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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

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Informational or emotional? Exploring the relative effects of chatbots’

self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction
Cheng Zhou a, Qian Chang b, *
Business and Tourism School, Sichuan Agricultural University, 288, Jianshe Road, Dujiangyan, 611,830, China
College of Management, Sichuan Agricultural University, 211, Huimin Road, Chengdu, 611,130, China


Keywords: The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has enabled chatbots to perform human-like service
Chatbots’ self-recovery strategies work. Chatbots commonly fail in service due to their limitations. However, previous research has simply focused
Informational self-Recovery on the difference between self-recovery and human recovery, and the details of self-recovery have largely been
Emotional self-recovery
overlooked. This study attempts to classify chatbots’ self-recovery strategies and elucidate their relative impact
Anthropomorphic level
Perceived competence and warmth
on consumer satisfaction. Drawing on social support theory, this study proposes two types of self-recovery
Consumer satisfaction strategies, informational self-recovery and emotional self-recovery. Meanwhile, this study further details con­
sumer satisfaction from quality and attitude. The results of three scenario-based experiments reveal that infor­
mational self-recovery has a more substantial effect on consumer quality satisfaction than emotional self-
recovery, while emotional self-recovery has a greater effect on consumer attitude satisfaction than informa­
tional self-recovery. Further, the anthropomorphic level of chatbots’ self-recovery also positively moderates the
relative relationship. The underlying mechanisms suggest that perceived competence partially mediates the
relationship between informational self-recovery and consumer quality satisfaction and that perceived warmth
partially mediates the relationship between emotional self-recovery and consumer attitude satisfaction. In
addition, this study implies that an informational self-recovery strategy is well-suited to the context of service
process failure, whereas an emotional self-recovery strategy is better adopted in the service outcome failure
context. This study provides new insights into chatbots’ self-recovery strategies in response to service failure and
offers implications to service providers of chatbots to leverage different self-recovery strategies to improve
consumer satisfaction.

1. Introduction users in making reservations. However, it failed to accurately under­

stand and respond to user requests, leading to frustration among users
With the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, a (Chaves and Gerosa, 2021). The service failure may result in potentially
growing number of companies have employed AI-enabled chatbots to serious consequences, such as customer dissatisfaction (Honora et al.,
perform their online service tasks (Wamba et al., 2021). Such chatbots 2022), negative reputation (Crisafulli and Singh, 2017), and continuous
are computer programs that use AI algorithms to simulate human-like use of chatbots’ service (Kuang et al., 2022). Therefore, service recovery
conversations in a chat format (Wirtz et al., 2018). Through complex has been considered a critical effort to turn service failure into positive
algorithms, chatbots can analyze and understand patterns in consumer outcomes and improve consumer satisfaction (Kuo and Wu, 2012). In
interactions. This allows them to provide seamless, more accurate and the context of chatbots, self-recovery and human recovery are the two
relevant responses, and personalized interactions to improve consumer main recovery strategies after service failure (Xing et al., 2022).
satisfaction (Wirtz et al., 2018). Self-recovery means that chatbots provide instructions to consumers
However, no technology is perfect, and chatbot service failure is through predetermined algorithms after service failure (Ngai et al.,
equally common during the service process (Lei et al., 2021; Xing et al., 2021). It highlights non-human intervention involved in the process of
2022). For example, Facebook released a chatbot called “M” as part of its service recovery. In contrast, human recovery requires human em­
Messenger app. M was designed to provide recommendations and assist ployees to use subjective thoughts to deal with service failure. Compared

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Zhou), (Q. Chang).
Received 28 October 2023; Received in revised form 20 February 2024; Accepted 22 February 2024
Available online 7 March 2024
0969-6989/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

to human recovery, self-recovery is more time-efficient and less costly 2. Literature review
(Luo et al., 2019); for this reason, self-recovery is widely used. However,
previous research has only explored the difference between 2.1. Chatbot service failure
self-recovery and human recovery. Few studies have provided a new
perspective on what are self-recovery strategies and investigated their AI-enabled service is a technology driven by complex algorithms that
relative impact on consumer satisfaction after service failure. Chatbots can fulfill the requests of consumers (Xing et al., 2022). It mimics human
may take different self-recovery strategies after service failure to alle­ action and minimizes human involvement during the service process.
viate negative outcomes as much as possible. For example, chatbots can Currently, chatbot is a typical AI-enabled service designed to simulate
provide additional instructions to help consumers solve their problems, human conversation and conversationally interact with consumers
or they can also provide comfort to mitigate consumers’ frustration after (Chaves and Gerosa, 2021). However, even human-enabled service is
service failure. not perfect, let alone AI-enabled services like chatbots. Accordingly,
In addition, consumer satisfaction is the measure of how satisfied chatbot service failure is common (Sharifi and Aghazadeh, 2016). For
consumers are with the products, services, and overall experience pro­ example, ChatGPT, a generative service given a prompt or input from
vided by a business (Shokouhyar et al., 2020). It is crucial for businesses users, represents a significant milestone in AI technology. However,
to prioritize consumer satisfaction as it directly impacts loyalty, repeat service failure can also occur with ChatGPT, such as providing incorrect
business, and positive word-of-mouth (Popp and Woratschek, 2017). or nonsensical responses, and exhibiting biased behavior.
Service recovery involves addressing and resolving consumer com­ Unlike traditional service failure, chatbot service failure refers to a
plaints or issues in a timely and effective manner after service failure, situation where a chatbot fails to perform its intended function or
with the goal of restoring consumer satisfaction and maintaining a deliver the expected service (Liu et al., 2023b). It occurs when there is a
positive consumer relationship. Therefore, consumer satisfaction is an deviation from the desired outcome or when the service does not meet
important evaluation for service recovery after service failure (Song the requirements or expectations of users, resulting in disruption, errors,
et al., 2022). By proactively addressing and resolving service failures, or inadequate performance. Chatbot service failure can be manifested in
chatbots can showcase their commitment to consumer satisfaction in the various forms, such as incorrect or misleading information, system
long run, potentially gaining an edge over rivals (Jones et al., 2022). In crashes, slow response time, inability to understand user input, biased or
fact, consumer satisfaction can be obtained across various dimensions. unfair decision-making, privacy breach, or security vulnerability
Previous studies on healthcare have indicated that the improvement of (Janssen et al., 2022). Nowadays, many types of service failure are
medical-related information can easily increase patients’ service quality classified. In terms of service requirements (Sparks and Browning,
satisfaction (Liu et al., 2022). Physicians’ emotional care, such as 2010), core service failure means that the service fails to meet the basic
comfort and empathy, can significantly improve patients’ service atti­ requests of consumers, while interactive service failure means that the
tude satisfaction (Liu et al., 2023a). Existing literature pays less atten­ service attitude is deficient. In terms of service stages (Smith et al.,
tion to the details of consumer satisfaction in the context of service 1999), outcome failure means that the service fails to meet consumers’
recovery. Since service failure may drive consumer dissatisfaction, expectations, while process failure refers to inadequate service delivery.
chatbots need to take different self-recovery strategies to improve con­ The impact of chatbot service failure can be significant, leading to
sumer satisfaction. Consumers’ satisfaction varies when faced with consumer dissatisfaction, negative WOM spread (Crisafulli and Singh,
different self-recovery strategies; for example, they have a higher level 2017), and reuse intention (Van Vaerenbergh et al., 2019). Therefore,
of quality satisfaction of the informational support provided by chat­ the self-recovery of chatbots is a key recovery strategy to alleviate the
bots’ self-recovery, rather than with the attitude satisfaction. Accord­ negative outcome of service failure and change consumers’ evaluations.
ingly, further research is warranted on how consumers’ satisfaction
varies with different self-recovery strategies employed by chatbots after 2.2. Service self-recovery
service failure.
Finally, previous studies have shown that anthropomorphism of AI- Service recovery means that “service providers take some actions to
enabled agents is beneficial to consumer evaluation (Cheng et al., mitigate dissatisfaction and complaints of consumers after service fail­
2022; Schanke et al., 2021). Anthropomorphism refers to the ure” (Spreng et al., 1995). Such actions include apology, compensation,
human-like characteristics that AI-enabled agents exhibit during the and restoration. It can turn a negative outcome into a positive one, and
human-AI interaction (Cheng et al., 2022). Nowadays, chatbots are ultimately strengthen customers’ loyalty (Xing et al., 2022). Similarly,
believed to play a human role in various service scenarios, and they are chatbot self-recovery means that a chatbot autonomously provides
naturally expected to provide services as human-like as possible (Shee­ human-like responses to consumers without human intervention when
han et al., 2020). In other words, consumers want chatbots to show a service failure occurs (Song et al., 2022). It involves the ability of
high level of anthropomorphism. Existing literature has demonstrated chatbots to learn from Internet data and improve responses based on
the importance of anthropomorphic characteristics of AI artifacts in past interactions with users (Suta et al., 2020).
influencing consumer evaluation (Castelo et al., 2019; Um et al., 2020). Currently, self-recovery and human recovery are the two main types
In the current study, self-recovery is conducted by chatbots themselves of service recovery. Scholars have explored the effects of them in
without human intervention. Thus, the effect of self-recovery strategies different contexts of service failure. For example, in the context of
may depend on consumers’ perception of anthropomorphic levels. As chatbots, consumers prefer to speak more highly of self-recovery than
prior research reported (Nordheim et al., 2019), high levels of anthro­ human recovery (Song et al., 2022). Xing et al. (2022) pointed out that
pomorphism required AI-enabled agents for consumers’ trust building. self-recovery positively affected consumers’ perception level of gover­
However, there is little research on the role of anthropomorphism in the nance. According to previous research, service involvement in
context of service recovery. self-recovery is a critical recovery strategy after service failure to
Based on these arguments, this study aims to understand the improve consumer satisfaction. However, the existing literature simply
following research questions: (1) What are the strategies of chatbots’ self- compares the impact of self-recovery and human recovery on consumer
recovery after service failure? (2) How do different self-recovery strategies forgiveness of service failure. There is a lack of studies that attempt to
influence consumer satisfaction? (3) Does the anthropomorphic level of investigate different types of self-recovery and further examine their
chatbots moderate the relative impact of self-recovery strategies on consumer relative impact on consumer satisfaction.

