMS?
a. Legal Management System
b. Learning Management System
c. Label Measuring System
d. None of the above
11. Information Technology that enables business by improving
the quality of service is _____
a. IT
b. ICT
c. ITeS
d. None of the above
12. Benefits of IT to businesses are
a. Automated business operations
b. Enhancement of customer relationships
c. Developing business relationships
d. All of the above
Section B(Subjective type)
Answer any 1 out of the given 3 questions [1X2]
11. Give examples of the use of IT in everyday life.
12. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an
example for each type.
13. What do you mean by LMS?
Answer any 2 out of the given 4 questions [2X2]
14. You have to make a presentation on your achievements at school
to a global audience including students of other cities over video
conferencing. How will you ensure effective communication while

15. Write the difference between BPO and BPM.

16. List the uses of IT in marketing.
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of audio visual
Answer any 1 out of the given 3 questions [1X4]
18. Discuss IT applications in certain major areas.
19. List four ways in which ICT is used in the classroom and education
20. You are conversing with your friend about something important in
a roadside open cafe in a crowded market. Suddenly, your friend has
to rush to the airport to receive his mother. What are the
communication barriers in this scenario? How could these be taken
care of?

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