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

2.3. Consumer satisfaction 2.5. Anthropomorphism and chatbots

Consumer satisfaction refers to the level of customers’ contentment Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human-like characteristics,
or fulfillment after purchasing and using a product or service (Parker behaviors, or traits exhibited by non-human entities like animals, robots,
and Mathews, 2001). It is an indicator of how well a service fulfills the or even abstract concepts (Bartneck et al., 2009). It has appeared in a
needs and desires of customers. Consumer satisfaction is affected by variety of contexts like psychology, marketing, and AI artifacts (Schanke
various aspects, such as quality, price, customer service level, brand et al., 2021). Thus, anthropomorphism is a common cognitive tendency
reputation, and overall customer experience (Shokouhyar et al., 2020). exhibited by humans, because people often find it easier to understand
When consumers are satisfied, they are more likely to become loyal and and relate to things that resemble them or have human-like qualities
continue to support the product or service. To ensure consumer satis­ (Epley et al., 2007). In general, anthropomorphic characteristics can
faction, providers of the product or service must understand consumers’ include physical traits, such as facial expressions or body language,
preferences, needs, and expectations. In addition, it is also crucial to emotional states like happiness or sadness, intellectual capacities like
effectively manage customers’ possible complaints to maintain and reasoning or problem-solving abilities, and social behaviors like
enhance consumer satisfaction. communication or relationship formation (Nicolas and Agnieszka, 2021;
Previous studies have suggested that attitude satisfaction and quality Pelau et al., 2021).
satisfaction are two different aspects that contribute to consumer satis­ In the context of chatbots, anthropomorphism refers to the design
faction (Prentice et al., 2020; Uzir et al., 2021). Specifically, attitude and development of a chatbot to mimic human conversation patterns
satisfaction refers to a consumer’s perception of the service provider’s and personalities (Cheng et al., 2022). The anthropomorphism of chat­
behavior, friendliness, and willingness to help (Xu et al., 2007). It en­ bots can be programmed to have human-like qualities to create a more
compasses the consumer’s emotional experience during the interaction, engaging and relevant user experience (Roy and Naidoo, 2021). These
such as feeling valued, respected, and understood. Attitude satisfaction qualities can include a sense of humor, empathy, or even a unique
is often influenced by factors including the service provider’s commu­ personality. By incorporating anthropomorphism into chatbot design,
nication skills, compassion for the consumer’s needs, and ability to developers aim to enhance human-AI interaction and create a more
address any concerns or complaints. On the other hand, quality satis­ conversational and natural process of communication.
faction refers to a customer’s perception of quality, reliability, func­ Emoji-use in human-computer interaction is the practice of using
tionality and durability of the product or service (Jun et al., 2004). It emojis, which are small digital images or icons, to express emotions,
involves meeting or exceeding the consumer’s expectations for perfor­ convey messages, or enhance communication (Liu et al., 2018). Emojis
mance or features of the service. Quality satisfaction can be influenced have become increasingly popular due to their ability to add nuance and
by factors such as the service’s ease of use and the extent to which it context to text-based conversations. People often use emojis to enhance
fulfills its intended purpose. their written messages and make them more engaging and expressive
Both attitude satisfaction and quality satisfaction are crucial in (Konrad et al., 2020; Manganari, 2021). With the development of
ensuring consumer loyalty and repeat business. Smartly, service pro­ chatbot technology, by incorporating emojis into the chatbot’s re­
viders should strive to consistently provide customers with high levels of sponses, the chatbot can convey emotions and expressions more effec­
attitude and quality satisfaction. This can be achieved through effective tively, which enhances its anthropomorphic characteristics (Jenneboer,
training of service providers, cultivating a customer-centric culture, and 2022; Seeger et al., 2021). Emojis add a visual and contextual layer to
continuously improving service quality. human-computer interaction, allowing the chatbot to express emotions
such as happiness, sadness, excitement, or confusion. For example, if a
2.4. Social support theory user expresses a positive sentiment, the chatbot can respond with a
smiling emoji to convey its understanding and engagement. Similarly, if
Previous research has indicated that social support theory highlights a user is dissatisfied, the chatbot can respond with a sympathetic or
the influence of informational and emotional messages on individual concerned emoji to show empathy. By using emojis appropriately, the
well-being (Huang et al., 2010). This theory suggests that access to chatbot can create a more human-like interaction, improving the overall
supportive relationships and resources can have a positive impact on perception of anthropomorphism, bridging the gap between human and
various aspects of people’s life. To date, informational support and computer interaction (Liu et al., 2023b). Overall, emoji-use can indeed
emotional support are the two main dimensions of social support (Liang improve the user’s perception of the chatbot’s anthropomorphic quali­
et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2021). Informational support is the provision of ties, and many studies have used it to label emojis the anthropomorphic
information, guidance, and advice to help individuals solve problems or level of AI artifacts (Belanche et al., 2021; Schanke et al., 2021). How­
make informed decisions (Chun and Lee, 2017). Emotional support is ever, the anthropomorphic level of chatbot self-recovery that contrib­
the provision of love, empathy, and companionship to help individuals utes to consumer satisfaction is still under-explored in the context of
feel cared for and understood (Lin et al., 2015). Both of these two sup­ service failure. Therefore, this study investigates the moderating role of
ports have been mainly used in different contexts such as healthcare anthropomorphism in the relationship between self-recovery strategies
(Chen et al., 2020) and online brand communities (Shazadi et al., 2021). and consumer satisfaction.
Furthermore, some studies have examined the relative impact of infor­
mational and emotional support (Liu et al., 2023a,b; Zhu et al., 2016). 3. Research hypothesis development
However, there is a lack of research applying them to the context of
AI-enabled service self-recovery and discussing their relative role in 3.1. The relative effects of self-recovery strategies
consumer evaluation.
In the current study, chatbot self-recovery can be seen as a kind of In general, consumer quality satisfaction is influenced by factors like
social support after service failure to improve consumer satisfaction. product or service performance, durability, reliability, functionality,
Different self-recovery strategies refer to different types of social sup­ and meeting their specific needs and expectations (Grace et al., 2021).
port, and consumers may perform disparate evaluations of these stra­ Driven by AI algorithm, chatbots are design to automatically provide
tegies. However, few studies have focused on the details of chatbot self- information support to consumers (Wirtz et al., 2018). Accordingly,
recovery. Following social support theory, this study aims to identify under normal conditions, consumers expect a chatbot to perform as
two strategies of chatbot self-recovery, including informational self- promised and meet their needs effectively (Adam et al., 2021). If the
recovery and emotional self-recovery, and to explore their relative ef­ chatbots delivers on its promises and performs well, they are more likely
fects on consumer satisfaction. to be satisfied. However, the needs of consumers are diverse, chatbots

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

may struggle to provide a satisfactory response because of their limited if they encounter unsympathetic or unresponsive recovery service of the
knowledge base (Shalaby et al., 2020). Such limitation may result in chatbot (Harrison-Walker, 2019), it may lead to lower levels of attitude
chatbots experience service failure. Thus, the recovery process after satisfaction. Thus, this study argues that consumer attitude satisfaction
service failure can also rebuilding trust and demonstrate an effort to is mainly influenced by emotional self-recovery after service failure
consumer satisfaction (Bozic and Kuppelwieser, 2019). Resolution op­ compared with informational self-recovery and hypothesizes that.
tions, personalized approach, and cause of the service failure are mainly
H2. Emotional self-recovery is more effective in affecting consumer
recovery methods to improve consumer quality satisfaction (Jin et al.,
attitude satisfaction than informational self-recovery.
2020). These methods can be regarded as a form of information support.
Similarly, in this study, informational self-recovery aims to chatbots
provide additional information support to help consumers complete 3.2. The moderating role of anthropomorphic level
their tasks after service failure or provide the cause of the service failure.
In fact, transparency is crucial in providing consumer satisfaction In general, chatbots have often been stereotyped as robotic (Salah
(Honora et al., 2022). Chatbots’ informational self-recovery aims to et al., 2023). People have associated them with generic and rigid re­
ensures that consumers have accurate and transparent information sponses, lacking empathy and understanding. However, these stereo­
about the service failure, keeping the consumer informed about the steps types are changing as chatbot technology continues to advance (Zogaj
being taken to address the failure. Tailoring the recovery process to et al., 2023). Chatbot designers often utilize anthropomorphic elements
consumers’ needs shows attention to detail and a genuine desire to make to make the interaction feel more familiar and relatable to users
amends. Therefore, effectively informational self-recovery shows the (Schanke et al., 2021). By giving humanoid names or response with
functionality and ability of chatbots, ultimately improving consumer emojis, anthropomorphic features aim to make users feel more
quality satisfaction. By contrast, emotion support aims to offer under­ comfortable and willing to interact with the chatbots (Jenneboer, 2022).
standing, empathy, and comfort to someone who is going through Accordingly, chatbots’ anthropomorphic level is closely related to user
difficult times (Ngo et al., 2020). By utilizing AI algorithms, more and experience and consumer satisfaction (Haugeland et al., 2022; Ruan and
more chatbots can exhibit emotions or simulate emotional responses Mezei, 2022). Prior studies have indicated that anthropomorphism en­
(Medeiros et al., 2021). Hence, emotional self-recovery plays a com­ hances chatbots’ effectiveness in service recovery (Agnihotri and Bhat­
forting role in providing empathy to consumers after service failure. It tacharya, 2023; Song et al., 2023). By imbuing the chatbots with
aims to build connections with connect consumers on an emotional human-like characteristics and traits, consumers may develop a stronger
level, fostering a sense of trust and empathy. Accordingly, informational emotional connection and feel more understood and supported during
self-recovery focuses on the provision of helpful and practical informa­ the service recovery process (Blut et al., 2021). In general, consumers
tion to address consumers’ needs or situation after service failure, and expect the chatbots to be human-like in providing the desired recovery
emotional self-recovery primarily addresses consumers’ psychological service. For example, a chatbot’s response with emojis helps maintain a
and emotional well-being. On the other hand, consumer quality satis­ conversational flow like human and shows the chatbot’s attempt to
faction involves the perception of the service in terms of its performance recover from service failure (Liu et al., 2023b). Incorporating anthro­
or functionality (Grace et al., 2021). Therefore, this study argues that pomorphism into chatbots can strengthen their effectiveness in service
consumer quality satisfaction is mainly affected by informational recovery by fostering emotional connections, improving
self-recovery after service failure compared with emotional problem-solving capabilities, and enhancing consumer satisfaction
self-recovery and hypothesizes that. (Fatima et al., 2024). In this study, different anthropomorphic levels of a
chatbot provide consumers with different perceptions of its self-recovery
H1. Informational self-recovery is more effective in affecting con­ strategies after service failure. Chatbots’ self-recovery strategies with a
sumer quality satisfaction than emotional self-recovery. high anthropomorphic level can not only serve humans but also
Differs to quality satisfaction, attitude satisfaction encompasses collaborate with human recovery (Waytz et al., 2010). As the anthro­
consumers overall impression of the attitude they receive from the ser­ pomorphic level of chatbots improves, their ability to provide infor­
vice, including how they are treated, the level of care and attention mational and emotional self-recovery increases. As a result, consumer
given to their concerns, and the sense of being valued (Lombart and satisfaction is improved. Drawing these arguments, anthropomorphism
Louis, 2012). It is influenced by factors such as the friendliness, plays a crucial role in how the chatbot handle self-recovery and we
encouragement, empathy, and understanding displayed by the service hypothesize that.
providers (Xu et al., 2007). After service failure, having emotional H3a. Anthropomorphic level positively moderates the relative effect
support means that consumers feel understood, valued, and cared for by of informational self-recovery and emotional self-recovery on consumer
the chatbot service (Roongruangsee et al., 2022). The development of quality satisfaction.
chatbots’ emotional support has been driven by the desire to make ro­
bots more relatable and enhance their ability to interact with humans H3b. Anthropomorphic level positively moderates the relative effect
effectively (Wang et al., 2023). Following this, emotional self-recovery of informational self-recovery and emotional self-recovery on consumer
goes beyond meeting the consumers’ informational needs and extends attitude satisfaction.
to meeting their emotional needs as well. When consumers receive
emotional support, it creates a sense of interpersonal care, ultimately 3.3. The mediating role of perceived competence and warmth
affecting their attitude satisfaction levels. Offermann et al. (2004) have
indicated that individuals’ attitudinal differences can be explained more The stereotype content model (SCM), proposed by Fiske et al. (2007),
by emotional ability. After service failure, the chatbot’s emotional suggests that individuals are stimulated by stereotypes to aid their
self-recovery strategy focuses on the provision of empathy, under­ decision-making due to the complexity of cognition and limited re­
standing, and comfort to consumers and resonate with them on an sources. Drawing on this process, SCM defines two primary dimensions:
emotional level, and attitude satisfaction focuses on the interpersonal warmth and competence. Warmth relates to empathy, friendliness,
emotion of the consumer experience (Xu et al., 2007). The relationship trustworthiness, and good-naturedness, whereas competence is associ­
between them is interconnected and closed. When consumers receive ated with confidence, capability, and skillfulness (Fiske et al., 2007).
emotional support from the chatbot’s emotional self-recovery, it helps These two dimensions originate from person perception (Cuddy et al.,
them feel understood, valued, and cared for. This, in turn, contributes to 2008), social-value orientations (Fiske, 2018), and the construal of
a more positive attitude towards the self-recovery strategy. If consumers others’ behaviors (Fiske, 2018). For example, when interacting with
feel that their emotional needs are not being met after service failure, or unknown or unfamiliar people, an individual needs to consider whether

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

they are amicable or hostile (warmth dimension) and whether they pose Dai, 2021). Emotional self-recovery is designed to be empathetic and
a threat or are helpful (competence dimension). understanding, to provide comforting and reassuring responses to con­
As mentioned above, informational self-recovery means that chat­ sumers, and to offer support in the form of validation or encouragement.
bots can offer assistance by providing prompt and effective information Perceived warmth refers to the recognition that someone is approach­
support to address consumers’ concerns or complaints after a service able, caring, and kindhearted (Aiello et al., 2020). Although
failure. They can offer explanations, troubleshoot problems, and provide self-recovery is pre-programed and lacks genuine emotional under­
potential solutions to help consumers overcome difficulties and regain standing, it can still help consumers feel valued and acknowledged.
their sense of competence. Chatbots can also assist consumers in un­ Through the use of a friendly and conversational self-recovery strategy,
derstanding the reasons behind the service failure and provide reas­ chatbots create warmer and human-like interactions, which can enhance
surance that steps are being taken to rectify the situation (Baker and consumers’ perceptions of warmth. Kim and Hur (2023) also suggested
Meyer, 2014). This responsiveness can restore trust and confidence in that chatbots that use an emotional message increase the perceived
the consumers and, consequently, increase their perceived competence warmth of users. Drawing on these discussions, the following hypothesis
of chatbots (Zheng et al., 2023). Gieselmann and Sassenberg (2023) is proposed.
found that information support triggers individuals’ competence per­
H4b. Perceived warmth mediates the relationship between informa­
ceptions of artificial intelligence. Therefore, this study posits that by
tional self-recovery and consumers’ self-recovery attitude satisfaction.
using informational self-recovery, chatbots lead consumers to make
competent cognitive inferences. When chatbots provide helpful infor­ Based on the above hypothesis, this study draws the research model
mation after service failure, consumers perceive the advancement of as Fig. 1.
artificial intelligence technology and increase their perceived compe­
tence toward the chatbots. After service failure, the informational 4. Research methodology
self-recovery reshapes consumer evaluations (e.g., perceived compe­
tence) toward the chatbots and enhances their quality satisfaction with 4.1. Experiment overview
the recovery strategy. Thus, the following indirect hypothesis is
proposed. In this study, we attempted to understand how chatbots’ self-
recovery strategies affect consumer satisfaction. First, regarding
H4a. Perceived competence mediates the relationship between infor­
source of sample, we recruited participants through an online profes­
mational self-recovery and consumers’ self-recovery quality satisfaction.
sional survey platform ( from July 1–30, 2023. The plat­
Similarly, while chatbots are not capable of experiencing emotions form is a leading crowdsourcing platform like MTurk, and the sample
themselves, they can still offer a form of emotional support (Meng and size exceeds 10 million individuals, which ensures the randomness of the

Fig. 1. Research model.

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

sample. Second, we conducted three experiments (see Table 1) to test Table 2

our hypotheses. Extant literature has suggested that a multiple- The manipulation of chatbots’ self-recovery.
experiment design has advantages for explaining complex social phe­ High Low
nomena because multiple experiments applied within a research can
Informational self-recovery Diagnosis of service failure, Simple advice
complement each other in different stages, such as data collection and detailed advice
empirical analysis (Sarkar et al., 2020). In addition, using multiple ex­ Emotional self-recovery With blessing words Without blessing
periments can enhance the results and increase their validity, as opposed (empathy, comfort) words
to relying on a single method. Experiment 1 examined the main and Anthropomorphic level of self- With emojis ( Without emojis
mediating effect of chatbots’ self-recovery strategies on consumer ,
satisfaction. Experiment 2 tested the moderating effect of anthropo­
morphic level. In Experiments 1 and 2, service process failure was ,
simulated. In order to enhance robustness of findings, service outcome
failure was simulated in Experiment 3. ,

4.2. Experimental procedure
To test the above hypotheses, three experiments were performed.
Experiment 1 focused on the relative and mediating effects of two self- ,
recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction. Experiment 2 investi­
gated the moderating role of self-recovery anthropomorphism (high vs. )
low) in the relationship between self-recovery strategies and consumer
satisfaction. Experiment 3 assessed the hypotheses in the alternative
service failure (outcome failure) to ensure the reliability and generality it said that an unknown error occurred and apologized for it. Meanwhile,
of the results of Experiments 1 and 2 (process failure). Additionally, to it expressed empathy for the consumer and encouraged him to try again.
validate the results, all participants recruited in the three experiments Then, the consumer tried to provide more detailed booking information
were mutually independent. again. The chatbot searched the flights for a moment, and after 30 s, it
The experimental procedures as follows: Step 1, this study con­ said that the flight was successfully booked and hoped the consumer
structed the structure of chatbots’ self-recovery with different levels of enjoyed the trip.” Regarding the low level of emotional self-recovery
informational support, emotional support and anthropomorphism (see scenario (see Fig. 4 in Appendix), the chatbot only apologized for the
Table 2). Based on the structure, eight stimulus materials (see Appendix) error and did not provide empathy and encouragement. Meanwhile, the
designed for self-recovery strategies were text-based and screenshots. In chatbot did not provide blessing words after a successful booking.
Experiments 1 and 2, the high level of informational self-recovery sce­ Regarding the anthropomorphic level, emojis are usually used to label
nario (see Fig. 1 in Appendix) was identified as follows: “A consumer people’s humanness perceptions of AI-enabled agents (Go and Sundar,
asked an AI-based chatbot to book a flight from Beijing to New York. The 2019; Liu et al., 2023b). Thus, to manipulate the anthropomorphic level,
chatbot searched the flights for a moment, and after 30s, it said that an emojis were added to the chatbot’s responses (see Figs. 5–8 in Appen­
unknown error occurred and provided some possible reasons and in­ dix). The presence of emojis in the response indicated a high level of
structions for how to address it. The consumer then tried to provide anthropomorphism, whereas the absence of emojis indicated a low level
more detailed booking information again. The chatbot searched the of anthropomorphism. In Experiment 3, we changed service failure type
flights for a moment again, and after 30 s, it said that the flight was from process failure to outcome failure. The high level of informational
successfully booked and provided the details.” Regarding the low level self-recovery scenario (see Fig. 9 in Appendix) was identified as follows:
of informational self-recovery scenario (see Fig. 2 in Appendix), the “A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to book a flight from Beijing to
chatbot did not provide reasons for the error and instructions for how to New York. The chatbot searched the flights for a moment, and after 30s,
address it. Meanwhile, the chatbot did not provide details of the flight it said that a connecting flight (Beijing to Tokyo and Tokyo to New York)
after successful booking. Similarly, the high level of emotional self- was available. The consumer said that the flight did not meet the re­
recovery scenario (see Fig. 3 in Appendix) was identified as follows: quirements. The chatbot provided some possible reasons for it and in­
“A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to book a flight from Beijing to structions for how to address it. Then, the consumer tried to provide
New York. The chatbot searched the flights for a moment, and after 30 s, more detailed booking information again. The chatbot searched the
flights for a moment, and after 30 s, it said that the flight was success­
Table 1 fully booked and provided the details.” Regarding the low level of
Overview of three experiments. informational self-recovery scenario (see Fig. 10 in Appendix) was
Experiments Hypothesis/Effect Experimental design Sample
identified as follows: “A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to book a
fight, the chatbot did not provide the reasons for the error and the in­
Experiment 1 Main and 2 (Informational self- N=
structions for how to address it. Meanwhile, the chatbot did not provide
(service mediating effect ( recovery: high vs. low) × 2 382
process H1, H2, H4a, and (emotional self-recovery: details of the flight after successful booking. Similarly, the high level of
failure) H4b) high vs. low) emotional self-recovery scenario (see Fig. 11 in Appendix) was identi­
Experiment 2 Moderating effect ( 2 (Informational self- N= fied as follows: “A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to book a flight
(service H3a and, H3b) recovery: high vs. low) × 2 771
was identified as follows: “A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to
process (emotional self-recovery:
failure) high vs. low) × 2
book a flight from Beijing to New York. The chatbot searched the flights
(anthropomorphic level: high for a moment, and after 30s, it said that a connecting flight (Beijing to
vs. low) Tokyo and Tokyo to New York) was available. The consumer said that
Experiment 3 Main, mediating 2 (Informational self- N= the flight did not meet the requirements. The chatbot apologized for it,
(service and moderating recovery: high vs. low) × 2 769
expressed empathy with the consumer, and encouraged the consumer to
outcome effects (all (emotional self-recovery:
failure) hypotheses) high vs. low) × 2 try again. Then, the consumer tried to provide more detailed booking
(anthropomorphic level: high information again. The chatbot searched the flights for a moment, and
vs. low) after 30s, it said that the flight was successfully booked and hoped that

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

the consumer could enjoy the trip.” Regarding the low level of emotional Table 3
self-recovery scenario (see Fig. 12 in Appendix) was identified as fol­ Questionnaire items.
lows: “A consumer asked an AI-based chatbot to book a flight, the Construct Items References
chatbot only apologized for the error and did not provide empathy and
Informational self- How do you think about the Newly
encouragement. Meanwhile, the chatbot did not provide blessing words recovery chatbot’s informational capability? developed
after a successful booking. Following the procedures of Experiments 1 Emotional self-recovery How do you think about the Newly
and 2, Figs. 13–16 in Appendix show the anthropomorphic level of chatbot’s emotional capability? developed
materials in different levels of self-recovery strategies. Anthropomorphic level How do you think about the Newly
chatbot’s anthropomorphism developed
Step 2, the participants were randomly assigned to experimental Perceived competence PC1: To what extend do you believe Gao and
groups. After the participants entered the experimental platform, we (PC) the chatbot is capable? Mattila (2014)
began by introducing an example to explain the meaning of chatbot PC2: To what extend do you believe
the chatbot is skillful?
service failure as follows: Facebook released a chatbot called “M” as
PC3: Does the chatbot show good
part of its Messenger app. M was designed to provide recommen­ performance?
dations and assist users in making reservations. However, it failed to Perceived warmth (PW) PW1: To what extend do you believe Gao and
accurately understand and respond to user requests, leading to the chatbot is friendly? Mattila (2014)
frustration among users (Chaves and Gerosa, 2021). We also intro­ PW2: To what extend does the
chatbot make you feel
duced the potential negative consequences (e.g., consumer dissatis­ encouragement?
faction, negative reputation, and continuous use of chatbots’ service) PW3: Does the chatbot show
of such service failure. Then, the concept of chatbot self-recovery empathy?
was introduced: self-recovery means that chatbots can provide Self-recovery quality SQS1: I think the self-recovery is Zhou et al.
satisfaction (SQS) useful. (2019)
additional instructions to help consumers solve their problems, or
SQS2: I think the self-recovery is
they can also provide comfort to mitigate consumers’ frustration reliable.
after service failure (Ngai et al., 2021). We also introduced the ad­ SQS3: I think the self-recovery can
vantages of self-recovery over human recovery (e.g., more meet my expectations.
time-efficient and less costly). Lastly, the participants were required Self-recovery attitude SAS1: I feel comforted from the self- Zhou et al.
satisfaction (SAS) recovery (2019)
to read our stimulation materials (see the Appendix). After 3 min,
SAS2: My frustration has been
each participant was required to indicate their perception of mitigated to a certain extent.
different levels of informational support, emotional support, and SAS3: I think the attitude of self-
anthropomorphism using a single item (“How do you think about the recovery is good.
chatbot’s informational, emotional, and anthropomorphism capabil­
ities?” (5-point Likert scale, with 5 = very high, and 1 = very low).
Step 3: After the participants listened to the experimental scenario, Table 4
they immediately completed the questionnaire (see Table 3, using a T-test of experimental manipulation.
5-point Likert scale) on chatbots’ self-recovery strategies to assess Group Number Mean t ρ
perceived competence (5 = very high, and 1 = very low), perceived
High information 20 4.534 3.342 0.000***
warmth (5 = very high, and 1 = very low), and self-recovery quality Low information 20 3.976
satisfaction and self-recovery attitude satisfaction (5 = strong satis­ High emotion 20 4.138 2.813 0.005**
faction, and 1 = strong dissatisfaction). We also requested their de­ Low emotion 20 3.247
mographic information, such as gender, age, educational High anthropomorphic 20 4.439 2.914 0.008**
Low anthropomorphic 20 3.580
background, and frequency of chatbot usage.
Note: ∗ ∗ ρ < 0.05; ∗ ∗ ∗ρ < 0.01.
4.3. Pretest

We pretested the stimulus materials on the chatbots’ self-recovery

strategies before conducting a formal experiment to ensure that the Table 5
Internal consistency test of variables.
manipulation was valid. A total of 40 participants (20 females and 20
males) were recruited from and randomly divided into four Variable Cronbach’s α CR AVE
groups. Based on the above experimental procedure, the responses of Informational self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
participants were collected. The analysis of the data is described below. Emotional self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
First, to examine the experimental manipulation, an independent Anthropomorphic level 1.000 1.000 1.000
Perceived competence 0.866 0.918 0.789
samples t-test was conducted to analyze whether the participants’ actual
Perceived warmth 0.874 0.923 0.751
perceptions of the chatbots’ self-recovery strategies were significantly Quality satisfaction 0.889 0.914 0.726
different. The t-test results for informational self-recovery, emotional Attitude satisfaction 0.771 0.867 0.686
self-recovery, and anthropomorphic levels are shown in Table 4. Clearly,
a high level of informational self-recovery was stronger than a low level
(t = 3.342, ρ = 0.000). The same was true for emotional self-recovery (t demonstrating that the questionnaire items had good discriminative
= 2.813, ρ = 0.005) and anthropomorphic level (t = 2914, ρ = 0.008), validity.
indicating successful manipulation of the experiment.
Second, the internal consistency of all constructs was tested. As 4.4. Experiment 1
shown in Table 5, Cronbach’s α for all constructs was above 0.7, indi­
cating that the questionnaire items had good reliability. The combined In this experiment, a 2 (informational self-recovery, high vs. low) × 2
reliability (CR) values were above 0.85, and the average extracted (emotional self-recovery, high vs. low) design was adopted. To enhance
variance (AVE) values were all above 0.6, indicating that the question­ the validity of the results, a one-way ANOVA, OLS regression, and
naire items had good aggregation validity. The correlation of each PROCESS were combined in this study.
construct with other constructs was below the square root of the AVE, Based on four scenarios, 400 participants with personal experience of

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

online chatbot service were recruited from Three Table 7

criterions were used to check the validation of responses: (1) the survey Sample distribution of Experiment 1.
completion time is less than 3 min; (2) incomplete questionnaire; (3) all Informational self-recovery Emotional self-recovery Number Proportion
responses on the scale were the same. Finally, 382 valid questionnaires
High High 95 24.87%
were collected. Tables 6 and 7 present the overview of demographic Low 98 25.65%
characteristics and the sample distribution of each group in Experiment Low High 97 25.39%
1. Moreover, the internal consistency of questionnaire items was also Low 92 24.09%
tested (see Table 8), indicating that the items had good aggregation and
discriminative validity.
The results of one-way ANOVA showed that both informational self- Table 8
recovery and emotional self-recovery had significant differences effects Internal consistency test of variables (Experiment 1).
on self-recovery quality satisfaction (informational: F = 4.80, ρ < 0.01; Variable Cronbach’s α CR AVE
emotional: F = 2.74, ρ < 0.05) and self-recovery attitude satisfaction
Informational self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
(informational: F = 3.01, ρ < 0.01; emotional: F = 4.43, ρ < 0.01). To be Emotional self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
more specific, quality satisfaction of high informational self-recovery Perceived competence 0.905 0.930 0.726
(M = 4.69, SD = 0.493) was higher than that of low informational Perceived warmth 0.915 0.947 0.855
self-recovery (M = 3.07, SD = 0.405). Meanwhile, attitude satisfaction Quality satisfaction 0.838 0.893 0.676
Attitude satisfaction 0.863 0.907 0.709
of high emotional self-recovery (M = 4.47, SD = 0.514) was higher than
that of low emotional self-recovery (M = 3.14, SD = 0.450). Fig. 2
intuitively illustrated the success of the manipulation test of self- mediation effect and supporting H4b.
recovery strategies. Then, the relative impact of chatbots’ self-
recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction was tested. The results
displayed (see Fig. 3) that compared with emotional self-recovery (M = 4.5. Experiment 2
3.09, SD = 0.398), consumers were more satisfied with the quality of
informational self-recovery (M = 4.61, SD = 0.557). H1 was supported. Based on Experiment 1, Experiment 2 used a 2 (informational self-
Compared with informational self-recovery (M = 3.57, SD = 0.412), recovery: high vs. low) x 2 (emotional self-recovery: high vs. low) x 2
consumers were more satisfied with the attitude of emotional self- (anthropomorphic level: high vs. low) within-subject design to test the
recovery (M = 4.84, SD = 0.521). H2 was supported. moderating role of chatbots’ self-recovery anthropomorphism in the
Then, we used OLS, a widely used method for examining causality relative impact of self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction. In
(Antonakis et al., 2014), to test the main effects. The regression results order to enhance the validity of results, two-way ANOVA and OLS
(see Table 9) shown that both informational self-recovery and emotional regression were combined in this study.
self-recovery enhanced consumer quality satisfaction, and the influence Following Experiment 1’s procedures, 800 participants were re-
of informational self-recovery was stronger than emotional self-recovery recruited and randomized into 8 groups. After checking the validation
(0.247 vs. 0.163); in contrast, the influence of informational self- of responses, 771 valid questionnaires were collected. Tables 11 and 12
recovery on consumer attitude satisfaction was weaker than that of present the overview of demographic characteristics and the sample
emotional self-recovery (0.171 vs. 0.274). Therefore, H1 and H2 were distribution of each group in Experiment 2. Meanwhile, Table 13 shown
further supported. that the questionnaire items had good aggregation and discriminative
Finally, Model 4 in PROCESS (bootstrap sample: 5000) was used to validity.
test the mediating effects. The results are presented in Table 10. The Two-way ANOVA shown that there were significant differences in
direct effect of informational self-recovery on consumer quality satis­ the perception of participants on the level of anthropomorphism in
faction was significant (effect = 0.462, 95% CI = [0.203, 0.721]); the chatbot self-recovery strategies (informational: F = 6.47, ρ < 0.001;
indirect effect of informational self-recovery through perceived emotional: F = 5.24, ρ < 0.01). Participants in the low anthropomorphic
competence (effect = 0.306, 95% CI = [0.143, 0.522]) was significant, level group were less satisfied with self-recovery strategies (quality
indicating a partial mediation effect and supporting H4a. Similarly, the satisfaction: M = 3.13, SD = 0.472; attitude satisfaction: M = 2.35, SD =
direct effect of emotional self-recovery on consumer attitude satisfaction 0.401), whereas participants in the high anthropomorphic level group
was significant (effect = 0.389, 95% CI = [0.103, 0.684]); the indirect were higher satisfied with self-recovery strategies (quality satisfaction:
effect of emotional self-recovery through perceived warmth (effect = M = 4.56, SD = 0.502; attitude satisfaction: M = 4.31, SD = 0.490).
0.265, 95% CI = [0.127, 0.612]) was significant, indicating a partial These results confirmed the validation of manipulating the anthropo­
morphic level of self-recovery strategies. Figs. 4 and 5 describe con­
sumer satisfaction of different self-recovery strategies for low and high
Table 6 anthropomorphic levels. As the anthropomorphic level increases, the
Demographic characteristics of participants in Experiment 1. relative impact of self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction is
Demographics variable Category Frequency significantly strengthened. Thus, H3a and H3b were supported.
Then, an OLS regression test was conducted (see Table 14). The re­
Gender Female 189
Male 193
sults indicated that the moderating role of anthropomorphic level on
Age <20 37 informational self-recovery and consumer quality satisfaction was
20–25 147 stronger than that of emotional self-recovery (0.378 vs. 0.214), sup­
26–30 123 porting H3a. The moderating role of anthropomorphic level on
31–40 53
emotional self-recovery and consumer attitude satisfaction was also
>40 22
Education High school and below 32 stronger than that of informational self-recovery (0.402 vs. 0.314),
Junior college 63 supporting H3b.
Undergraduate 261
Master’s degree and above 26
Frequency of use of chatbots <5 times 67 4.6. Experiment 3
5-10 times 202
11-15 times 81 Consistent with the procedures of Experiments 1 and 2, a 2 × 2 × 2
>15 times 32
between-subject design was also used in Experiment 3. To keep

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 2. Results of manipulation test (Experiment 1).

Table 11
Demographic characteristics of participants in Experiment 2.
Demographics variable Category Frequency

Gender Female 385

Male 386
Age <20 64
20–25 306
26–30 253
31–40 105
>40 43
Education High school and below 89
Junior college 221
Undergraduate 403
Master’s degree and above 58
Frequency of use of chatbots <5 times 153
5–10 times 392
Fig. 3. Results of H1 and H2 (experiment 1). 11–15 times 138
>15 times 88

Table 9
Results of OLS regression (Experiment 1).
Table 12
Quality satisfaction Attitude satisfaction Sample distribution of Experiment 2.
Informational self-recovery 0.247*** 0.171* Informational Emotional Anthropomorphic Number Proportion
Emotional self-recovery 0.163** 0.274*** self-recovery self-recovery level
Gender − 0.225* − 0.211**
Age 0.184** 0.179* High High High 100 12.97%
Education 0.341*** 0.357** Low 96 12.45%
Frequency of use of chatbots 0.215* 0.206* Low High 98 12.71%
R2 0.351 0.370 Low 96 12.45%
Low High High 97 12.58%
Note: ∗ρ < 0.10, ∗ ∗ ρ < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ρ < 0.01. Low 96 12.45%
Low Low High 95 12.32%
Low 93 12.07%

Table 10
Results of the mediation effect test (Experiment 1). Table 13
Paths Effect SE 95% 95% Internal consistency test of variables (Experiment 2).
LLCI ULCI Variable Cronbach’s α CR AVE
Informational self-recovery → quality 0.462 0.241 0.203 0.721 Informational self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
satisfaction Emotional self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
Informational self-recovery → perceived 0.306 0.145 0.143 0.522 Anthropomorphic level 1.000 1.000 1.000
competence → quality satisfaction Quality satisfaction 0.802 0.884 0.718
Emotional self-recovery →attitude 0.389 0.193 0.103 0.684 Attitude satisfaction 0.817 0.891 0.732
Emotional self-recovery → perceived 0.265 0.127 0.127 0.612
warmth → attitude satisfaction in Experiment 3. In addition, Table 17 shown that the questionnaire
items had good aggregation and discriminative validity.
participants’ independence, 800 participants were recruited to perform In Experiment 3, the ANOVA results in the context of outcome failure
experiments. After checking the validation of responses, 769 valid were consistent with Experiments 1 and 2 (see Figs. 6–8), providing
questionnaires were collected. Tables 15 and 16 present the overview of additional support for our hypotheses and revealing the robustness and
demographic characteristics and the sample distribution of each group generalizability of our findings.

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Table 15
Demographic characteristics of participants in Experiment 3.
Demographics variable Category Frequency

Gender Female 375

Male 394
Age <20 62
20–25 361
26–30 275
31–40 45
>40 26
Education High school and below 42
Junior college 260
Undergraduate 409
Master’s degree and above 58
Frequency of use of chatbots <5 times 141
5-10 times 363
11-15 times 203
Fig. 4. Effect of informational self-recovery and anthropomorphic level on >15 times 62
consumer satisfaction (Experiment 2).

Table 16
Sample distribution of Experiment 3.
Informational Emotional Anthropomorphic Number Proportion
self-recovery self-recovery level

High High High 98 12.74%

Low 95 12.35%
Low High 100 13.01%
Low 94 12.22%
Low High High 100 13.01%
Low 96 12.48%
Low High 95 12.35%
Low 91 11.84%

Table 17
Internal consistency test of variables (Experiment 3).
Variable Cronbach’s α CR AVE
Fig. 5. Effect of emotional self-recovery and anthropomorphic level on con­
sumer satisfaction (Experiment 2). Informational self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
Emotional self-recovery 1.000 1.000 1.000
Anthropomorphic level 1.000 1.000 1.000
Perceived competence 0.803 0.871 0.629
Table 14
Perceived warmth 0.777 0.870 0.692
Results of the moderating role test (Experiment 2). Quality satisfaction 0.763 0.863 0.678
Quality Attitude Attitude satisfaction 0.806 0.886 0.721
satisfaction satisfaction

Informational self-recovery 0.351*** 0.269**

Emotional self-recovery 0.293** 0.342***
Anthropomorphic level 0.311*** 0.278**
Informational self-recovery* 0.378*** 0.314**
Anthropomorphic level
Emotional self-recovery* 0.214** 0.402***
Anthropomorphic level
Gender − 0.205* − 0.208**
Age 0.192** 0.189***
Education 0.331** 0.322**
Frequency of use of chatbots 0.301** 0.289*
R2 0.311 0.335

Note: ∗ρ < 0.10, ∗ ∗ ρ < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ρ < 0.01.

Next, an OLS regression test was conducted (see Table 18). The re­
sults indicated that the anthropomorphic level strengthened the relative
effects of informational self-recovery and emotional self-recovery on
Fig. 6. Relative effects of self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction
consumer satisfaction, further supporting H3a and H3b. (Experiment 3).
Finally, the results of PROCESS (Table 19) showed that perceived
competence and perceived warmth exerted a partial mediation effect
4.7. Post-hoc analysis
between the two self-recovery strategies and consumer satisfaction,
providing additional support to H4a and H4b.
In the above three experiments, this study examined the relative
effects of chatbots’ self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction.
However, we did not explore the suitability of each self-recovery

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Table 19
Results of the mediation effect test (Experiment 3).
Paths Effect SE 95% 95%

Informational self-recovery → quality 0.381 0.272 0.176 0.801

Informational self-recovery → perceived 0.335 0.219 0.200 0.605
competence →quality satisfaction
Emotional self-recovery → attitude 0.270 0.136 0.114 0.596
Emotional self-recovery →perceived 0.239 0.103 0.092 0.542
warmth →attitude satisfaction

Fig. 7. Effects of informational self-recovery and anthropomorphic level on

consumer satisfaction (Experiment 3).

Fig. 9. Effects of self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction in service

process failure context.

Fig. 8. Effects of emotional self-recovery and anthropomorphic level on con­

sumer satisfaction (Experiment 3).

Table 18
Results of the moderating role test (Experiment 3).
Quality Attitude
satisfaction satisfaction

Informational self-recovery 0.276*** 0.241**

Emotional self-recovery 0.210* 0.318**
Anthropomorphic level 0.332** 0.293**
Informational self-recovery* 0.309*** 0.221**
Anthropomorphic level
Emotional self-recovery* 0.253** 0.297***
Anthropomorphic level Fig. 10. Effects of self-recovery strategies on consumer satisfaction in service
Gender − 0.241** − 0.256**
outcome failure context.
Age 0.231*** 0.260**
Education 0.425*** 0.403**
Frequency of use of chatbots 0.285*** 0.272** emotional self-recovery in the service outcome context. We then con­
R2 0.292 0.304 ducted an OLS regression. The results (see Table 20) also indicated that
Note: ∗ρ < 0.10, ∗ ∗ ρ < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ρ < 0.01. informational self-recovery was more applicable to the service process
failure (0.358, 0.302 vs. 0.275, 0.237), whereas emotional self-recovery
was more applicable to the service outcome failure (0.262, 0.314 vs.
0.342, 0.384).
strategy for a given context. To address this gap, this study considered
service failure types as a context setting and investigated which type
5. Discussion
would be more suitable for the evaluated self-recovery strategies.
Based on the sample used in Experiments 2 and 3, we randomly
5.1. Main findings
selected 50 participants from each group. Accordingly, there were 400
participants in both the service process failure group and the service
Different from previous literature on the difference between self-
outcome failure group. One-way ANOVA results (see Figs. 9 and 10)
recovery and human recovery, this study further focuses on chatbots’
showed that compared with emotional self-recovery, consumers were
self-recovery strategies and their impact on consumer satisfaction.
more satisfied with information self-recovery in the service process
Furthermore, the moderating role of chatbots’ self-recovery anthropo­
failure context, whereas the consumers were more satisfied with
morphism is also examined. Based on social support theory, self-

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Table 20 enhances consumers’ perceptions of how capable the chatbot is in

Results of OLS regression in different service failure contexts. assisting them after a failure. After a service failure, if a chatbot
Service process failure Service outcome failure consistently provides helpful information, consumers are more likely to
perceive it as competent (Song et al., 2022), which, in turn, enhances
Quality Attitude Quality Attitude
satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction their quality satisfaction regarding the chatbot’s self-recovery strategy.
Through its self-recovery, the chatbot provides emotional support
Informational self- 0.358*** 0.302*** 0.275** 0.237*
through encouragement, empathy, and understanding to consumers
Emotional self- 0.262** 0.314*** 0.342*** 0.384*** who may be experiencing emotional distress after a service failure. This
recovery support can involve incorporating phrases such as “I understand how
Anthropomorphic 0.346*** 0.332*** 0.368** 0.340*** you feel” or “I’m here for you” to let consumers know that their emotions
are acknowledged and validated and that their perceptions of warmth
Gender − 0.293*** − 0.304*** − 0.314** − 0.287***
Age 0.311** 0.298*** 0.274** 0.306*** are enhanced. When consumers perceive a chatbot as warm after a
Education 0.371** 0.353*** 0.323** 0.340** service failure, they are more likely to trust and connect with it (Choi
Frequency of use of 0.215*** 0.226** 0.270** 0.239*** et al., 2021), which also improves their attitude satisfaction in terms of
chatbots the chatbot’s self-recovery strategy.
R2 0.314 0.326 0.340 0.338
Fourth, this study suggests that informational self-recovery is well-
Note: ∗ρ < 0.10, ∗ ∗ ρ < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ρ < 0.01. suited for handling service process failure, while emotional self-
recovery is more suitable for service outcome failure. When encoun­
tering a service process failure, consumers do not achieve the desired
recovery strategies are classified into informational self-recovery and results from chatbots; consequently, they want to receive a clear
emotional self-recovery. Meanwhile, self-recovery quality satisfaction explanation of what went wrong with the service process (Huang and
and self-recovery attitude satisfaction are considered two dimensions of Dootson, 2022; Xing et al., 2022). Informational self-recovery provides
consumer satisfaction. Through three experiments, several interesting possible explanations for how to rectify the failure and offers
findings were obtained: step-by-step guidance to help consumers resolve the failure. In some
First, informational self-recovery is stronger than emotional self- cases, consumers may prefer to address service process failures on their
recovery on consumer quality satisfaction. The purpose of informa­ own (Castillo et al., 2021). Informational self-recovery can include of­
tional self-recovery is to provide consumers with suggestions or in­ fering self-help resources and enhancing consumer satisfaction. Indeed,
structions after service failure and to help them understand what caused informational self-recovery is well-suited for handling service process
service failure and prevent any confusion or frustration. In addition, failure. Further, emotional self-recovery is an important aspect when
informational self-recovery provides step-by-step instructions on how dealing with service outcome failure. When chatbots’ service outcome
consumers can resolve problems themselves or what actions they need to does not meet consumers’ expectations or needs, it can lead to disap­
take to overcome problems. Through informational self-recovery, con­ pointment, frustration, or even a sense of loss (Huang and Dootson,
sumers can be equipped with the relevant knowledge or tools they need 2022). During such times, providing emotional support can help alle­
to deal with service failure. Effective and useful information support viate negative emotions and promote a sense of understanding and
displays the self-recovery ability of chatbots after service failure, which empathy (Meng and Dai, 2021; Pavone et al., 2023). Emotional
in turn improves consumers’ perception of service quality. Emotional self-recovery involves taking personal responsibility for managing con­
self-recovery is stronger than informational self-recovery on consumer sumers’ emotions, reassuring them that their feelings are valid, and
attitude satisfaction. Emotional support aims to provide encouragement finding ways to bounce back from service outcome failure.
and compassion to consumers after service failure and alleviate their
depression and dissatisfaction. Emotion is closely related to attitude 5.2. Theoretical implications
perception (Warren et al., 2019), and from an emotional perspective,
self-recovery is lending a compassionate ear to consumers’ concerns and This study facilitates the existing literature on chatbot service re­
experiences after service failure. Chatbots that are human-like present covery in four ways. First, it is one of the first studies to focus on self-
and show empathy can provide significant comfort, ultimately recovery strategies after service failure. Previous studies have simply
enhancing consumers’ satisfaction with service attitude. explored the difference between self-recovery and human recovery
Second, different anthropomorphic levels play a positive role in (Song et al., 2022; Xing et al., 2022), but failed to classify the details of
moderating the relationship between self-recovery strategies and con­ self-recovery. Based on social support theory, this study identifies two
sumer satisfaction. In detail, the higher the level of anthropomorphism, types of self-recovery strategies, including informational self-recovery
the more quality satisfaction the informational self-recovery has and emotional self-recovery. Social support theory has been widely
compared to emotional self-recovery. Similarly, the higher the level of applied in the field of healthcare (Liu et al., 2023a; Tan and Yan, 2020),
anthropomorphism, the greater the attitude satisfaction consumers but it has received limited attention in the context of service recovery.
experience when they engage in emotional self-recovery compared to Therefore, it is necessary to advance the understanding of this theory
informational self-recovery. After service failure, anthropomorphic and highlight its applicability in the context of service recovery.
chatbots can be designed to appear and interact in a human-like manner, Second, this study provides a novel understanding of consumers’
giving consumers the impression that they are talking with a person evaluation of self-recovery strategies by dividing consumer satisfaction
(Cheng et al., 2022; Xing et al., 2022). A high level of anthropomor­ into self-recovery quality satisfaction and self-recovery attitude satis­
phism can enhance the attractiveness and affinity of chatbots’ faction. Previous research has mainly used consumer satisfaction as the
self-recovery strategies to make them more popular and more acceptable sole criterion for evaluating service recovery (Jin et al., 2020; Xing et al.,
to consumers. 2022) thus ignoring the different satisfaction expressed by consumers
Third, perceived competence mediates the relationship between when evaluating service recovery strategies after service failure. This
informational self-recovery and consumer quality satisfaction, and the study further divides consumer satisfaction into two types and provides
relationship between informational self-recovery and consumer attitude a more comprehensive understanding of consumer satisfaction in the
satisfaction is mediated by perceived warmth. Chatbots’ informational context of service recovery.
self-recovery provides the causes of the failure, as well as advice and Third, this study identifies the relative role of informational self-
guidance to help consumers solve problems. This support strategy recovery and emotional self-recovery in influencing consumer satisfac­
tion after service failure. The positive impact of informational support

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

and emotional support has been extensively recognized (Huang et al., to the self-recovery design.
2019; Wang et al., 2021), but few studies have tried to investigate the
relative importance in the context of service recovery. This study also 5.4. Limitations and future directions
confirms that informational self-recovery and emotional self-recovery
reveal different effects of consumer satisfaction with service recovery. Although this study has made some significant contributions, it also
These findings offer an alternative view of the disparate effects of has several limitations. First, similar to prior studies (Liu et al., 2023b;
self-recovery strategies in the context of service failure. Song et al., 2022; Xing et al., 2022), this study mainly focuses on the
Fourth, this study innovatively examines the moderating role of self-recovery of text-based chatbots after service failure. Contrariwise,
anthropomorphic levels in the domain of chatbot self-recovery. the use of voice channels can convey information and emotion during
Anthropomorphism has been widely used in the design of chatbots robot-human interaction (Ganapathy, 2020). Unlike text-based chat­
(Blut et al., 2021; Selamat and Windasari, 2021). It allows for an un­ bots, voice-based chatbots (e.g., Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant) can
derstanding of non-human entities in a more familiar and relatable way. provide hands-free and eyes-free interaction experiences. Consumers
Self-recovery is based on complex algorithms and is conducted by a can speak to chatbots, and chatbots can also respond to consumers by
chatbot itself. Thus, anthropomorphism plays a significant role in voice, and this enables a more natural and conversational interaction
shaping consumers’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards these compared to typing. As a result, voice-based chatbots have become an
non-human entities. However, there is a lack of studies that explore the important component of chatbot technology and can enhance conve­
anthropomorphic level of chatbot self-recovery in the context of service nience and accessibility for consumers seeking information and assis­
failure. This study takes an important step to focus on chatbots’ tance (Roy and Naidoo, 2021). Thus, the effects of self-recovery
self-recovery anthropomorphism, providing a novel research perspec­ strategies and consumer satisfaction on voice-based chatbots should be
tive of its contingent effect. taken into account in the future. Second, with the development of
Fifth, this study clarifies the underlying mechanism between chat­ technology, despite its level of anthropomorphism, chatbots have other
bots’ self-recovery strategies and consumer satisfaction. Consumers hold features that may play a different role in consumer perception (Araujo,
certain stereotypes (e.g., useful only for basic or repetitive tasks and 2018). The selection of moderator variables is limited in this study, and
incapable of displaying empathy or emotion) on chatbots (Lee et al., future research is encouraged to investigate other moderator variables
2019; Seiler and Schär, 2021). Thus, changing the stereotype of chatbots from different perspectives. Third, different consumers, with different
is crucial (Seiler et al., 2019). Drawing on SCM (Fiske et al., 2007), this personal characteristics, have different perceptions of self-recovery
study innovatively claims that perceived competence and warmth strategies, which affect their satisfaction. Thus, future research could
mediate the relationship between chatbots’ self-recovery strategies and attempt to examine the effects of personal traits, such as cultural dif­
consumer satisfaction. We enrich the application of SCM in the context ferences (Shin et al., 2022) and implicit personality (Liu et al., 2023b).
of service failures and unpack the underlying mechanisms of how Fourth, our sample primarily consisted of participants aged between 20
chatbots’ service recovery strategies enhance user satisfaction. and 30 years old. This age group is known as Millennials or Generation Z
and is more tech-savvy (Gabrielova and Buchko, 2021); they are more
5.3. Practical implications likely to engage with a chatbot for quicker assistance instead of waiting
on hold or searching through websites (De Cicco et al., 2020). Thus, the
There are some practical implications for chatbot service providers sample is more suitable for validating the hypotheses presented in this
or platforms. First, service providers can apply a multidimensional study. Admittedly, focusing on such a narrow age range limits the
evaluation mechanism to better understand consumers’ satisfaction generalizability of the findings. In future studies, efforts could be made
with self-recovery strategies. When encountering service failure, con­ to balance the age distribution of the samples to ensure a more
sumers’ evaluation is a critical measurement of the effectiveness of re­ comprehensive understanding of chatbots’ self-recover strategies.
covery strategies, which in turn guides service providers on how to
design recovery strategies. Simply rating may vary from consumers’ CRediT authorship contribution statement
evaluation of service recovery after service failure. This study shows that
consumer satisfaction includes two dimensions: quality-related and Cheng Zhou: Writing – original draft, Methodology, Data curation,
attitude-related. Thus, service providers can offer a two-dimensional Conceptualization. Qian Chang: Writing – review & editing, Supervi­
channel for service recovery evaluation, which can make consumers sion, Funding acquisition.
realize the performance of self-recovery strategies in different di­
mensions, thereby enabling them to make improvements accordingly. Declaration of competing interest
Second, service providers should pay attention to the design of self-
recovery strategies. Compared to costly human recovery, self-recovery is The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
economical and can continuously provide service regardless of time interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
constraints. Accordingly, Self-recovery is widely used after a service the work reported in this paper.
failure. In response to different service failure contexts, informational
self-recovery and emotional self-recovery are aware of consumers’ Data availability
emotion-oriented and task-oriented needs. Informational support is a
more effective self-recovery strategy to enhance consumer quality Data will be made available on request.
satisfaction and is more suitable for service process failure, whereas
emotional support aims to guarantee consumer attitude satisfaction and Acknowledgments
is more suitable for service outcome failure. In addition, service pro­
viders can improve the anthropomorphic level of self-recovery to shape This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
consumers’ stereotypical perception of non-human attributes about China (72303168, 72203156) and the National Postdoctoral Program of
chatbots. As reported by the findings, service providers can add emojis China (GZC20231864).

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Appendix. Experiment stimuli materials

Fig. 1. Example of high informational self-recovery (used in experiments 1 and 2).

Fig. 2. Example of low informational self-recovery (used in experiments 1 and 2).

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 3. Example of high emotional self-recovery (used in experiments 1 and 2).

Fig. 4. Example of low emotional self-recovery (used in experiments 1 and 2).

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 5. Example of high anthropomorphism (high informational self-recovery, used in experiment 2).

Fig. 6. Example of high anthropomorphism (low informational self-recovery, used in experiment 2).

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 7. Example of high anthropomorphism (high emotional self-recovery, used in experiment 2).

Fig. 8. Example of high anthropomorphism (low emotional self-recovery, used in experiment 2).

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Fig. 9. Example of high informational self-recovery in Experiment 3.

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 10. Example of low informational self-recovery in Experiment 3.

Fig. 11. Example of high emotional self-recovery in Experiment 3.

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 12. Example of low emotional self-recovery in Experiment 3.

Fig. 13. Example of high anthropomorphism in Experiment 3 (high informational self-recovery).

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Fig. 14. Example of high anthropomorphism in Experiment 3 (low informational self-recovery).

Fig. 15. Example of high anthropomorphism in Experiment 3 (high emotional self-recovery).

C. Zhou and Q. Chang Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78 (2024) 103779

Fig. 16. Example of high anthropomorphism in Experiment 3 (low emotional self-recovery).

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